Global Elite Take Down Malaysian Airline MH17 to Hide the Cure For Aids? Getting Rid of the Cure to Keep Money in Their Pockets and Continue their Depopulation Agenda…
It is known that the top 100 AIDS research scientists — including Jope Lange the former president of the International AIDS Society – were on board Malaysian Airliner MH17 and headed for an AIDS conference in Sydney, Australia.
It is also known that pharmaceutical industries, many of whom are run by the government, do not want a cure for diseases to be found because of the profits they make off of medicines.
Furthermore, many are aware of the global elite’s agenda to depopulate the earth by hundreds of thousands. After all we have heard it from many globalists themselves including: George Soros, Bill Gates, Clinton, Rothschild, and more.
If we take all of these ‘clues’ into consideration would it be safe to assume that the scientist on board MH17 were about to present breakthrough research which could have resulted in the AIDS cure? Could these men have been ‘taken out’ by the global elitists in order to protect their highly-profitable AIDS industry, which generates billions of dollars for government run pharmaceutical companies? These questions and more are addressed in the video below….
NOTE- PLEASE TURN YOUR VOLUME ON HIGH. For some reason when I recorded it came out low…? My apologies in advance…..
For More Information:
Patent For Cure For Aids:
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Well………… Possible!
Another disinfo.
The truth is only one.
AIDS Microbiologists on MH17 story a HOAX!
As I suspected, when a major Australian paper reported that 100 top aids researchers were on MH17, the story was a hoax. As it turns out, the official airline serving the conference is Emirates Airlines, which is offering steep discounts on air travel to the conference, and is listed as the official airline serving the conference. This puts the 100 dead microbiologists on A SINGLE MALAYSIA AIRLINES FLIGHT that in reality left too early anyway into the HOAX category, FIGURE THE ODDS.
Jim Stone is a psycho if he thinks this was 370 complete with rotting carcasses. – nuff said but for the witless you don’t dispose of bodies from one crime scene by dropping them on another which enjoys the full gaze of the whole world. That is the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Stone has lost it just like the world bank lady and the canadian guy from Japan. The missing Australians are real I can tell you that as are the rest of the missing. Their stories are not fake.
The only connection with 370 is that there is an illuminati effort to punish Malaysia for non co operation. That is the only link. Malaysian Airlines cannot survive both crashes, it will similarly crash.
The western media on this is total hogwash as well. believe nothing.
In addition, there are rumours that the unidentified (?) bodies were already decomposing and “drained of blood”. Russia has formally requested an International impartial investigation of the crash site and that’s why Zio-media in Australia and other are pushing so much BS.
AID’s was accidentally created and administered to Africans as a side affect a polio cure at a time when all diseases were “curable”. The rest is hogwash. Ebola may be a “CIA manufactured” disease. They have worse ones – far worse. However the good news is, in light of mutation, there is no magic “pill” for NWO insiders to guarantee protection. All other sentiment is hogwash.
The MH-17 event is to create an “option” for war with Russia. Although, as Russia (gas) created the problems in Ukraine to the potential (patriotic) benefit of the “Jewish” backed regimes, I sense a “double cross” somewhere down the line.
Why Malaysian airlines again? As cover for the last PR disaster.
I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with AIDS. It is BS like this that distracts people. So there were a group of AIDS researchers on the plane. That does NOT prove a thing. All that does is show the lack of investigative skills in this stupid article. It was taken down to blame on Russia to get America and the world closer to WW3, plain and simple.
Do you honestly believe the powers that be give a damn about a group of AIDS researchers? AIDS is not the big picture especially when the powers that be could as easily release another deadly virus to replace aids. Think people. Enough distraction and BS half assed investigative journalism like that of this article. It is half assed because people hear that there were AIDS researchers on board and latch onto that as a smoking gun. TO WHAT?
MH17 was taken down to blame Russia. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! forget the AIDS angle. They were simply going to a conference. People need to learn to quit seeing everything so 2 dimensional and clutching at stupid coincidences. Examine how this attack will play out for Russia, how it is currently being reported in the news.
Enough said.
