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Self-sufficiency & reform at home versus castles in the air

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There are times when Gina “Miss Piggy” Millar is an inspiration to me – as she clearly isn’t going to become an MP following the General Election. The articles missing from her armoury are cultural awareness, history, economics, social anthropology, liking people, or any evidence at all that there might be a single iota of humility or respect anywhere in her being.

Electorates in General Elections don’t want any more half-baked globalist advice right now [from Gina-cum-latelies with a blocist agenda that will inevitably lead to rule from a silo somewhere 20,000 leagues under the sea].

Millar is a UK citizen [via tempestuous marriages] who knows three-fifths of Fanny Adams about anything to do with my upbringing, open education, free study for a degree in History & Politics, a forty-year career in communications and then [latterly] informed journalistic attacks on London-based chattering class supper-party nonsense.

These same ideals have been hammered to death by puerile deconstruction of the civic, ethical and honesty values that were the basis of spreading civilisation to vast areas of Africa, India, Asia and Australasia.

But empires rise and fall, are expensive to maintain, create resistance movements and eventually, the colonialists are kicked out.

So why does anyone think that turning what’s left of the Superpowers into a series of lumbering blocs run from a distance by corrupt crooks in Brussels, Washington, Moscow and Beijing is going to solve anything?

Well, Gina does; but that’s because she doesn’t get out enough. She thinks that anyone proud of their national heritage is a Nazi, a 19th century relic of gunboat diplomacy, and/or something to be deplored….for example, “Little Englanders”.

She doesn’t grasp that the future is never a straight line. Millar thinks she has a vision, but it’s muddled, and her focus remains solely on political name-calling.

Truth is, she’s in the way.

But she is but one of many millions of confused, aggressive, anti-white Britain-haters, and nobody has as yet given them a clear definition of what the small “reform” Parties either do [or should] stand for. There is nobody on the stump prior to an imminent General Election who can even begin to say, “I feel the wind in this campaign is now behind me and ready for real change”. They might be spouting that sort of twaddle, but out there in our depraved world, the electorate’s general response is glazed eyes and apathy.

You don’t change a culture in crisis by focussing on Westminster Party politics. You draw up a list of every last dysfunction of structure and system, ethic or goal and say, “This is what the People want to do….if you don’t, you are not required on voyage, and will be treated as excess baggage or garbage”.

Today’s Slogpost is an attempt to be searingly honest about just how fundamental the reform of Britain’s entire systems and attitudes has to be. Almost without exception – from the foreign office via the Home Secretary to the Chancellor, Education, secret services and the capitalist forms in use – will have to be purged. We are talking Pol Pot Year Zero stuff here. Neither diplomatic assumptions nor apparently bombproof Sir Humphrey connections will be allowed to rest easy in their feather beds.

The key elements to drive out the Devil are likely to be based on entrepreneurial, retail mutualist banking, making stuff designed to deliver self-perpetuating econo-diplomatic independence, and replacing globalist tax evasion funny money with realistic marketing of Great British manufacturing excellence.

“Good enough” will never be enough. We have a reputation right across Asia and the Pacific rim which earns us various degrees of respect all the way up to admiration in India, Pakistan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Australasia.

We do not need a special relationship with an increasingly neocon bullying fantasy formerly known as the United States…nor do we need to jump out of that frying pan straight into the fire of Brussels.

What we need is more of the attitude and balls that rid the World of Hitlerism.

I introduce the topic in this manner because I’ve been doing a little detective work since last Tuesday. I remain suspicious whenever social media suddenly change tone.

A group of shills out there is out to make us relax and accept that The Big They are being found out – PLUS arrangements are accelerating to bring unelected secret States to justice….oddly enough, starting with the US DoJ which (we’re being told) is going to be brought down and subjected to the arc lamp of interrogation that will finally bring the assholes to, erm… justice, funnily enough.

So I’m asking you, have you ever received an email from [email protected]? Yes, I have too. But it’s a bot: it doesn’t exist, the address is a fake. There’s dozens of them. They mainly emanate from Hotmail and wind up in the inboxes of Gmail, Yahoo, msn [Outlook] and AOL….the last of these being one I’ve heard Stateside rumours about – all further information on these and other Bots gratefully received from readers of the Slog in all countries.

The point, of course, is to appeal to that human frailty that sighs with relief and settles further back into the sofa when it reads the headline


IABATO – It’s All Bollocks And That’s Official.

