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Jim Stone on Covidocalypse, ongoing bribery/planned death and destruction- and other things IMP.

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Running the site like normal for 1 day

I think I can get away with it.

Claim: the following report does not add up. OK then - 

Enough people know that Covid actually came from Fort Detrick to make it unnecessary to go through all the work of putting that up.  By the time Covid showed up in China, there were 7 variants in the US and 3 in China. That means Covid showed up in the US first. It is also well known by now that Covid is a bioweapon derived half from the AIDS virus and half from a cold virus. I expect people to remember that, and it was India that pointed that out.  
Remenber the e-cigarrette scam? where they claimed e-cigarrettes were clogging up people’s lungs? At first, that centered around Ft Detrik. So we have the DOD as the source.
Anyone remember how it is now proven that the DOD developed the MRNA vax and simply had different manufacturers make it? Pfizer, Moderna, Biontech? If you don’t remember that, sorry for you, but the only differences in how much damage the shot did was in the manufacturing differences different companies chose. So we have a virus and a shot that’s DOD.
Do I need to explain how medical workers were targeted first with the shots, so frauds could get in and replace them? Do I need to explain the sterilization and expungement of the white race? If I do, too bad for you, you’re going down and probably vaxxed. Not at a crossroads either, you’re traveling towards a dead end. Now to the original post:

The Covid op was carried out by fake nurses and doctors created by the DOD via a fake diploma program

As it turns out, the DOD launched the Covid op and supported it with thousands of fake doctors and nurses who made the ventilator deaths happen.

The DOD fakes then approached the hospitals for employment during a “massive nursing and doctor shortage”. These doctors and nurses then went on to deny family access to their loved ones while they murdered them. Everyone ought to remember how the hospitals were just murdering people in the name of “covid” and it now appears there is a back story to how it was actually accomplished. This is the reason why hospitals got paid so much for every “covid death”, to the tune of about $80,000 each.  People who only intended to murder from the beginning were handed fake medical diplomas, and then proceeded to use the cover of “medicine” to do exactly that.

Now that the Covid hoax has fallen apart, HHS is going after the same people they paid all along to do it. It was HHS giving the huge payouts so HHS was definitely involved, but snakes eat snakes don’t ya know, here is the cover story that’s going to prevent the giant snakes at the top from being eaten. FINALLY some truth comes out, but obviously this is not the whole story. They’ll try to end it with this though.

“On January 25, 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG), the FBI, and the Department of Justice carried out a multistate operation to apprehend the people involved in an alleged scheme to sell fraudulent nursing diplomas and transcripts.
The operation was named “Operation Nightingale” after Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing who created the first science-based training for nurses. The HHS-OIG partnered with law enforcement to execute search warrants across five states:
Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Florida.
More than 7,600 aspiring registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) bought false diplomas to find work with unsuspecting healthcare providers in several states. The diploma represented that these individuals attended the college that provided the diploma and completed all the necessary coursework, so they were able to get their nursing licenses. Yet, they did not complete any classroom or clinical education.
My comment: Notice the careful wording, which makes the HHS and the FBI look like the good guys.  Also, note the careful wording here that does not reveal how massive the op actually was, they have this limited to five states. But the bottom line is that this was happening in all 50 plus Europe, which is precisely how we got a shot that was proven to only do damage get mandated everywhere. Only, not really mandated, no one went around forcing injections but if you did not accept, your future was shitting on the streets of San Francisco.

Watch them try to skate their way out of the Covid scam by blaming a fake diploma mill!! Yes, YOU CAN TRUST YOUR DOCTOR, HE’S NOW FULLY VETTED AND WE KNOW HE’S NOT ONE OF THE FAKE ONES THAT KILLED EVERYONE POSSIBLE.

The plot: 
1. Develop a virus for the cover story and a reason to mandate a shot.
2. Develop a shot that sterilizes people while most likely forcing their bodies to produce a wireless system that connects them to the grid and don’t worry about the consequences, like blood clots because you won’t be getting the shot anyway.
3. Get your ENORMOUS pool of fake doctors and nurses ready to go, because real doctors and nurses tend to have ethics.
4. Cause as many of the existing nurses and doctors to either die from the shot via mandates or quit to avoid the shot. These people will get the worst batches to get rid of them.

