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By Alexander Higgins (Reporter)
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Civilian Militia Expands to 38 States To Protect Constitution

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A citizen militia consisting of law enforcement, military and civilians founded by pro-2nd amendment Police Chief Mark Kessler to protect citizens against an over bearing federal government has now expanded to 38 chapters each in a different state.

Formally known as the Constitution Security Force Chief Kessler called upon the creation of a Citizen Reserve force to protect Americans from the ever growing plethora of threats to Life, Liberty and Justice Citizens face from the federal government in the draconian post 9/11 dark times we live in.

Chief Kessler proposed legislation to his town of Gilberton, Pennsylvania asserting the right to assert 2nd and 10th amendment rights despite in defiance in any orders coming from the Gestapo thugs in Washington, D.C taking orders from the notorious Obama regime.

Gilberton passed the chief legislation into law which has sparked a number of other law enforcement and military members to answer the Chief’s call to create a civilian reserve.

The reserve is prepared to fight any threats, foreign or domestic, attempting to pervert and subvert our already eroding constitutional rights which our forefathers guaranteed us and millions of Americans shed blood and gave their lives to protect.

Today I traveled to Pittsburgh to meet up with the chief and do a story on the training new recruits into the force are receiving.

For more on Chief Kessler:

Pennsylvania Police Chief Proposes ’2nd Amendment Preservation’ Ordinance

Police Chief Wants Citizens As ‘Reserve Force’ To Defend Against Feds

Visit the Chief’s site here to get involved and donate:

More news on this story coming shortly on

With Assistance from:  Archangel, Pittsburgh, PA



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    Total 75 comments
    • bustedbowl

      where do i sign up at??

      • Ozzie_Thinker

        Make sure your militia is not another decoy or arm of those who mean to do you harm. Will the militias “ignite” or “defend” a civil war? Be careful you are not “played” by the “schemers”.

        • barry oldwater

          yeah you cant trust that the people that you have just met have your best interest in mind, infiltration of groups such as these are a speciality of our federal government. Hard to believe that some people make a living by moving from one part of the country to another just to get into groups like this and get names and see what they are up to to see if they can be prosecuted for doing somehting wrong but it happens so do not be decieved.

        • londoner

          Well said – KEEP THINKING, KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS – don’t allow fight-mode to take over from honest, right action.
          Poser to your elbow, time to get rid of the black mould that has covered the planet.

      • merijoe

        Get one of these in Califonia please

    • Neil Armstrong

      After the way our currently elected leaders protected our citizens in Benghazi, I think citizen militias are probably the best course of action for US citizens to take right now. We sure as hell can’t expect the Federal Government to look out for our best interests today.

      • Lee

        ACTIONS speak louder than words !!!

    • Coalpony

      About time someone had the balls to organise this,.
      It will have to be done right though, the so called elect will do everything in their power to discredit anything that constitutes a threat to their power based egos, good luck

    • Confederate

      What other states? Some more info would be nice!

      • Decode the World

        I’ll make sure Alex gets that info for everyone, he’s on the road now.

        • Equalizer

          Mr. Kitze,
          Please be sure to request that Alex posts the sign up links to all our “local” Civilian Militia Constitution Security Force. Thank you.

      • Anonymous

        I am certain in the land of DEVIL Patrick Massachusetts we are not on the list!!!

    • Banderman

      I’m in. All in.

    • Fianna

      Ill be making a call to this group tomorrow, I want to hear it from the horses mouth!!
      The website looks good, and not some hack job thrown together, so thats a good sign to start with.

    • ThenAgain

      I dont’ know, on the one hand we know Jones/infowars is controlled opposition big time. Also, this is likely a diversion. Yes he had Mike Murphy on a chemtrails show recently, but that where all the focus should be, rather than on militias.

      Hopefully the police know they are being poisoning with chemtrails and will be taken out as soon as the grid is finished, automated drones, and now those mass production robots are getting brains put in them. Article today search ‘brains in robots’, are ‘inches away’, meaning they’re in mass production.