Stupid is as stupid does. And this article is pretty stupid.
you are a crack head thinking like this
As is typical here on BIN this is just another sensationalistic story based almost entirely on conjecture and speculation. I am greatly opposed to Globalist Politics however all things considered if the goal is depopulation then the Globalists are really really bad and slow at it because as yet the population has shown no signs of reduction (all one has to do to vet this is examine current population statistics).. I know people like Alex Jones promote this idea and I also know “population control” has often been discussed here in the US since at least the 70′s but I see no real evidence to support that this crash has ANYTHING to do with an objective for which the statistics do not support the premise. Sad that so many people live their lives in such an attitude of fear over these things that they live in a constant state of anxiety and fear.. Articles like this only maintain and support fear rather than offering any truth that we can actually do anything about..It actually HELPS the globalists because FEAR is their best weapon for gaining submission and control. SHM
The CURE FOR AIDS IS A BOTTLE OF SELENIUM. You can buy it at Wal-mart off the shelf, and simply take 4-5 of them a day. It blocks the replication of retro-viruses. You’ll carry the virus but die of old age.
I’m sure that AIDS has nothing to do with it,even because the world should know by now that HIV is just a scam a there is no connection AIDS-HIV.The sistem wants you to go on statins which eventually are going to be the cause of death and not HIV.You may be found positive on HIV even after you get pregnant or after catching a cold and that doesn’t mean you are positive to AIDS.What i think is that they used the same airplane that disappeard the 8th of March and has never been found.The CIA was involved and they took that aircraft to a secret place in Israel because they knew they were going to use it for a false flag operation in Russia,just to blame it on putin.Infact i think that the crue was already dead when the airplane was shot and there was no pilot on board because the plane was controlled via remote control just like the drones.Putin wants to save the world from the slavery of a useless dollar money sistem in favor of a new debt free currency and the united states,england,germany and the vatican aren’t going to let him,thats for sure.
WHat a stupid theory.. Why would they want to hide the cure for aids after going to so much trouble to create it? Especially with their depopulation agenda. Who thought this nugget up?
OK sorry about being so harsh.. Bad day painwise for me today.
Money !!!thats why, think how much money they would lose if aids was cured, pharmaceutical companies make billions each year from people, no disease no money
Any one who can’t see the possibility of this might be a closed minded homophobe. It’s more than 1 news agency asking the same questions. The cost of antivirals for the treatment of HIV is astronomical and drug companies are making huge profits preying on the dire need of the sick. It’s not to say the Russia didn’t have some part to play in this but you have to question others involvement that this “accidently” happened or that an airline would fly into a war zone with the direst in the area so much in the news. Coincidence? you have to think twice.
I’m sure that AIDS has nothing to do with it,even because the world should know by now that HIV is just a scam a there is no connection AIDS-HIV.The sistem wants you to go on statins which eventually are going to be the cause of death and not HIV.You may be found positive on HIV even after you get pregnant or after catching a cold and that doesn’t mean you are positive to AIDS.What i think is that they used the same airplane that disappeard the 8th of March and has never been found.The CIA was involved and they took that aircraft to a secret place in Israel because they knew they were going to use it for a false flag operation in Russia,just to blame it on putin.Infact i think that the crue was already dead when the airplane was shot and there was no pilot on board because the plane was controlled via remote control just like the drones.Putin wants to save the world from the slavery of a useless dollar money sistem in favor of a new currency debt free and the united states,england,germany and the vatican aren’t going to let him,thats for sure.
Just here to see what WHACKADOODLE SITE sent this,
Thing is to stay away from the wacky articles in the first place.
You’d have to stay away from them all.
Yes, and Elvis pressed the button (he’s not dead, you know). Elvis was flown to East Ukraine by Prince Phillip (husband of the English Queen) in his personal Harrier Jump Jet for the mission.
Seriously guys, all the evidence points to the plane being shot down by Russian seperatist guerrillas using a BUK missile launcher provided by Putin’s military. Russian special forces hooked up with the seperatists to show them how to operate the BUK. Putin has blood on his hands. War crime.
Robnie, don’t let the obvious evidence get in the way of a good conspiracy story.
The ‘journalists’ here on B4IN will be milking this story for weeks yet – embellishing it until it gets to the point of sheer fantasy (the article here is already a long way to achieving this).
“You see without seeing,to you darkness is like day like” so what are you is the question? BLIND AS A BAT!!!!
More fake sensational yellow journalism.
Here is what the Guardian is reporting:
“Organisers of the international Aids conference that starts in Melbourne this weekend have been able to confirm the names of seven delegates killed when Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine on Thursday.
That total is much lower than the figure of 100 initially suggested as having been on the Boeing 777.”
Real journalism confirms claims befoe publication. Will Beforeitsnews issue a retraction? No.
It is not journalism but crude propaganda.
The second sentence is also a masterpiece of fake journalism:
“It is also known that pharmaceutical industries, many of whom are run by the government, do not want a cure for diseases to be found because of the profits they make off of medicines.”
