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Warning Signs

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

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(This message was recently preached at Mt. Zion Baptist Church)

Life is filled with warning signs. Whether we go, we will likely see some type of warning signs and those signs are not necessarily meant to scare or instill fear within us. They are simply noting something and if we are aware of what those signs mean, we will heed them and avoid the problems that the signs warns us about.

As one example, I’m semi-retired but I drive a school bus in the area. As you might imagine it comes with a good deal of responsibility to ensure that I get my bus full of students to and from school in as safe a manner as possible. Things like student issues on the bus can make that more difficult. But apart from that, situations outside the bus can also add to the problems.

Not too long ago, when we experienced a good deal of rain, numerous roads in the county were washed out and impassible. My bosses at the bus garage were diligent in staying in touch with road crews to learn which roads were closed to traffic. It wasn’t just dirt roads either but some of the hard roads.

During that time of major downpours I received either text messages the night before my route or the morning of indicating which roads I needed to avoid. In essence, my bosses were warning me that if I went down those roads there would be serious problems.

So because I was aware of the problem – having been WARNED of it – I could successfully avoid the problems and be on my way. Had I not been warned about the road closures, I would have simply run my normal bus route thinking that, besides the amount of rain prompting me to go slower, there was nothing to be concerned about.

The Bible also is filled with warning after warning. We see these warnings in the life of the Israelites, King Saul, King David, King Solomon and many others in the Old and New Testaments. In some cases, problems were successfully dealt with because people paid attention to the warnings God provided often through His prophets. In many other cases, those warnings were not heeded and trouble ensued.

Jesus also spent time warning His listeners and followers. In fact, He took the time out to warn the religious leaders often, not because He hated them but because He actually loved them and yearned for them to embrace the truth. They, however, chose repeatedly to NOT heed Jesus’ warnings and they paid the consequences of that refusal.

In the Olivet Discourse, which we find in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, Jesus outlines what will occur toward the end of the age in which we are now living. He spent time to warn His disciples about certain attitudes and events that would seriously impact society as the time approached for His physical return.

Some of what He warned happened before all of His apostles died or were martyred. Some warnings remain as yet unfulfilled because they are still in front of us. I’m of the firm conviction that those warnings that Jesus shared are happening now and will continue with greater intensity as we lead up to the coming final seven years of human history prior to the physical return of our Lord. This period is known biblically as the Tribulation period.

In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus warns of very difficult times that will engulf the entire world. We need to realize that all of what Jesus says that is to come to pass will occur in God’s timing, though Satan and his human agents on earth want to push things ahead with greater speed to bring the final kingdom of Daniel 2 to fruition.

You’ll recall in that chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar sees a huge statue in his dream. It greatly concerns him as he notices the statue is divided into four parts but it made no sense to him. Not one of his wise men could provide any rational explanation for the dream, until Daniel is called who is able to explain the dream to Nebuchadnezzar based on God’s revelation.

Nebuchadnezzar learns that the top portion of the statue represents Babylon. The chest and arms represent the next kingdom, Medo-Persia. The third section – the belly and thighs – represent Alexander’s Grecian Empire. The fourth points to the Roman Empire. All these kingdoms came and went and we now await what conservative biblical scholars call the “Revised Roman Empire” that will rise from the ashes in roughly the same area of the old Roman Empire.

It will be this empire that will ultimately be ruled over by the man Paul calls the “man of sin” in 2 Thessalonians 2. This man of sin or Antichrist will literally be Satan in the flesh. If the Bible is true – and it is – we know that these things will come to pass though still in the future. So in spite of how badly Satan and his human cohorts want this final new world order to become established, it will only occur when God’s timing allows as Satan and his agents are on God’s leash. Amen?

I have been studying God’s Word since I became a Christian at the age of 13. I just turned 67 and I often think I’ve just begun scratching the surface. Over the years, I’ve earned a Bachelor’s in Bible, a Masters in Biblical Theology and a Doctorate in Theology. But I’m by no means at the end of my learning. In fact, it seems to me that in some ways, I’m just beginning.

I’ve written over 30 books, most of them on prophetic discourse. I also write a weekly blog – two to three times per week – where I share my viewpoints on various biblical concerns and what is happening in the world today.

Because of all this, readers of my blog and books will often ask me, Where are we on God’s prophetic calendar? An important question.