This is – in some vague kind of order of importance – a grab-bag list of aims for anyone who is serious about halting and reversing the rapid erosion of liberty and democracy in favour of corrupt dictatorship from distant, unknown locations.

It’s the point at which we must all fess up and say that greedy blocist globalism has to go…and that includes the BRICS as much as The US $ fans.

Another Slogarithm to remember: don’t take sides, take action.

So here we go….hang on tight for the Bobsleigh ride of the century…..

1. Bourses long since ceased to be a means of raising money from the public in order to expand. They are simply a means of launching something, directionalising people to the “Thing”, taking the money back home and then relocating somewhere private; or, raising cash for a reverse takeover, buying the Big Boy that turns into a sluggish fat boy, and then gobbling up the competition. From the Bourses we get rape of the shareholders, Too Big to Fail, Monopolism, Fast Bucks and lies (See Elon musk). What we don’t get is any benefit for competitive entrepreneurial level-playing-field capitalism.

2. The banking system is right at the core of the rotten apple, and the biggest single scandal is the way in which the central banking “system” defines ownership and investment. A bank is not taking care of your money, it is declaring that once your deposit is handed over to the teller, it makes a miraculous substantiational leap from being your savings on the week’s hard work to theirs in perpetuity. It’s a ridiculous idea that an institution offering YOU a guaranteed safe place for YOUR money plus a rate of interest to guarantee the real value of YOUR money suddenly changes the case from possessive pronoun YOUR to bank robbery of THEIR money the minute they fuck up. YOU lost, but it was always THEIR money anyway, so why should you care? The Bank will turn around to the State Sovereign Treasury and say “The bank took deposits in good faith and we went under so now YOU need to bale US out with Taxpayers’ money some of which, spookily, was once THEIR money but is now YOUR DEBT that you’re going to raise from THEIR taxpayers money, and soon it will cease to be additional STATE tax monies and become OUR money again…..until the next time”.

Quite one of the most bizarre [if not surreal] speeches I ever heard in the UK House of Commons was from the visitors’ gallery – entry thanks to the late lamented blogger supremo Anna Raccoon for helping me gain live access. It took place as I sat there in wonder “on the spot” as we used to say back in 2010 – and heard new Tory Chancellor Little Osborne deliver a speech, with a noseful of smack, saying “This administration will deliver the taxpayer once and for all immunity from having to bale out risks taken out by bank investors”.

Nearly overcome by the brass neck of this son of a Slone-naff clothing distributor, I was perilously close to yelling out “THEY’RE THE SAME PEOPLE YOU CANUTE”, but I retreated behind the noise of dishonourable members nodding their sawdust-filled heads and yelling with enthusiasm “Hear-hear”.

This issue may make you feel nauseous, unbelieving, baffled and furious: but don’t get into the gibbering Bedlam that will give you a New Normal Sanity jab if we start to investigate other aspects of central banking like shadow deposits that don’t exist, or dancing with death among the usurious fringe banking Pawn Stars who taught the big boys much of what they know.

Bottom line: Money that citizens deposit with First Rank retail and investment banks are not part of the Catholic body of Christian Communion myth. It is OUR money when we deposit it, THEIR money if they mislay it, and STATE regulatory bodies’ job to both fire needless greed and force the banking community to cough up out of their own vast resources. [For more on that last ‘Big Six’ reference, See recent Slogpost here]

3. In their current form, the legislatures of the US, EU and UK are utterly useless to any and all citizens interested in a society that rewards good civic behaviour, sends corrupt procurement officers to jail (do not pass GO, do not collect $200), bans every criminal for life from public office (ref Grant Shapps and Jeremy Hunt), and follows a diplomatic policy without reference [in the UK’s case, for example] to the US surveillance State and the diktats of Brussels.

They are all – every one of them – bought, blackmailed and thus under the amoral cosh – of the bourses that demand obedience to their munneeeee.

So let’s try to be rational and radical at the same time in approaching this issue.

The UK needs to dump both the neocon diplomacy of the US – because its sole raison d’etre is to disguise the risible failure of neoliberal economics – and the rim-licking EU support for that disgraceful policy. All this does is cost us vast amounts of money in Blighty we quite brazenly can’t afford, and needless deaths in battle that no British Government should have on its conscience.

This immediately simplifies everything else….IF one buys into genuine acceptance that what Nigel Farage called The UK independence Party (UKIP) still applies, then the key word is still INDEPENDENCE.

No genuine independence for a Sovereign nation was ever achieved by a Halfway House.

