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X22Report Russia and the US Are One Incident Away From Kicking Off WWIII - Episode 810b

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Russia And The US Are One Incident Away From Kicking Off WWIII – Episode 810b – YouTube

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Report date: 11.05.2015

Everyone needs to be prepared. We had less gun laws before 1968 and less killings.

TPP is 5,000+ pages long, compared to Obamacare which was 2,000.

CISA transfers more power to DHS.

Edward Snowden speaks out about England’s spy bill and says it tracking your life.

OSCE reports ceasefire violations, Kiev is up to its old tricks.

US ships will stay permanently in the Mediterranean.

Bernardino Leon was covertly working with the United Arab Emirates to support one side in Libya’s civil war.

US sending more weapons and fighters to Syria, to get Assad.

The Russian jet that crashed could have been a mechanical problem but the western media and governments are pushing the propaganda hard that it was a bomb.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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    Total 5 comments
    • Captain Spaulding


    • Anonymous

      The Israeli shoot down of the Russian Airliner was suppose to be that incident.

      Here are two independent reports leading to the same conclusion.


    • VirusGuard

      David Cameron seems to be acting like he knows more about the downing of the Russian plane than Egypt or Russia knows but won’t share this information with Russia so is he trying to help the terrorists or was the UK behind the attack.

      Looks to me like David seems nervious about this incident in how he is acting and i don’t think he has our safty in mind since he’s been doing as told and is trying to piss Russia off for his jewish banker freinds who already have designers making the plans for there new homes that were to be built in Syrian once Assad is gone and ISIS moves away.

      I would call the IRA very moderate rebels so should China and Russia start giving them tow missiles and rpg’s so they can take there own country back from the british or do we have the usual american double standards at play.

    • an argie

      This is exactly what is planned a long time ago…
      Don’t let the Zionist fool you. BRICS is the created opposition by the Rothschilds and the rest of the Zionist nazis.
      All BRICS countries have a Rothschild owned “central” bank

      Modis Operendi of the rothschilds

      Here is the true history about this insane satanic Zionist evil that has been unleashed all over this planet for the past 250 years. It goes back to the first Rothschild. He was a Khazar Jew that changed his name from Bauer to Rothschild (that means red shield.)

      Please read the Zionist protocols that were written to take over this planet. The Jews say that these are forgeries.
      I think it is the first and only time I ever heard any true from the Zionist Jews. But as their slogan goes.

      Do war through deception.

      The deception here is the true meaning of forgery. Forgeries are always duplicates of the original.
      Jews never said the protocols were fake. When you read the protocols I think you will know how real this plan is.

      Rothschild began his warmongering banking empire by financing Napoleon Bonaparte.
      Napoleon then started the plague of destroying whole ancient beautiful peaceful cultures and countries so that Rothschild then after would come in and put in his central bank. And when Waterloo was over, he blackmailed the British Empire, until this day. “The city of London”, the financial centerpoint of British money making is NOT EVEN ON BRITISH SOIL!!!

      Then his banksters would finance the rebuilding of the destruction he engineered. For ever then after financially enslaving and controlling humanity.
      The FED, The IMF, BIS, World Bank, and almost every “central bank” in the world today are owned by the Rothschilds. The UN is also a Zionist creation for political manipulation.

      But no money in the world would bring back the humans that had built the previous culturally beautiful society. Thanks to all the truthers on the internet, like the people at this site, we can now know and see a glimpse of the cultural gems that have been lost to humanity forever.

      But worse than that is the destruction of this planets natural healthy environment.
      The banksters are not just stealing lives, cultures and all beauty of human achievements.
      Their corporate empire of insanity is poisoning everything. The peoples minds and bodies, Chemtrals, H.A.A.R.P. Weather manipulation and environmental warfare, Radiation fall out, GMO’s, Depleted uranium munitions, radiation pollution, Cloning and genetically creating monstrous living creatures, Killing the oceans, raping the surface of the planet like Fracking, and the Alberta tar sands.

      The list of insanity and destruction, brought a pond this planet by that insanely evil Rotten child bankster Illuminati pyramid scheme, is endless.

      The destruction and fire bombings of Cambodia, Germany, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Laos, Libya, Palestina, Syria, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, there is no place on this planet that has not been harmed by this Rotten child empire of insanity.

      Human beings have got to to stop letting this pyramid scheme control their lives and actions. Especially those who are in the military that for some illogical reason believe that those above them in the pyramid scheme are any smarter or better then you are.
      Humanity has to stop this pyramid scheme NOW. This planet is dying very fast.. Much plant natural biodiversity has been killed and gone extinct, much of the living creatures have gone extinct due to this empire of insanity.

      I am A Truth Soldier, for there is a satanic war on for your very minds…The only thing that empowers the individual is truth. You need to discover it and then share it. Do not believe for a minute that you are powerless to change the negative direction this planet is on.
      If you do something positively good by sharing the empowering truths, such as the ones on this site with others, then you will empower others.

      Truth is power. Power to the people. Get involved in the world wide awakening that is NOW happening.

      Be part of The World Wide Truth Revolution. If truth dies, this planet is doomed.

    • Cryptic

      Good I’ll win! :mrgreen:

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