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The North Korean Nuclear Crisis What You Aren’t Being Told

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from StormCloudsGathering

Why did North Korea really threaten to launch nuclear attacks on the U.S.? Is Kim Jong-un just crazy or is there something bigger at play here?
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    Total 35 comments
    • Room With a View

      it wouldn’t surprise me to find that South Korea will be nuked by the same dudes that did 9/11, and NK will be a convenient scapegoat. I mean, they had ample time in the recent training exercise with South Korea to set them up, and if judging by the actions of what has been taking place with all the false flags, sandy hook, aurora, fukishima, nothing would surprise me. I pray that Jesus will help all the innocent people caught up in this terrible unfolding scenario.

      • MDW

        The United States is the largest, most dangerous terrorist organization in the world and sponsors as well as conducts global covert murder and destruction against innocent people. This organization is led by an illegal immigrant puppet occupying the White House and he will attack any country at any time without provocation.

        The Korean people have been put into “Harms Way” by the Obama Muslim Socialist regime. The USA Government must be stopped and eradicated. Freedoms must be returned to the people of the world and this can only happen through a global rebellion.

        • anarchialdesire

          I like your mindset, remember those who make peaceful resolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable, because the only success in protest has been for gay rights but everything else its oppression on top of more oppression. yet the sheep continue to vote and pay taxes like good little sheep. I am embarrased to call myself an American.

          We are a terrorist nation

          Oh well I’ll go back to playing music and doing what makes me happy going on 7 years no TV and I am better person for it, it gave me alot of time to read.
          Funny thing all it took was 9/11 was an inside job email from a company I worked for. It was my 1st day on the job.

          Then something clicked

          I woke up

          Peace “Someday” but only if we have the courage to say no more.

          We replaced the crown for the suit
          Anarchial Desire

        • Mr A Hole - PHD, BSE, HN51, ADHD hons. DVT HIV

          Recognising and praising intelligence, is something that should be done when encountered, especially in this age of now wholly artificial intelligence.

          I there for salute the 2nd and 3rd commentators for their critical thinking.

          Others take note, that is how to use your brain.

        • YEA RIGHT

          CRACK KILLS DUMBASS,,,,,,,,

        • LightandLife


      • Anonymous

        Possible! I would even say highly possible! :wink: :wink:

      • Anonymous

        I agree. Those insiders who prepared NYC 9/11 and London 7/7 should be the ones considered the axis of evil and a full investigation should be launched to find them and jail them forever. But the fascist Busch did put a top secret seal on all information pertaining to 9/11, perhaps to hide his own tracks.

        It is time to stop chasing witches and conveniently constructed despots. Let the Muslims live in peace, let the Koreans alone, let the Iranians alone, stop making fun of the Christians, let the people live their lives.

        Lets focus on the real problems that we are all facing.

        • Inkling

          Again, I concur, however the Spanish Inquisition is now over and the USA Inquisition began post JFK :sad:

      • Anonymous

        Another jerk that has never lived in any country but America.

        Try Cuba, or North Korea, or Russia, or Brazil, or any Muslim country.

      • Live Free or Die

        I do not know why anyone would have marked your comment spam requesting that we delete it. You make absolute sense and I agree with you completely. These people who are running this country, straight into the ground I might add, are pure evil. From Barack Insane Obomber to George Bush, they are all warmongering criminals and DESERVE THE KARMA THAT IS COMING THEIR WAY in my humble opinion. Peace my friend!

      • Inkling

        I concur. However, I do not think that there will be religious intervention. :shock:

      • Joerg Klaemt

        Room With a View

        Right you are they are the real Warmongers.Society knows that ,but they are hiding behind their Hate Laws that holds at bay,scares People while protecting them from all and every atrocity.
        I made a verbal bet and I still stick by it ,that if Korea and the U.S.A.start a War, Israel will attack Iran since all attention is towards Korea. That of course brings in the Bear and the Hordes from the North,Read your Bible. Its their Holocaust and Gift to those that fed and protected them.
        Since they are not of God ,but Satans chosen children, I hope God will soon take Action.

    • Hawbs

      i agree with room with a view. this is such bull. why are we the world police? why can’t we just live in peace with the other countries and not be nosing in everyone else’s business. if north korea wants privacy, give it to them. get rid of the UN. few americans would back a war with anyone. i’m tired of fear mongering. also, there is just so many false flags they can pull off before you know their agenda. the elitist want to keep us in turmoil. leave me out of it.

      • Anonymous

        I agree with you. I am also tired of the fear mongering politics as well. Even Canadians pray that their ally starts making sense. Since the end of WWII, it is repetition of lies and wars. In fact, I have lost my faith in USA’s government and companies to show measure and justice inside and outside, but I still have faith in the United-Statian population.

        Why can’t we just live in peace with the other countries ? That is the real question.

        Because, the largest economy of our Western world happens to be weapons.

    • JD

      Great video, very detailed and accurate.

    • Quantum Kev

      EXCELLENT video with informative, accurate and detailed analysis. Bravo!

    • AllaHaRa

      here is some VERY informative information about North Korean history and U.S. Sanctions that will give the reader more of an opened mind to the reasoning behind North Korea’s actions.

      P.S. @ Room With a View – > Your Jesus has already helped this world but his followers do not practice what they preach. Love thy neighbor. Thou shall not kill. Take the board out of your own eye before you try to take the splinter out of another’s, Turn the other cheek – as retaliation begets retaliation and thus the war machine continues. etc etc.