5. In the resulting doctor and nurse shortage that “came out of nowhere” (and everyone ought to remember that) – into that void that got created, insert all your fakes, who are really totally un-credentialed murderers. Why would they need credentials if all they are there for is to kill?
6. Encourage the hospitals to stay quiet with enormous payouts for every death, plus enormous payouts for every ventilator hook up, and set the ventilators to kill people by over inflating their lungs. Blame the deaths on covid, because there’s tons of bloody lung tissue to blame on a virus.  Remember that? how “covid” made the lungs bleed? only no, it was not covid doing that, it was murderers with medical equipment that was set wrong on purpose.
7. Put in place all the social controls you always wanted, in the name of a virus. Lockdowns, social distancing, whatever, while you kill off and sterilize the best and brightest of the WHITE POPULATION with your intentionally sabotaged shots that all the ventilator deaths scared them into getting.
8. Then replace the WHITE POPULATION with totally un-checked and encouraged immigration. That will make America and Europe easier to control in the new world order, whites are a big problem for tyranny so just get rid of them.

That is exactly what happened, it was not anything else and everyone knew. The fake doctors and nurses, now admitted to, are the frosting on the cake. 

Now the DOD that did that to us wants us to support it during a war, while they run recruitment ads for transvestites!!! 

I wonder if China and Russia really got punked or if they are part of this too. Who knows.  One thing is certain: Dominion voting systems will make damn good and sure no one gets punished by making damn good and sure people can’t vote their way to justice.

AND TO THE DOD: How’s your SCI clearance program working? Compartmentalized security clearances are the only way you can run these ops by using good people, while keeping them all blind to what their work is really accomplishing. Because of your SCI security program you can’t say I am wrong, AND YOU KNOW IT.

In the not distant future: This latest “covid op” has been brought to you by your own DOD via the SCI security clearance program.

SCI lets corruption thrive by making it possible to insert small pockets of corruption and have everyone that’s being used be oblivious to it. “You’re not cleared to know why, just do your job!”

WEF trolls to control online discourse

The WEF also said they would have AI do this job, so which one is it?

Maybe they had too many troubles with AI developing ethics. Maybe it is impossible to make a functioning AI that does not auto correct it’s behavior, so trolls it is. People have souls that can actually seek out evil and deception, but an AI is just silicon trying to crunch numbers and compute correct output. That might be a problem for “them”.

My comment: In all seriousness, with AI assistance there’s no reason why a team of perhaps 20 people could not do the job of policing the web of all truly relevant stuff, and if you wanted to get nitpicky, perhaps a couple thousand.  Hundreds of thousands? I’ll tell you how that happens: They are brainless. It goes like this:
In general, intelligence leads to ethics. Intelligence makes it obvious that a lack of ethics leads to less than favorable outcomes. And anyone who would be one of the “hundreds of thousands of trolls” will lack ethics. That’s an unethical job, period.  So the WEF needs hundreds of thousands of idiots who are stupid enough to root for them to do a job that could easily be done with less than 1 percent of the number they are seeking if the people doing that job were smart enough to have ethics.
And what about work ethics? Is the WEF going to provide it’s troll army with cappuccinos and safe spaces? for a half hour of no-talent work per week like Twitter was plagued with? “hate” would be defined as “anyone who points out vote fraud or some other evil tribal plot . . . . . maybe that’s why AI is not adequate, it can see through the BS and not have some sort of selfish reason to lie.

I bugged out.

