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Istanbul Massacre: Here's Who and Why They Did the False Flag

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today



Istanbul New Year’s Day Massacre:
This Is Who And Why They Did It


The Islamic State had no reason to attack the Turkish nightclub…but the CIA-NATO-MOSSAD did


Ambulances line up on a road leading to the Istanbul nightclub where a gun attack took place on New Year’s Day

The Future of the World Revolves Around Turkey

The Millennium Report

Ever since the Anglo-American Axis (AAA) determined that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey was no longer a reliable partner in the advancement of the Greater Israel project, his country has become a HUGE target, especially for false flag terror operations.[1]  Here are some examples:

11 Killed, 36 Wounded After Deadly Bomb Attack In Istanbul Targeting Police

Twin Istanbul blasts kill 38, injure 155 near Besiktas stadium (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)

28 Killed, 60 Wounded in Attack by 3 Suicide Bombers at Istanbul Airport

UPDATE: Russian Ambassador In Turkey Has Died After Shooting Attack

Terrorist attacks now occur regularly which have all the signatures of a typical CIA/MI6/MOSSAD black operation.  The recent New Year’s mass shooting at the nightclub in Istanbul is a perfect and glaring example.

Manhunt underway after 39 killed in Istanbul nightclub terrorist attack (GRAPHIC VIDEOS)

Turkey is also under every form of assault by way of financial terrorism and economic sabotage.  There’s not a day that goes by that the mainstream media does not report some very bad news regarding the collapsing stock market or crashing lira.

This latest phase of the controlled demolition of Turkey by the Zio-Anglo-American leadership was significantly revved up after the failed coup that they incompetently staged in Ankara on July 15th.  Once this CIA-NATO-US operation was exposed as a blatant attempt to violently overthrow Erdoğan government, it has been all-out war.

Mostly this has been a war conducted by stealth as the Western powers pull every lever and push every button they can to implode the Turkish economy.  This is always the preferred method of destroying sovereign nations by the AAA —destroy the economy, and then the citizens themselves can be cynically employed to take down their own government.

Of course, in the meantime the foreign co-conspirators carry out one false flag terror operation after another with the purpose of further softening up the populace.  The pervasive fear and anxiety alone that are now being generated throughout Turkey is palpable.  This intensifying predicament is creating a very conducive environment for another coup d’état and/or color revolution.

The Western Powers Will Not [Cannot] Let Go Of Turkey

Only by correctly understanding the role that Turkey has played historically in the Middle East, particularly with regard to Europe, will the major moves on this regional chessboard in 2017 make any sense.

Turkey is the gateway to Europe for the Mideast, as well as much of Asia.  The Silk Road routes went right through Turkey after the reign of Ottoman Emperor Suleiman the Magnificent.  His long reign established Turkey as a major power-player in the affairs of Europe whether his peer monarchs on the Continent liked it or not.

Turkey’s “Long Arm” in Europe

This inordinate power and influence is now seen in the pivotal role that Turkey has played in the creation of the European immigration crisis.  The very valve that regulates the flow of war refugees and economic immigrants from the Middle East and beyond is manipulated in Ankara. So much so that many geopolitical analysts wonder whether Erdoğan really does have a plan to create a caliphate that includes significant regions throughout the European continent.  Super-populating a country with Muslim transplants has traditionally been used by Islamic rulers and conquerors to take them over from within.

Truly, there is a HUGE surreptitious scheme being run on the European Union (EU).  This scheme has been formulated in London, Tel Aviv and Washington. D.C. and substantially advances the Greater Israel project.   The hardcore Christian and Jewish Zionists will stop at nothing to fulfill their dream of a Greater Israel and will use every strategy and tactic to achieve it.  Quite unfortunately for Turkey, they are now in the crosshairs.

Erdoğan was originally promised his caliphate only if he fastidiously followed orders from NATO and Washington, which he has not.  The Turks have been so enriched by the current phase of war profiteering that they will not give up the spoils of the Syrian and Iraq Wars. Extremely profitable human trafficking, drug trafficking, and arms trafficking have been occurring all over the Northern Levant.  Antiquity trafficking has proven to be especially profitable.  And it is Turkish businessmen who are the dealmakers and middlemen much of the time.

