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Video: Daniel Greenfield Exposes the Left’s 200-Year War on America

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Editor’s note: Shillman Journalism Fellow Daniel Greenfield recently spoke to a gathering of David Horowitz Freedom Center members and supporters at the Four Seasons hotel about his new book ‘Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left‘.

Laying out what he calls the Left’s 200-year war on America, Greenfield described how the Left’s war on America’s constitutional freedoms began at the same time as the Constitution did.

“Is America doomed? So many people come up to me and ask, can we get past this?” the Shillman Fellow told audience members. “That is part of the reason why I wrote, ‘Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left’. This is not a historical trivia book, though there is plenty of history to be found there if you’re so inclined, this is a book about how we fought the Left from the very beginning.”

Greenfield described his goal of telling the story of the American Left from the very beginning. “Why does the Left want to be invisible? Because if they’re invisible, they can’t be identified. You can’t actually charge them with being the authors of our misfortunes. It’s why they keep changing their names. They’re progressives, socialists, liberals, leftists or more recently wokes. But who are they really?”

Today’s conservatives, he argued, could learn from the Father of our Country.

“George Washington, sick, ill, toward the end of his life, becomes the only president to command troops in the field when he rides out against a Democrat insurrection organized by allies of the French Revolution,” Greenfield described. “The Founding Fathers were not afraid to confront the Left. They were not afraid to fight for our country.”

Greenfield then went on to describe how the Democratic Societies created by radical agents of the French Revolution, and which Washington described as an enemy of the Constitution who sought to destroy it, then went on to give their name to what would become the Democratic Party.

“We have been fighting this for over 200 years and we are still here.”

Don’t miss this stellar talk below!

After his talk, Daniel Greenfield stayed behind to sign copies of his book for Freedom Center members.

(Daniel Greenfield with Freedom Center President Michael Finch.)

Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left is available from the Freedom Center store and at online bookstores.


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    Total 2 comments
    • GJ

      This is the Zionist plan to further divide Americans. Look into the writings of Albert Pike. From the very beginning this has always been their plan. The end result will be to split North America in to 5 independent nation states. Reason is simple it is easier for the central bankers to place their puppets into smaller Countries than larger ones. Look at the former Soviet republics and their rampant corruption. Everyone who has fallen under the spell of corrupted actors turned pretend politicians are bringing this nightmare forth. The US as a nation fell during the coup of 1963 when JFK went off script. Real leaders were replaced or executed over 50 years ago. JFK MLK RFK could have set the Country back on track until the followers of Zevi and Frank decided they had to go. This election cycle they offer you Communism or Fascism. Wake up America! Seriously how dumb has the world become that no one can see we are right back to the 1930s. They offer you failed technologies from the turn of the last century repackaged as new and you fall for the lies without so much as a moments thought. They have rebranded the Bolshevik Operation Trust to keep you seated as they completely destroy your once great Republic and again you see nothing and do even less. Not even a voice raised. Look up the term goyim and understand what they really think of you. This is your collective future unless you all wake the fuck up!

      • Galatic_Ambassador

        I thought it was an actual joke when I heard America was the MOST armed nation on the planet… :roll:

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