      There will be no fighting those, the only solution is a nationwide work strike, soon. Tell others about chemtrails, copy save documentaries /download to disk in case something happens to the net, and send to others now. This matters, but we can’t fight chemtrails with guns -

      This one is also huge, includes everything –

    • Decode the World

      Guys, this is the real deal. I’ve personally spoken on the phone with Chief Kessler and his town is very fortunate to have someone as committed as he is serving and protecting that community.

    • Freewilloffering

      I Guess this is what you call Community Organizing -Patriot Style!

    • vet4freedom

      18 years military exp . where do i sign up ?

    • Equalizer

      I am in!

    • hungry4food

      In this article it says the State Police were training for Sovereign Citizens who did not like the president to be seen as a Threat , and if they were questing things like Constitutional sovereign citizen qualifications and Taking the Bible seriously, or wanting to see fiscal sound money principles be restored like a Gold backed dollar , see these 2 first links ,,0,3800088.story

      This story has a Reprint of a Undersheriff at
      Prowers County Sheriff’s Office in Colorado talking about the training course he attended and how the training was a DHS Guideline on what is considered a Threat .

      So don’t even give this any consideration or else !!!!!
      We Don’t Need Obama’s Birth Certificate , now this has a different twist to the conspiracy ……..

      Read this

    • LCG6

      I’m all in for what he is doing,and he is just 1 of many from Very,Very Very ! small towns, But a whole lot many small towns & a couple Big town,Along With some Bigger Cities,All pulled together across the US. is What we need,And for the None Believers. There are A Whole lot of these Groups, Different Names for these Militia’s But the Same Purpose. “Protect Our Country & Restore The Constitution !!

    • Zeah Lee

      How can we find out if a militia is operating in our state? Are those states listed anywhere?

    • rev

      The Constitution has already been torn to shreds. Police brutality is epidemic. Land is being snatched from its rightful owners by corporations to build oil pipelines. Land is being destroyed by the thousands of acres. Where is the Militia? Why did you allow the corporations to take over the government? Where were you when the NDAA was signed into law? Where were you when the Patriot act was passed? Why are you letting the TSA get away with their atrocities? Where are you guys? If you are here to protect the Constitution, then why are you just talking about it? Why don’t you do something now, before it is too late? There is almost nothing left of the Constitution, and you are all still just talking. When are you going to get started protecting it?

      • Bobbyray

        Ahh REV ……WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING? Are you a coward? Join a Militia or something and you can be a part of what ever they do or STFU. You ain’t Paul Revere. Be an American or join the Illuminatti NWO and see where that gets ya. No Guts No Glory.

        • rev

          Well? Are you going to answer my question, or are you just going to assume things about me personally?

    • chuckwagoncharlie

      Interesting but how many members are also members of the FBI,CIA,FEMA and Homeland Security ? You can bet the bank the Government knows when these groups sneeze.

    • Archangel

      This is “Archangel,” coming to you live from Pittsburgh,PA. where “Fast-Tatics,” training center is located. I covered & video taped this story for “BIN,” & worked with “Alex Higgins,” on this story live together at the training center. I video taped it all & shot the stills. Alex also used my equipment, so we could cover different aspects of the course at the same time. To the pretty woman ( “Zeah Lee” ) who asked the question about finding whether or not militia is in your state. First of all you need to find out if militia is legal in your state first. Then through private channels, like guns stores, word of mouth, & other ways, you can put out the word, & someone will get back to you. You need to put yourself out there though, & put out some time of contact info for “them to find you !” They are quite afraid & mostly still underground, whether they are legal in that state or not, because the government hates them & has labeled them “TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS !” So they must be careful. I suggest you join & go to & join it. We are all located there, Chris Kitze, writer / owner / founder / &head of “Before It’s News,”, along with myself, “Alex Higgins,” & many other patriots. It’s totally encrypted & quite safe. It was written & invented bt “CK,” at “BIN.” Feel free to contact me directly there. It’s easy & free to join. Tell all your close friends you trust totally. I’ll talk to you there. I can put you directly in touch with Chief Mark Kessler & the owner / operators of “Fast-Tatics,” also. I hope this answers your question. Anyone else reading this may also join up & feel free to contact me also. It’s a 3 step sign up easy process. And you must add me ask me to join your own group that only you control & create here on this site. You may reach me here then if I feel safe & trust you, I will give you my personal e-mail account & private telephone number & talk with you ! “LONG LIVE FREE AMERICA ONCE MORE !” As always your brother in arms, against the armies of darkness of man & beyond,


