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(VIDEO) Jim Webb Jumps On the Trump Train

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It looks like everyone is using Donald Trump’s candidacy to make a case for their own relevance. Yesterday, Mitt Romney was telling people who didn’t support him why they shouldn’t support the guy he doesn’t support. The most charitable coloring you can give Romney’s speech was that he was simply tired of not being a news item. Today former Democrat candidate and former Virginia senator, Jim Webb, took the opposite tack.

Former Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb won’t be voting for Hillary Clinton, but he hasn’t ruled out casting his ballot for Donald Trump.

Webb, who briefly flirted with an independent bid before deciding against it, said on Friday morning that the Democratic front-runner wasn’t inspirational.

“I would not vote for Hillary Clinton,” Webb said on MSBNC’s “Morning Joe.”

When asked whether he’d vote for Trump, Webb said he wasn’t closed to the idea. “I’m not sure yet. I don’t know who I’m going to vote for,” he said.

He said Clinton would simply continue President Barack Obama’s policies, but that with Trump, things would change — but he’s not convinced it would be for the better.

“If you’re voting for Donald Trump, you may get something very good or very bad,” Webb said. “If you’re voting for Hillary Clinton, you’re going to be getting the same thing.”

The fact that Webb would endorse Trump doesn’t come as huge shock to me. First, I’ve always thought Webb was more than a little tetched. So being attracted to a similar personality is not a shocker. Plus, Webb is now out of the limelight and what better way to get attention than for a former alleged Democrat candidate for president to support Donald Trump.

If I thought Jim Webb had the ability to move a single Democrat vote towards Trump, I’d be 100% behind him because that means there is a Democrat that is at least listening to non-socialist options for America. I don’t believe that is the case. And as Virginia has already voted, I’d not be hesitant to call Webb’s endorsement (sorta) as worth about zero.

The other thing to notice is where Webb made this announcement. “Morning Joe.” Donald Trump’s personal television outlet. As the issue of Donald Trump’s refusal, last weekend, to distance himself or his campaign from either David Duke or the KKK didn’t arise, it would seem that Scarborough’s angst was for the benefit of his corporate masters rather than signalling any actual break with the Trump campaign.

The post (VIDEO) Jim Webb Jumps On the Trump Train appeared first on RedState.


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