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No Joke: Obama Considering Flying Immigrants From Honduras Straight To The U.S. So They Don’t Have To Sneak Over Border…

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Weasel Zippers

…Hoping to stem the recent surge of migrants at the Southwest border, the Obama administration is considering whether to allow hundreds of minors and young adults from Honduras into the United States without making the dangerous trek through Mexico, according to a draft of the proposal.

If approved, the plan would direct the government to screen thousands of children and youths in Honduras to see if they can enter the United States as refugees or on emergency humanitarian grounds. It would be the first American refugee effort in a nation reachable by land to the United States, the White House said, putting the violence in Honduras on the level of humanitarian emergencies in Haiti and Vietnam, where such programs have been conducted in the past amid war and major crises….

…The plan would be similar to a recent bill introduced by Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake of Arizona, who proposed increasing the number of refugee visas to the three Central American countries by 5,000 each…

Read the entire post at Weasel Zippers.


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    Total 4 comments
    • 7up

      This is unbelievable. I followed the links to find out where this story came from. It comes directly from NY Times. I guess it’s true.

    • Damien

      Well? Somebody has to pay Americas war debts! Scores of millions breeding like rabbits can collectively pay more in taxes than a small middle class. The Tea Party and GayTheists with moral wars should be ecstatic! It’s supposed to be 50+ million by 2050 isn’t it?


      The nation’s population will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and fully 82% of the growth during this period will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their descendants. (Figure 1)

      Of the 117 million people added to the population during this period due to the effect of new immigration, 67 million will be the immigrants themselves, 47 million will be their children and 3 million will be their grandchildren.

    • MSG Chicken

      I told you the negro was a racist.

      How come he ain’t bringing equally some lilly-white Europeans over?

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