
Ben's Prison Blog
Ben Gunn is "one of Britain's best known prisoners...he constantly questions authority and exposes the futility of the system" The Times. Pleading guilty to the murder of a friend when he was 14 years old, Ben has since renounced violence and consistently fought for the recognition of the inherent dignity of all human beings. As a result of speaking truth to power, Ben has served far longer than the recommended 10 years, leading Education Secretary Michael Gove to argue that Ben "has been punished excessively for a crime committed as a child", and Lord Ramsbotham to state that "It is expensive and unnecessary to keep Ben Gunn in prison". One of the more intellectual of prisoner-campaigners, Ben chose to educate himself from a schoolboy level to having both undergraduate and post graduate degrees. He is currently one of very few prisoners in Britain ever to attempt a Doctorate. Ben's speciality is non-violent action and the Human Needs Theory. Despite all provocations and the difficulties of existence in prison, Ben has never committed an act of violence since the age of 14.
Valid 10 years unless revoked
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Prisoner Power
13 views | Alternative | May 19 2024 06:09
Shouting over the wall.
54 views | Alternative | Feb 10 2024 13:59
Ho ho, Ho no.
82 views | Alternative | Feb 04 2024 14:06
Going Backwards to go Forwards
17 views | Alternative | Oct 09 2023 08:06
Prisoner Ben's Story
127 views | Alternative | May 09 2017 02:24
Drones and Phones
50 views | Alternative | Apr 17 2017 04:05
Release after 32 years
24 views | Alternative | Oct 03 2016 13:59
48 views | Alternative | Oct 01 2016 11:49