It is also known? Is that a source? Which drug industries are run by the government?
Why would the government, if that were true, not want a cure? Which governments make money off of medicine?
BIN is not news; its just paranoid sensationalism. It is the poster child for lunatic fringe, if not deliberate distraction from the real news.
This story is just plain stupid and Lisa should be ashamed of herself. There’s no need for a magical AIDS vaccine, because people can simply use condoms or refrain from infidelity and not catch it in the first place. Already, existing AIDS drugs have prolonged victims lives to the point that using AIDS as a depopulation method is pointless. Sure, Lisa’s story plays well to idiots like her, but it doesn’t pass the smell test.
Following Lazy Lisa’s logic, companies would never produce cures for diseases because they make more money selling palliatives rather than cures. Right…that’s why polio vaccine, smallpox vaccine and other vaccines don’t exist. Oh wait…
Ashamed of herself. All the way to the bank.
Not that I don’t agree with you, because I do. But vaccines are not actually cures. People who already have the virus will not benefit from the vaccine. A vaccine is a way to prevent more people from getting infected.
I usually do not comment on postings like this but i couldn’t help it this time.
The plane was shot out of the ground?
She says that a number of times.
Watch this;
why do this when the WW3 will come and 90% of the Population will be dead anyway
How about the oil fields in Ukraine…?
Ukraine sits on 39 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves. … ?
Could Malaysian flight MH17 be taken down in secret by the money hungry shadow rulers to put the blame on Russia, to get the worlds sympathy and support, in an effort to undermine Russia’s involvement in the Ukrainian natural gas reserves so that these shadow rulers can obtain the riches of Ukraine for themselves.
The shadow rulers always have planned secret agendas to put the blame on others for their own terrorist acts – so that the wealth of the earth will be theirs.
You definitely have a good point. Are you aware that Joe Biden’s son is on the board of the largest Natural Gas company in the Ukraine?? Can the secret agenda be screaming any louder?
Ok Lisa haven i would suggest you look at this closer. there were cadavers on that flight and the World health organization was part of the shipment. You’l read in this link much of the information i and my associates were able to come up with.
It’s a gay thing involving Russians.
Totally legit scandal.
Let’s kill a few score thousands for Government GayTheist faggots.
My GOD!!!
Won’t anybody think of the pedophile mafia?!
GayTheists have needs too!
Aids/HIV does not need curing because without treatment it does not kill you. There is no mutation of the cells, ATZ “Azidothymidin” causes the immune system to breakdown and then usually death by pneumonia occurs.
…..Geezzzzzzzz Lisa, 24 comments and no one is biting ! does this make you wonder about the crap you write .you are now in the same category with quayle and hawk………..fricking idiot club
I will wait for the UK inquest verdicts thanks all the same.
They are politicaly impartial, thorough and have an excellent track record of investigation compared to Journalists and NWO paid agents who paste over facts with blarney and belief, compared to outright lies from Politicians.
I will also add that for a False Flag event you couldent do worse than shooting down an airliner in territory you do not control where the locals will refuse to allow the site to be salted and move all the evidence across the border so Russia can investigate the black boxes, check its radar records, go through the airplanes parts serial numbers and determine the tupe of Buk missile used, because they do not use the same ones as the Ukraine since 1998.
After which the MSM media has provided evidence( of a blurry buk type object with TWO missiles on a flatbed truck with no visible plates on a deserted road at dusk or dawn which they claim is in Donetsk going towards the Russian border, look carefully at 0.7 seconds and see the lit municipal streetlamp in what is claimed to be Donetsk, which has not had electricity for 3 months. Amazingly they also claim to have the buk launcher crossing the border, without of course showing this to you.
I’ve also been told that the Illuminati wants Putin dead and that his plane was at that exact precise location and flight pattern only MINUTES before the Malaysian Flight and he was the true target.
I find it hard to believe the AIDS researchers had a cure – that branch together with the cloning researchers are peculiarly inept.
More likely the Illuminati wanted them dead so they could quit paying them to pretend, before one of them LEAKED THE TRUTH that no cure is close or ever was.
Absolute garbage!
Killing tow birds at the same time!
Killing the scientists and blaming it on Russia. Why not?!
Certainly one thing makes sense; clearly someone needed a scapegoat and justification for further actions against Russia.
I don’t believe Putin would want to provoke the situation as bad as it is.
Zionists determination to destroy Russia is now obvious.
I cannot believe the idiocy of those who fall for this crap of propaganda.