    • stanleyteee

      well, I wondered why the Homeland Security is buying up all the ammo, 1500 utility cars with 50cal mounted on them as well as now having 4 empty prisons, Looks like it’s coming down the wire.

    • slog

      Are you kidding? I am a hell of a lot more worried about roving bands of armed morons running around in my woods than I am about any NWO fantasy. America has gone stupid.

    • james baxter

      im in where do sighn up

    • Anonymous

      This must be done Constitutionally for it to work. Militia of the several states. Don’t try to setup your own or they will have a poor excuse to attack you anyways. Don’t be he-man stupid. Read the Constitution and apply the Militia of the several states.

      • Anonymous

        Care to elaborate on how exactly do it. It will help people.

    • james baxter

      sign me up

    • DennisB

      I’m 62, Ex-Army and ready to help where needed. I go to the range every week and can still get 2″ groups at 200yds. We need to move on this…Sign me up if you need me. I love this Country, always have. I’m already sworn in to protect your freedom.

    • Dr Richard Ruhling

      Hooray for patriots who are willing to die for that they believe is right.
      But this time, I believe God wants to spare us any losses!
      Even if patriots could win the coming civil war to restore the Constitution,
      “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
      It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other,” John Adams, 2nd US President.

      That being so, America is already gone because half this country is not moral,
      and they will vote for government benefits for the other half to provide.
      Nevertheless, God has a plan that can spare us.

    • Sid

      I live in a low population county in the south part of Missouri. Our Sheriff is an open advocate of the 2nd amendment and was one of those who put Obama on notice that he would not allow enforcement of any new gun control laws in our county.

      I think it is time that we organize around our local pro 2nd amendment sheriffs as the day is approaching that they will need all the support he can muster. This is simply the way it was in the past when a sheriff called on local citizens to form a posse.

      This won’t work as well in heavily populated areas, and that is good since the big cities are where the rogue federal government draws its support.

    • Anonymous

      >>>>>>ATTENTION<<<<<<that boy is a slow slug, put him in a H. to H. combat situation and he is a casualty. Hate to tell him but training is much more than rifle/handgun use. The complete package needs to be trained and that is very much the reason why a shtf prepared person needs to be in shape, Not dumpy lumpy n slow, Boy needs to start doing 100 burpees a day and jogging/running/training in H. to H. combat to prepare not only himself but all those around him involved in the security force, please people understand that military trained personnel will be IN SHAPE AND TOUGH. Thank You.

      • fuzzychickens

        Being in shape certainly helps, but an old man who’s been shooting all his life can take out an in shape thug anyday.

        I watched my 78 year old uncle drop a deer running full speed about 150 yards away with one well placed shot when i was 15. It left an impression on me. He had the thickest eyeglasses too – I assumed he was not much of a hunter before i saw him take that shot before i even reacted to the deer crossing the field.

        Never underestimate someone because they are old or out of shape. A skilled shooter will put you down regardless.

        • Anonymous

          an out of shape person better be very damn violent within 21 feet!