      • Joerg Klaemt


        If you are in the Military and at war,you follow Orders, if you don’t, you will be shot.
        either way suicide is forbidden in the bible and so is killing.
        What is you solution………………………….

    • Anonymous

      Looks to me as if Dennis Rodman should have watched his big mouth around Kim.

    • johnd

      If N.Korea nuked Japan and S.Korea, knocking out most of their industry, the financial turmoil caused to America would be devestating. Our economy would go into such a tailspin that our powerful army would be of no use. China would immediately make a deal with Russia and between the 2 they could make the world any way that they wanted.

      I don’t know whose in charge of this chess game but our player is sure making stupid moves.

    • Quantum Kev

      Well LFOD, take that step, cuz I’m hitting the “Spam” button on him/her as we speak…

    • whitebear

      War – 101
      Topic for today; If you don’t like someone make them the enemy to create a legitimacy for war.

    • Room With a View

      @ allahara, you sound pretty spiteful to me. At least I care even though I am powerless, not like the majority of warmongers who spit their venom and don’t give a rat’s flap about the everyday person. The amount of comments that I have read over the last few weeks about Nuke them, We are so big and tough, is sickening to my stomach. Don’t target me with your hate. Why is the life of a fat, bloated, blind, stupid dumb lazy american so precious, when the rest of the world is regarded as prey? American policy has ruined our world, Do you love your neighbour? I bet you don’t. I mention Jesus because he alone is able to help, if people call out to him. If they don’t it is on their own heads, but the aggressor will find no mercy.

    • Anonymous

      The mouse that roared!

    • Anonymous

      Stop wasting people’s time waiving false flags. This message is a ridiculous pile of rubbish. North Korean can only send one rocket now and then, but they cannot launch a full fledge war on any country. They know that if they shoot one nuke anywhere, they will be flattened even by their own allies. There is nothing that NK can offer so they yield no strategic value whatsoever.

      NK is just a little barking dog which is frightened like hell. They react like a country which is telling the world that we should not mess with them since they can injure anyone a little. Leave them alone. They genuinly fear that we will destroy their existence. We do represent a serious threat to them.

      NK is just a little puppet of China and Russia. NK does what China tells it to do.

      The fact that we speak so much about them is giving them a great victory: the one of fame. Can you imagine that a very insignificant regime to have so much media attention. Our media are proving that they are irrelevant by giving them so much headlines. :twisted:

    • Gy Bob

      This NK hype is another diversionary tactic (sandy hook etc) CREATED by the TRAITOROUS TURNCOAT washington DC & state government establishments in their TREASONOUS attempt to to declare martial law in America.

      America has been & is already been invaded & is under attack from within by the TRAITOROUS TURNCOAT washington DC & state government establishments, all of our borders & vertical air space! The enemy, that’s the communist soviet union, communist chinese, muslims, all illegals & the NWO/666 etc! They’re here as we speak & still coming!

      The Washington Times
      Monday, March 26, 2012

      Unaware that a microphone was recording him, President Obama asked outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Monday for breathing room until after Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign to negotiate on missile defense.

      GySgt Bob Pinkstaff
      Korean War Veteran
      USMC Retired

      • Nam Marine

        You are exactly correct Gunny Bob !….SEMPER FI !

    • nonononsense

      Another country that has their own money and not the crown empires. We could have as well but they keep killing anyone that talks about it openly. To leave the crown empire is to ask for 9/11. The crown empire has even placed enough people in position that white america is now responsible for 100′s of years of laws made by the crowns. Subjugation makes white america okay with that

    • KNOW

      This is all manufactured NWO propaganda BS!!! It’s all over the ‘boob tube’. South Korea using targets representing Americans… wtf!!! Don’t you get it yet???? there is no threat from SK, the threat is from those that play war games, those that are spraying us like cockroaches!!!!

    • Seeking Only Truth

      Next time you decide to vote ,try voting out the bums and their money trains, that have been there for years. If the US WASN’T SHOWING THERE WEAKNESS in this new apology touring this would likely not be happening. There is always going to be evil in this world,our job is to protect the innocents. Great power DEMANDS great responsibility.

    • Solanoid

      Pretty F’N sad when the commies represent the resistance against freedom.

    • Ideas Time

      This article will open your eyes.

      The sources for this article include Japanese military intelligence, members of the Inagawa, Sumiyoshi and Yamaguchi yakuza families, North Korean, South Korean, CIA, MI6, FSB and Chinese government agents as well as Japanese politicians

    • CXJ

      Kim Yong Un is fat little pig with piggy bank slot for a mouth. NK is NOT going to do anything, but use the U.S. as a scape goat to take the heat off Kim Yong Un’s crumbling communist BS regime.

      If and I emphasize if Young Kimmy pushed the “Red Button” bye bye North Korea. America will lose a few cities from planted MSD’s and the world will keep turn, but with less real estate above water.

      Good Luck Mr. Kim you are going to need it.

      Oh wait just one minute! I forgot President Michelle and her Puppet husband are full blow communists who hate America. Hmmmm me thinks Obama will give Kim a free shot or tow.

      Mr. Kim I would strongly advise you not to push baby your penis will end up somewhere in Kamchatka, Russia.

      Good day.

    • Greg Ericson

      all wars are by DESIGN……good guys and boogie men scam the masses

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