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The Prophecy Communication From God and The Son of God Jesus Christ To SAVE LIFE

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I am explaining a very long story to save life on earth as I am an open vessel medium channeling the words of God and the Son of God Jesus Christ and write for them and send their crime tips out for over 15 years and I have channeled them for over 19 years as I started channeling them on an Angel Board in 2005 summer each night at 10 P M I sat channeliing for a couple hours as I was told in an Angel Board reading in Feb 05 I was put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race and I posted about this miraculous Angel Board channeling experience in the summer of 05 on The Angel Board Alliance network.

I also did channeling on a Ouija Board I got for my Birthday in 1970 as a child and I have accurate psychic premontion dreams since I was a child of things before they happen and I have always been a spirtual person. I was brought up in a non demonitional Christian Church and learned about God, and Jesus, and Virgin Mary and Joseph in Sunday School when I was 3 years old, and had a Bible by my bed and said the Lords Prayer everynight and thought the 101 freeway I lived by on Ranchito Ave in Sherman Oaks sounded like Angels and I started writing poetry at age 4 and am a sentimental poet in tune with the world, and I studied and wrote poetry in High School at Ulysses S. Grant High published my poetry in the School Newspaper, and I was on the Magazine staff. I then started reading books that advanced my spirituality and higher consiousness, I read ” The Handbook To Higher Consiousness” and ” Universal Cosmic Mind Power” and Astrology Books and it became my interest in my off time to read these books and to then do my own readings with The Ruins, I ching and Iching, and Tarot cards as I read many books in my 20′s advancing my psychic ability and intuition and spirituality for myself and my life. I read ” Life After Life”, ” The Right Use of Gods Will” and ” Listening to Your Inner Self” and many books such as this while I read my AA Big Book starting at age 25 in Feb 1985 as I got sober in Alcoholics Anonymous, and that advanced my connection to God. I also watched the James Van Pragn T V Medium T V show, so when I became a medium I knew all about it from watching that show each week in the 1980′s. I live a spiritual 12 step life since then and I am in my 40th year of sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous and in 2005 I started channeling God on my Angel Board and I started writing for God on paper in 2009 June when I became an open vessel medium which means my vessel was opened up so Gods spirit could fly in my vessel to write through my hands and to speak through my voice box, so I started my Prophetic Medium For God channel writer business in 2009 in Sherman Oaks, California in Los Angeles County in The San Fernando Valley, California, in The United States of America and that is my Prophet channel writer business for over 15 years that started by faxing the words I wrote by God and Jesus by hand in 2009 where I also wrote for passed on White House Presidents and Princess Diana to save life on earth with my ability to channel them. I decided I am writing and reporting until human sex trafficking is stopped completely all over the world, and that is what I have done day and day out since then as an open vessel medium with hopes and Prayers everyone will listen to the important Prophetic channeled words I write and say in voice recordings, and on youtubes so lives can be saved. I then started channel tying for them in early 2010 I switched from writing to channel tying, and I added Gods Medium on my long time aol email and I wrote a resume’ in May 2010 that says Nancy Gail Fox Son of God channeler, Medium For God etc. and I started sending out that resume’ with letters to publish channel written books by them to save life on earth, and the problem is I do not receive mail as I should as I am a Targeted Individual, and it seems obvious Gang Stalkers targeted me because of my psychic ability, and readings have said in Feb 2005 the month I celebrated 20 years of living a sober spiritual 12 step life, and the month I did an angel board channeling reading and was told I was put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race as job was sent for me and stolen, a UPS, an Angel Board crime tip job, sent to my name and my address was ripped off by those killing life on earth who run human sex trafficking by gang stalker spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras stole it my readings have said. My readings say my whole life they see my psychic crime tip channeling jobs sent in mail and steal them as they don’t want me reporting how they murder people with their secret devil system, and many have died and are still dying due to this my readings say. Readings have said they stole Ouija Board channeling jobs sent for me when I did my Ouija