    • freewill

      bozo’s! all 50 states have a militia, The last I knew, Michigan had the largest, I haven’t checked the numbers in years, back then it was at least 12 million strong nationwide, the numbers were growing in leaps and bounds, and they ain’t weekend drunks with 30-06s wearing funny hats! Janet Reno panicked when the rumors came out that the tri state militia was going to intervene in Waco, She ordered the placed burned down, Domestic enemy’s of our Constitution do not want a confrontation! :grin:

      • Anonymous

        I would change your way of thinking and look at the facts. Taking pea shooters to war with M1a1 tanks and black hawks with hellfire missile systems is not really a very good idea. Whatever the military considers a threat to continuity will be eradicated. Remember we are protecting your country and most soldiers are well aware of what is right and wrong, many of which are members of Oathkeepers and in shtf situations we will not obey orders that are detrimental to innocent civilians and their families and at all cost, we will protect innocent human life on the soil we love.

      • Anonymous

        I would change your way of thinking and look at the facts. Taking pea shooters to war with M1a1 tanks and black hawks with hellfire missile systems is not really a very good idea. Whatever the military considers a threat to continuity will be eradicated. Remember we are protecting your country and most soldiers are well aware of what is right and wrong, many of which are members of Oathkeepers and in shtf situations we will not obey orders that are detrimental to innocent civilians and their families and at all cost, we will protect innocent human life on the soil we love. here is a lil snippet of what that 12 million man militia will have to deal with if any of them start shooting at US military.

        • Freewilloffering

          Without commenting on the sides your speaking of I believe your forgone conclusion and premise of a hypothetical battle between a highly organized and armed force vs. an organic populist resistantance is not proven.

          History is full of examples of the flipside–think Algeria, Vietnam, Eritrea, etc etc etc. Your premise is NOT a forgone conclusion.

        • libsarescum

          Really? The American Patriots did it once before to the most powerful nation in the world. BTW the people driving or flying the blackhawks and M-1 need to eat sometime, they have families, and the fuel gets stored somewhere. Get the drift?

        • Sid

          I don’t think you understand the nature of guerrilla warfare. How well has the powerful US military done against random attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan? When civil war comes to the US it won’t be big armies meeting on the field of battle. It will be assassinations, bombings, hit and run raids, neighbors killing neighbors over political differences, and sabotage. The military may well split. No politician or bureaucrat or their families will be safe from independently acting cells. It won’t be pretty, but you are in error if you think those loyal to rogue government can prevail just because they have sophisticated weapons designed for conventional war.

    • LightandLife

      This is all so stupid and based on fantasy. Obama is NOT taking anyone’s second amendment rights away…

      • Banderman

        Thank you, Joe Biden.

    • icetrout

      To Hell with the FedGov !

    • icetrout

      I’m still waiting for Holder to be held accountable for “Fast & Furious”… & Obama to be impeached for Benghazi… Richard Nixon did nothing compared to these two Radical Bastards!

    • shtfirbrains

      Just a bunch of gold ol boys that like to play in the woods and play army games . No harm.

      Innocent intill proven guilty, we like eatin out on a wood fire, hot perk coffee and the smell of gun powder, just plain fun. Call us what you want, what we do is legal.

    • AJjj100

      If you answered yes? Go to
      President Obama has a plan! His plan is using
      Hitler as a blue print. President Obama has already build the concentration camps all over the
      United States. When President Obama has all the guns he will execute his plan and do to the
      whites and anyone who defies him as Hitler do to the Jews. Presidents Obamas plan is to execute
      all whites out of the United States. If you think this is a HOAX you better think again!!!!!
      The U.S. Government is already saying the Constitution is dead!!!!! Wakeup America before it is
      to late!!!!! Andrew Cuomo has joined President Obama! What Andrew Cuomo don’t know, is he is a white too!

