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Urgent!!! All Americans Need To Listen Up....

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All right folks. Today is actually Wednesday, July the 16th, 2014, and this is the Guerrilla reporting to you live. What I am about to tell you is something that is very, very dramatic. It is very serious. Without giving too much information away and sources and things of that sort, I have had a major confirmation by a gentleman who is a Four Star General.

I had a conversation with this source until about like 1 AM in the morning last night, and I had to post this audio interview because as this audio interview was being put together, I was thinking about what to say as it was actually happening. I was working on this article, the article that I just posted, “The New World Reordered.” It is not my longest article, but there is enough information there that you can begin to see an emerging picture here. It’s very key – it’s very, very important, and this audio that I am giving you guys is also very, very important.

This Four Star General – let me give you a little background about this guy. He is Air Force – he’s actually a real prominent individual within the Air Force. He’s a very elite individual, in the sense that he is one of the few who went from being a Major to a Four Star General within a span of four years. That’s how much of a hot shot this guy is. He is also in charge – or was in charge – of Asymmetrical Warfare. Okay, so they war gamed a lot of things – and if you do not know what asymmetrical warfare is, basically it is fighting a war in an unconventional way that it defeats the enemy without firing a shot. That’s asymmetrical warfare but, of course the reality is shots are always fired.

That being said this gentleman was called upon because he was going to be the next in line for Joint Chiefs of Staff after Dempsey gets down, and he will be representing the United States Air Force. So they’ve approached him with a FISA contract – it is a contract that is bound for life. The stipulations on the contract are that he, as a commanding officer, should be able to fire and kill – and give the orders to kill – American citizens on American soil. This was something that was so out of the ordinary, so out of left field, that it absolutely shook this gentleman to the core. He would have no part in it, no part in it whatsoever. He in fact went on to say that he angered the people that were sitting around the conference room table – that he was escorted from Langley by two armed guards.

Shortly thereafter, some weird things started occurring – one of which was, they started messing with him. Credit cards that he owned – some of which are companies that he’s had for over 20 years, like American Express per se – would all of a sudden be shut, out of the blue, from nowhere. These are just one of the signs that you know that they are messing with you. So the man is totally freaked out. He goes ahead and puts his house on the market – it’s up for sale right now as we speak. He has cleared what he needed out of his house. His wife is with him, his wife is on board with him, believes in the very things this man stands for and says. He’s only taken – they’ve only taken – their necessities. In other words, that house is for sale; their furniture is still in there. Their belongings – a great deal of their belongings – are still in there. He doesn’t want any – he just wants to get out. He wants to get out of the country, and that’s how he came into contact with one of my contacts, who happened to also work in the intelligence business in covert operations. And through him, he was able to get ahold of me, and this is not W but a totally different guy. This is a covert operational source.

So the General described in detail – and what was given to me was this – and I had to take a notebook out, and I sat there listening, and I sat there listening very somberly, and the more information that he gave to me, the more somber I became, because it began to confirm to me many of the dates that my financial sources have told me, and it also began to corroborate with the dates that W’s intelligence sources have told him.

So here it goes. This is important – this is probably the most important thing I will ever tell you. This is a life-altering event for me, speaking to this man. This is how serious the game is, and whether we are off by six months or what not is not the point. It’s the event – it’s the build-up to the events and how it happens – and to let all the folks know that we are, in fact, reading the tea leaves correctly.

So what the General said was this. This whole illegals that are being dumped in the border – right now it is three hundred thousand, soon to be a million, coming across the border per month. And, folks, I’ve warned you of this in prior reports. This is a longstanding, ten-to-eleven year plan. This is part of a written timetable, and it follows the text.

Number one, complete undermining of the United States Dollar by the end of 2015. Remember when I told you back in December of 2013 that April of 2014 will begin the push off point for the world to start moving away from the dollar? We’ve seen what happened in Ukraine – we’ve seen what happens globally – as the world shifts away from the dollar. We’re seeing this build-up, where nations are coming forward and saying, What is the point of even having the dollar? But members and readers and listeners to this website and followers – they all know this. You guys all know this – I am not going to rehash it – but a complete undermining of the dollar by the end of 2015. That means everything – the whole Russian blowback against Ukraine, which will occur; the BRICS Bank, which has already been signed into deal, a hundred billion, ready to fund.(1)    It’s happening very quickly, folks, just as we’ve warned. So the undermining will begin.

Then he went on to say that we will move – by 2017 and no later, the United States will no later exist. And this coincides with the undermining of the US dollar, which will kill and destroy the United States economy. And at which point – with the dumping of these illegals – that’s why the borders remained wide open. They’re going to shotgun merge us with the Mexicans and the Canadians. In other words, the North American Union is back in play. At the end of 2017, it will be announced that we no longer exist as a functional government – in other words, we will probably default on our debt.(2)    When that default occurs, you’ll be looking at major economic upheaval. The General also said that press covers and announcements have already been prepared. The cover pages for the media – that are going to be given to the media – have already been prepared.

Now, as the General was laying this out, he also made mention of something very profound, which touches base with this article that’s just been written – and a few other articles – of the Teutonic Silk Road that has been written as well, by me. He said that eight billion dollars, conservatively – figures could be anywhere up to thirty-two billion – but eight billion that he knows of, of black ops money, was utilized to help rebuild the Silk Road. And folks, if you read this article, “The New World Reordered” – I made mention of the South Korean President who spoke in the Uzbek city – which is a vital pathway, a vital point in the Silk Road – and that President said that the Silk Road will stretch from where, folks, from where? From London – ah, there is that city again, that people are writing off as dead – and all the way to Busan, the southernmost port city of South Korea, second largest city in South Korea after Seoul, which will be the exit for the pipeline (3)  – so we see this massive road.