Putin wouldn’t be such a moron, but the Ukrainian pro-nazi, bandera’s thugs definitely are.
I really don’t like the situation in Europe…
Interesting….keep us posted.
You start Loosing credibility when you make every catasrophy becoming some how consipiracy by the NWO.
I was believing you at the start but the more and more I listen to you people, the more I start realize that you guys are on CRACK!!!
Note to whoever wr0te this garbage. You really do need to get a life. I hope anyone reading this does not fall for it. The article insults everyone with HIV and everyone working for a cure. I now not sure why Beforeitsnews allows this to be on their website either. Just like the Michelle is a man rubbish, it is tasteless and indefensible.
Just another pathetic click whore effort, capitalising on people who have died.
If they did that to stop someone from sharing a cure for AIDS then they are beyond animals. I hope this isn’t true. I don’t think it is. I think the idiots in Russia made a horrible mistake and shot a plane down. Why do people have to come up with theories? The bottom line is that is happened. Those people are gone and they will never come back.
One thing I do believe is that the Devil is behind all this evil. Bastard.
Illuminati skullduggery of this size has multiple purposes so you cannot rule out this article. Although I question if and how 100 AIDs researchers are on one plane heading to an intl conference. Makes no sense. You know – that grey stuff?
Unless someone was carrying a briefcase carrying vials of a “cure” this really won’t stop the search for a cure. Though this is a tragic loss – which I am SURE that so many of the readers of THIS site lament – there will be other dedicated men and women to take their place.
Maybe ya’ll should take off the tin hats every so often and read some newspapers and magazines.
Besides, why should ANYONE take anyone seriously who lacks the integrity to use their real names?
“Aids/HIV does not need curing because without treatment it does not kill you.”
This statement is just so ignorant it is repulsive. Obviously you have never been at the bedside of someone you loved or admired while this disease destroyed them.
“…pharmaceutical industries, many of whom are run by the government…” I think its the other way around people.
They always had the cure for AIDS because it was a man made weapon and comes from a lab in Isreal and they have lots more where that came from and the only thing stopping them from using it is the reaction they will get from China and maybe Russia.
We have machines and computers to server god special people so who needs people from the wrong blood lines these days.
Peter Martin
The plane had a man on board who was the leading light in the fight against aids, I am convinced he was the target plus they get to kill two birds with one stone as now the west can blame Putin. Russia will be their next target and this gives then the excuse.
The plane that was bombed over Lockerbie Scotland in 1998 also carried a man who claimed to have just found the cure for aids; he hadn`t but when his work was investigated the investigators said they understood why he thought he had the cure. They believed that what he had discovered would be a stepping stone along the way to a cure. Have you heard of the plan to cull the world population to half a billion. Dick Cheney has advocated useing race specific bio-weapons on entire populations when he was Vice President of America. There are two blogs you need to study and join the dots to get the real picture. Go to the Berkerly blog by professor Claude Fischer titled: A crime puzzle; violent crime declines in America
Scroll down the comments until you come to comment by Peter Martin and click on the link within that comment or you can go straight to my blog:
Type that address into top bar on screen. I smashed the old world order in October 1999. The twin towers and this new round of America-Britain-France/NATO global regiem change agenda is the retaking of the globe. G W bush had a meeting in September 2000 to discuss American global domination in the 21`st century where they concluded that there had to be a new military realinment globally and that what was required was either a new Pearl Harbour to kick it all off and there after it had to be done in incriments. Twelve months later the twin towers were hit by planes but what a lot of people don`t know is that a skyscraper behind the twin towers colapsed the same day. It wasn`t hit by either of the falling towers or a plane. That scraper was called building 7 and was FBI headquarters. if 9/11 was an inside job, as in the planes being flown by remote control from building 7, all evidence was destroyed.
Jul 19, 2014, 4:29 am
Are the pro Russian separatists who stole the black boxes and are pilfering the pockets of the victims working for the illuminati too? This article is complete hogwash…
Geeze, I think you’re all too damn Jim Stoned. No wonder the elite can do what they want without fear, the theory is the best one going, though clearly doesn’t matter to the sheeple at this site.
Your right. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you must be a sheeple. Watch out I believe “the elite” just slipped a microchip in your breakfast cereal.
No, you’re right Big Troll Em…. what the hell was I thinking? Nice work on the reverse psychology microchip slip. Is Kellogg working for the Illuminati too?
Anyone who doesn’t agree with you must receive a worthless comment… put on some pants for Christ sake. Or are you too busy pilfering where you pockets should be?
The AIDs Conference was in Melbourne, Victoria.