      Now for anyone who don’t believe this to be true answer
      these questions:
      1:Why did the government take God out of all the public schools and public places?
      2:Why did the U.S. Government build concentration camps as Hitler did?
      3:Why does the U.S. Government need the national defense act to arrest and
      hold the people without any charges?
      4:Why is the government trying so hard to get the guns?
      5:Why did the U.S. government buy billions of round of amunition?
      6:Why does the government need the National Resource Act so they can steal fro the American people.
      All these mass killings are drug induced and our government is at the bottom of it
      all!!!!!!!!!!!!! You better belive it, because it is TRUE!!!! Hitler caused mass killing using
      Hypnoses. I wish to God I was wrong!!! But I am not!!!!

      For more information go to and do a search for Agenda21.

      • Ethiopian Haggis

        1:Why did the government take God out of all the public schools and public places?

        Answer: Because of a little thing called “Separation of state and Church” Although, i do admit that God should be allowed in schools, but only if there is respect for all different interpretation of God. All religions should be represented. Also, Harry Potter is allowed, so why not allow another fictional character such as god?

        2:Why did the U.S. Government build concentration camps as Hitler did?

        Answer: You have been brainwashed in thinking that the so called FEMA camps are concentration camps. We have still to see a single picture or tangible proof of the existence of such camps. Given the age of technology we live in, we would have pictures by now, given the easy access to cameras. Since FEMA is in charge of managing emergencies, maybe they want places for people to be sheltered in case of a huge natural disaster? No one wants to relive the katrina thing, where people were massed in a stadium under barbaric conditions.

        3:Why does the U.S. Government need the national defense act to arrest and
        hold the people without any charges?

        Answer: This has always existed, but now it has been brought to everyone’s attention. The government does not need an act to be passed to detain anyone. They will do it regardless.

        4:Why is the government trying so hard to get the guns?

        Answer: They are trying to get the guns away from the crazies, which improves the security for all Americans. No one will come and take your guns if you are a sane and respectable citizen. Although i wonder why anyone would need assault weapons, they have the right to have them, as long as they don’t use them to commit crimes.

        5:Why did the U.S. government buy billions of round of amunition?

        Answer: This story has been proven false multiple times:

        IF, and only IF, it is true, then maybe this is just a way for the Government to stimulate the economy, because this ammo is produced in the US, therefore creating Jobs, and ensuring that the money stays in the US economy. It’s a way for government to increase the GDP.

        6:Why does the government need the National Resource Act so they can steal from the American people.

        Answer: It is not to steal, but to protect the lands from being exploited for private profit. If a company wants to profit from these tracts of land, then there is a need for them to have permits, pay taxes and respect guidelines to ensure that the land will not be debased.

        The law is focused on “protected natural resources”. A permit is required when an “activity” will be:
        Located in, on or over any protected natural resource, or
        Located adjacent to (A) a coastal wetland, great pond, river, stream or brook or significant wildlife habitat contained within a freshwater wetland, or (B) certain freshwater wetlands.

        I hope this answers your questions. I do not expect you to change your mind, as i think that beliefs should be defended, but i also think that exchanging ideas such as what we are doing here can help move everyone forward.

    • Anonymous

      By all means join a group of people who may be deemed enemy’s of the state. It makes having to round-up “trouble makers” so much easier for the powers-that-be.

    • KYPatriot

      Sorry but, I refuse to pay money to belong to the “cool kids club”. I think I’ll stick with those I know (as we don’t charge each other a fee to make preparations to care for our families and each other). Those of you that have nothing better to do than throw money away, just to carry a cool membership card .. go right ahead. I’m not trying to rain on Chief Kessler’s parade … but, there are tons of resources available for FREE!!!

    • Anonymous

      I have heard all the arguments on both sides of this issue . Not one time have I heard any one state the obvious. Once the dollar collapses there will be no money to pay the Military to fight us. DUH! Would any one of you risk getting your ass shot off by 100 million pissed off Patriots without being paid for it? I don’t think so. To all of the resistance is futile crowd out there. Wise up brothers. We are many and we are well organized. Just because you don’t see us in the news . Don’t mean we aren’t here. The very first time the Military that is left to fight strikes one group of us . Our numbers will immediately triple. And we are not 6th Century Towel heads running around shooting at non targets. We will, make every single round count to inflict maximum damage. We are that vast silent majority everyone always talks about. You have not heard from us YET. But you will very soon. So help us God.

