Final US Election 2016 Is Pretend! Obama Is Last American President, Will Announce New Government And Nesara
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Biggest News Ever! Final US Election 2016 Is Pretend! Obama Is The Last American President, And Will Announce New Government And Nesara
Okay there is lots of get caught up on…
1. There are two united states… one is a country, and the other is a corporation located at Washington DC, that is in effect, A SEPERATE COUNTRY! ET Says The United States Federal Government And The United States of America Are Basically Two Different Countries
2. The united states corporation is illegal, immoral and full of people who are using the built-in corruption, to try to take over the world.
3. The galactics have been helping humanity to remove ourselves from corrupt leadership, who have been holding back changes in technology, finance, global governance and much more!
4. FROM ANNE DEHART’S NEWSLETTER TODAY!!! grin emoticon 1/12/16
Yes, I received an email from Quazar this morning… she had just talked to Zorra:
“Good morning Anne,
Zorra just said that “They (Galactic Federation) are replacing the ones who were holding up our blessings because they did not heed their (Federation’s) ultimatum. Some are already on another planet.
Now we shall see how quickly this gets going.” ~ Quazar
So there you are. We are on track with Prime Creator’s intent – to move forward into Gaia’s (and ours) Ascension. Enough of these petty Earth games!
While the Internet is “boiling over” with all kinds of opinions, challenges, perspectives, speculations and scenarios… Prime Creator and the Galactic Federation of Light have made their move!
For those looking to see the uncloakings – of course, they were done only for the benefit of those blocking our RV. And apparently, they still did not budge. – So, they went to sleep on one planet and woke up on another! And Galactic personnel are now filling their positions.
There is SO MUCH “out there!” Because we have NO recognized government at this time, opportunists are already trying to “take over.” – Then, there is the current 2-party play in politics… pretending they are going to have an election under the old – gone – corporation. – And there are legal challenges with all good intent – that can have a very influential impact on “the powers that were.”
And then… we have Ashtar’s message telling of upcoming Announcements: Obama to announce the new government and NESARA; and the Galactics, Prime Creator and Zorra to announce Disclosure.
The Announcements will follow the RV.
~ Anne
6. The whole us 2016 election thing is a sham, with main players knowing that all this is building towards global government…. some of them had plan to be part of a satanic world government… and they are being removed from the scene if they do not turn to the Light.
7. Prime Creator has plans for a world government that is of the Light, that follows Universal Laws. EARTH LEADERS WERE WARNED MANY MANY MANY TIMES, TO TURN TO UNIVERSAL LAWS, BUT THEY ARE TOO PROGRAMMED TO MESS WITH PEOPLE, AND TOO MUCH IN THEIR OWN EGOS… our galactics have no choice but to remove them, so that ascension can continue without petty interruptions.
These Laws were given forth by Creator God Aton of Light, and The Creation, and are also called The Laws of Balance. —
A. The highest command of The Law of Creation is:
Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation.
B. The highest command of The Law of God is:
You shall Honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for HE is the “King of Wisdom”.
We attain spiritual perfection by learning and wisely following the Laws given forth by God and Creation. We learn through the Spirit of God within us how to live in harmony and balance with all of Creation.
The Laws are as follows:
1. You shall have no other gods than the Creator God before you and abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all. Also known as the “Law of One”.
2. You shall not make for yourselves idols and false images to worship as gods for therein you give power into the hands of evil.
3. You shall love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and being (you must love yourself as God and God as yourself).
4. You shall not use the name of God irreverently, nor use it to swear to a falsehood.
5. Remember God’s “day” and keep it holy. (Every day is God’s “day”.)
6. You shall honor your mother and father.
7. You shall not murder your fellow man. (Killing to preserve your life or of your family is not murder)
8. You must not commit adultery.
9. You must not steal (materially or emotionally).
10. You must not covet or envy that which belongs to your neighbor.
11. You must not impose nor force your free-will upon the free-will of another. Also known as “The Law of Non-interference.”
12. You must not judge (condemn) others, but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of God and The Creation.
