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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Must See: 1946 Archive Film Proves Despotism Has Taken Over America (Shocking Video)

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(N.Morgan) After watching this video, you will be shocked by just how low this country has gone and how we are repeating history, not making it. Tyranny has gotten a firm hold on America and the video below shows how it was done in 1946.



The definition of Despotism is the exercise of absolute power, esp. in a cruel and oppressive way. Sound familiar? Many dictators use this sort of tactic to control a country and the country’s people.



Are we now free? Examine the balance of power between individuals, endowed with natural rights by God, and government, Constitutionally bound to only limited powers, as well as the leading corporations of the private sector.

A 1946 national archive film released by Encyclopedia Britannica titled “Despotism” outlines several yardsticks for measuring the balance of power of a free society and that of an outright a despotism, according to scales of respect, power, economic distribution and information. Concentrated power and wealth, centralized information and monopolistic or oligopolistic control in any one of these areas tends to negatively affect the others, and renders freedom a mere illusion.

“Look beyond fine words and noble phrases,” the analyst in the archive film warns. The rhetoric of freedom in America or anywhere else on planet Earth is irrelevant if the power, wealth and opportunity resides in the hands of just a few, or worse a single entity. By any yardstick, society today is very far gone; the once free United States of America is far down the path of dictatorship, though it keeps wrapped in the stars and stripes of the flag and the lofty words of its founding ideals.




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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 8 comments
    • IpseSenex

      Excellent video, a must watch – very well put together.

      But will people truly wake up, I doubt it.

    • Anonymous

      The original America ended in 1913, 100 years ago. In reality, it only lasted for one generation, and then the despots began to chip away at liberty, until finally, in 1913, the constitution was dead. Those that fought for freedom in 1776 received the fruits of their labors, but gradually over time, their sacrifice was squandered.

      The day the ‘Federal Reserve Bank’ was established, and the fiat currency system was created was the final nail in the coffin, as this was also the day the IRS was established. For without the IRS, the fiat currency system would have immediately collapsed. It’s quite amazing that it has actually lasted 100 years. This is the ROMAN EMPIRE RESURRECTED, and now the LORD will judge this beast, and finally put it away. It is now in its last gasp, as the fiat system is collapsing, but these sinners will fight to the very end to keep it going. It won’t last forever, because the LORD who is RIGHTEOUS has already judged the harlot.

    • willhart

      Anonymous is right. THe FED paved the way for the BANKSTER takeover, the FDR (despotic) confiscation of gold from Americans, then the creation of this garbage, (illuminati) fiat currency the dollar with all its 13 symbolism and YES- the ALL-Seeing Eye, the dead giveaway of who is behind it all. No, all that 13 symbolism was not about the 13 colonies…come on, wake up folks!

    • watcher

      Dangerous world

      It’s a dangerous world we live in, from sea to shining sea.
      The ones who are to lead us don’t want us to be free.

      Led by an illusion most don’t understand,
      Speaking lies to blind us we’re following their plan .
      Taking all our freedoms, imposing more control .
      Crashing world markets then rebuilding for their goal.
      To create a one world order and seal the fate of man,
      where all who are left standing are slaves that they command.

      They go by many names, but all are in one mind.
      Working in the shadows to control all of mankind.
      Illuminati, Bilderberg, Agenda 21,
      Free masons, UN, World bank, and these are only some.
      Skull an bones, Bohemian Grove, Cremation of care .
      With many more across the lands to take what is not theirs.

      Monsanto breeding poison in all the things we eat.
      Vaccines that cause paralysis in the ones they treat.
      As they kill the innocent with arrogance and pride,
      they trample on our country for which many bled and died.

      Mock viruses like aids they spread across the land,
      reducing population is part of their own plan
      Camps that’s built in every state for when the day does come,
      that they declare marshal law on every mothers son.
      Coffins in the thousands are waiting in the fields,
      to hold all the bodes of the ones they kill.

      Unless the people stop them now this is what’s ahead.
      When they come to your own home your family will be dead.
      It’s time for those who are awake to let the truth be known,
      and make a stand against the threat of treason in our home.

      Holding those accountable for what they’ve said and done,
      take back the things they took from us our land, our rights and home.
      Let the world know just who we are standing firm with pride .
      our Constitution held up by our laws with justice truth and right

      Tomorrow it may be to late if we do not stand.
      The power is the people united in this land .

      Copyright © 2013 John Wright

    • nooh

      morals and dogma by albert pike ….. naughty man.

    • Widetracker

      ‘Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across Truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened.’

      – Winston Churchill”

    • Anonymous

      Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse?
      “Food For Thought”
      Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!
      Semper Fi!

    • SGde3a

      Saw a news article today calling US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand the “5 eyes” for what it said was for being 5 english speaking countries.

      There’s only a few countries left that haven’t been taken over and had western governments installed, so what happens when there’s no more left and its just China, Russia, N Korea? Greece got theirs back, egypt, and some others… What happens when the despots assume countrol of every country and have the complete money supply?

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