Well, the General said that the eight billion dollars will go ahead to create this road, that is made of three-foot super concrete, with one-inch bars and twelve-inch centers. In other words, this concrete is tough as nails. It’s super strong – there is no way you can crumble it or break it. It is incredibly strong, and it will be covered in three feet of structural asphalt – that is, asphalt that is intermingled with fiberglass – so it is going to be very, very strong. There is going to be nothing that is going to break this thing apart – that is what the Silk Road is going to be. And only commercial and military transports and operations will be done on it – only used for military and commercial needs – that’s it, nobody else. And I’ve detailed for you in this article how the Silk Road takes a 42-day sea route and reduces it down to 14 days.

The General said that this de-industrialization project of the United States has begun with Nixon and was accelerated under Clinton; hence, a lot of our trade secrets went over to the Chinese – that’s why we were de-industrialized. The way the breakdown is going to be – the financial control system, as the General puts it, will be the city of London. The religious component of this entire thing will be the Vatican. The military node – that is going to be very key into this whole operational end to it – will be DC, which will be repositioned in Denver, Colorado, and I will get to later why – and the manufacturing/economic engine of the New World Incorporated will be China.Of course, that will come as no surprise. The General also said that we are on schedule, if not slightly ahead.

Now, on to the civilian situation. One of the things that he made known to me was the drone pilot program,and he named a specific drone pilot. This is a young gentleman, who is a rising star – who was a rising star – at Colorado Springs Air Force Academy. The kid is very distraught, because last week he’s killed about 37 civilians abroad, using a Predator. This young gentleman said that he feels worse than Hitler because of what he is doing – killing innocent men, women, and children, who are just civilians – he knows they’re not part of any sort of terrorist organization or what not. You see, when these drone guys target you, they can see you as if you are twenty yards away, so it is very close – so when you do explode, they have a clear view, via satellite uplink, of what happens to a human body when it’s hit with a high explosive round or a munition or a missile, whatever have you. So, he went on to detail the drone programs that are run in the United States that are really dark and really highly compartmentalized.

He says drone pilots do not have contact with one another. They’re not allowed to socialize with one another; they’re not allowed to talk to one another. They sit there; they do their two-man mission, and they are gone. And when they’re dismissed, they are dismissed thirty minutes apart – and they are tailed home by an armed guard to make sure they are going home – and they do not mingle with anybody else. They are always monitored, and they are never alone. That’s serious. The reason is – they are looking for people that can kill others using a drone with no qualms and no problems.

This ties in to the American civilians’ questions on resistance, which is a question that I asked General. I asked him, What about the resistance? What about the sleeping giant, that we always talk about in terms of the American citizen? And the General said – in his own words – “There is no way to stop this.” He said, “The giant is dead. While the giant was sleeping, we had a special op team come by and bleed the giant out and kill him.”

He said most of the people that are buying firearms and playing soldier in a firing range are not emotionally ready for the job – they’re not emotionally ready to kill. They don’t have the emotional training to handle the situation properly; they cannot go up against a tactical team. And the second thing that the General said is they have no idea of the size of force that is coming against them. And he made mention of tens and hundreds of thousands of merks – mercenary groups. That would be Academy, formally know as XE, formally known as Blackwater, G4S, Becto, Halliburton, Kraft International – I mean, you name it – there’s going to be a ton of these guys out there. He said that one of the things people fail to realize is that these weapons systems that are force multipliers will kill – like one weapon system could kill thousands – one drone could kill hundreds, or even thousands, of people – those are force multipliers.

The second thing that the General said is this: when they bring down the United States in 2017 – when this whole thing comes apart – they have, in key locations in the United States, bio weapons placed. And the example that he gave me was this. If you have a 33 oz. can of Folgers coffee, and you take that can of coffee and you have this bio agent in there, and all of a sudden you walk into a busy area – let’s say an overpass in Dallas, Texas, or the George Washington Bridge right here in New York, or something similar to that, where you have a very heavy traffic area – and you just happen to open up that Folgers can. And if the wind outside was about – let’s say about three miles per hour or so – you could have twenty million dead in three days. Twenty million dead in three days. The General went on to say that this type of bio agent will affect the water, the food, and the air. It will take three days to kill, with a near 98 percent kill ratio – and he said that the initial beta tests are on the pneumonic plague and lowgrade pneumonic plague.

Now, this is what divine providence is – what I was talking about. As soon as he said pneumonic plague, I had one of my contacts send me an article – send me an alert – stating that there was a man in Colorado that has contracted the pneumonic plague. In fact, Ken Shortgen, one of the writers over here at Rogue Money, actually wrote an article on it – out of the blue. It’s incredible.

The General went on to say that the weapon signature will not be known. In other words, if there is a lab that chooses to research the virulent agents – what its protein makeup is and how to kill it or even identify it properly – it would be impossible. In other words, the autopsies will be impossible to do. What does that mean, folks? It means complete plausible deniability for the parties involved. The government will have complete plausible deniability.

The other thing the General said is that when this thing happens, they’re going to shut down all passports. All passports will be cancelled. All your airports and shipping ports will be shut down. He said the recent spat of evidence in terms of gun boats – high speed gun boats, that were sighted in Texas, that were sighted right here in New York and in New Jersey and in California, Louisiana, Florida – that they are being operated by special op covert operational teams. Not the ones you see in the black woods in Texas, where you have the Texas State Police riding in – I am not talking about those – these are different boats. The reason for that is this, folks – usually in a collapse situation, people with means will like to hire a skipper, so they can get off land. These boats are there to ensure that anybody that tries to leave will be sent direct to the bottom.

