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By Les Visible (Reporter)
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AND You Won't be Sailing long on The Ocean of Nonsense... Unless You Have a Bicycle Pump Attached to Your Nipples.

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 Dog Poet Transmitting…….

We really don’t want to wind up on The Ocean of Nonsense in a tipsy rowboat. The wind and waves can be very unpredictable. Nonsense is unpredictable. You never know what sort of crazy shit dysfunctional minds are going to come up with. One day it’s something about the Earth being flat. The last time that was popular, most people everywhere were uniformly stupid and there were a lot fewer people.

Anyone with any sense, meaning those who are not stupid, also knows that it is pointless to argue with stupid people. Why? Because they are stupid, which makes them intransigent and unreasonable. Recently… I heard one of them say, “I never said The Earth was flat. What I said is that the oceans are flat.” Heh heh… riddle me this; if The Earth is not flat then how can the oceans be flat?

You have to assume that these people are messing with you because… no one can be that stupid, right? Color me newly awakened because… I’ve been watching a lot of Clown World lately and… I’ve had to adjust my perspective.

Mentally ill people who are sexually confused have been saying, “trans-women are real women.”This is nonsense. I KNOW this is nonsense. What they can say is that “trans-women think they are real women.” Is that pretty much the same? No. It’s not.

I’m not surprised that people believe things that are not true. Look at the millions who think Russia started a war with Ukraine. Russia did not start a war with Ukraine. Ukraine started a war with Russia. Actually, The International Bankers, who use ZATO as a private army, and Ukraine as their private porno palace, started that war because they want to bring the whole world under their submission. This won’t happen. This has NEVER happened. It’s not possible for ANYONE to rule the whole world.

Millions of people bought into the legerdemain where COVID was grafted over the seasonal flu and the common cold. Then these same dimwits bought into The Killer Vaccines. Despite people dropping dead all around them because of The Killer Vaccines, they still believe The Killer Vaccines are a defense against COVID, but… vaccines of any kind are not a defense against the common cold or the seasonal flu. Your immune system is your defense against these maladies and vaccines COMPROMISE your immune system.

Now we have millions of autistic children, due to ridiculous amounts of early childhood vaccinations. Now their immune systems are compromised, and even if they do continue to live for a little while, it… won’t… be… pleasant. I haven’t had a cold or flu in decades and I get no vaccines at all.

I grew up in a rough-and-tumble world playing contact sports without equipment. I grew up when dirt was good for you… when early exercise built strong bones and bodies. It took a lot of work on my part to break a few bones late in life by having stupid accidents that would have ABSOLUTELY killed most people. This was due to my being stupid, temporarily. I am no longer stupid. It was a phase.

When you regularly eat bad food, and you also eat it all day, and your only exercise is walking back and forth from the refrigerator, and you turn into a Pillsbury Doughboy who is 5’2 and weighs four hundred pounds, and you are screaming that you are living your own truth, and getting pissed that a regular-size actor played an obese fruitcake in a wretched film… you are mortally delusional, AND… you won’t be sailing long on The Ocean of Nonsense unless you have a bicycle pump attached to your nipples.

People believe in Climate Change. Well… that is partially okay because it is true. The Climate does change now and again over protracted periods of time. Where it is not okay is believing that you can do anything about it… or that gas stoves have any connection to Climate Change whatsoever. I realize that most dingbats do not cook, but those of us who can and do, are not going to give up our gas stoves.

A certain collective of Satanic mindsets know that one of the surest ways to destroy a country is to send confusing messages to prepubescent children about sex. They want us to believe… that kids who believe pretty much anything they are told… are going to grow up into sane and balanced adults… if you program them into believing they can change their biological sex OR… that they have no stable sexual identity, to begin with.

Plandemics of global stupidity may flourish during times of revolutionary transformation. It may be that countless numbers of people can believe toxic nonsense for a little while, BUT… one thing they cannot do is convince Lady Nature to buy into it. Lady Nature doesn’t play that way. Lady Nature weeds out the weak and stupid… and doesn’t mind doing it. It’s… her… job! Lady Nature is indifferent to whining and convoluted bullshit.

Lady Nature does not look kindly on pathological eating machines with Chronic Masturbation Syndrome. Lady Nature is not kind to alcoholics and drug addicts. I tried the waters in both of those areas, but it was a Purpose of Demonstration exercise between me and The Divine. I consumed all manner of poisonous substances in my reckless pursuit of God and… for… some… reason… it has little or no impact on my health. There’s a moral here.

Whatever you do, if you dedicate it to The Divine he will work it out in your favor, BUT… and this is a very important BUT… you had better be absolutely sincere and offering your life up with no strings attached. There have been many cases of similar kind over time. Let me recommend The Aghora Trilogy by Robert Svoboda. What a ride those books are; mostly concerned with his guru, Vimalananda, who was an Aghori.

The human body is a remarkable instrument and can LITERALLY be rebuilt… refurbished… renewed… revitalized… restored… rejuvenated and… whathaveyou. God’s power is ONLY limited by the degree of your faith in him. This is ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Jesus… if people only knew. The saddest feature of contemporary existence in Times of Material Darkness is all the wasted lives. What a dreadful sorrow it is, AND… The Divine will gladly rework you this very minute starting now… if you should be so inclined.

Even if you don’t have the fortitude or faith needed for the whole regeneration in this go-round… it can be arranged that you return in more fortuitous circumstances for your next round. The servants of Heaven gladly turn their gaze upon and direct their attention to the truly sincere.

Yeah… all that nonsense that people believe, AND… I might ask; what good does it do them? These are the same people who think I am talking nonsense now, well… time will tell and we shall see.

The total bullshit that the mentally ill believe in order to support their fantasies is a sad… sad thing. Here you go. You can’t tell them anything. Only a greater suffering and a deeper sorrow await them. I have suffered in terrible spiritual fires for long reaches of time, BUT… at least my suffering paid off. All of it was a worthy investment; thank you, God!

Don’t let anyone tell you that awakening Lady Kundalini is a pleasure cruise. She burns you from the inside out. She consumes everything you thought you knew… you thought you loved… you thought you wanted… you thought you were. Ultimately, should you continue and endure… she leaves you as a clear vessel… a transparency through which the light of Heaven shines, BUT… you will be scoured with interior pumice stones. Your temporary world will be turned to ashes. You will be tormented and tested to the limits of your endurance. You will lose all sense of your separated self. You… the temporary self… will be no more.

Personally… I believe. I truly and profoundly believe that every other course… over time… hurts a great deal more, and leaves you with nothing but a sense of loss… regret… and exhaustion in the end. Even worse… it doesn’t end. It just starts all over again.

End Transmission…….

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