13. As you sow, so shall you reap. Also called “The Law of Cause and Effect.”
14. You must honor all commitments made in service to God, the Father, the One within.
15. You must obey the wisdom of God for the responsible and balanced procreation of your species.
16. You must do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also called “The Golden Rule”.
17. Evil (adversaries of God) must always wear a sign of their evilness. (By their fruits you shall know them).
18. You must not commit the act of slavery (physical or emotional) upon any human being of Creator God.
With the communion of the Spirit of Life within us, we must first wisely understand and follow the Laws of Balance, and secondly, we must wisely know where our responsibility begins and ends within the Creation upon this wonderful Planet Earth.
The first question to ask is how can I maintain my life in “harmony and balance” with the rest of “creation”? The answer is, you begin with the pure desire to know Truth. We must recognize that we are limited in our perception of Truth, and that God knows the best pathway for us to travel in His service. So we must then surrender our “will” (ego) to that which is God’s Will.
“In your daily prayer you must ask God for the loving Light of protection, guidance, power, wisdom, knowledge, truth, integrity and courage in order to best serve His Will and not your will (ego)”.
Then in our quiet corner we must meditate. We must listen. We must wait upon our Father-God who is within us (our God-Spirit) to give us that which we need to sustain us in His service. Our will and His Will must become one again.
8. Even though it does not seem like it, Obama is of the Light, according to Ashtar:
December 28 2015
This is all according to their programs and plans to completely take over the World, and these third dimensional situations are coming to an end!
He is the ninth member of the Syrian Council of 9, and is mentored by Lord Morya.
9. Even many humans have been saying Obama is the last american president.
Barack Hussein Obama Will Be The Last United States …
obama-will-be-americas-last-president-martial-law Obama is going to take your guns, but he will take much more. The plan his handlers have for him involves …
Obama Will Be Last US President: 2014-15 Start Of Global …
Apr 27, 2014 - The prophecy of the United States disappears and Obama being our last president has been a part of Internet speculation prior to the decision …
Political Insider Warns Obama May Be Last US President …
Aug 18, 2015 - Political Insider Warns Obama May Be Last US President - America Turned Into An Islamic Caliphate – Things Are Shaking Up Big Time!
Obama is setting himself up to be the LAST ELECTED …
The Last American President: ONLY WE CAN STOP HIS RAMPAGE. … Since taking office, President Obama signed 923 Executive Orders in the first 40 months …
Obama: Last President of America Prophecy – HubPages
Oct 11, 2015 - This is a collection of dreams and visions from seven different men, three women, and a 9-year-old girl. Each was shown that the 44th president …
10. JANUARY 9 2016
Arrests, Announcements and Landings, in that order.Announcements will be made beginning with President Obama. He will tell of the benevolent Extraterrestrials he has been working closely with including me, Ashtar. He will also announce the beginning of the Jubilee at the same time. Others will join him with their Announcements. This will be broadcast not only on TV but also the internet and will be able to be seen on every phone and in every remote area when it happens. Arrests may well happen at the same time the President is making his Announcements. Arrests will number in the 100s of thousands and every police force on Earth is part of the Plan.
11. Before you PREMATURELY say that all this is false… please research (not just half an hour…. try months of fulltime research if it helps)… ask yourself, HOW MANY DECADE THE WORLD AND THE AMERICAN POPULATION SUBJECTED TO DAILY LIES, TO THE POINT, MOST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET, DO NOT COMPREHEND WHY WASHINGTON DC WAS FORMED OR WHY HILARY CLINTON WAS TAKING ORDERS FROM THE COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS?????? WHY HAVEN’T THE AMERICAN PUBLIC BEEN ABLE TO ARREST THEIR TRAITORS???? HOW CAN AMERICAN FUND AN ENTIRELY SECRET CULTURE WHO MADE AN PACT WITH NEGATIVE REPTILIANS, WITH THEIR OWN UNDERGROUND CITIES, WHILE NOT EVEN NOTICING???? WHY IS THEIR A ONE EYED PYRAMID ON THE ONE DOLLAR BILL? Why or how the american governmet was blackmailed, and co-opted by several foreign entities, who have been slowly bleeding the country and planet, into no choice but to completely turn things around… immediately and with help of our galactic family…. earthlings have proven they are not able to govern themselves as peaceful galactic beings…. the galactic mentorship program is going to help out, as human learn to get along with other lifeforms.. .THESE ARE THE FRESH NEW DAYS OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT.
