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The Twisted Psychology of Covid Mask-Wearing and Why So Many Democrats and Liberals Still Wear Them Everywhere

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(Natural News)—The proof is everywhere you turn and look. You will see these folks alone, in their car, wearing their Covid mask. You can witness these sheeple jogging down the sidewalk, alone, wearing their Fauci Flu face diaper. These mysophobia clones believed every single word that came out of Fauci’s mouth, because he is a “disease expert.” Follow the science, as they say.

Do everything the Centers for Disease Continuation instructs you to do, after all, that’s the U.S. government talking. Wear your mask. Social distance. Shelter in place. Wash hands with antibacterial stuff every time you touch anything, well, except your mask, which you can adjust a thousand times a day and it always remains germ free. Right?

Top 10 reasons most Democrats and Liberals are still wearing their Covid mask everywhere they go

  1. Impaired cognition (mask works in tandem with the clot shots)
  2. They think it works
  3. Mysophobia – Germ and disease paranoia induced by fake news (anxiety levels running high)
  4. Low self-esteem (very important for the communist regime in power to keep everyone feeling horrible about themselves)
  5. Self-harm and sabotage (stems from chronic low self-opinion)
  6. Dampens critical thinking (vicious cycle of stupidity) – the mask keeps them from thinking about the reason they feel horrible most of the time is DUE to the mask
  7. Fake science has them conned – they won’t find the real science on mask wearing and they won’t believe anyone who advises them about it
  8. Good for criminal behavior, like rioting, stealing, avoiding facial recognition
  9. They like being a clone (and they feel obliged to conform)
  10. It fits the communist manifesto (method of operation) to have no face, no unique or authentic personality.

Mask wearers regularly experience oxygen deprivation up to 20%, leading to impaired cognition, anxiety, periodic panic attacks

It’s called oxygen deprivation mask syndrome (ODMS), and mountains of scientific evidence proves it’s real. For example, research conducted in 2021 revealed that “prolonged use of Covid masks, either homemade or N95, can cause anywhere from five to 20 percent loss of oxygen to the body, leading to hypoxia as well as hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream).” Hypoxia can also affect fetal and embryonic development, so pregnant women are a highly vulnerable group for ODMS. Of course, the Covid Industrial Complex was NOT going to let mass media share this vital study with the brainwashed populace.

Prolonged mask-wearing can have life-threatening health effects, so why do so many Democrats and Liberals love to wear their Covid face diapers 24/7/365? There’s a simple explanation. Because they are the Branch Covidians who believe wholeheartedly that it will save them from sure doom. Fake news from their beloved mass media complex, weaponized social media and the insidious 3-letter government organizations, including the CDC, FDA and WHO have them completely brainwashed.

Nearly everyone who believes in the fake news on TV and in the newspapers suffers a perpetually heightened state of germophobia, also known as mysophobia. This interferes with their daily lives, as they now have much difficulty distinguishing between a minor risk of exposure and a serious threat, so they experience panic and anxiety when they so much as think about germs. This can be accompanied by shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, disorientation, nausea, feelings of dread, and panic attacks. Beware of the Covid mask freaks. They can flip out at any given moment.

Also, thanks to mRNA clot shots, these chronic mask-wearers are burning the health “candle” at both ends. In other words, a lack of proper blood circulation increases anxiety, depression and the risk of developing schizophrenia. The clot shots are clogging their blood vessels, while the face diapers slowly choke out their oxygen supply. Get ready for the Bird Flu mask lovers to make matters even worse.

Tune your internet dial to for ways to maintain proper oxygen, nutrient, and blood flow by using natural remedies and indigenous cures that have been around for thousands of years.

Sources for this article include:

The post The Twisted Psychology of Covid Mask-Wearing and Why So Many Democrats and Liberals Still Wear Them Everywhere appeared first on 🔔 The Liberty Daily.

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