This is a very high level of covert operational activity, and it is designed to create chaos – and that is the thing that this General has talked about – and he is scared, and this man is not scared of anything. But what is coming upon this country, and what they have planned, has so shaken him to core, that he has contacted me to get out, to leave. He is concerned about his children, that still live and work here, and he is concerned about his grandchildren. But apart from that, he wants to get out of the way. And his thing here, folks – he said, it is important to get this information out, because he wants people to get out of the line of fire. This is exactly what W and I spoke about a few months ago, when we said you gotta get out of the way. The 2017 date is key, and we’ve seen in the last few weeks how things are coming apart. Everything we predicted, we talked about – you want to talk about a proven track record – we told you, folks, that the silver price will be electronic. It will be an electronic price fix, and it would be headed by the CME – we told you about this, and now it’s here, just as we said it was.

The times are critical, and this bit of information, and now this General – this guy is just coming out of the blue, sharing with me the information. The time tables and protocols match perfectly what we have been saying. A guy who is a Four Star. Who was up for Joint Chiefs but walked away from it. A guy who was in charge of Asymmetric Warfare, which, by the way – another example would be as he said – they would just come and blow your wife and kids away to stop you from fighting. How do you like them apples? That has shaken me to the core.

Look, I am not in the business of scaring the crap out of people at all. I like offering solutions. But take this information – you pray about it, you think upon it, you chew on it, you think it through thoroughly – and you do what you gotta do in the days that are ahead. If you can get out of the country, and I don’t care where the hell you want to go – you don’t have to – I am not telling you to come down to southern Chile and get involved with what we are doing down there. If you can flee to the north, go north. If you can flee to the south, go south. If you can get on a yacht right now with a little rich friend of yours who you know, and you want to sail out to the middle of nowhere, you go ahead and do that. Or if you just disappear off the grid – stay away from heavily populated areas in these heavily populated states – I’d recommend you do that. Things are going to get ugly.

This is why the whole border has completely failed, and why this takedown is occurring right now. So take this information and think it through, and act on it. Do not hesitate. Do not wait.

This is the Guerrilla, over and out.

Jul 26, 2014
(1)  The world is pulling away from the US dollar BECAUSE IT IS WORTHLESS. There is NOTHING backing the US dollar to give it value.  The US dollar has been under the control of THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK (Rothschild and criminal banksters) since  1913.  The world has had ENOUGH of the endless debt system, taxes and control of the world’s financial system by a ruthless criminal ‘banking’ organization and are pulling away to establish their own bank and currencies with minerals behind it to give those currencies TRUE VALUE.  The cabal set up the fiat US TREASURY/THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK SYSTEM ON PURPOSE TO TAKE DOWN THE united States of America.
(2) The ‘plan’ IS to default on the debt.  What Americans don’t understand ….. the ‘debt’ belongs to the criminal banksters under THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK system but because this criminal organization controls the currency of our nation, Americans accept the fact that this debt belongs to the Americans.  NO IT DOES NOT!!!!!  The united States banking system was taken over by agreed coupe back in 1913 under President Woodrow Wilson.  The plan is take this nation down, and one of the ways to do it in their ‘plan’ is by creating ‘debt’ for the nation and then defaulting on it.
(3)  the pipeline – the criminal mafia in control of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LLC – is all about OIL (Bushes/Clintons/et al).  This cabal is fighting to retain its position of control and manipulation worldwide via OIL.  Technology available – but which has been held off the market since it conflicts with OIL – provides technically far superior sources for energy and other needs but OIL is what provides the means for the criminal cabal to manipulate the entire planet.
The criminal cabal (Wash DC, London, Vatican) are NOT going to allow Americans to have a financial windfall!!!!!!!  This is diametrically AGAINST their plans to destroy you and the nation.  WHY would you be allowed to exchange currencies and have wealth that can be used against them????  OR TO ESCAPE?  IF the RV DOES occur, there are no BRICS banks in the USA for you to be able to exchange currencies for TRUE value, as the USA dollar is totally worthless.




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    Total 63 comments
    • prisonerno6

      Whatever…never going to happen…more Fear P0rn!

      • D. KRANE

        Why is this stuff being reposted…….what purpose does it serve. It this guy doe exist and not John Waynes Imagination, then why on earth doesn’t he get a meeting going with his trusted collegues and bring charges against those, who sprewing treason against the American Public. genera

      • bullhonkus

        LOL. I don’t think it’s really fear corn as much as it is that “some” people in this world walk around afraid of everything. It’s more like mental illness. Smoking to much pot. Taking to many meds.

        I believe some people just make stuff up to get attention or they really believe the stuff they post. Even if it sounds crazy to some. To them it’s normal.

    • Doccus

      Urgent! For immediate OK not *quite* immediate. a few days late.. er, OK A whole LOT of days late… like.. 11 days..
      “today” is the 16th I *immediately* placed the report on my well organized…. er cluttered desk..
      Hey it doesn’t matter anyways right? Nothing happened anyways!

    • slickalis

      Pole smoker

    • alrighty then

      Look at all the paid disinfo trolls swarming the comments section; this info must be the real deal.


      Totally squares up with everything that’s been happening. Thanks for the heads up.

      • Dan Evans

        People who read this crap on the Internet or anywhere else and want to comment on it, whether you agree or not, are not trolls. They are people with opinions. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean squat. The fact of the matter is, there are such a small portion of the population that would ever even entertain these ideas brought forth on this joke of a site. I subscribe to it for something to laugh at while taking a dump myself.

