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By Mort Amsel (Reporter)
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WW3 - A Global Thermonuclear War Is Very Plausible In The Coming Days (Video)

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An analyst says with the United States setting up offensive military bases around both Russia and China and tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the possibility of a global thermonuclear war is not that far-fetched. The comments came after North Korea said it has entered a “state of war” with the South, highlighting that Pyongyang will deal with every inter-Korean issue accordingly. The statement, which was issued jointly by the East Asian country’s government, ruling party, and other organizations, came amid escalating tension in the Korean Peninsula. On March 21, South Korean and US forces wrapped up an annual war game codenamed ‘Key Resolve’ amid high military tension with North Korea, announcing that they would continue to maintain high alert in the wake of fresh threats of attack from Pyongyang. North Korea, however, condemned the maneuvers as a launch pad for a “nuclear war.”
Shit happens..  it’s not like the powers that be haven’t been waiting for it and planning for it for the last 70 years…   yeah i know they have.   -Mort

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    Total 27 comments
    • clockwork angel

      Funny how over the past couple days the National Security Council went from not worried about it to now taking this serious….reality dont ya just love it.

      • Destitute Dowagers Descendant

        We’ve been at this game for the past several decades. The only difference is the amount of media coverage it is garnering this time around. It sort of feels like a ‘Wag The Dog’ type of situation, where they are playing out this drama in front of us to keep us occupied along with the Gay Equality cases in the supreme court.

        We’re all watching the left hand when it’s the right hand we should be watching out for.


        • clockwork angel

          Thats true this NK issue has diverted our attention from other issue’s that we should be keeping our eyes on.. this could even be at a point of drawing even more of our military out of the US leaving us even more vulnerable to an even more sinister surprise attack or take over of the US.

    • Warren

      I’ll go out on a limb and post a contradictory view.

      I don’t see the present Korean situation leading to any substantial war, unless the U.S. intentionally provokes it.

      The above sentence contains two elements. The first:
      North Korea initiating a full-blown war with both South Korea and the U.S. is completely illogical. Even if NK ‘won’, in the sense of retaking SK, what would it have won in the end? What NK would win is a completely devastated country with humanitarian problems many times what they are now in NK alone, and no international support to fix the problem. One may argue that Kim Jong Un is maybe that nuts – but his generals aren’t. Would NK’s generals obey an order from KJU to attack SK or the US? I doubt it.

      The second:
      Would the U.S. intentionally start such a conflagration? Again, that seems unlikely. What’s the win? Show me the money to be made by anyone behind such an act. It isn’t because the military-industrial complex needs another war. They have ongoing activities in Iraq, a current war in Afghanistan, and a pending war in Syria which they can expand to Iran. Not to mention billions of dollars of facilities world-wide.

      So, maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I don’t see either North Korea or South Korea or the U.S. creating a real full-scale conflagration.

      • Usefuleater

        A global confrontation is the only way for the international banking system, which most people agree is showing its cracks, to reset itself and wipe out the toxic assets that are still being shuffled around since 2008. They can’t draw Iran into a conflict, so where is the next closest hotspot? It is either this boy dictator or something with Taiwan, but they will get their war and their economic reset. There is no end to the cycle of military spending, sabre rattling, economic chaos, World War and the post-war reconstruction booms…except the formula has only been tried with conventional warfare. A global thermonuclear war would reset the economy, back to the Dark Ages or worse. Even the debate over this issue is disgusting and clearly Predictive Programming to bring about this awful self-fulfilling prophecy.

        • Warren

          Maybe I’m a bit slow. You’ll have to connect the dots for me. So how is it that a nuclear war that sets civilization back to the middle ages benefits the banksters? Please elaborate.

        • Quantum Kev

          I agree, 100%. While it may not go nuclear, seems to me the time-tested way for saving the economy, particularly the world economy, is a good old fashioned war. We all know who wins, no matter who “wins” – the money mongers. Like the old saying goes, they’re selling the bullets and the bandages, so in the end, they come out richer, we all come out poorer, and the whole game starts over.

          The only thing is that this time, I think they overestimated their ability to “buy someone” in Kim Jong Un. He has a true thirst for revenge and I don’t think he wants their money, their food, or any of their assistance. He wants their heads. And scrarily enough, he does have WMDs of various kinds. Whether or not he can reach the US with nukes, there is no doubt that he can threaten the stability of the region, and who’s to say he doesn’t have a trick or 2 up his sleeve. After all – he isn’t the only ruler or person with influence in the world that hates the US. Unforunately, he have made more than our share of enemies in our “freedom crusade” over the last 50 years or so.

          I know we have heard all this from NK before. But this is a different time, a different situation, and I think you highlighted some of those differences very nicely. It’s always a good time to get right with ourselves and our Higher Power, whatever that power may be.