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First off, obama is NOT of the light, he may not be “in command” of anything that is happening but he bought into their agenda which makes him just as guilty as they are.
I don’t see anyone being removed from Earth for another destination planet, and if they are, whoever removed them is aiding and abetting criminals, these hellish minions perpetrated their crimes on Earth and should be tried and convicted of their crimes on Earth. By removing them to another planet it only disempowers humanity from seeing resolution, in essence, all it does is silence humanity and leave us out of the decision making process.
Secondly, do you believe everything the Bible and the so-called Ashtar Command tell you? Because I don’t believe God or our creator is a male. Males can’t “give life” only females can, our creator is female and we live in a feminine universe. And by the way, the universal laws mention nothing of any God or Gods.
1. Beings have the free will to create whatever they want.
2. Don’t interfere with another beings free will.
3. Don’t interfere with an evolving race.
There are many more universal laws, but I can’t remember them at the moment. But I will tell you this, Ashtar Command and many other races of beings in the cosmos have broken many many universal laws here on Earth.
We as “free will” beings of the universe have the right to live as we choose as long as we don’t harm another being [another one of the universal laws].
Free will beings that are truly “free”, don’t have a God telling them how to live. We were not meant to be ruled over by anyone, especially a fake God.
There has been a war going on the universe for quite awhile over Earth and her inhabitants. Our DNA is highly sought after in the universe along with all of Earth’s natural resources, so there are plenty of beings out there who want control of Earth and her inhabitants.
We are going through an evolution of consciousness and WE can solver our own problems. We don’t need Ashtar Command or Sanat [ Satan] Kumar coming in and mucking things up for us.
i am an american – Abso – frackin – lutely!! That did not sound good to me either. In it I sense desperation and fear. It sounds more like the god of the old testament, you know, the jealous and vengeful god. Anyone who wants to worship a god like that, that’s on them, but I will be the one deciding what I do. Some of us have spent a lifetime trying to “scrape” off the devastating effects that the monotheist, patriarchal, woman hateing religions have infected our world with. NEVER AGAIN is a phrase that comes quickly to mind!
1. Beings have the free will to create whatever they want.
2. Don’t interfere with another beings free will.
Lets say Being #1 wants to create a World filled with Murders, but Being #2 Can Not interfere with being #1 free will.
How Does This Work?
Needless to say, I don’t agree with Indian also, he is peddling nonsense and to make light of those who have spent their lives and some murdered for telling the truth, he is just another Z. Sitchin making things up
This is finally hapening!!!
The Government & Google Knows The Earth Is Flat-
So does Bart Simpson…
So you’re saying Trump won’t get elected POTUS in 2016 … crap !!! then that means I made this new video for nothing
o-vomit was NEVER an “American” and/or ‘President”. He was a stooge for George Soros to undermine our Constitution, end of story.
Research Donald Drumpf
As I said in my other comment;
”You keep telling us to ‘do our own research’, yet you fail to do yours. You keep staring at one side of the coin, and keep losing it [while cleverly masking it with kindness] when someone mentions there’s another side to the said coin.
You do your own research. The kind that doesn’t promote this mumbo jumbo.
Do you honestly believe so many people comment that you have been deceived, because they wanna ruin your day? Or because there is actually something to it?”
Yours truly,
“Do you honestly believe so many people comment that you have been deceived, because they wanna ruin your day?”
I comment because I know he’s full of crap but honestly I kinda want to ruin his day too.
Asshat in the machine. When has your bullshit EVER been right. This,is,the only “news” outlet that would even entertain publishing your fuckwit new age mambo jumbo.
Those universal laws are not Yahweh’s law.
Yahweh is neither male of female, and the angels appear to male creation without females, however for the human Yahweh created male and female because the souls of the corrupted angels get to have another choice as to who they will follow without any knowledge of their angelic past.
I think Yahweh is a devil at least when he asked Abraham to kill his only son. I don’t think a benevolent god will ever ask anyone to do things like that.