      • StarRyder

        I am not saying I agree or disagree with the story, but, I do disagree with your comment. This site is basically a “TRUTHER” site. It is a site where people can change ideas and opinions back and forth, and they can agree or disagree. Your comment that anyone who disagrees is a “paid Troll” makes YOU one of them… are one of them who wants everyone to dance to your command, it’s either we agree, or were not worthy, so YOU are the closed minded, control freak here now….I suggest if you believe in FREEDOM, then let FREE MEN and WOMEN have thier say….

    • MSG Chicken

      You have a vivid imagination. Some half-truths. And maybe a little white lies.

      The 3 requirements to make a good story. May I suggest a publisher??? Who knows you just might be the next Harry Pothead! LOL!

    • Grover

      FBI is a peadophile organisation.

    • iceclown

      It is amazing how everything is coming together. It is sad to see where we are headed as a nation under God, but I really don’t think their plan is going to succeed. I think there is a higher power at play and Israel is the key player. We are in the year of the blood moons, a cornerstone in our history. I believe peace will come with Hamas before the sudden destruction that follows. Light always prevails in darkness. May God be with us in the dark days ahead and shine light upon us to give us strength in the battles ahead!

    • Dustdevil

      Really? I call B.S. on the article for several reasons. First, here we are with yet-another leaking 4-star general (really people, the government is going to have to buy stock in DEPENDS, if this keeps up). Next, we have a lot of screaming about illegals, but no explanation. Kinda like a sentence, with only a noun, and no verb. What about the illegals? What are they here for? I mean, I know, and a lot of others do too, but it’s not stated here. Are they here to overload our welfare system? Are they here to shift our voting polls? Are they here to increase violence? Are they here to increase drug trafficking? This article never says, other than they are here. Bad writing.

      Finally, we have a ‘rock solid’ date of 2017 screamed over and over again, and there is NO JUSTIFICATION for it. Why set 2017 as a date? Why not 2015, or 2016? Why wait another 3-years? If you are going to plan on crashing your car, do you really need to wait another 4-days until Friday? Does it really matter, once you’ve set your mind to crashing it? The answer to that one, is unequivocally NO, you don’t. Silk road? What a joke. You obviously have never actually traced the Silk Road through the ‘stans’ to see that the old route was NOT the most direct, nor was it in the safest regions possible. It goes through terrible earthquake zones, as well as modern locations that have concentrated terrorist activity. It could be laid out far better, and executed better than historically. This begs an even bigger question – if you REALLY wanted a new ‘silk road’, and with the advantage being to lay it out through Russia and China (actual regions that would benefit commerce), why not start in Germany, and actually plan a road-system that went from Germany thru Russia, then thru China, with spur lanes into India; and then terminate it in Shanghai or somewhere, with a final spur lane into South Korea? Why not plan this out properly where security and design could be maximized? Oh, I forgot, you can’t get good fear porn out of proper planning.

      My bad.

      • Sunshine

        They are here to drain us financially, they are here to kill us by disease, and they are here to be trained into hussein obama’s private army. They aren’t here just because the powers that be are so kind and caring, they aren’t here for NO reason. There is a purpose.

    • CrowPie

      Question……Why have all the illegals come here if we are going to become one Union and then they are going to kill us all off?

      Makes NO Sense.

      • deano

        They are probing the enemy! In this case it is seeing which US citizens are Patriots & are willing to stand up & defend the homeland.
        Look at the demonstrations about the illegal immigrants now! Average Joe will not take on Police or Military, but start a rumour that the immigrants are doing something wrong & Bingo, instant hatred, violence can be targeted at a weaker portion of the popoulation, even easier if they are Illegal !!

        The gun control/handover hasnt worked. So now they need to identify who is willing to use them. An armed band of Militia would be easier to target & takeout,whether by drone,troops or advanced weapon mounted on an MRAP armoured vehicle! What will your puny rifle or shotgun do?

        I knew something was up when I saw the Google Barges. Data & control centres that can be easily towed off-shore where they can be easily defended from pleasure craft attack,self powered by generator, so totally off the Grid & out of sight.
        The FACT that Regina Dugan, ex-head of DARPA , has suddenly become an executive at Google rang the bell for me!
        REMEMBER> Just last year BONEHEAD shut down the govt, an obvious test & observe reactions! So if the USA is BROKE, why are they sponsoring Ukraine, Syrian rebels & the ISRAELIS? WHo is lying?

        • CrowPie

          Excuse me…..I can Prove that the republicans shutdown the government. And here is the proof—– Boehner and Canter changed the House rules to prevent the Democrats from raising a vote to end the shut down.—–

          Your argument is built on suspicion and assumptions.


        • CrowPie

          Most folks don’t like the truth when it’s presented to them. :cool:

        • CrowPie

          Dylan ScottPublishedOctober 10, 2013, 10:35 AM EDT

          Late on the night of Sept. 30, with the federal government just hours away from shutting down, House Republicans quietly made a small change to the House rules that blocked a potential avenue for ending the shutdown.

          It went largely unnoticed at the time. But with the shutdown more than a week old and House Democrats searching for any legislative wiggle room to end it, the move looms large in retrospect in the minds of the minority party.

          “What people don’t know is that they rigged the rules of the House to keep the government shut down,” Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), ranking member of the House Budget Committee, told TPM in an interview. “This is a blatant effort to make sure that the Senate bill did not come up for a vote.”

          Here’s what happened.

          The House and Senate were at an impasse on the night of Sept. 30. The House’s then-most-recent ploy for extracting Obamacare concessions from Senate Democrats and the White House — by eliminating health insurance subsidies for Congress members and their staffs — had been rejected by the Senate. The ‘clean’ Senate spending bill was back in the House’s court.