Board as a child, and readings say they stole Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Authority Papers, and lie they have Son of God authority and lie they can take mail sent for me and over see and rip me off this way my whole life and rip the whole world off as many have died due to this I D Theft, and Postal Theft. Readings say jobs were sent for me when I was 10 and 11 years old that they stole, and readings say they always write slanderous reports and lie shes not the type to do the jobs when I am the type with my psychic gift, and that is why jobs would be sent to my name and address, and readings say they lied shes not the type to do a Son of God job in 1970 because I wore a flower power shirt, and played Neil Young songs on guitar when there I was feeling so spiritual and earthy as I am, playing guitar, and writing poetry, and channeling on my Ouija Board I got for my Birthday, and readings say jobs were sent and outright ripped off and some lied they were Son of God associates with Authority, something such as this, and the readings have said they stole my jobs from Mail Man trucks, and filed fraud liens at Post Offices, and said they were over seeing the Nancy Gail Fox Son  of God mail, when they were not, they were ripping it off and still are by fraud liens they filed at 10 Post Offices my readings say, and have explained they lie to people who send my jobs, and lie its handled its covered, when it never is, its all stolen. Readings say the men running human sex trafficking underground told people to steal my mail, and they lied they were better suited for a Son of God Save Life on Earth Mission, and said they could work with them and take people underground and remove clitoruses and that would be saving life on earth, they lied that would stop diseases and infections by doing illegal FGM Female Genital Mutilation crimes, and told them they were so much better suited to do the important Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission with them and lied they could assign them the jobs top secretly, by them taking the mail, and putting their names on the stolen jobs, and they lied they got Son of God authority to change things from a person who lies they have Son of God authority by stolen mail who does I D theft, and they got many in it, and changed notices that said protect the Son of God Nancy Gail Fox, and readings say they started sending people by money they stole from banks, that said for Nancy G Fox deposit only, and readings say they started saying ” here is pay to keep an eye on Nancy Fox” when its supposed to be protect the Prophet spiritual geru psychic Nancy Fox, and readings say mail was stolen that said, people paid to protect Nancy Fox are to inform her, and they told people. take the pay to keep an eye on her, and to take her mail, and don’t tell her we spoke, and therefore it appears by this channeled information Gang Stalking started years ago. Readings say they had my Nancy G Fox money or and Nancy Gail Fox money put in my Moms account Denise S Fox. and transfered it out, and sent it all over to people. and said ” The Son of God funds have arrived, here is your portion” for the Son of God associate job we assigned you top secretly, something like this, and readings say stolen letters my whole life, and notes on money sent says. This is the Nancy Gail Fox Son of Gods Money, and 20 % is her future familys, children, grandchildren, great granchildren, not past the 5th generation, meaning in 1991 my first born daughter was to receive 20% and in 1995 when I had my second daughter the 20% would be split in 2 and so on, and readings say they steal the 20% and send it all over the Country, and say ” The Son of God funds have arrived here is your percentage” and those are the men who run human sex trafficking and FGM etc underground, and they lie they are investigators doing a Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission when they kill life on earth, and readings say they stole money sent on planes, and would run to City Halls, and say ” We got alot of Son of God funds for jobs for the City” etc. when its personal money, and readings say notes say Nancy Fox needs her owned money to protect herself and her family, and readings have explained many psychic jobs were sent in 1979 and in the mid 1980′s when I was doing alot of spiriual geru work and each time the jobs of mine are stolen as they do not want me reporting their underground human sex traffick smuggling, FGM operation and to steal the money. Readings say some who they got into this I D Theft postal thievery were told they were much better suited for the big important Son of God job, and told them they would trap people for them with master manipulation, and spy on them with spy cams, and measure body parts, and decide who they should do FGM female gential mutilation to, and said thats the save life mission they are doing, and that their job was to slander people and destroy their lives to get them taken away by master manipulation, and that