If someone or some entity is a devil one time, he/she is always a devil. The characters normally do not change. On top of that, who is going to bring Yahweh to a confession room for him to confess his sin and to change to be a better god.
Everyone is all worked up over those in D.C. while this crap is going on all over America in every town:
These blood sucking leaches are just getting started. You need to be prepared to protect your family & home as they seek to finish milking America! When the economy collapses corrupt banks & courts will come after everything you have. Don’t believe it…look at my story linked above.
Post about Indian Machine,
Notice in this article, states: something like these so called “Dark Hats” are the ones controlling, and spreading evil.
When a president takes the Oath of Office, the USA, Including USA people come first.
This article states something to the effect: Dark hats running the country, but does not Identify them.
This article is just another example of how the corrupt Government, has worried every one so much. People now wanting good to prevail, some create these types of scenarios of ET in their minds, with a lot of colourful imagination.
Very clear Indian in machine is very, Worried, skitzen, confused. He must have uncovered some info, about the Elitis (The Hidden Ones). The Elitis, takes these type of articles serious. Now they prob watching Indian, The Elitis have already opened the Portal, using CERN. Also Web reports time-line distortions, with distortions in time itself.
Web reports: It has been noted just all of a sudden, people looking up at the clock, a 2-4 hours has passed, when it seemed as though only 2-4 minutes passed. These reports very viral. The Heads Up reports on youtube: Explains- The Elitis, The Old Hidden Ones use CERN, and have now opened portals, some type of dimensional travel? They have publicly made announcements pertaining to opening doors, portals, etc.
Looks like when someone did the research for this article, digging through the Many layers of deception. It was not long until the writer perhaps uncovered something that scared them very much. There is a Lot of fear, A LOT of Fear in this article.
Yes, the Elitis takes all this serious, and probably have Dark Hats watching the people whom wrote this article.
Yeah, that old ashtaroth demon is still trying to deceive them poor new age folk. Nice try indian. I stomp on that serpent and I keep it under foot as most of us here do as well. Obama of the light lol
Barry “Barack Obama” Soetoro is a sorcerer! And anyone who is adept in the occult can pick this out in a heartbeat. If the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) is employing sorcerers to do their work, then I question their legitimacy…and intentions. On one side, they can/will not go against free will. However, putting a sorcerer illegally in charge most certainly invalidates everything you claim they represent. And most people who read this will assume they know what a sorcerer is, but do not. Ultimately, this reported inconsistency is a major strike against the intended viability and credibility of the GFL.
Consider that the higher self of these channelers is off the mark. Have you? Or do you simply take it ALL at face value. Take note: all great teachers have their students question/validate all. After all, wisdom is action.
Right you are, Indian in the Machine, for evading the materialist danger; not allowing the lower self to close off access to above. And many who mock you should take note of this. However, you appear to have worked right into the clairvoyant, magical and mystical dangers that typically come from not developing through wisdom correctly. FYI: this is why all of the Mystery Schools mandated that all of their students be steeped in the same, before they move further. And it would be a great lesson to understand how these dangers map to the various spiritual bodies. In fact, I wonder if Margaret is aware of this? Put simply, the chela does not draw down the higher world; believe one is receiving orders; and/or confuse our own desires with what comes from above.
Are you aware of the history of spiritualism; how/why it was introduced to the public; and what became of it and why? Have you examined how “New Age” dogmas work in conjunction with cabal’s agenda(s)? I question that, because you are pushing a sorcerer at me and claiming he’s the real deal…because Margaret says. And I happen to understand how channeling works and how it affects those (particularly) those who involve themselves with it regularly.
Peppering all of this with peace and love does not make it all right. But it is the most clever way to sell it.
Wishing you all the love in the world…leaves a red rose.
Wise, insightful, kind comment. I happened to notice upon reading that, Barry “Barack Obama” Soetoro contains the word “sorcerer” within it!
I don’t know about Obama being a sorcerer, other than being a user of drugs in the past. Look to the Jew Pharmaceutical to find the magic sorcery of drugs.