          With less than two hours to midnight and shutdown, Speaker John Boehner’s latest plan emerged. House Republicans would “insist” on their latest spending bill, including the anti-Obamacare provision, and request a conference with the Senate to resolve the two chambers’ differences.

          Under normal House rules, according to House Democrats, once that bill had been rejected again by the Senate, then any member of the House could have made a motion to vote on the Senate’s bill. Such a motion would have been what is called “privileged” and entitled to a vote of the full House. At that point, Democrats say, they could have joined with moderate Republicans in approving the motion and then in passing the clean Senate bill, averting a shutdown.

          But previously, House Republicans had made a small but hugely consequential move to block them from doing it.

          Here’s the rule in question:

          When the stage of disagreement has been reached on a bill or resolution with House or Senate amendments, a motion to dispose of any amendment shall be privileged.

          In other words, if the House and Senate are gridlocked as they were on the eve of the shutdown, any motion from any member to end that gridlock should be allowed to proceed. Like, for example, a motion to vote on the Senate bill. That’s how House Democrats read it.

          But the House Rules Committee voted the night of Sept. 30 to change that rule for this specific bill. They added language dictating that any motion “may be offered only by the majority Leader or his designee.”

          So unless House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) wanted the Senate spending bill to come to the floor, it wasn’t going to happen. And it didn’t.

          “I’ve never seen this rule used. I’m not even sure they were certain we would have found it,” a House Democratic aide told TPM. “This was an overabundance of caution on their part. ‘We’ve got to find every single crack in the dam that water can get through and plug it.’”

          Congressional historians agreed that it was highly unusual for the House to reserve such power solely for the leadership.

    • trashman

      prisonerno6 i am prior military and i remember what we did back then. Theblatent disreguard for human life, animal life etc, and through the years its gotten much much worse, OMG this article ismaking me phyciscally sick. All the pieces are coming together!!!! But know one thing they cant escape God!! The Judgment on them will be extreme!!!! A good analogy would be Independance day. Its either fight and HOPE too survive or definitelly DIE! But i disagree that the giant is dead!!! That General doesnt know the things that people all over are talking about doing too defend themselves!!! Its definitelly going too get bloody! God help us all

      • Mayhem

        It’s “worserer”, dummy.

    • Anonymous

      Everyone is a super spy with deep contacts and bombshell bs. It’s getting boring already.

    • truthzilla

      I have been a builder for 3 decades…8 billion dollars pays just for the logistics for that road…The road as described would take a very long time to build and cost almost a trillion, given the proposed length.

      • StarRyder

        I’d agree, but, even a trillion for that kind of project seems conservative. Thats a long ways, and it crosses the channel, mountains after mountains, and it’s just incredible the number of rivers and gorges and canyons…..Likely I think it would be in the 100 year completion and astronomical price range.

      • Dustdevil

        10-years ago, the average cost to resurface 1-mile of two-lane state highway (12-ft lanes) was $700,000 per mile. That’s not roadbed building, that’s not foundation setting, that’s just rip up the old asphalt and replace it with new. Concrete surfacing at the time was almost double that amount.

        Now, if you consider the creation described in this article (about 5x of the construction depth and reinforcement of a major international airport runway), you are looking more at costs approaching $10-$15 million per mile built, even if taken into account the massive volume of nearly free labor in many of those nations.

        So, you are talking about almost 4,000 miles of road, at an average of $15-million per mile? That sums up to about $60-billion just to construct it, let alone maintain it (at an average of 5-percent construction costs per year for the first 10 years, and accruing 5-percent more each 10-years thereafter). So, at the 20-year mark, it would cost $6-billion a year just to MAINTAIN this new roadway?

        Uh, yeah, there’s a reason this is being done by ship and not convoy today. You MIGHT want to read the other article, about how China’s national debt is at 240-percent of their GDP today, and that they are more insolvent than Greece OR America already. Why build a road to Bankrupt Nation, if you know they are?

      • StormyB4

        That BS was a red flag for me as well. Major to 4 star general in 4 years? LOL, NO!!

    • Anonymous

      From my experience, Nesara blogspot is the most lying site on the internet.

      • Dustdevil

        Yeah, and you notice how he’s got 5-6 friends that are totally slamming the negative comments against the article, until it hides them with ‘this article received too many negative votes’.

        When you can’t spin a good lie, bury and drown-out the dissenters.

        RIGHT, NESARA? Just like the NWO, they’ve taught you well.

    • CMalcheski

      Since July 16, not a single thing has happened. Did you ever stop to ask yourself who would be pretending to be a four star general, feeding disinformation to the masses? Who, and why? Six months from now, nothing still will have happened, and this author will continue trying to pump new life into this dead story, or else will slip back into the woodwork among 450 new disinfo stories that will never unfold.

      There is no 4 star general who could speak out like this without being identified in 2.58 seconds. And eliminated exactly that fast. The highest rank of general is 5 stars and there is only 1 active at a time. The number of 4 stars running around at any given time is not much higher. If even 10% of this crap were true, the source would have been dead on July 16.

      Don’t be so gullible. 99.99% of what’s posted on this site is amateur disinformation because *none* of it ever comes to pass.

      • GenEarly

        There are no 5 stars currently in the military. Of course if you know better, who is it? Got a name?
        you seem to be the amateur, Sparky.

        • omatron

          Dimwitted, only one it could be but I am not ready to retrace my two minutes of excercise to tell the world that which to me is obvious and already encoded. Stay out of Intel, or just paint a bright red rising sun on your butt, EZ that.

      • iamamerican

        “Not a single thing has happened since July 16th”, that’s rights because the plan is for 2015-2017.