        • survivor727

          Very good observation. The amount of debt in the world right now is simply mathematically impossible for the nations in debt to repay. It’s a simple matter of numbers. International debt will NEVER be voluntarily wiped out by the lienholders. The United States alone owes China hundreds of billions of dollars. Many European Countries are in similar situations. The United States in the 1980′s wiped out much of the South American and Mexican Debt. The United States also wiped out a significant amount of European Debt in the years after WWII. China and other nations that are now in the black are hardly of the mind to forgive American or anyone else’s debt and really, why should they? When you look at the completely reckless and self serving way the US Government functions, why would ANY nation want to help the USA??? The US Government’s spending habits are a joke!!! There is simply no way to justify where much of the US Government spending goes…..the sex lives of frogs, prostitution in China, bridges to nowhere, you name it. A global thermonuclear war would solve several problems: population reduction, simplicity of control due to reduced populations, less stress on remaining global resources, and of course, complete collapse and restructuring of the world financial system….or whatever was left of it. War solves many problems. It’s a sad truth that man discovered not long after he ventured out of the cave.

      • Joerg Klaemt

        ………………Would NK’s generals obey an order from KJU to attack SK or the US?………………..

        Would Obammer listen to his Generals and would they and the Senate let him get away with it.
        The Answer is Yes. He has the backing of the Money People the Zionists.
        This even happens in a democratic ????????? Country,what do you think happens in a Dictatorship?
        Not that the U.S.A. is rapidly heading that way.

    • Anonymous

      What you are seeing is the demise of NK. It will implode on itself and quickly turn into a type of democracy within weeks to a few months.

      The fatman does not realize he is actually leading his country out of the darkness. He will be a complete FAILURE when all of this is over.

    • SunnyBoy

      Nooo, I think nothing will happen, as usual! :mrgreen:

    • acewww3

      north Korea havnt got the guts to start a war because that will get wiped out by the us plus the UK and south Korea

    • Anonymous

      They were supposed to nuke LA a couple of weeks ago. I noticed that no one left town. We are still waiting.

      • survivor727

        North Korea, nor anyone else for that matter has to nuke the USA. A single EMP device detonated over the center of America would effectively decapitate the command and control capabilities of the US Military. Several EMP devices would wipe out all unhardened electrical/electronic devices and effectively sen the US INCLUDING the military and into the 1800′s. It would then be a matter of no great consequence for ANY nation to invade America and put boots on the ground here. Everyone is so focused on nukes they forget about the awesome destructive capability of EMP weapons. The US has them and used them in Iraq. Other nations have them as well. What better way for North Korea, or Russia to simply “waltz” into America than hitting it with an EMP first? China would love it! The Chinese could simply walk into America and take over. Yes there would be resistance but it would be short lived and China could basically “take” the U.S. in lieu of debt repayment. Banks do it all of the time. You can’t repay the note, so they reposes or foreclose. But people really need to stop thinking nukes. It will be EMP, NOT nukes. None of America’s enemies want to destroy the USA….they want to take it in one piece.

    • Inkling

      When the rats start disappearing down into their Deep Underground Military Bases we will know that the end is near, or at least there is something afoot. Then should be the time to put the entrances to the DUMBs out of action. We can then assure destruction of these odious excuses for humanity. Bury the bastards with their gold and fortunes. :mad:

      • Joerg Klaemt

        Very well put,I agree!

    • Minobsmasivfski

      Hope this one is for real , dont want any more dissapointments , sick of waiting ey

    • Anonymous

      Bank “hacks” perpetrated at “nation-state” level!
      “Food For Thought”
      Semper Fi!

    • silverbutton1

      Its always been my opinion that TPTB can use the NK-SK situation to their advantage at any time for restarting war since a peace treaty was never signed (its been in a state of cease fire for many decades now). In effect, its their “trump card” to get things rolling (for WW3 ?), hoping it will stay conventional, but knowing it may not, but willing to take the chance (for whatever reason(s)).

    • caribbean critic

      I am absolutely gob smacked by the brainless stupidity of Americans!The Very fact that you have a thousand military bases around the world, you are currently engaged in destroying all the north African nations bombing with drone half the middle east countries including Syria Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan Mali etc etc these are provocations worthy of a nuclear response on the US mainland on there own. The US has murdered through war 236 million since the second world war and your not the most dangerous to world peace? are you freaking kidding me? There is fast approaching a time when the other & billion people on this planet who are NOT Yids or Yanks will hve to rise up and exterminate these genocidal freaks! ALL OF THEM!

      • JD

        It’s our government, not the citizens, that are causing all this pain around the world. Would you like to be blamed directly for the actions of your government? I didn’t think so.

    • Mayhem

      “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

      ― Albert Einstein

      • Joerg Klaemt

        Good one, too bad it came from Albert Einstein and not from you.

        • Joerg Klaemt


          The National Government [is] pushing a Cyprus-style solution to bank failure in New Zealand which will see small depositors lose some of their savings to fund big bank bailouts . . . .
          Better get your money out Sheila.

    • InquisitiveMind

      Armageddon sick of these end of the world fallacies I mean prophecies.

    • Neil Armstrong

      Wouldn’t be surprised if North Korea used stealth technology to create invisible to the radar nuke delivery devices. They are closely affiliated with the Iranian regime, and we gave them a gift wrapped stealth drone, that we to my knowledge have no ability to track without it telling us where it is.

      • Joerg Klaemt

        Neil Armstrong
        Good observation same thought crossed my mind.
        The only way this idiocy can be stopped by clipping the Wings of the Zionist Elite.

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