Now you’re proving that completely lost the judgment … you are in trouble and need to treat Mohican … a shame really you play the role of Bozo …
Four books you should read to understand the world of today!
All this mumbo jumbo, when at the essence of this is we are all participating in the grand illusion of the world.
Many people keep repeating themselves like broken records…STOP looking outwards for the answers. EVERYTHING you seek is inside.
But for Indian, with his weekly whitewashed channelings offer only further distraction to the task at hand.
It also shows how desperate and unsatisfied with physical life one can be, by constantly looking for something better on the other side.
Let’s face it, Death is inevitable, and who/whatever offers a way out from this, is deceiving you.
As for this blackstar, research Rahu, the black Sun that resides near our sun regardless of this stupendous Nibiru myth. But all of Indian’s “”"BELIEF’S”"” is based on Satanic deception of our perception of Heliocentricity. Which ultimately is false.
Indian…can you spell…HELIO..CENTRI…CITY!!! This is the greatest lie ever told, even your sorry attachment to Native culture still offers the fact that we are living on a geocentric plane covered by firmament.
Then we have the bible bashers, despite being deceived as well, there is much truth on the physicality of our world written in that text, hidden from ignorant eyes and clear for those who never follow blindly.
WTF are you people smoking ? I want some .
I just like your sense of humor , I am opened minded about the post.
I’m usually against shock therapy but in your case, I’d say they should start with 220 right on the temples and hope for the best.
So these Supreme Galactic Alien Overlord friends of yours can make ALL that happen, but can’t give you a date for even a single ‘event’? [If they did, which I doubt, then I apologise, didn't read it thoroughly]
What happened with your Archangel Michael friend?
Weren’t they supposed to ascend and then help those who haven’t?
And isn’t that supposed to be happening from now to March??
You keep telling us to ‘do our own research’, yet you fail to do yours. You keep staring at one side of the coin, and keep losing it [while cleverly masking it with kindness] when someone mentions there’s another side to the said coin.
You do your own research. The kind that doesn’t promote this mumbo jumbo.
Do you honestly believe so many people comment that you have been deceived, because they wanna ruin your day? Or because there is actually something to it?
Also, someone commented on one of your posts that you used to promote some other channeled stuff, that never came to pass, and when you realized it didn’t, you quickly deleted all of those posts. What’s up with that?
These supposed beings that you are talking about, all of them are supposed to be THE ones. THE ones to rule this world. THE ones to rid us of evil. THE ones that are the highest. THE ones that will help us ascend.
Yet there are many different beings you promote, almost all of which have different names and different ”Bosses”. How is that even possible??
Yours truly,
How much bubble wrap did it take to make your jumpsuit?
Another loon with a pick and choose my way created religion. Just a nut nothing remotely important here.
Insane freaking ET morons at it again — stop it already with your fictional Galactic crap!!!!
Obama is the last muslim president,,,,for that we can be assured. Do you promise that the Bilderberg group is leaving Earth? For that we pray.
This is TERRIBLE! You do not want to get stuck with a negro. It’s like Sean Penn getting stuck with El Chapo in a prison cell.
What ha “being an negro” gave to do with love and equality as brothers and sisters?
Is the white Hillary any better? Or worse?
It does not matter what “color” the person has, but his/her actions and truthfulness, or evilness and deceitfulness…
I don’t have a problem with Negroes. But apparently the sodomite does. He can’t get over that fact that he is one.
Why can’t he get over his hatred of whites?
The creator Yahweh does plan on a millennial reign but Satan has one also that is the false Messiah kingdom which will last 42 months. Many will be deceived by the false Messiah kingdom, claiming to be God and many will kill in his name thinging they are doing God’s work. Also those who have Pretribulation rapture teachings will be endanger of Satan’s grand deception.
Do not miss to read the comments here:
They are valid also for this “message” …
So when none of this happens, and the next president is elected as ler usual, what will be your excuse for this “news” article?
So when none of this happens, and the next president is elected as ler usual, what will be your excuse for this “news” article?
Lyn Leahz’s last article says Obama’s the Antichrist.
That’s true and I’m the Messiah.
Spred this news if you want to gain heaven.
Leahz says Obama’s the Antichrist and she’s right.