    • Don't be hating!

      Burp, fart…ahh

    • joanofark

      The only thing people need to know is the US military make the nazi’s look good!

      • Your Commander

        Joanofark, you are SO correct regarding your statement!

        Joanofark, take GREAT solace in knowing that the marines who rape civilian women, like you, went to “the battlefield”, breathed in and inhaled, those itty bitty “hot particles” of radioactive dust made of Depleted Uranium Munitions (DU) from the use of “hardened munitions” provided by their “country”, the united Fascist states of MILITARY TERROR!

        Joanofark, I think the ONLY thing to do is to call for the arrest of every living President (Bush 1, Clinton, bush2 & o bomb ya) that authorized the use of Depleted uranium munitions, AS WAR CRIMINALS, and deliver them all to the World Court, located at The Hague, FOR PUBLIC, WORLDWIDE BROADCAST OF THE TRIALS!

        Now, THERE WOULD BE A REALITY SHOW, Joanofark!

        You need to know NOW about D.U., depleted uranium munitions.

        If you care about the ‘unborn’, look at this;

        The human mutations (birth defects) are caused by this;

        Contact all U.S. Troops NOW, to get tested for radiation exposure from D.U. (Depleted Uranium Munitions)
        Here, FOR you “fetus-hugging’” christians.

        So concerned about some one else’s’ “unborn fetus” all the time, here have a peak at what is happening to some of your “brave heroes” in the military, WHO, LIKE THE INHUMAN ATTACK DOGS THEY ARE (just following orders), followed the orders, used the depleted uranium munitions, AND WILL HAVE CHILDREN THAT LOOK LIKE SPACE ALIENS!


        The ameri-SCUM AND their demonic isra-HELL “handlers” ARE WAR MONGERING MONSTERS!

        And, you stupid, VIOLENT, barbaric marines are literally ‘making some’ MONSTERS RIGHT NOW!

      • Goodstix

        Make the nazi’s what look good?

    • homeservicespro

      What’s new in here?

    • David Ochiaperti

      There have only been 204 four star generals in the history of the Air Force. There are only 11 on active duty. Of those 11, ten were born in the 1950′s. One was born in 1961 and still on active duty. All were majors in the
      late 1970′s or early 1980′s. That means that not a single one would have been promoted from major to 4 star
      in four years. Your ‘source’ is bogus. Also, the Air Force Academy in Colorado is just that. An academic military institution. Cadets study there. It is not a drone base. The drone bases are public information also.
      Someone has already caught that your Silk Road estimate is off by at least three zeroes. Your writing style begs for something, anything, maybe 16 weeks in an English Comp class would help? Yes, your article is sprinkled with the known facts and agenda, but in your attempt to appear credible, you have created an wet paper bag of BS. Sorry, go back to the drawing board and take the ’4 star’ with you.

    • Riding the Tilt A Wheel

      Well, life is a terminal disease, we all have it. We’re all going to die someday, so all you need to do is try and figure out if you really think you can escape it by running so where or by standing your ground and fighting back. If this NWO thing plans to control the world, good luck finding a place to go and wait to die quietly or otherwise. God has chosen the day I’ll die and it really won’t matter where I run to, I will not get out of it. God put me here with a purpose and I really don’t think that purpose was to run and hide some where. I have given 18 years to firefighting and 6 years in the military, during those times God was always at my side and saw me through and could have taken me at anytime. So nothing has changed other than what I may have to face that threatens my well being. God is still at my side and I will face what life has to offer and stand fast knowing God is with me and when he and he alone calls for me I will go! Cowards never won a fight and thank God that our founding fathers were not cowards!

      • anonymous

        People like you talk about founders you must mean the constitution makers. They werent founders. The founders were early Americans who survived indian attacks and got their hands dirty on a farm to feed their family. The people that had to do everything for themselves they were the founders. The constitution makers were criminals and cowards. Anybody that makes constitutions or governments are criminals and cowards. The constitutions and governments take mens natural rights away. Voting is people taking other peoples natural rights away. Lysander Spooner wrote about it he was maybe the greatest that ever lived. We should take down statues of presidents and political people and make statues of Lysander Spooner everwhere and live in natural rights and good anarchy. Real men and women would make it past hard times and wimps and bums and political people wouldn’t. It would just be tough and free people. There wouldn’t be tax or negros and illegal aliens looting welfare. There wouldn’t be welfare unless you gave someone your money yourself. There wouldn’t be marshal laws. In natural rights a man protects his life and land from constitutions and governments and bums. Lysander Spooner was the great one.

        • Riding the Tilt A Wheel

          You’ve got a lot to learn about rights little man. So in your perfect world if someone wants to drive his car at 200 mph on the highway, it’s OK with you because that’s his right? Simple example of being the only one on the planet so you can have it your way. Sure you can do 200 mph on the freeway, it’s your right, but it’s my right not to have my life endangered by some nut job like you that isn’t willing to think of anyone but themselves. Thats why this country is in the mess it’s in, all you little spoiled brats that had parents that handed you everything think everybody else owes them a living. And you don’t know who I’m speaking of and never will because you can see past your own selfishness in life. So go throw your trash at someone else. In fact go find an empty Island some where and you can have it all your way and the rest of us can get on with life.

        • The Real Deal

          @Riding the Tilt A Wheel

          Are you talking about anonymous or yourself? Because nothing you said even remotely pertains to what he wrote. But it sure sounds like the person you’re speaking, is most likely YOURSELF! You sound cocky and smug. Most likely from being disliking you you’re whole life. I mean how could they not love you, seem so friendly, lol. You throw out ad-hominem attacks calling him little man, spoiled brat, saying he’s throwing trash when he talks. Pot calling the kettle black?
          Sit down, unpuff yourself and relax, tough guy.