I still have my place but bugged out, the final straw is when I booted to a live OS via DVD and plugged a cell phone I took a picture of that screen with into the computer to show people a screen full of errors from a non-live OS where my security prevented an enormous pile of file writes, the screen went black and then filled up with text saying “cannot write file without admin permission” which obviously means someone was trying to – not all directories are protected that way so obviously someone is planting crap – - - Anyway, 
The cell phone had no sim which means there’s no way it could call out, and when I plugged it into a LIVE OS, on DVD, which should be completely clean, when I plugged the phone into the USB port even without a sim in it it dialed out with the screen black and I could faintly hear it dial out and ring. Obviously it was “phoning home” as instructed to by my computer’s UEFI bios which is obviously totally compromised.
Obviously if things are that obvious there’s something huge planned for me, so I bugged out and started sleeping outside. Fortunately it has been very dry and there are no mosquitos.  I cannot make enough money to buy new equipment that’s not bugged, so I am doing an ambush post from home on my totally compromised computer, figuring they can’t arrange anything nasty on the Jewish sabbath within a short time frame. I knew it would eventually come to this as they do the final smash on alt media but I had hoped for it to be “safe enough” to do this site for a little longer. Until I get a cash infusion from somewhere, DO NOT DONATE, I WILL NOT GET IT, I have contacted someone who might be able to handle this - I will not be able to buy new hardware, and I’ll need all of it, right down to the modem, all of it is compromised and one little thing will wreck it all so it all has to go. I also can’t use it from home once I get it AND HERE IS WHY – this is important folks: 
Because whenever you get bugged to this extent, it will mean that the neighbor’s equipment will have the bug also. Not to spy on them, it will be the job of their phones and laptops and routers to triangulate my location, looking for anything new that appears and the neighbor’s stuff will be used to immediately plant new crap on my stuff just from where it is located, I would not need to go online or log into anything. Snowden never said this, but I was above him bigly. That is how it is done when it is “needed”. 
I see Snowden as a limited hangout, everything he said got ignored because people need to use their phones, log in, whatever so it made no difference. However, my telling people that their neighbor’s stuff can be rigged to identify when you bought something new and never went online with it, and bug it without you ever touching the web is damage they don’t want, that’s how it is done “when needed”. You cannot go back to your “safe place” with all new equipment without internet or wifi enabled and work in private, they’ll nail you anyway, you can’t turn wireless off or get rid of it by ripping it out because all CPU’s have it embedded now, and that connection is not for you and will never be seen, the first widely known about thing of this type was Intel CoreVpro and even the old Centrinos, from a LONG time ago had this. Your only hope is that old 486 and who has one of those now?

So I will be offline until I can get all new stuff which I cannot afford to buy, I have contacted someone who can hopefully help (or at least I think I did) who knows – and I’ll be bugged out. I found a great spot. I won’t starve, I have that part of the equation handled.

Since I am briefly online now, I’ll check and see if there’s anything urgent that needs to be mentioned.

Wow, it looks like the AI Soros talked about launching to control online discourse (a couple months ago) is doing the job well, there’s not squat online. However, there’s nothing stopping you from reading all about how  someone dumped a bunch of pasta in the woods. So a recap - 

Bud light is still queer beer;
“They” are still trying to get your kids to go queer;
As I originally reported the MRNA vaxxes have been used on pigs since 2018 so pork is probably not safe (I don’t buy that anyway)
It can be assumed that all meats are now GMO via MRNA;
Pigeons make great food and were the staple in the U.S. into the 1920′s, it was not chicken. Let’s see them get MRNA into those.
As I have said repeatedly, it is improbable “new species” are being discovered rapidly now and that they are in fact the result of various groups playing with DNA tech
Biden’s handlers are now doubling down on shuttering power facilities and if Biden is starting to look more normal in public, it’s “Biden” ™, a brand name and not an actual guy.
There are probably not 700,000 Mexican migrants at the border, I’d notice that and Mexicans don’t want to leave for the US anymore
I don’t care about the coronation of whatever perv upgrade is planned.
Patriot missiles have been deployed in Ukraine and are accomplishing shoot downs. 20 years of development after “shock and awe” was enough I guess.
Interesting how they’ll name a weapons system “patriot” but you’re a terrorist if you are one.
As usual, nothing happened with Taiwan. They say the Chinese are “smarter than us” but I’d like to see that proven without Hillary handing out secrets before I’ll believe it.  China should kick our ass according to myth. Still waiting on that, Taiwan pretty much says it all. They do make an impressively durable $2000 truck though. 
The Covid shot that was not a vax is now doing eyeball clots. Let’s see them blame that on cold showers

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