If you go against that, you’re against the Apocalypse and Revelation.
Each and every one of you who don’t follow Leahz will burn eternally in hell, is what the Bible says.
hell!!!!!!!!! but you are boring, why don’t you ascend to mars or somewhere else, mr messy-iah
you are the Messiah?
Have you arrived?
Damn! and you know Revelations?
Shees you have sneeked in, I thought the whole world will see you sneek in…..
It says before your return those that died in you will be rising from the dead…… is your boyfriend, Oilbum, one of them.
Please sir, kindly, piss off.
Google this
All-Out War Between Illegal Alien Obama And Trump (Video) War Explodes Between Worlds Most Powerful Men Obama/ Trump
I don’t see anyone being removed from the Earth for another destination planet. Satan is very religious and he trying his best to explain how and why the many believing Christians will evaporate in thin air. He needs something absurd as this, to explain the rapture of the Church.
Christians evaporate into thin air isn’t absurd?
Ask yourself, who is the world’s most powerful politician? Who will become Secretary General of the United Nations in 2017? Who might find a crisis allowing the “delay” of elections in 2016 – so that he still maintains his current office at the same time? Look around at the problems in the news. Ask yourself, who benefits?
In 2007, Obama approached Morgan Freeman, and referring to his role in Bruce Almighty, said:
“This guy was God before I was.” Why would anyone running for office say that?
There are so many more quotes, facts, and prophecies…
For anyone who cares, read:
Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate
David’s been saying for years Obama’s the Antichrist.
Now is the time to join him and spread the word.
Yeah David indeed, of course Obama’s the Antichrist.
Maybe Indian the Machine is the Antichrist.
Hey Lyn Leahz says Obama’s the Antichrist and she’s right.
If you go against that, you’re against the Apocalypse and Revelation.
Each and every one of you who don’t follow Leahz will burn eternally in hell, is what the Bible says.
You’re already in hell, King of Shame. You just don’t know it yet.
CLUCKER! once again dead right! MIGARD WE ARE IN !!! a MILD hell! the PLACE is determined by it INHABITANTS! here, we got a mix, hell, is hell, because of who is there, and what they do to each other, this world, is like “hell-lite” in real hell, therese somethign CONSTANTLY after you, no respite, here, its here an there, sigh BOOORING, anyway, soon, the “difficulty settings” get turned up from “novice” straight to “LEGENDARY”, and poor ole KOS< is a deluded demon, stuck in hell.
now, how can i say that? WELL, WHAT, prey tell, is the Heavenly DEFINITION for "angel" or "demon", well, its very simple, and applies across all the infinite realms, a "demon" is an enitity, which loves itself more than anything, and does everything for itself.
and "angel" is an entity, which loves its Creator more than anything, and love OTHERS more than itself.
simple as that. now, does KOS wanna be messiah for him? or for us? is he, SELF CENTERED?? if yes, then by process, he is therefore a demon, in his own personal "hell" knowing nothing, yet thinking he is god.
how many DEMONS surround us dear brother Clucker "cough" Wolf Kin?
and, what level demon is IITM? who also thinks himself a messiah? an steven krist? these are all POWER DEMONS. not people. what is "people"
the definition, of angel an demon, transcends time and space.
"i see demons mommy demons! EVERYWHERE!
and best is, a demon, can easily become an angel,. but its too painfull for them , because they REAAAALLLY love themselves above all
That makes a lot of sense. KOS is definitely an ego-maniacal fruit. If he’d just admit his gayness to the world he could probably find some peace and move on.
King of Sham Go suck a nut
The King Say, if you had one he would.
Wow, he open a can of wippy cream on you…
He said if you had at least One, he would
stfu side kick I ain’t talking to your fugly no ass lol.
“The Real Antichrist
King of Sham Go suck a nu*”
He say go grow one, then think about it
Lay off the wimpy cream
haha… got you gud
You 2 got something going?
Can you refrain from making passes at people?
This is not a date site…………Please, Ehhhhhhh?
Humm, your comment applied to whom exactly?
Why you want someone to do that to you, this aint no date site…..
Open you eye, look around….
