Beyond Unconscionable. This Is High Treason...AC-130U Gunship Was On-Scene In Benghazi, Obama Admin Refused to Let It Fire
From: sher
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 11:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: AC-130U Gunship was On-Scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin Refused to Let It Fire
Beyond unconscionable. This is High Treason…
From: Dave H
Subject: AC-130U Gunship was On-Scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin Refused to Let It Fire
If you don’t get torches-and-pitchforks irate about this, you are not an American:
The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Specter gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights. The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours — enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators.
There were two AC-130Us deployed to Libya in March as part of Operation Unified Protector.
The AC-130U is a very effective third-generation fire-support aircraft, capable of continuous and extremely accurate fire onto multiple targets. It has been used numerous times in Iraq and Afghanistan to save pinned-down allied forces, and has even been credited with the surrender of the Taliban city of Kunduz
It was purpose-built for a select number of specific mission types, including point-defense against enemy attack. It was literally built for the kind of mission it could have engaged in over Benghazi, if the administration had let it fire. As the excerpt above clearly shows, we had assets on the ground “painting” the targets with the laser.
An AC-130U flies in a counter-clockwise “pivot turn” around the target, with the weapons all aimed out the left side of the aircraft.
There are two state-of-the-art fire-control systems (FCSs) in a AC-130U, using television sensors,infrared sensors, and synthetic aperture strike radar. These fire control systems can see through the dark of night, clouds, and smoke.
The two FCSs on the AC-130U control a 25mm Gatling gun for area suppression, a precision 40mm cannon, and a 105mm cannon which can engage hard targets.
What this means is that we have the forces in the air and on the ground to have stopped the attack at any point, eliminating the terrorists and saving American lives.
See video of AC-130 engaging in a live fire exercise
Update (Bryan): Here is an AC-130 engaging in a live fire exercise. The crackling sound you hear is its extreme rate of fire.
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Don’t you get it yet people. Obama is the enemy of America, he works for Evelyn Rothschild and the Queen of England. He follows their orders. They allowed/carried out the embassy attacks so that they could blame their coming wave of terror in America on the terrorists from the Middle East.
Our Saviour has exposed the plans of the NWO at and He has also revealed that Obama is the Antichrist, time and time again, but you people just do not get it! America is coming under God’s judgement and He is going to use the Russians and the Chinese to destroy it because Americans will not listen and Americans will not repent. Immediately after Obama steals the election it is all going to hit the fan in the3 Middle east and in America.
They will hit Iran and start WW3 by sinking the Enterprise in a false flag attack in the Gulf. They will also launch terror attacks all across America that will include fires, explosions, and poison gas/biological weapon attacks. The casualties are going to be very high and many are going to welcome Martial Law. Obama will profess to be the hero of the day and the sheeple will fall for it all, hook line and sinker!
Jesus is bringing His Kingdom in the earth now along with some of His Supernatural Army. It is all about to unfold before your very eyes. Those who thought they would be raptured out are in for the disappointment of their lives!
Read all about it here
And here…
And here…
The gunship was withheld to give the Mossad hit-team plenty of time to sodomize the US diplomats before dispatching them and then escaping.
Who can believe that lightning bolts are not being prepared to wreak justice on all such inhuman devils? The entire earth is now being surrounded by a rapidly thickening blanket of ionized plasma — the stuff that lightning is made of.
NASA just launched two probes to investigate this situation, and is preparing to launch four more.
It’s Rothschild vs. God. I think all sane men already know who the victor of this battle will be.
…Ionized plasma? Is that going to save us from Nibiuru too? Is it Annunaki-proof?, and Nephilim-resistent? Come on man… Cite proof or at least evidence or don’t make such nutty claims. You can’t just run around telling people s like that man. Have you lost your entire mind?
Nibiuru? Annunaki? Nephilim? What are you talking about? NASA’s website makes no mention of any of these things. Neither does the Bible. But both the Bible and NASA do speak frequently about ionized plasma and its effects.
Over 99.999% of the entire visible universe is composed of ionized plasma. It’s the stuff that lightning bolts are made of. Without plasma, the universe could neither exist or function.
I don’t “run around” telling anybody anything. What do I know besides nothing? All I do is repeat what is written in Scripture and corroborated by scientific discovery.
Yeaa. Remind me of the USS Liberty incident!
…”Mountain Prophecies”? What did you write your own scripture? Come on man….
Hey, Mark, you’re still posting nonsense! Excellent. When are you going to provide proof of Linda’s existence? I’m still waiting.
WELL I watched the video,IT was impressive to say the least,IF THESE PLANES aren’t being used on attackers in foreign countries,AMERICA SHOULD BE SHAKING IN THEIR BOOTS,that only means one thing,they will be used, when they try to throw OBAMA out of office, on the american people……….my brother said ,OBAMA would use every trick he had in his bag of dirty tricks to stay in power…………..THE ANTI-CHRIST WILL BE IN POWER 2300 DAYS…………..and will destroy mystery bablyon……………
People really don’t get it… Whether it’s Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama or Romney it’s still the same agenda..
How do people not get that?
Until people stop voting and make a stand you will continue to get what you always got…
Exactly. How blind do people have to be not to see this? People…stop being lemmings. Wake up!
Yup. I love these people calling Obama the anti-christ, who think Romney will save them….because he’s not the same as Obama, and Bush, and Clinton, and Bush, and Clinton, and the other Bushs’, and Blair, and Sarcozy, and bla bla f’n bla. The BS-Dialectic is powerfully effective, I’ll give them that. I sometimes wish I could UN-see it. Can’t….