Over the years, I have been bashed up, down and sideways by those who see me as unwilling to accept Farage’s genuine radicalism when it comes to the I-word.

I can only argue – with tons of evidence – that he is a Bourse player committed to that format [which is corrupt] and a strong supporter of the Special Relationship [which is naive] and from Day One of the Slog, my view – still on the masthead – remains the same as it was fifteen years ago: these are false flags >>>>

The way this affects the UK Parliament must again be approached with something designed to avoid the iceberg, rather than making a maiden voyage at full speed in the middle of an Ice Pack while pursuing the Blue Riband.

Yes, we DO need two Houses of Parliament [Checks & Balances] but no, we do not need either an Elected Commons, or a House of Lords whose sole existence is based on flakey definitions of deserved privilege.

Has electing the Commons been any sort of defence against corrupt sellout to macropolitical Big Business pressure? Demonstrably, it has not.

Has a “senior” House of Lords done anything to control the foul misbehaviour of the scoundrels in the Commons? No, it has not. (The whole concept went tits up when George V simply created new Peers to get laws passed).

The obvious solution is therefore to abolish both in favour of better representatives. But even that will miss the target unless one crucial element is removed: viz, Big Money, and the specific activity of lobbying.


‘Lobbying’ is simply a posh, legal-sounding term for bribery: money does indeed talk, especially in politics. It has helped neolithic Party machines to retain a degree of ‘relevance’ they don’t merit, and allowed for the survival of modes of thought that should have been abandoned decades ago. We no longer need a Labour Party: there is no manual work social class any more. By the time AI has done its work, there won’t be anything but robots. The Tory Party feeds on farcical imagery and false claims because it doesn’t represent anything beyond greed. There are neoliths in there who still have their doubts about female suffrage.

Represent. That word again…the most useful and genuine Political tendencies grow up because the ancient Parties have completely lost touch with what really matters to The People. The two big UK Parties have but one aim: to retain power. The SNP was and is of similar ilk in Scotland. The only naturally arising Party of the last painful 35 years was UKIP, because it was listening to Real People, not lying to them or bellowing at them via the media to take poison.

The highlights are: abandon first past the post as a voting system, abolish the Parliamentary ‘House’ structure and bring the activities of the legislature closer to the People, abolish all forms of monied lobbying and make any contribution to a political Party above £100 punishable by a prison sentence. This time, don’t be fooled by some watered-down version of pr: Britain needs full-on proportional representation at all levels, but the regions generally have to feel closer to the source of power. We no longer have an empire, so we do not need a veritable army of bureaucrats and others on the make in the clouds above the capital city.

The importance of regions and their own particular problems cannot be overstated, any more or less than the infamy of dumping extremist illegal migrants onto Britain must be reversed. The French sent them here – does anyone out there really doubt that any more? – so they can have them back.

We drift inevitably into policy at this point because Britain – like every other Nation State – equates the capital city with those who burble a lot, but are serenely above reality. The minute new Party line-ups with strong regional bases start to take action to stop and reverse all recent iniquities, the more interest voters will take in making life a level playing field for all.

But the goal, put simply, is a domestic policy emphasis at first on making Britain entrepreneurial, mutually capitalist and self-sufficient, and adopting a very arms-length isolation from the Macrons, Bidens and Van der Leyens of this world busy building elephant traps for everyone to fall into.

Thanks for reading, enjoy the rest of your week.

This is Klaus. He has been missing now for nearly six weeks, and his mummy is very worried about him. Klaus is a sad case in that he has fantasies about being Davos Varda, wears unforms from Star Wars and wants to be a Great Resetter….something he confuses that with the canine breed Red Setter, a dog that very much resembles Klaus, although much brighter than this tragically deluded special needs child.

It is a tragedy that this poor little boy (Klaus, not the dog) has been disgracefully ignored by the entire global media set, his disappearance being described as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory”, when in reality unser kleiner Klaus is merely the victim of Totally off his Chump syndrome last seen being escorted to destinations unknown by a disloyal carer with paedophile tendencies, overheard to whisper in his muddled ear-brain canal:

„Mach dir keine Sorgen, mein kleiner Glatzkopf, denn du musst im richtigen Moment auftauchen, wenn alle dummen Neinsager den Biowaffen erlegen sind und du dann als der lange vermisste Anführer und Messias gefeiert werden kannst, der uns auf die nächste Stufe der Weltherrschaft führt“.


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