    • Anonymous

      tell the brave american general to make a video on youtube . why does he need some nobody to speak for him .do you think we believe some nobody like you.? yea that wil do alot .suurree

      • Anonymous

        That is utmost hilarious statement coming from a chickedy ‘Anonymous’ speaking, f r e a k y

    • Anonymous

      I think it is much more likely that 20 lizard aliens fly out of Uranus and destroy the earth than this BS FEEEEEER POOOOOORN© you are spewing out to scare the poor paranoid schizophrenics on this site.

    • Damien

      Ever heard of a thing called a TITLE?!!!

    • fish

      One big, no, huge thing they always forget to mention. Let’s say that America will fall and yes, I believe it will. If an American does leave and go to another country, what do you think will happen? Why is our leaders and Obama making the world hate us so much? If America gone and they know of an American on the loose let’s say Brazil, don’t you think they would hunt us down just for the sport of it. Especially, since we no longer exist and our Government could not protect us! They will hunt any American down like vermin! They might not have before, but since Obama, oh ya, they will now because they don’t just hate us but also despise and loathe us….Better to try and fight at home where we our familiar and have home field advantage. I know some vets and back woods type folk. I don’t care how much tech and training others have, my money is on the homeboys in the deep woods causing a heck of a show and many body bags of these elite troops. Might not win it all but they will give them one heck of a bloody nose. In the end, America wont ever come back unless our people REPENT! God, only can save us.

    • TruthonFox

      Did the U. S. win any of the last wars in the last ten years? Iraq, Afghanistan we didn’t win with all the technology and still couldn’t win! There are 100 million Americans that own guns and way over 300 million guns.

      I think they can’t even win against the gangs so forget the people. Out of the 100 million there will be 10 to 15 million that will shoot back. No way to win that war. It has never happan in history.

      This is a general left winger that is trying to tell the people to go and that it doesn’t matter if you have the best gun you will lose, well I tell the general we will see but we will not go anywhere. Drones didn’t win in the wars. They would need millions of drones, will never work.

    • Thorin Oakenshield


    • vic_ious

      A hundred billion ready to fund? The globalists have quadrillions. Nothing to see here, move along…

      • Your Commander

        Vic_ious, your NOT very bright, are you?
        You wrote, ”A hundred billion ready to fund? The globalists have quadrillions.”
        Here is “what you SHOULD see, Sid!

        The globalists have quadrillions of MADE UP OUT OF THIN AIR “fiat” money as their “currency”.
        They dictated its use exclusively as a “clearance” currency.
        They used MILITARY FORCE on any country that did not comply with the tyrant’s Bankers and their totally corrupt “organizations”, like the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

        Think of “your” paper Dollar as “Monopoly Money”, sid.

        Now, BRICS, about 90 other countries, and SURPRISE, SURPRISE, many large amerikan companies are now starting to use OTHER CURRIENCES than “the dollar” when conducting transactions among each other!

        The NEW “competitive” monetary fund will be VERY DIFFERENT than your current Rothschild SCAM “Funny money” Dollars!
        BRICS monetary unit worth will be based on the “basket full of currencies of it’s members (NO DOLLAR INCLUDED) with a specific percentage of Precious Metal Backing” in Gold, primarily.

        NO MORE IMF as the “only” currency game in town.

        NO MORE “good reputation” as a place, a country, to invest in, as the united fascist states of MILITARY TERROR has, already defrauded the world, and whole countries, for example, with it’s “AAA mortgaged backed securities” it shamelessly sold for years!

        YOUR monetary system is a FRAUD!

        Your government IS made up of BRUTAL, VIOLENT zionist loving FASCISTS!
        :shock: :shock: :shock:

        Hey, sid, get ready for the ugliest RIDE OF YOUR LIFE TIME!
        :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • VENICE

      Wow…so many still shouting fear mongering?? This is happening. America will no longer exist after 2017. We have merged with Canada and Mexico.

      • Yeah, sure

        Maybe we’ll get a catchy new name..AmerCanMex

    • Anonymous

      The time line matches the UN’s “Millennium Goals” time line.

    • MrFixit

      Wasn’t the collapse of the dollar supposed to have happened already? Anyway without Americans to line up for the latest thech gadget being made in China who the hell is gonna buy their crap? Seriously the world needs everything to keep going that includes us hated americans. We also happen to feed the world by the way I think they’ll keep us around awhile yet.

      • Holly Wood

        Mrfixit, the obvious FOX network made MORON still here in ameriiiSCUM land!

        Hey, dumb “believer” of the zionist LIE News!

        Did you know your “favorite news network IS NOT EVEN OWNED BY AN americian citizen?
        He is a duel passport carrying, Talmud reading zionist jew, who lives in isra-HELL!
        And, he manipulates saps like you, DIM WIT fixit, so very easily.
        And you probably do NOT see how that is even related to “YOUR” Fox!
        YOU JUST “BELIEVE IT” if it is read to you on “YOUR” favorite News Show!

        Cause you OLD ameriiiSCUM will believe just about ANYTHING you are told by “the TV”!
        And, you have your WHOLE LIFE, dim wit!

        Let’s get you up to date with some current day REALITIES, IDIOT BOY!

        You, DimWit cheerleader for your Brutal, VIOLENT, FASCIST Government, wrote;

        “Wasn’t the collapse of the dollar supposed to have happened already”?
        ANSWER: NO, but pay attention, because the collapse is happening RIGHT NOW!