taking people away they hate is saving life on earth, and its all a big game. Readings say they plotted and planned to steal my The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth Family Mission sent for my two daughters and I to save life on earth with our spiritual geru psychic ability, and readings say in June 05 Angel Board jobs were sent to our names and one story house address that said for Nancy Gail Fox and her kids to do Angel Board word spellings., and for the Angel Board Reader Family etc. and the Gang Stalkers doing I D Theft on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras knew the jobs were being sent and planned to steal them, the way they stole a UPS Feb 05 sent for Nancy Gail Fox the readings say, it said for Nancy Gail Fox to do private crime tips on an Angel Board, and readings say the day of my 20 year sober AA party Feb 27th 2005 they text people and said ” Vote us in do this crime tip job by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras as our high technology crime tips will be much better than Nancy Fox doing dumb game board word spellings” and readings say many text these I D theft postal crooks a thumbs up YES we vote you in to do this work instead, and they lied they could assign a stolen job to themselves by voting by stolen mail that said Nancy Gail Fox and her daughters may vote amongst themselves and assign each other questions. Readings have said a million times over for many years that they wrote slanderous reports about me to banks, and post offices, and lied shes not the type to do this Son of God crime tip work, when they are my jobs because I channel the Son of God Jesus and when I am a spiritual psychic geru and they are sinners who lie, cheat, and steal, and speak ill of others, and would never have a Son of God assistant job even. Readings say they stole Nancy Gail Fox funds sent to the bank and lied thats for a big job sent for the City, when stolen mail said Nancy Fox might hire alot of people in the City, and pay them from her owned money, and readings say lists were sent with names of people suggested for me to hire, and readings say many of them lied they got a Son of God job because their names were on lists sent that they took when I did not hire them, and readings say they lie to Post Offices and Banks and lie that Son of God money is 80 persons money who got the Son of God jobs in 2005 when they stole them, and readings say notes on money sent said for Nancy Gail Foxs account Deposit Only, and 20% is divided among her children and their children etc. and readings say they had it put in a joint account I opened with my Mom in 2005 because she went on my house I bought then with me to save me money on my payment and we opened a savings account Denise S Fox and Nancy Fox, where I had a Nancy Fox checking, only my money was in that joint savings, and readings say Gang Stalkers knew money was sent for Nancy Fox, and they somehow had it put in the wrong account, and transferred it out to a secret account they made up, and lied the Denise S Fox POA Nancy G Fox Wells Fargo and Nancy G Fox-Taylor checking and savings accounts are combined secretly to a Fox Family Trust account, so they started putting money sent for Nancy Fox and family 20% my childrens money in the wrong account, in the joint savings account that only had my money in it, none of my Mothers money, and have done this since 2005 readings have said, and readings say the day of my 20 year sober AA party on Feb 27th, 2005 they conspired to frame me an over nice mother to their CPS Secret Court and to DCFS to do ID Theft, to me, and did thumbs up YES agreed set Nancy Fox by texts, and conpired to frame me with lies, and then to rob me blind with DCFS papers with lies and do this with lies that were DISMISSED as in 2009 I was lied about to DCFS, and the lies were DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE In 2009, and a not needed case file was opened based on lies told about me a nicer than average Mom, a very good loving calm patient Parent, and they planned to do this to do I D theft to rob money and jobs sent, and readings say they said they would set her up then take every penny she earns to make her look bad, and keep taking her money to frame her to look gravely disabled, and to make it look like shes not the type to do a big important Son  of God Save Life On Earth From Los Angeles County crime tip job, and readings say they framed me in fraud slanderous notes, and stole 8 of my real estate calls by bugging my phone, as I was a real estate agent from 1999 to 2009 as Nancy G Fox-Taylor, and readings say they siphened almost one hundred thousand of my real estate commision money I made selling homes out of the bank and my two story house equity I made selling the two story house, and planned to run us out of the house to do I D Theft, and in 2005 summer I started channeling on my Angel Board everynight at the one story I bought with my two story house money, and posted about it online as said, and readings say many