Much more importantly, the geo-strategic location of Turkey makes it absolutely indispensable to the carrying out of the AAA conquest of the entire Mideast.  Which is why they offered Erdoğan so much, only to be rebuffed when they stalled Turkey’s entry into the European Union.  After all, Turkey’s primary function in this cold phase of World War III is to send as many Trojan horses as possible to the EU.  They were never meant to become a part of European Union, as Germany and other member nations have made abundantly clear.

A Muslim nation can be permitted to send Muslims all day long, but they cannot be allowed into the EU until it has been locked down as a communist totalitarian super-state.  Only in this way can the ongoing refugee invasion of Europe take place ‘under the radar’.  Only in this fashion can the AAA capitals continue to manipulate Erdoğan to unwittingly implement their Greater Israel agenda.

Then Russia showed up

If ever there was an 800-pound gorilla bear who showed up at the fishing hole, it is Putin’s Russia.  Neither Erdoğan nor Obama, Cameron or Netanyahu expected the Russian military to assume such an aggressive posture in Syria.  Not only did they take Syria back from the AAA-backed ISIS, Russia also put the Greater Israel project into a crash and burn mode.  And with the help of Turkey has outed ISIS as an Zio-Anglo-American terror enterprise.

Turkey’s Erdogan: ‘Confirmed evidence’ US-led coalition supports ISIS & other terrorists in Syria

After Erdoğan was coerced by NATO to shoot down the Russia war plane as it legally flew over Syria, he knew that he was between a rock and a hard place.  However, it was the NATO coup in Ankara which impelled him to side with Putin.  This act of war not only precipitated an unparalleled pattern of defiance toward NATO directives, it has brought the wrath of the Zionists against the Turk president.  Therefore, he had no choice but to form a peace alliance with Putin, in spite of the massive war-profiteering that has helped prop up the Turkey’s economy.

Turkey’s New Relationship With Russia – And Assad

That Erdoğan would then go on and help broker the latest Syrian ceasefire agreement is intolerable to the Western warmongers.  They are now literally beside themselves with rage and hellbent on exacting revenge against their former Turkish partner-in-crime.  Hence, the world has witnessed a considerable uptick in terror attacks against soft targets all over Turkey.

Each of these terrorist operations is ultimately punctuated with a curious and spurious declaration that ISIS takes full responsibility.  Of course, all the main players know that it is really just the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD who are executing their latest version of Operation Gladio*(i.e They are ISIS).  Only in this manner will the AAA have any hope of bringing the essential geo-political player — TURKEY — back onto their side of the regional chessboard.

*Operation Gladio: CIA Network of “Stay Behind” Secret Armies

Putin knows this and has been assisting Erdoğan at every turn.  However Turkey is a big nation that has been hardwired by NATO operatives over decades.  There are unfriendly domestic spies and foreign spooks on every Turkish corner right now.  Given the proliferation of the Internet, especially throughout Ankara and Istanbul,  İzmir and Bursa, the C.I.A. is probably a step away from triggering another color revolution.

This highly misguided plot is now seen as critical to protecting the southern flank of NATO. Only national leadership that is completely in sync with the Greater Israel project like Erdoğan will be accepted by the AAA.  For Turkey occupies a very special place in the outworking of the NWO globalist agenda, and is crucial to realizing any meaningful success.

Nevertheless, Putin’s Russia in close collaboration with Erdoğan’s Turkey and Ali Khamenei’s Iran, have made it all but impossible for the doomed Greater Israel project to proceed.  However, if Turkey can be once again flipped, the Zio-Anglo-American war criminals will be encouraged.  Which is why we now see one terror attack after another in Turkey … in Iraq … in Syria, etc.  The Neocon globalists are more desperate than ever.