    • Jarheadusmc

      Catholic mystics and seers of the utmost integrity have warned by the dozens that soon civil war and revolution will break out in both Europe and followed by America. When all is in turmoil and chaos, Russia with its allies attacks both Europe and America with her “secret” armies. Obama’s mission was to prepare America for a Marxist Dictatorship that will split N. America between the Russians and Chinese.
      - Lucia of Fatima said in 1990 that Russia will attack America
      - Blessed Elena Aiello, Italian mystic and stigmatic said that Russia will attack and overrun all of Europe and America with her “secret” armies (i.e. Homeland Security, IRS, TSA, FBI, etc – Obama has militarized and armed most all governmental departments and placed homosexuals and marxsits to head all these agency’s)
      - In 1984 Pope JPII asked a German Catholic mystic what he was shown in his visions to which he said: I was shown the sky black with planes and missiles in numbers unimaginable coming from Russia towards the West (Europe) and two submarines surfacing on the East and West Coast of America and firing their missiles at the coastal cities.
      - Pope St. Pius X, Blessed Jacinta of Fatima both had visions of the Russians invading and attacking Europe.

      According to these mystics both Catholics and Protestants will fight together against enemies both within and without. America is to be thrown into a civil war and revolution and when all is in chaos and anarchy, Russia and its allies attack Europe and America, Russia with over ten million men and China with ten’s of millions.

      These mystics say that God is going to severely punish the Church, its hierarchy and the world for the great Apostasy, for the abandonment of near 2000 years of the faith and tradition, for abortion, homosexuality, contraception, pornography and many other sins; that when all seems lost and both the Church and world finished, then God will intervene and turn the tide and our enemies will then be even more severely punished and “annihilated” completely, that when all this starts, very suddenly and soon, that it will for the first time in centuries become absolutely evident that this is a war of Satan against God, evil against good, vice against virtue and all will have to take one side only there will be no, absolutely no middle ground, “your are with Me or you are against Me and the Lukewarm I will vomit from my mouth. So this coming war which will last four years and be the most violent in the history of the world is about good vs bad – and you must not only take a side but you will have to fight or be killed most likely.

      America will be attacked from five sides.
      Mexico: Sides with Russia
      Florida: Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba etc side with the Russians.
      Minnesota: Largest pop. of Russians and Muslims live in Minn,Mich, Dakota areas.
      Alaska: Russian attempt to reach Can/US border but are stopped by the Canadians and Americans.
      California: One million Chinese amphibious landing with “help from witin our own government” even know Kerry is setting up the Chinese.
      Pennsylvania: The first five are consistant in the prophecies Penn is not sure but it is said that there will be a Russian element that attacks the East Coast from around Penn and attempts to move past Pittsburgh.

      The mystics say that we win, that we defeat both the enemies within and those that attack our country, that they will be driven into the ocean, but not before we are severely punished and after a great loss of life, as many will die from the starvation and disease as from the fighting. All this to happen very very soon and without long warning.

      No electricity, gas, food, stores, etc, for near two years in America and near four years in Europe. In the end the Russians and Chinese with their allies are completely defeated but over 75 percent of the world dies. Follows is the greatest era of peace and prosperity the world has ever seen for a few generations before man falls again and then comes the anti-christ.

      Again: At first it will be a horrible fight and it will seem that we are going to lose but God does intervene when all seems lost and turns the tables by events still hidden but to be apocalpytic.

      Google or Search: JR Nyquist – For Patriots who Think: and “WW3 Prophecies and Visions from Central Europe” which is a summary of what is to happen in Europe and Nyquist article explains how in America we, the virtuous win completely.

