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Prominent Jews (Khazars) admit WW II Nazis funded by international Jewish (Khazar) banksters

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Vatic Note:   We have published other proofs of these facts about Hitler being a Rothschild, having been recruited by the Bankers, and having accepted, then allowed 7 of his ten top leaders to be khazar zionists as well.   I was surprised at the list of his leaders who were zionists.   We also published proof that Hitler had 150,000 zionists troops under his command and he used them to control the camps.

One of the camps had a commander whose wife made lampshades out of the skins of the camp inmates.  That commander and his wife were khazars.  No one tells you that in the history books, but we did a blog with evidence that was the case.  Now we FINALLY have prominent Jews who are not Jews but khazars, who admit it finally.   I wonder what else they may some day come out with that we did not know?

As I continually say, its amazing what we do not know.   AND History, in fact, does repeat itself.   Keep that in mind as you read all this.  Currently our President today is a dual Israeli citizen on his mothers side of the family and he was raised from 11 years old by his Israeli grandfather (khazar zionist).

I don’t care what religion he was before 11,  we all know what he was after that since his entire career rested in the hands of the khazars of Chicago and that is not even denied.  His current administration has 32 dual Israeli citizens, and only 6 Muslims, and the rest practicing Satanists, including in the military.   

Prominent Jews (Khazars zionists) admit WW II Nazis funded by international Jewish (Khazar zionist) banksters
Source: Winston Smith Ministry of Truth, [2]

Samuel Untermyer (1858-1940) was a Jewish American, Zionist, lawyer, civic leader, and self-made millionaire.

He helped write the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, so he knew a thing or two about banking.

On August 6th, 1933 he announced on New York’s WABC Radio, that Jewish bankers were financing Hitler. The next day his address was published in the New York Times.

“Revolting as it is, it would be an interesting study in psychology to analyze the motives, other than fear and cowardice, that have prompted Jewish bankers to lend money to Germany as they are now doing. It is in part their money that is being used by the Hitler regime in its reckless, wicked campaign of propaganda to make the world anti-Semitic”  (VN: what?  You mean this rabbi did not read the protocols that the zionists wrote in 1897?  They said right in the protocols they were going to use and promote anti-semitism to ensure their take over of the world,,,, it was always part of their plan and that is exactly why they hired Hitler and had him pretend he was aryan and an anti-semite)

Rabbi Edward L. Israel was a Harvard educated American Zionist. He wrote the article below, about Jews financing Hitler and the Nazis in 1938.

“One sad fact keeps ringing in our ears in the midst of the savage anti-Semitic outbursts in Nazi Germany. We cannot keep from mind the grim thought that during Hitler’s rise to power, a number of wealthy Jews helped to finance his campaign. Unbelievable as it now seems, this is the truth.”

Other Articles of Interest:
- On the Jewish Funding, Control, and Leadership of the Third Reich
- Adolf Hitler – A puppet of International Jewry tasked with the destruction of Germany
- MUST SEE: The Nazi-Zionist Connection: The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler – Documentary video by Jim Condit, Jr.
- Adolf Hitler’s DNA shows North African and Ashkenazi Jew ancestry
- Nazi Party Was Controlled Opposition – Top Leadership Jews and Crypto-Jews

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    • Large Fuck Driver

      “One of the camps had a commander whose wife made lampshades out of the skins of the camp inmates”

      Misinformation, but a nice try, schmuck.

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