The Millennium Report
January 2, 2017

Recommended Reading

ISTANBUL: This Is Why They Staged and Blamed the False Flag Bombing On ISIS

The Islamic State had no reason to attack the Turkish nightclub…but the CIA-NATO-MOSSAD did


US Denies It Created ISIS, Accuses Turkey Of Spreading “Fake News”


[1]  Anglo-American Axis

“The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing (shown in RED). The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.”
(Source: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’)


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    Total 11 comments
    • my2pesos

      Lira ~ Rial ~ Liar ~ Lair ~ Rail ~ Ra IL

    • 2QIK4U


      • 2QIK4U


      • sim1776

        Oh I believe people were killed. TPTB get power from the mass sacrifice. Who gets to talk and control “the narrative” is in the hands of the media. My gripe is 180 rounds fired through an AK in a few minutes? What kind of oven mitts was he wearing? AKs get seriously warm.

        However I find the analytic points of the article to be flawed. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey have all been funding ISIS under the guise of moderate rebels. Hillary Clinton, as SecState, was bribed through multi-million dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation to drive US policy to support the so-called Arab Spring to place fundamentalist Muslim governments into power across nearly all of the MENA area. The Muslim Brotherhood is the organization that drove many of the movements, particularly Egypt and Syria. Erdogan has been deeply involved in supporting ISIS and his AKP has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Weapons in, oil out. There’s much talk of Russia and Turkey having a detente but nothing of Iran or Syria. Erdogan called for Assad’s ouster less than a month ago and has said he’ll move troops into Syria to protect Turkmen-majority villages (even this is a shell game; he’s trying to prevent the Kurds from claiming any territory). Erdogan is far more likely to have staged the coup than the Western powers. Cui bono? Look at how far he has pushed Turkey towards a dictatorship while at the same time having a convenient purge. A man, who had guarded Erdogan at one point, is suddenly a crazed ISIS supporter and shoots Russia’s ambassador because of Aleppo. Another brazen ISIS gunman attacks a nightclub? False flags, all and one, but not by NATO. Erdogan has tightened his grip on power after each event.

        The whole point of the Syrian conflict has been achieved. Assad will step aside at some point. Erdogan will guarantee that. There’s already cries from the CFR to partition Syria but this probably won’t happen. Through the hijra of supposed refugees, Europe has been seeded with the recipe for destabilization and Pike’s third world war. IMO the “Greater Israel Project” is a disinformation campaign. The Jews will be used yet again in some horrible way by the Zionists to justify a land-grab postwar. The recent UN resolution and the one supposedly in the works will give the Wahhabist wackos reason to attack Israel. The globalists have set quite a few powder kegs with their Mohammedan foot soldiers.

      • 2QIK4U

        That is true SIM but look again.. No blood ANYWHERE none on crisis actors and the only person seen interviewed was the bearded American crisis actor

    • Josie

      I am so tired of these scum bags and their lies. This is insane.

    • Overmind

      Turkey needs to send any western entity from foot soldier to diplospy out.
      That’s the only way they will be safe.
      The have good armed forces, so a foreign small oppressive force stands no chance against them, generally speaking. The sooner they clean up their house, the better.

      • sim1776

        Lol, yes, Turkey is sooo innocent. Another parrot of the alt-media without checking for oneself. Erdogan has repeatedly stated his intention of establishing a new caliphate. His foot soldiers are already in Europe. It will be an interesting year.

    • No Body

      i believe it was the turkish police or people that infiltrated the police like special forces and dressed up as santa
      in australia the first report and video was there were several gunmen dressed up in santa suits then the video showed a gunman entering from the street not wearing the santa suit then a video was released of gunman in the club wearing santa suits then there was the quote from the news that 17.000 police were dressed as santa and street vendors in istanbul…

      • No Body

        i also believe the guy on the stretcher getting escorted from the scene saying all these people started shooting i don’t know i was hiding and shot in the leg. you know that guy he was one of the gunman…

      • 2QIK4U

        Look into who the bearded guy is. He is an owner of an engineer company that makes systems for missiles… He profits of war and is a globalist shill. He supplies parts for aerospace technology and missile systems. Handy Ay?.. Be is one of them.

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