Angel Board jobs were sent for me by my post I wrote online, and they stole them from our mail; box on a post and off our porch by a spy cam they put on it, and readings say they snatched them at 9 am, many ups and fed exes sent. and called ups and fed ex and lied they were covering the Son of God mail, what time will it be left? and ran and stole it, and readings say they stole money they saw being sent in spy cams they put on trees the garage door, etc Oct 8th 2005 the day we had a House Warming Party at the one story, and readings say it was the two who got in the theivery in the 1970s who stole off the porch at 9 am and readings say they called everyone and lied ” I got the big important Son of God job!” and said ” I waited so long for it to be sent to take it” and the same ones started slandering me to hundreds or thousands by calling and lying on Feb 27th, 2005 the day of my 20 year sober AA party, readings say they called lists of people. and lied ” Nancy Fox has such problems, she did carpet, paint tile to the house and spent too much, and wore a cropped sweater, and had a party” etc. when I had a party to celebrate having a sober spirtual life since Feb 9th 1985, and I wore a Free People light blue spiritual geru looking sweater, and I had new carpet paint and tile done to sell the two story house, and readings say they conspired to ruin everything I worked for, and built up, and said they were going to ” Wreck it” ” Smash it” to steal my Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission From Los Angeles County angel board channeling crime tip jobs, and owned money sent, and readings say they sent letters out that said ” Dear Everyone we are pleased to inform you, we got the big important Son of God job, and we can hire you” etc. so readings explain they planned to frame an over nice Mom to do I D Theft, and many are dead due to this, as according to my readings I was to sit in my spiritual bliss channeling crime tips by jobs sent to save life on earth in 2005 and they steal all my mail and my new money sent for my work I have done as the Medium For God prophetic channel writer. In 2005 and 2006 our mail box was smashed onto the ground, our street was stalked, the mail box on a post was stalked, our cats went missing and readings say the gang stalkers stole our cats Labor Day 08, and stole my real estate phone book and lied to it, and readings say Oct 8th 2007 they lied about me to a CPS Secret Court hearing, readings say that 10 liars lied about me to a CPS Ventura County case worker who as at a podium in a room, and readings say they were caught and told to pay Nancy Fox slander fees, and conspired again as usual. and said ” lets not pay say we did and set her up to DCFS as planned” and in May 2009 I was lied about to DCFS, and the lies were DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE in 09 and readings say they called my real estate phone book customers, and read DISMISSED LIES to them, and brought DCFS papers to banks and post offices with DIMISSED LIES, and said they were runnin the Fox Family Trust Fund account secretly, and they said they were over seeing all the money of the Mother and children by the DCFS papers, and my daughters were not children, in 2009 they were 14 and 18 years old, and my younger daughter turned 18 in 2013. I ended up setting up my Medium For God Prophetic channel writing buisness due to this, half an hour away from where I sold real estate in the suburbs, I set up my Medium For God business in Sherman Oaks, California, and do it on the internet from the San Fernando Valley from Sherman Oaks, Encino, and Noho for 15 years, and readings say they steal my Medium For God mail and money, and my Nancy Gail Fox Son of God resume’  thank you gifts, gift cards, car gifts and all my money sent for my open vessel medium work by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras, and by long ago DISMISSED LIES, from 09, and lie the Medium For God mail. ups. fed exes go with the Son of God job we got years back and steal all the money sent for my medium crime tips that’s for me to save life on earth, and in Feb 05 I was told ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” and that is what I have been trying to do if everyone would just listen and stop the I D theft, as readings say they filed fraud liens at 10 Post Offices, and hack and steal my paypal sent since April 2013, and steal every penny sent for my work, and deposit my money they stole in a Fox Family Trust account, and say they combined accounts secretly of Nancy G Fox-Taylor Wells Fargo checking and savings. and those accounts of ,mine were closed in 09 in The Conejo Valley, and my Mom Denise S Fox died July 5th, 2021. and readings say they are running the Fox Family Trust fund accounts. combined accounts of Denise S Fox POA Nancy G Fox and Nancy G Fox-Taylor checking and savings Wells Fargo, when my Fox-Taylor accounts were closed 15 years ago, and my Mom and I never had a joint account at Wells Fargo and my Mom died over 3 years ago.