Maybe the ambassador was only supposed to be kidnapped. Maybe Someone in the White House wanted to come to the rescue of ambassador Stevens, look like a hero, and win an election with an October surprise.Maybe he was working with those Muslims in Libya who also had much to gain by having one of theirs in the White Hoiuse.Maybe that’s why there was no security provided even though Stevens begged for it. The Muslims had to have a guarantee that there would be no interference. Maybe the seals showed up from across town and spoiled the party. Maybe THAT’S why they refused to send help of any kind because the Muslims were told they would have a cakewalk. Maybe that’s why there were so many visits to the White House by the Muslim Brotherhood preceding the kidnap attempt. An embassy like this had to have had dozens of satellite phones ready to go so the State Department had to be in real time contact from the get go. Maybe someone connected can start running this down and get to the bottom of this. Maybe one of the prez candidates has blood on their hands. Maybe they came up with the lame story about the video because they had no plan B. The Libyan leader even said the video had nothing to do with it. Connect the dots, please. Your thoughts?
truth first…you has connected all the dots, that was a brilliant analysis of the real thing and please, NONE DARE TO CALL IT A CONSPIRACY TEHORY.
Me tinks ye all be correct, just put it together. 62 years(360 day years) to the day after Israel was reformed in a single day ( per Daniel and Ezekiel ) Israel accepted a covenant, the two party peace treaty. For 3 1/2 years Israel has had no war and relative peace that ends around the end of November this year. I may be wrong, but come December all hell will break loose and two people will start preaching who the Antichrist is from their location in Jerusalem. You will know this because the MSM will be broadcasting their “hate speech” so that most the world will hate the two. I will rejoice in hearing Obamites venomous remarks and Romnites dismissals because the “rapture ain’t happened yet so that ain’t the two”.
May 14, 1948. 360×62= June 14, 2009. 3.5×360= November 25, 2012. 3.5×360= May 10, 2016. Witnesses killed by Antichrist. Three and a half days later. Friday the thirteenth 2016 is a bad day for Satan and Antichrist and beast! Notice I said nothing about a date for Rapture because I know nothing about a date for that because there is no formula in the Bible for it that I am aware of.
To: Mark Brander,
If Obama is the antichrist, we will all be just fine. Unfortunately, I doubt he is although he no doubt takes his.its orders.
Maybe you should all take a look in your own backyard.
The cold front that just passed over the mid west has reversed direction. When did you ever see a cold front. or any other weather front, reverse direction?
It will now pull the present hurricane inland. Maybe as far as the NMSZ.
Benghazi was a distraction/misdirection/redirection. Same with the 7.7 quake overnight.
Don’t look at NYC, DC, Vancouver Island, look at NMSZ.
It could be just an exercise or this could be what has been long planned.
An 11 Mag EQ, or higher, or several, right on the NMSZ.
Continuation of present government under Martial Law would be assured.
Meanwhile you are worried about a petty gun runner for the CIA? Or a planetary body NASA already has plans to destroy. Not that they will destroy Yahweh Shammah.
You don’t need to worry about anything but prophecy and repentance.
In other words, the LAW of Yahweh.
Yet Americans continue to fall for his lies and my bet is he wins the elections again, America.. the land of the Sheeple and home of the Slaves.
No wonder obama wanted his followers to vote early. Only the truly brain dead would vote for him now.
Obama…& his IGNORANCE…is the enemy of America.
Had he GONE to all those skipped security briefings, etc. instead of pandering around the world, he might have known the pinpoint capabilities of the AC-130U gunships — you know, that they wouldn’t have to hurt “innocent” citizens who might have been gathered around the terrorists to see them kill Americans (sigh).
Yeah, there was no great danger of killing muslims….except those who needed to be dead.
Instead, Obama has become ia (worse) traitor to the USA.
Sadly, there are so many unAmerican idiots who will still vote for him. I wonder what it would take for them to do otherwise — actually pick up an AR-15 and spray a crowd of holiday shoppers in a wild rage while ranting “Allah Akbar”?!?
Nephilim is in the bible, but translated. The term refers to the times of the giants & perhaps angellic beings cohabiting with human women to create giants. Probably where the greeks got their idea of the gods doing like that with women to make half-breeds of great strength or ability. Yeah, there was a time when there were many gigantic people, not only Goliath. In fact, during the time the spies of Israel went into Canaan, while they travelled through the wilderness in Sinai, the report that giants lived in Canaan and that the Israelites were like grasshoppers compared to them (exagerrated a bit, probably)…was part of why most of them rebelled & refused to go in at the time, despite God’s promise of victory. That’s why only Joshua & Caleb, who trusted God, were allowed to go in out of that generation.
After David fought Goliath, later, it came a time when still other giants were fought in battle — relatives of Goliath.
As for a layer of thickened plasma? Not sure about that one. Sounds like lightning jello, which would be a new one to me.
I don’t get it. If the seal was willing to risk his career and inevitably give his life to protect the Ambassador and save fellow Americans, why wouldn’t the crew of the AC-130 do the same? I am not excusing or encouraging anyone to disobey orders as that could create a very slippery slope, but there may come a time when you may need to question the order vs the situation and make your best judgement. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If they had acted who knows, maybe the Ambassador and the other 3 brave veterans, who died trying to save other Americans so that their families would not have to lose their loved ones and grieve, might be alive today and their families would not be grieving over their unnecessary losses. LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND is not just a motto lived up to by the military, but by America in general and if you have any doubt, just Google any missing child and see the effort that has gone into finding them whether or not they may still be alive, to bring closer to the family one way or another.