….this aint yo wimp cream Lair…………get real….Please
That would explain why Trump was allowed onto the political stage.
!> to vent the rage of the nation
2. he wont be allowed to win
True, and probably every U.S. election has been “pretend” as well.
John 1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 The same was in the beginning with God.3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
John 1:14
The Word “GOD” became flesh (JESUS CHRIST) and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 3:16-17
“For God (THE WORD) so loved the world that he sent his only Son (GOD made flesh JESUS CHRIST), that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life. God sent his Son in the world not to condemn it; but to save it”
We are marching on like sheeple to the slaughter of the New World Order. Just blindly following our government and the world; not asking questions and relying on our cellphones; our iPods; our reality TV; our sports teams. Relying on EVERYTHING OTHER than the one who craves relationship with us…..
God created you to know him personally. Psalm 139:13-14 “You created every part of me and put me together in my mother’s womb.”
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life.”
Jesus Christ is God’s only solution for our Sin.. For the wages of sin is death. He died in our place
Romans 5:8 “But God showed hsi great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while were still yet sinners.”
He rose from the dead:
1 Corinthians 15: 3-6 “Christ died for our sins.. he was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day…He was seen by Peter and then by the twelve apostles.. After that he was seen by more than five hundred”
Through Jesus alone we can know God personally and experience God’s love.
John 4: 6 “Jesus said to them, ‘ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
We must believe in and receive Christ.
John 1:12 “to all who received him, he gave the right to become children of God. All they had to do was to trust and believe in Jesus to be saved.”
We receive Christ by FAITH
God promised eternal life to all who receive Christ
1 John 5: 12-13 “Whoever has God’s Son has life; whoever does not have His Son, does not have life. I have written this to you who believe in the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”
So god is working with the Galactic Federation to sort this mess out here on earth is he ?
is he upset because everyone prays to money and not him anymore and he kind of feels pushed out but forgets to think about it being him that set the wheels in motion because of all the places he could cast the devil down too it had to be earth.
I’m off to read my Beano comic book because its easyer to understand and seems closer to the truth than what i am reading here.
Is the truth, easy to understand?
Is a question so hard to answer?
Also, is a comma necessary when it isn’t?
IITM is deceived and so are any others that believe this stuff about “O”. If he were “of the light”, why does everything he touches or speaks of turn to bat poop? SATAN comes as a “being of light”, and O’s name means “lighting” and in Arabic means “leaning” “forward” alright! We know what for!
All these ET or EDs are cursed by God for not staying in their own habitats and they are the reason for all the problems here on earth, along with sin, period!
Anyone communicating with these are communicating with demons.
“O” will have the spirit of Satan and become the antichrist if he moves to UN in Banki Moon’s place.
Indian understood now? I am your friend or am I not?
I tend to think Yahweh is a mental creation of Abraham because Yahweh has all the same characteristics of Abraham.
He/she is insecure, paranoid, schizophrenic, vengeful and violent. The voice Abraham heard in his ears was his own mental projections.
I don’t think the creator of the universe could be so pathetic, stinge and has lack of confidence.
Let me add one more thing. The followers of Abrahamic religion are always in the mode of paranoia, schizophrenic and vengeful.
Either somebody or some neighborhood are going to kill them or they have to kill somebody or some neighborhood.
There is never a moment of peace.
Now see the picture of Israel in the Middle East and their interactions with the Moslems surrounding them including the ISIS.
Truth will set you Free.
You can have free will, but if you want to have free will against the absolute truth, you have to realize that you are going rogue and becoming an evil entity yourself. Not all free wills can result in goodness for all.
You can have free will within the guide line of the absolute truth, which comes only from the true creator of the universe.
Not from the phony imposters like Yhwh, Baal, Moloch, Allah etc etc.
Your one the right lines but some would argue that we have no free will at all but i think we do only because of the egg and sperm race used to create our DNA
it’s more like one big complicated random number generator, flip of the dice which our creators would not use if they were such control freaks and wanted everything decided before hand.
The creators are looking for truth themselves or they would not be running computer simulations and absolute truth would result in nothing is worth liveing for if all questions have been answered so i think you might be wrong on that bit