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What The Bilderberg Don’t Want You To Know Has Just Been Made Public- Critical Intel About Their Plans For 2015 and Beyond…

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By Lisa Haven 


“Bilderberg pulls the strings of every government and intelligence agency in the Western world.” ― James Morcan, The Ninth Orphan


That is one of the truest statements coming straight from the mouth of a globalist himself! They are pulling a majority—if not all—of the strings that are in play today. From politics, to medical advancements, to technological, to world governance and more. They are a manipulative, money seeking, power hungry group out for the betterment of themselves. Only recently has their malicious agendas been spilled to the public. In the form of Bilderberg meetings, the Georgia Guidestones, and leakers themselves. 


In the video below I delve through Bilderbergs own stated agendas found in the years 2013 – 2015, using the yearly conferences held across the globe as a springboard. I link agenda similarities and note the differences, as well as tie them to current events that are happening globally. Based on that information I forecast what we could be looking at in 2016 and beyond based of their “stated conference agenda”. Trust me this video is one you do not want to miss! Please get the word out and share it with everyone you know… 




June 3rd 2013 Bilderberg Agenda


- Can the US and Europe grow Faster and create jobs?    To be honest they care nothing about our jobs. This is why they ask it in the form of a question. Very vague to cover their real agenda which is, yes jobs can be created however coming from the Bilderberg’s they choose not to create them—after all the target is the downgrading of the middle class! 

- Jobs, entitlement and debt:  Could they be looking at ways to increase debt and implode the economy? After all our economy has gotten worser, not better. 

- How big data is changing everything:  Just days after the June 3rd Bilderberg meeting the secret NSA program was leaked on June 9th by Edward Snowden who official came out days later on the 14th.  Did the NWO group have some sort of agenda planned? All I know is days after Bilderberg’s talk on Big Data, Snowden came out.  

- Nationalism and populism. 

- US Foreign policy:  Two major moves have been made since the meeting. (1.) 2013 – U.S. threatens an air attack on Syria after it uses chemical weapons; resolved by agreement to destroy all the chemical weapons under international auspices. (2.) 2014 – U.S. implements economic sanctions against the Russian Federation after its illegal occupation of Crimea during the 2014 Ukraine conflict. (Funny how since 2014 after the Bilderberg meetings this has been on the table both in 2014 and 2015) Agenda? 

- Africa’s challenges:    Ebola Outbreak began December 2013, shortly after the Bilderberg meeting June 2013. Was this part of their plan? 

- Cyber warfare and the proliferation of asymmetric threats:   In August 2013 US Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano released her farewell statement indicating that a serious cyber attack was possible in the U.S. Additional could the Bilderbergs have initiated this threat to incite fear over the populace, after all it gave the government an open door to create government agencies that monitor cyber threat tracking. More power in the hand of the government to surveillance you. 

- Major trends in medical research:  Microchip medical implants were likely on the table for discussion. Especially considering this years Bilderberg meeting in which they invited former DARPA director and now Google executive Regina Dugan, the lady who pushes and promotes ingestible ID Chips! Could it be that this has been on the table all along? A major goal towards the NWO mindset.  

- Education, promise and impacts:  There are more online public schools today then ever before. Also we were faced head on with the Federalized school system known as, COMMON CORE! (Evil to the core!) 

- Politics of the European Union  

- Developments in the Middle East: This is on the agenda yearly specifically because Jerusalem is at the center of the Middle East Conflict. That and oil! They likely discuss who they will and won’t back and what fear they’ll strike into people’s minds to initiate their agenda. 

- Current Affairs  this makes a yearly appearance on the list. 


May 29-June 1 Bilderberg Meeting 2014: 


- Is the economic recovery sustainable? Short answer, no! They made sure of it and they are well aware of it! Therefore I’m sure they have plans underway to eliminate the middle class, especially here in America. If they can do that then it would be easier for the to implicate their NWO agenda. After all the middle class has always been a target. 

- Who will pay for the demographics? It won’t be them! More taxes, maybe even a carbon tax, etc.

- Does privacy exist?:  I think the real truth behind this discussion is how to “NOT MAKE privacy exist.” How to gather data on everyone and anyone they can! After all ever since the 2013 meeting the NSA has upped their game by increasing surveillance on the population through the NSA Spy grid, Fusions Centers, the  Joint terrorist task force, and now they are listening to our phone calls, and putting surveillance drones in our skies.      

