

I am no fan of Donald Trump. That is putting it mildly. He is a proven psychopath and is closer to Hitler than any former American President. It will be a sad day, indeed, should America not have learned from history and re-elect this vicious dictator wannabe. That said, he…

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trump trial and other news
By SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS !!! NEWS on Thursday May 30 2024 16:25

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trump trial and other news

A Common Misunderstanding About Taxes, Inflation and Donald Trump

The Truth About TrumponomicsTrump and Republicans want to wreck...

The “unfathomable” Gaps between the richer and the poorer

The Secret Plot To Lower Interest Rates Before The Election Is Revealed! - Atlantis Report

Why Denver Is Struggling to Keep Up With its Economic Boom - The Colorado Paradox (Video)

Decision Made: Why I’m Leaving New York City (Video)

NYC Gets Worse: Shoplifters Raid Macy’s

Africa The Breadbasket of The world

Scamdemic 2.0... "The Government" Is Preparing Deployment Of New Vaxx! Important Updates! - Greg Mannarino

And Now Comes THE WEEK Magazine to Spread Misinformation.

The cause and cure for inflation. A discussion with the AI, Copilot.

Bezos and Musk Vs. WorkersTwo of the world’s richest men want to...

How Wall Street Priced You Out of a HomeRent is skyrocketing and...

Inflation: Why the Fed is confused

10 Rare Coins that are very rarely available in Market

Hello world!

How to Escape 'The Great Reset' - John Bush on Real Talk With Zuby (Video)

X22 Report: Fed Now Trapped In Their Economic Narrative! Script Will Be Flipped On Biden & The Fed!! - Must Video

The Long Road Back

Truly pitiful: Federal false helplessness in the face of inflation

X22 Report: Inflation Manipulation In Progress, [CB]/Biden Push DOJ To Stop Bitcoin, Panic! - Must Video

Mike Adams: Trump Promoted the Death Shots

How not to protect American industry. Be bipolar.

X22 Report: Trump Embraces The Crypto/Blockchain In The US! So It Begins! - Must Video

The triumph of ignorance. How does dark-age thinking threaten our existence?

Second hand Cellphone donations can help us

Using Trump’s Vaccine Endorsement to Move The Needle on COVID-19 Vaccines


X22 Report: Biden Admin Can’t Explain Why The US Government Borrows Money Or Are They Hiding The Truth? - Must Video

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