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What the Hell is the Matter With Oklahoma?

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Allan Wall has an excellent article today on Vdare lamenting the very sorry state of patriotic immigration politics in Oklahoma. While the entire Confederate Southern States went overwhelmingly for Donald Trump, Texas and Oklahoma did not. In Oklahoma Ted Cruz won the GOP primary with 34.4%. Donald Trump was a close second with 28.3%. Disturbingly, the appalling Marco Rubio was only two points behind Trump with 26%. [OK Primary Results—NYT].

Most people assume that Oklahoma is the most “Red” State, the Governor’s office, the Congressional delegation is 100% White GOP – everyone campaigns on being patriotic, conservative. An exception was J.C. Watts – a popular Black Oklahoma college football player. Watts was elected to the US Congress in the 1990s as a more “Conservative” GOP “Magic Negro” that would break the Lib Dems monopoly on Black American votes. J.C. Watts signed up on Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s “Contract With America” and was once touted as the Black American man who would deliver the US presidency to Bob Dole, get Black African Americans off of welfare and embrace the American dream that J.C. Watts was living proof it could be done.

Well, it didn’t get done.

What’s left is White RINO Cuckservative political leadership which is appallingly bad on immigration.

Here’s how the Oklahoma congressional delegation is doing:

Senator James Inhofe has been in Congress since 1987, since 1994 as a senator. In 2014 Inhofe had a grade of B+ but it later fell to a C and has recently risen to a B. Inhofe won’t even consider a reduction in legal immigration. In writing to a constituent, he goes off on the time-honored “nation of immigrants” spiel and talks about his own German immigrant grandparents, none of which is relevant today.

Senator James Lankford had a grade of B in 2014, when he was still in the House. He’s now a senator, but his grade has fallen to a C-.
Representative Frank Lucas (District 3) has been in the House since 1994, and is famous for bringing home the bacon for farmers. The congressman’s Numbers USA immigration grade has gone up from a D+ in September of 2014 to a C now. That’s nothing to brag about.

Representative Tom Cole (District 4) has been in the House since 2003, and his immigration grade has dropped from a B- in September 2014 to a D today. (But don’t worry, Congressman Cole has taken a bold stand against the use of the term “Redskins” by a certain NFL franchise!)

Representative Mark Wayne Mullin (District 2) has just been in the House since 2013, From September 2014 to now, his grade has dropped from D+ to D.
Representative Steve Russell (District 5) wasn’t in the House in September 2014. Until recently, Russell had a D grade from Number USA but now has managed to raise it…to a C-!

The only member of the Oklahoma delegation who is a positive influence on the National Question: 1st District Representative Jim Bridenstine. He had a D+ in 2014, but now has a solid A. (Source Allan Wall Vdare/NumbersUSA).

And on super Tuesday Oklahoma voters went for the GOP establishment, Neo Con wars for Israel and restarting the Cold War against Russia, non enforcement of our immigration laws even towards 20 million Muslim migrants!

So what the hell is the problem with Oklahoma?

My take is this:

Oklahoma isn’t really a Southern Confederate state – there’s some of it, but not enough. It’s a Southwestern State lacking a well educated Southern, genteel White elite. The Depression hit the dust bowl in Oklahoma really hard and there was/is the hated reputation of the state being filled with Okies – The Grapes of Wrath depressed and downtrodden White rural people of John Steinbeck novels. Post World War II White Oklahomans have done just about anything to escape this image of being helpless, destitute Okies which makes them easy pretty for all kinds of seductions and corruptions by Eastern/Government elites like the cursed Cuckservative GOP elite.

I highly, highly recommend Occidental Dissent/Alt Right readers familiarize themselves with Wilmot Robertson’s The Dispossessed Majority. Wilmot Robertson denotes the very specific type of American White traitors – these are not Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Mulattos – they are real White Americans who look like us and often talk like us, but who most definitely are not us and they are not on our side on the live or mostly DIE issues of mass NW migration, Black crime, Jew wars against White nations etc.

Let’s review the types of traitors:

Wilmot Robertson lists 5 types of White American traitors to our people:

1) Pussyfooters
2) Gracchites
3) Trucklers
4) Old Believers/True Believers
5) Proditors

The traitors of Whites in Oklahoma are mostly #3 – Trucklers, those White American members of the middle and lower classes who “go with the flow”. Trucklers take the anti White side in order to advance their careers, gain or maintain their own personal wealth. They have known poverty, known what it is like to be looked down upon. They’ve toiled in the minor leagues, been dismissed as “hicks from the sticks”. But they’ve gotten a glimpse of the good life, seen a bit of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in power centers like Washington D.C. Manhattan New York City, in state capitals, or in “progressive” university towns like Chapel Hill North Carolina. Trucklers are looking for wealth, security and most of all social status and they’ve learned, or instinctively sensed that being accused of being “RACIST” will destroy their careers, take away their good, easy life and throw them back in to the poverty and social marginalization of their family’s lower class past.

Again, it’s all about their own social status, it’s not some intellectual debate – as these lower middle class, nouveau riche GOP pols are not intellectual people. It’s all about “going with the flow” – so our work is change the flow. Those that don’t go with Donald Trump’s very positive, common sense policies on mass third world immigration, Muslim terrorists migrating to Europe and the West, BlackLiesMatter, cuckservatives, Neo Con war mongering – well, they have to be drowned, their homes and lives ruined by floods.

Make it clear to these types that if they don’t back Donald Trump and regular decent White Americans like officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson MO, then their soft, easy nouve riche life will end and they will go back to being downtrodden Okies forced to some how meek out an existence doing unskilled labor with central American Amer indian illegals, Ebola infected Black Africans etc.

Also, understand our enemies will always, always be on the look out for Trucklers like LBJ, Mike the Huckster Huckabee who look and sound like poor Southern White guys, but who are ready, willing and able to take the 30 pieces of silver to betray our people.

God bless the South – please put the word out that Oklahoma will be turned over to Mexico and to Hollywood/Harvard/Yale/BlackLiesMatter/Homo pedophiles if locals don’t start voting and acting like honorable White Southerners.


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