- How special is the relationship in intelligence sharing?:  Special enough for them to discuss it!! They need intel to gather data on all who are against them. They want this!  

- Big shifts in technology and jobs:  Yes! This is also a goal, they want to merge man with machine. It is a goal to make some sort of ‘transhuman’ lifeform that can give them longevity of life. They know they are headed to the pits of hell and want to live as long as possible. This is also why some medical advancements for 2014 included genome editing. 

- The future of democracy and the middle class trap:  Truth how to eliminate the future of democracy and implement tyranny and their One World Order. 

- China’s political and economic outlook:  Truth how to make other countries follow China’s communistic regime. After all major attacks against patriots, christians, and vets, have surfaced. Taken straight from a Maoist playbook!  

- The new architecture of the Middle East

- Ukraine: Obviously their agenda is to spark tensions considering much is funded from Bilderbergs own George Soros.  

- What’s next for Europe 

- Current Events


Bilderberg, June 11th – 14th 2015 Agenda: 


- Artificial Intelligence: There will be a major push for microchipping considering Regina Dugan, the former DARPA director and Google executive who pushes microchipping will be attending the meeting. 

- Cybersecurity: This was on the agenda before and it’s likely we could see a cyber threat in the near future. Likely part of a manufactured crisis. 

- Chemical Weapons Threats

- Current Economic Issues: We all know the economic crisis is coming, but it could be a lot sooner then I’d like to realize. They know it and we know it. 

- European Strategy: On the list three years running! 

- Globalization: This is the first year they have added this as one of their key topic discussions. However, I believe it’s been it’s been discussed yearly! The NWO is, after all, their main objective! Could it be that they finally listed this on their agenda because things are getting down to the wire? Do they fear something’s ahead that either could prevent them from accomplishing their goal or propel them forward. I believe a huge NWO push will be coming in these next years. 

- Iran, Greece, Middle East, Russia, NATO, USA, UK, and Ukraine: All listed as globalists in the working. Likely to discuss a number of topics maybe even World War Three. Considering the players they have listed here. We know US, Russia and Ukraine are in tensions. Along with Middle East and chaos in Greece. All player. As for UK, I’m guessing it will soon join in. 

- Terrorism: There could be an uptick in action against “ patriotic terrorists.” Those who oppose their rule! This could be the main objectives of Jade Helm, especially considering the official start date takes place right after the Bilderberg event? Coincidence? I think not!  

- US Elections: Considering Hilary Clintons advisor, Jim Messina, is on the list. It’s possible Bilderberg’s could be backing Hilary as our next president. 


“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” – David Rockefeller, 1991 Bilderberg Meeting at Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by Bill Clinton)


More Critical Reads You Need to Hear by Lisa Haven! Click Here! 

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For More Information See:

Bilderberg Website:

Cashless Society 2015 Bilderberg Agenda:

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    Total 24 comments
    • Bill Lyle

      “After all our economy has gotten worser, not better.”
      C’mon, Lisa. Your’re better than that….

      • MMMMk

        Your’re = Her are ?

        • Bill Lyle

          Damn typos..

          • Pulsating Gelatinous Pillow in a Fish Tank

            It’s OK. You’ll bounce back.

            • PeoplePower

              6/12/2015 Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned for a ‘Fourth Reich’ under the EU!

              US military Intelligence has released report EW-Pa128.  In this chilling  document, which is typewritten on very old fragile paper, also known as the Red House Report, provides a detail account of a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944. 

              Nazi officials ordered an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany’s post-war recovery, prepare for the Nazis’ return to power and work for a ‘strong German empire’. AKA: the ‘Fourth Reich’.


              “The three-page, closely typed report, marked ‘Secret’, copied to British officials and sent by air pouch to Cordell Hull, the US Secretary of State, detailed how the industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuild Germany’s economy by sending money through SWITZERLAND.” 

              Why does the money always flow through Switzerland?

            • Bill Lyle

              I think I’ll live. lol

      • Bonzo

        Thirty days of chastisement will fall on New York City such as the world has never seen. God is going to let down the walls. There will be unimaginable violence and

        looting. The violence will be so ferocious, it will shock the whole world. Our streets will be lined, not just with the National Guard, but with militia.