Readings say Gang Stalkers told some bankers we have to run Nancy Fox and her family out of their house and get control of their money sent to banks because she bought a house so fast without thinking. These are lies they told my reading says as.

I bought a house in 2005 that I shopped for 4 years and planned to buy in 2001 and I was a real estate agent then Nancy G Fox-Taylor California Realtor liscensed in 1999 shopping for my own house to buy for my family, and I was updating my two story house at the same time over these 4 years to get a good price selling it to buy another house, and I had exterior paint done, and new garage doors put in, and a new tile roof put on, tile floors done, and I invested about $100,000.00 of my money into the house to sell it for a good price, and I searched the Conejo Valley Real Estate Multiple Listing Service each day for a house, and previwed many homes for myself and my family over the 4 years I was looking, as in 2001 my Mom told me she wanted to live with my daughters and I, and I told her in 2001 I would sell the two story because it had 4 bedrooms upstairs and none down, and I said I would buy a house for her to live with us in it, and wrote 5 offers over the 4 year period I was looking, and in 2005 it was my 6th offer I wrote that was accepted, and I bought a one story house with my money down from my 2 story house that was listed For Sale in 05 by a swing loan I got from it, and I worked hard selling many homes to qualify to buy the house, and made 140 grand in 04 and 150 grand in 05, and I worked on my fico score starting in 04 and got it up to 790. I got loan approval with Countrywide Home Loans, with Sharon and Brad Pfefifer mortgage brokers, and I got a neg am loan and had a payment of about $2,650.00 to $2,900.00 a month and a second loan of $100 then $200 and my bills were the same as the two story house that I paid for years as a single mom Realtor and I ran my Seller Net Sheet to see my equity and my Buyer Net Sheet to see my payment, and planned it out very efficently, and I bought a one story 2544 square foot one story with a clay tile roof and laden oak trees, and a covered porch where Church Bells chimed, a home that felt very spiritual which was what I was looking for, and it was a small less exspensive house in an Estate neighborhood that had large custom built estates for millions, so it was a great investment for my money, and I planned to add it to it, and to upgrade it and knew it would be worth twice as much as I paid, and I invested about $450,000.00 of my money into the house I bought for our family home, in the same School district, the same City and the same County as the 2 story house, and then Gang Stalking, vandalism, a car break in theft, apparent cat napping went on and lies to DCFS were told in spring 09, and I do not receive mail and money as I should.

My readings say they are lying to banks and saying they are running the Fox Family Trust fund account, and we run out of the house in 2009 the year my Mom was going to move in with us, and in 2008 she got early memory loss, and the Dr sent a letter to the Department of Motor Vechicles and took her Drivers Liscense away, so I was paying her bills with her signing her Denise S Fox Wells Fargo checking $1440 a month deposit, POA Nancy G Fox since 1978, and when I was lied about to DCFS in May 09 her Wells Fargo checking shed had since 1974 was closed some way, that she opened in Van Nuys in The San Fernando Valley in 1974, and her Denise S Fox Family Trust went missing from her home in 2009, and that was her Living Trust with her the Trustee, and me the First Trustee Executor as Nancy G Fox-Taylor, and she signed a POA for me Nancy Gail Fox in 2007, and my readings say my money is stolen by Gang Stalkers and put in accounts called Fox Family Trust when it belongs in Nancy G Fox Wells Fargo and in Nancy Gail Fox U S Bank.








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