      Get ready this is all about a total attempt to subject America and the Western World to a One World Satanic Judeo/Freemasonic Dictatorship – the plan of our enemies is to have this completed by 2016 – but God “pre-empts” their plans and makes them move before they are ready – something soon happens to put a monkey wrench, so to speak into their plans and makes the playing field even.

    • circuitprotector

      anything in wisconsin?

    • cc taylor

      American sentinels militia is in all 50 states and is growing

    • FreedomBuck05

      Its a scam. They want you to join and pay for your training – about a hundred dollars a session + $20 range fees. You bring your won weapons, ammo and food – they train you at a hundred per session per person. I live in Pittsburgh and was going to go to this session till I found out I’d had to shell out $120.

      If they really believed in the cause of protecting the populace from tyranny they train for free. I can understand the range fees and bring your own gear and ammo.


    • Anonymous

      Yay, Higgins.

    • stompk

      Sorry I don’t trust cops, even ex cops.
      They become cops through a narcissistic flaw in their personality. Control issues.

    • SamuelRose

      Seems to me if anyone is going to have secrets, going to control anyone, going to have weapons, it should be the people…not their voluntary civil servants. Things are waay backwards at this point. If anyone must fear, it should be gov, not other way around. When I hwar of these billikns of rounds of hollow point being bought, it reminds me of a basic tenet…we tend not to realize what is happening to us until it is too late and the trap is set.

    • SamuelRose

      First thing we need to do is force the dismantling of Homeland asap. It is the arm of gov designed to protect gov from citizens. It has no place existing in the U.S.

    • Adina Kutnicki

      Well, it is very smart move to form civilian militias, and here is why –

      Adina Kutnicki, Israel

    • Leaving.

      He orates about the uninfringed right to keep and bare arms, yet, in the finer print of bylaws, specifies what he considers acceptable.

      Noone expressly understands that paramilitary leaders are going to behave as petty tyrants.

      Aside from their ostensible philosophy, there is no effective difference between the mandatory work details on either side of the cultural divide.

    • Patriot

      Sorry, but despite his good intentions, he seems rather “Mickey-Mouse”, in more ways than one.

    • Anonymous

      false flags, inside jobs….
      whatever it takes for them to further
      their own agenda against we the people.

    • AJjj100

      If God was a fictional character there would be just emty space where you stand. If you believe this planet came from nothing. How many pencils have you seen apear out of thin air?
      And on 4/8/2013 the sheriff came to my sons and took his guns! My son didn’t do anything at all.
      His ex made up a bunch of lies about him and they took his guns. My son hadn’t even seen his ex sence Christmas. You better believe if the order is given they will come and take your guns period. You are guilty in the U.S. until proven other wise. As far as assault weapons, there guns and a gun is a gun no matter what shape it is. I know people who hunt with the so called assault weapons like the way they handle for hunting. The constitution say we the people can have any weapons that our military has.

      There is a God and if you don’t think so there will be a time in your life you will wish you knew him!

    • Dave

      So, we now have ********** in 38 states! Wonderful. A nut job kills children, another attack theater goes, one shoots a Congresswoman and kills many more, and you fear the loss of our 2d Amendment rights. What separates your “agenda” from that of a lunatic? Nothing! Just thoughtless extremism. Well, the attempt to ban ‘assault rifles”, do a better job of background checks, etc, failed. Keep up your antics and it will pass the next time around. And you will lose.

      By the way, how stable mentally are you folks? Seriously, do you realize what you are doing and saying? Don’t you realize that by posting here, the government can compile a list? And get your real identity via your email address? You really need to think. Seriously. You are doing more harm than good.

    • StinkerTits

      The citizens of Gilberton look like nuclear bomb survivors, walking around in a daze wondering what happened. They should rename the movie Deliverance to Gilberton Living. What a bunch of screw balls.

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