        Yet, in not too long a time afterwards, New York City will go completely bankrupt. Like Detroit.

        There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting — including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even

        a depression. We are under God’s wrath.

        After the economic collapse of the United States the nation will be at its weakest point.
        The US dollar will be hit bad and it will take years for it to recover. A hydrogen holocaust will then sweep this nation in a Russian attack of America.

        America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America and this

        nation will be no more. It is because America has sinned against the greatest Light, Jesus the Christ.

      • Lyn Mike Leach Editor B4IN

        Have you read what she posts?
        :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Pink Slime

      Hello Angle#1,

      Charlie here. Your hair looked better on the other video and Charlie misses the flapping arms.

      You are taking a disturbing interest in old men. Are you interested in geriatrics as a career? Biiderberg are made up of old men ready to fall over and die. Nobody cares about them and nobody will listen to them.

      Let them die in the Bilderberg Care Home. Instead, worry about Big Sis wedding coming. Charlie is going to need help piling the doughnuts up.


      Charlie (the life expectancy of doughnuts is 2 days then they are donated to the Bilderberg Care Home :lol: )

    • NWO for Dummies.

      “Bilderberg pulls the strings of every government and intelligence agency in the Western world.” – yes but who pulls Bilderbergers strings? find that out and you have found the Beast in all its gore and flegm.

      • Bacchus

        The banking family of Europe with the German sounding name.

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        No one, at least not on this planet. They are worlds kingpins bar none. Last estimated net worth was $700 Trillion. They worlds debt is pocket change to they. They have financed governments, started and ended wars funding both sides. Created and destroyed countries and leaders/presidents for a couple centuries. They set the price of gold on a daily basis. They own the media starting with the Associated press and Reuters. You should read Pawns in the Game by William Carr. Here is the pdf
        The last inside look at the family was in the late 80 early 90′s and was televised on 20/20 or 60 mins. I believe it was Erin Moriarty.
        The name Rothschild is from Red Shield in German but the families original name is Bauer.
        It is all explained in the book which is free PDF from 1958.

      • HeyHey

        This is who pulls the Bilderbergers strings! The Black Pope is the ‘President of the World’
        He is the most powerful man on Earth, who rule over Maritime Laws (business) . He controls the banking system, Freemasonry and the Secret Services (CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, MI6, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB). The Vatican owns 60% of all Israel lands and the Land of the Temple Mount for their Third Solomon’s Temple where they want their throneHe is a part of the Arcana Arcanorum controlled by the Papal Bloodlines within the I-Mori. These bloodlines are the omega point of control. These are the Farnese, ORSINI, Aldobrandini, Somaglia & Breakspear. Their war room command center is within the Borgo Santo Spirito which is missile protected! Viktor Emmanuelle IV wanted to nuke this region of Rome. Henry Breakspear and Pepe Orsini are in high control! Jesuit Assistancy Soldier, James Grummer controls the United States Corporation.

        • HeyHey

          You could bet your last dollar that the Bilderbergers know all about what is been shown in this article::”Michigan Martial Law Drills Prove ‘If It Can Happen Here, It Can Happen Anywhere’ – Exclusive New ANP Pictures Of West Virginia Military Movement”

    • CrissCross

      NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources!!! :eek:

      …must read. :roll:

      • Lyn Mike Leach Editor B4IN

        Hate to inform you, but ,,,Chemtrails are for Bioengineering all Living Life Form on Earth

    • Pulsating Gelatinous Pillow in a Fish Tank

      As Ken has let me know, LavenderRose has disappeared conveniently from the site after he called him out on being Steve Quayle and stated some very compelling evidence that LavenderRose is in fact Steve Quayle.

      Soon a new contributor will show up that will peddle Steve Quayle nonsense and will more than likely have the comments disabled on their silly stories. This will obviously be Steve himself. Beware! If you were fed up like me and no longer clicked the LavenderRose articles keep your eye out for this joker.

      Good work at exposing the shills Ken!

      ~Pulsating Gelatinous Pillow

    • moochie2

      WHOA, I thought we were al being knocked off at the end of September I’m confused?

    • The Truth Wins

      Interesting article. I have been following the Bilderberg Group for about five years, or prior to the mainstream media now acknowledging their existence. Before, if you mentioned the annual BG meetings, or their agendas, one mistook you for a complete nut job. Anyway, Daniel Estulin has done a great job covering these elites over the years. Jim Guy Tucker did as well, but passed away last year.