        Anyway without Americans to line up for the latest thech gadget being made in China who the hell is gonna buy their crap?
        ANSWER: They will! Face it, Dim wit, your PUNY market of 320 million consumers is NOTHING as opposed to say, 1.3 BILLION consumers in China, or 1.1 BILLION consumers in India, or 750 MILLION in the EU, or Russia, or Brazil, or South Africa! But that zionist liar actually has you believing that 5% of the world’s population in ONE country is, somehow, indispensable to THE ENTIRE WORLD??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :grin: :grin:

        Seriously the world needs everything to keep going that includes us hated americans.
        ANSWER: Seriously, they do NOT need the corrupt, violent, fascist brutal dictators of the united Fascist states of MILITARY TERROR any more! In fact, dimwit, “your” country is about to be isolated, then “your” fed gov.” DEFAULTS on the owed debt to other countries, then “your” NEW replacement government is announced as the North American Union, NO more borders with Canada and Mexico (you getting used to the “open” southern border, yet?? THAT was easy to execute, wasn’t it, Dim wit?), one currency for all, the amero, and you will LINE UP down at your local bank to “exchange your old, worthless dollars for the NEW Amero, AT WHAT EVER RATE (i.e. 5 New Amero’s for every 100 worthless fiat dollars “turned in”) YOUR BRUTAL GOVERNMENT DICTATES TO YOU, DimWit!

        We also happen to feed the world by the way I think they’ll keep us around awhile yet.
        “YOUR” GMO grains are turned away at port, OR BURNED AT THE DOCK in China RIGHT NOW!
        The Chinese Military, within the last 90 Days, ordered that there will be NO MORE GMO cooking oils bought FROM ANY VENDOR!
        It included canola oil, soy bean oil, and corn oil!

        Russia has BANNED the importation of ANY GMO food stuff FROM ANY SOURCE, AND HAVE BANNED the planting of any GMO seed on their land!

        Russia has now OFFICIALLY termed GMO Foods & Drink as “BIO-Weapons”!

        India has banned the planting of GMO seeds for at least 10 years.

        France has BANNED the planting of GMO Grains on their land.

        Your NOT “Feeding” ANYONE, dimwit!

        In fact, you ameriiiSCUM are being poisoned right now, by the very food, soft drinks, and beer that you LOVE.
        You actually believe your “Favorite Brands” “would not hurt you, intentionally”!

        Dimwit, you do not have a chance in hell to survive when the SHTF!
        You will “run for help” to the VERY PARTIES (FEMA, Military Personnel) that will exterminate you!

    • omatron

      General (P.S._they know who he is) is a man’s man and a soldiers/airman’s/sailors’ leader. I hope he makes it out safely as with my own person. Perhaps we can regroup one day and take back this lost country. God Speed, Sir.

    • Anonymous

      Well a few things to consider, 1) the plan is not going well, 2) Russia as changed the game to the point that the cabal now wants war. 3) Not all U.S citizen are rookies at paying soldier and 4) most importantly we still have our veterans and that is one thing they fear most. We are just as trained and capable as black water. Mercenaries are currently destroying the middle east under the name “ISIS” which is really the CIA. Also, most american know that this debt is not ours since the entire Federal Reserve system was nothing but a criminal operation. We will reclaim this land and many will pay with their life, but ultimately we will win this fight.

    • dEAD

      I seriously hope this ain’t the usual so called Christian crowd with their agenda of religion, buying into the gold/silver standard & buying a great big pop gun with loads of ammo & hiding behind your front door in fear ready to defend your brats & stash of food from neighbours who ain’t prepared for themselves! I ain’t religious but didn’t Jesus preach ‘if you have 2 shirts & your neighbour has none then to give to your neighbour’? I know guns weren’t invented in Jesus time but didn’t he say that ‘those who live by the sword die by the sword?’ The same principle applies today as it did then! All you dooms day preppers out there, please get a life! If you think you can naively survive world war 3 with all the radiation flying around then forget it! You’ll be dead just like the rest of us!


      Understand I stopped reading the article after page 1. Let me finish it. So this elite west point type get called into the boss’s office and is asked ya wanna be the next top dog at the JOINT chiefs of course he won’t sign a I won’t kill anyone so they had him removed from the building. Let me tell you you don’t need a star to see whats going on. Me I am in Mexico going to Costa Rica. Bottom line the sleepers will sloeep, the thinkers will think until its over and the sleeper will say let me know when dancing with the stars is over. So why now? and Why is it on every page I go to. I don’t want to sound insensitive but either you got the program and you have your next play ready. Sure I hope he gets to someone but this is no longer even news its been up for over a week. Why is he not where I am. To be honest this may be a Psy op. How many people just turned down Joint Chief and are on the radio he would be dead in 24hrs really. What is the real message. And you know I am right. All while the ears are listening. You don’t think they have wires up his ass and antenna coming out of his head like my favorite martian?

    • bullhonkus

      When I need a break from my every day life I like to come here and read these news articles.

      Some of them are totally insane. No proof of anything they are saying. It always makes me feel better when I leave because I know my life is not as crazy as I thought it was after all.

    • MikeKnows

      It might be ‘fear porn’ for now.. however when the time comes, it will escalate and yes this will happen… here is a buzz phrase for yah.. “Low Cost Housing” and just recently they’ve chipped the homeless veterans and today they’ve passed ‘Martial Law term’ for Aug 2014 until September 2015 i.e. they can pass any bill during that time, without reading the bill.. .didn’t Diane Finestein once say “We need to pass the bill, in order to see whats its inside the bill” this is part there playing field.this will be done quietly quickly and swiftly. 2014 is very important time for both sides of the pool. :!: :!: :!: :!:

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