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By Zeropointenergy
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PLANNED-DEMOCIDE ☠️Trump-Biden-Trudeau-they need to hang at Gitmo or put in a Firing squad at Gitmo by we the people -THIS IS NOT A VACCINE-There is NO Evidence that the alleged...

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video imagevideo imagevideo imageThere is NO Evidence that the alleged “Virus” SARS-COV-2 even exist. There is NO Evidence that the alleged Virus, which has never shown to exist, is pathogenic at all. There was no excess mortality worldwide in 2020, as the alleged “Pandemic” was at its highest (allegedly). We have excess mortality since they released the solution to the fake problem they justt declared in the Media. Therefore, the “Killer” is not a fictitious “Virus”, the Killer is the so called “Vaccine”, that is not a Vaccine at all, but a Poisonous, Deathly nano-tech-Gene-Therapy. With the ability to poison everyone with any Poison they Want via injections they call “Vaccines”, they are now able to achieve their Goals of “Sustainability” by massive depopulation “to save lives”. Everything they say, the opposite is true. There is no Virus, there is no Pandemic, there is no Vaccine. There is a massive Poisoning effort to “Reduce the Population”. And the Fake Vaccines are just one Method they use to poison us.

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Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex

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This Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral complex has high trace levels of naturally occurring Humic and Fulvic Acids as well as high trace levels of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and more. There is a wide range of up to 70 trace minerals which occur naturally in our Complex at varying levels. We Choose to list the 8 substances which occur in higher trace levels on our supplement panel. We don’t claim a high number of minerals as other Humic and Fulvic Supplements do and leave you to guess which elements you’ll be getting.

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    Total 4 comments
    • truck driver

      mRNA vaccines turn you into a butterfly. Blacks vaccinated the Half Black’s because they are not black enough. Now the blacks are playing the victim . And claiming racism to cover up their murder of the Half Black’s.

    • residentp

      On a certain day, a certain frequency will be sent out that will be picked up by all antennanized mac addressed individuals and animals, and a kind of digital rapture will occur. The targeted bodies will collapse and the new speci of earthlings will burst out of the old bodies. The bodies will also serve as nourishment for the new speci although they will only have to feed once per year, on chrismas day. That day a portion of the captive pure blood non vaccinated slave humans, will be sacrificed to the new speci for breakfast and so it will be for the duration of the new speci civilization that will last for 7000 years until the next speci experiment is launched. AI will be in control and it as the new god, will ignore the pleas of the human cooperators during the last reset, that they must be released because they helped AI to get into power. Their children will be tortured and eaten in front of their eyes by the new speci. The lgb etc. woke human slaves, painted in various rainbow colors, will be paraded in front of the new speci as chrismas decorations and amusement and some chrismas entertainment.

      • I AM


    • HTLIII

      The VERY REAL biowarfare agents making up Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber’s over 60 U.S. Patents also dealt with combined 4G or 5G EMFs from cell phone towers. NOBODY leading large corporate structures or even single product companies knows the details of every emergency appearing. As President, President Donald Trump RELIED on his advisors regarding the London/Nanchang Pirbright Institute attacks on Wuhan China, the U.S., and elsewhere with the 5G/COVID biowarfare systems. They are real, 3 of my long term friends died from the 4-shot series after I as an ‘A’ Microbiology student warned them STRONGLY against taking, although nation wide medical corporations and government agencies made them mandatory. Trump’s Surgeon General AT FIRST expressed a very sane and proper policy to hold back on approving any untested vaccine, but in just a few months changed his mind over FALSE reports and an alleged bribe. Surgeon General Jerome Adams is MIA.

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