      One point I would dispute with you, Lisa. You commented that these participants “know” that they are destined for the depths or pits of hell. I disagree. They follow and worship Lucifer, and see Jesus as a weakling and their god more powerful than Yahweh. These elitists actually believe that they will defeat Almighty God with their technology, weaponry, etc., and live forever (transhumanism). I don’t believe that for a minute, but that is why they have no inhibitions to carry out the evil against the rest of mankind. They don’t think that they will face any consequences for doing so. Otherwise, great job.

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        ‘Mainstream’ media doesn’t talk about them or any other group. Trilateral, etc. Everything on TV is brainwashing- TV Programming, they are programming you and have since tv was invented. Most so called news networks all go back to the same family aforementioned. None of them report important things- only what they want you think, believe, feel and buy. You will never hear facts only opinion of facts it is all editorialized in their directed goal. NBC,ABC,CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, HLN- not a single one will talk about Bilderberg Meeting, New World Order, currently Jade Helm and troop movements- like the blackhawk blowing down an old brick building in Flint a couple days ago. Both Democrat and Republican presidents have talked about ‘creating a New World Order” and Joey Biden wrote 1992 Wall Street journal article entitled “How I learned to love the New World Order’ you can read it online. The Bilderberg Group appoints the president. The last three were their ‘ special speaking guests’ right before the election.l They have already endorsed Billary to get america back on the Clinton Plantation after barry is disposed of, but he has been one of their best puppets. The presidential; election is an INDIRECT ELECTION. The popular vote (peoples vote) Does not now and has never been used to determine the outcome- but don’t worry Gerogie Clintonopulus will still be there like always for the american brainwashing corporation ABC- to say see -the popular vote (slave vote) reflects the Electoral College. It’s a total joke of a lie. Vote all you won’t- it does not matter and only counts towards the Popular Vote which is not used in an INDIRECT ELECTION. Stupid slavish goyim Americans- and they know it.
        They have done stuff like this in the media over the years to -just like Liberal Democrats do- make fun of,a d shame or call people that know too much- nutjobs, racists, whatever they have to sav – they say it.
        they get from the military cover-up protocols of all of the alien and ‘space ship or alien flying craft sitings- even when it happened over the white house. Same devilcrat/ militarized ostracizing of people.

    • spacetracy

      Lisa, i applaud your hard work, but “worser” is not a word and your headline should spell critical. No biggie,just don’t want to give trolls ammunition.

    • Dave 1963

      Not bad. You really are pretty close to getting it! Let me help a little more.

      Look for a short screen play called ” The Man”. It was aired on Sky TV : Season 1, Episode 9
      (7 Jun. 2012) in the UK, an episode of a show called Playhouse Presents. It stars; Hayley Atwell, Stephen Fry, Stellan Skarsgard, and Zoe Wanamaker.

      This screen play will tell you exactly what Bilderberg does and it will give you an idea of how long this force has been controlling politics. Here’s a link to a snopsis. Youtube has removed the video from their site. You’re so close!

    • anyoneamongUS

      …….until we stand up and band together and put forward an aggressive offensive against these lunatic psychopaths….. well, you’re seeing it happen right before your eyes….. they continue down this same path of destruction.

      you don’t really believe that they need to have this bildergurg meeting in total view of the publics eye do you?

      they own enough underground real-estate to go down and never surface again…. this is a part of the arrogance that comes(uncontrollably) when you give yourself over to such a powerful evil…
      only thing……. and i do mean ‘the’ only thing is……. they have miserably and detrimentally underestimated the ABSOLUTE AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE POWER OF THE ONE TRUE AND LIVING GOD……. JEHOVAH!!!!!!!

      …when they finally realize their mistake, it’ll be too late. Anyone and Everyone who goes to battle against THE MOST HIGH, well, i’m sure you’ve heard a story or two……. it aint pretty for them. That’s why i always say,

      ‘REPENT, REPENT, REPENT’ while you still have breath in your lungs to do so!

      …those who are against GOD ALMIGHTY, are listening, trusting, and believing in the biggest liar ever known to mankind……. there exists no greater deceiver of men anywhere in this world.

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