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Trump Losing His War On Women

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The Hill’s Ben Kamisar points out that while Republicans have justifiably complained in the past about Democrats talking about a war on women — “Donald Trump has personally waged a war on women for decades.” Kamisar reminds us of the damage caused by Trump’s war on women. He cites a new CNN poll released March 24 that  found that 73 percent of registered female voters in the United States had an unfavorable view of Trump. He also writes that is in line with a Reuters poll from last week that found more than half of American women hold a “very unfavorable”view of the Donald. In addition, Kasimar tells us that opposition to Trump extends to Republican women:

A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that 47 percent of Republican women could not see themselves supporting Trump, a number significantly higher than for any other GOP candidate.

The war Trump has been waging on women has been raging during his whole presidential campaign. It broke into the public view for all the world to see during the first Republican presidential debate when Megyn Kelly asked Trump tough questions about his crude, disgusting and hurtful misogynistic comments about women. It became an ongoing issue in the presidential campaign after Trump obviously unhappy about Kelly’s questions made his infamous “blood coming out of her wherever comment directed to Kelly, which got him uninvited to the RedState 2015 Gathering.

Trump’s war has gone from bad to worse. In addition to the blood comment, Trump called Megyn Kelly a bimbo, Rosie O’Donnell a fat pig, and said of Carly Fiorina, “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” You can find a dozen of Trump’s crude, disgusting and hurtful misogynistic comments in the Our Principles PAC ad titled, “Quotes.” A former paid organizer for the Trump Campaign filed a sex discrimination complaint against the campaign. And the alleged assault on Michelle Fields by Trump’s campaign manager, which led to Michelle Fields and Ben Shapiro leaving Breitbart News. But the thing that finally seems to have focused the legacy media on Trump’s war on women was his attack on Heidi Cruz. Trump’s attack on Mrs. Cruz came after the anti-Trump  Super PAC Make America Awesome, which has no ties to the Cruz campaign released an ad with picture of Trump’s wife, Melania posing nude in GQ magazine.

So now the legacy media is reporting on Trump losing his war on women. CBS reports that Donald Trump’s denigration of Heidi Cruz and his other misogynistic comments about women, are turning off women voters:

A CBS News/New York Times poll in October found that 57 percent of registered women voters had an unfavorable view of Trump. Now, it’s up to 63 percent.

In a head-to-head match-up with Hillary Clinton, Trump trails 50 to 40 percent. The reason is women, who give Clinton a whopping 20 point advantage over Trump — 55 to 35 percent.

According to the Associated Press, in a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, 70 percent of women had a negative opinion of Trump. Nearly three quarters of women overall, and 39 percent of Republican women, had an unfavorable view of him in a recent CNN poll.

The fall out from Trump’s losing war on women gets worse. The New York Times reports, that Trump has shown a particular weakness among female voters, who favored Mrs. Clinton 55 percent to 35 percent in a recent New York Times/CBS News poll, that’s twice the gender gap in the 2012 presidential election, when President Obama defeated Mitt Romney.

According to the Times, the Democrats are ecstatic about Trump’s war on women. They hope that the Donald’s attacks on Heidi Cruz and other women will continue. A crucial part of the Democrats’ strategy to defeat Mr. Trump in November will be to portray him as an unabashed sexist. Outside groups that support Hillary Clinton have begun to track and compile Trump’s decades-long montage of misogyny for the general election:

David Brock, the founder of Correct the Record, a “super PAC” supporting Mrs. Clinton, said recently that of all Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities, women may end up his Achilles’ heel.

“He’s had a lot of success degrading and belittling his male rivals, but I don’t think the attacks on Megyn Kelly or Carly Fiorina worked,” Mr. Brock said, referring to the Fox News anchor and former Republican presidential candidate who both found themselves in Mr. Trump’s cross hairs. “They’ve all backfired,” he added.

And also according to the Times, Hillary supporters believe Trump war on women will boost down-ballot Democrats and drag down the rest of the Republican ticket. Republican strategists agree with that assessment:

“It’s going to be a major factor” in November, said Ed Goeas, a Republican pollster who works for an anti-Trump super PAC, Our Principles PAC. “This guy comes across as a brash bully, and that is not very well received.”

 The Times quotes Christine Matthews, a researcher who advises Republicans on how to win female voters, as saying that Trump would lose conservative women in droves in a general election because they would view his temperament — in part informed by his insults — as unsuitable for the Oval Office. Many Republican women are entertaining a once unthinkable possibility: crossing party lines in November — moved from never  Trump to I might have to vote for Hillary.

Trump is losing his war on women and losing it badly.

The post Trump Losing His War On Women appeared first on RedState.


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