I realize prophecy can be confusing to some, unnecessary to others and can even – unfortunately – create tension between people over viewpoints and fear within the believer. Maybe the subject is important to you. Maybe it’s not as important as you would like it to be.

Jesus warns us about several things that He says will occur toward the end of this current age, before He returns. Instead of being fearful of those things, we need to take them to heart so that we can actually AVOID problems.

While I don’t have all the answers, I believe I can see clearly enough to know where we are and where we are heading, based on the truth of God’s Word. Certainly, I cannot know when certain prophetic events that are yet unfilled in Scripture will be fulfilled because I’m not a prophet. I can, however, discern the times and, using discernment, arrive to a general understanding of which part of the 70 weeks that Daniel speaks of in Daniel 9 we are currently at.

So I’d like to take the remainder of time today to go over aspects of the Olivet Discourse. These words, spoken directly by our Lord, enlighten us, providing us a picture of the very end of the end times in which we live. Some of what Jesus warns can make us cringe or experience fear. Some of what He says may cause us to be filled with gratefulness. It is in the Bible, therefore it is important for us because God wanted us to know.

I’d like to highlight four things mainly from the Olivet Discourse from Matthew 24.

These four points are:

  1. Apostasy (24:4-5; 11)
  2. Anarchy (24:6-8)
  3. Apathy (24:12-13)
  4. Affliction (24:9-10)

Let’s take a moment to read the text from the Olivet Discourse and then delve into the sermon, covering Matthew 24:4-13.

In Matthew 24:4-5 and 11, Jesus warns His disciples and us of the tremendous uptick in false teachers as the age draws to a close. False teachers are liars and liars have always existed on the earth and that goes back to Genesis 3 when Satan lied about God to convince Eve and Adam that what Satan offered was better than what God offered. Satan was accusing God of withholding information from Eve and Adam.

It’s clear that much damage is done when people choose to lie. The lies can destroy relationships and can create a tremendous degree of harm.

Regardless of whether or not COVID was merely exploited or deliberate, society will never be the same because of the pushers of fear-based messaging in secular society.

Jesus warns of false teachers and false prophets doing tremendous damage to parishioners in the churches over which they shepherd because they lead people away from the truth of God’s Word, just as Satan led Eve away from God’s truthfully spoken Word. Lies always end in people walking away from God and His truth.

But it’s not just false apostles, prophets and teachers either. In the text, Jesus is specifically pointing to the fact that false Messiahs will rise. Their only purpose is to deceive people. Currently, there are at least three to five people throughout the world who claim to be Jesus incarnate. They all have followers who pretty much worship those individuals.

We will likely see more and more people claiming to be the reincarnation of Jesus or Messiah. The belief in “the Christ consciousness” within the New Age Movement is a core belief. Hardcore New Age believers all look forward to the coming of what they call the Christ Consciousness in the form of one particular person they call Maitreya. When this person comes on the scene, he will be adored and worshiped by those within the New Age. It would not surprise me to see many leaders within Christendom point to this coming man as the “one” who will right all wrongs. Unfortunately for both groups, this future man will be the Antichrist, someone Paul called the “man of sin/lawlessness” in 2 Thessalonians 2. He will take the world by storm and gain full control of the coming new world order.

This particular new world order is under construction now by the UN, the WHO, the WEF all working in conjunction with governments and corporations around the globe.

So Jesus warns us to be aware of this growing deception. Being warned of it means we can avoid succumbing to it and this only happens with prior knowledge and we gain that prior knowledge as we are continually immersed in His Word.

Don’t forget Paul warns us that the coming man of sin cannot be revealed until the great apostasy occurs (2 Thessalonians 2:3). This is a turning away from the faith. Now does this mean actual Christians can deny Jesus? We know that is not true so it must mean many who believe they are actual Christians but are not. They will be the ones who walk away and we’ve been seeing a steady increase in this for the past few decades.

Anarchy (24:6-8)
The second point that Jesus makes is what we would call anarchy. Anarchy is a form of lawlessness where people will do what they want to do and often get away with it. It’s very similar to the statement we read throughout the book of Judges, There was no king in Israel and everyone did what was right in his own eyes. That statement is repeated throughout that book to emphasize the fact that people lived lawlessly.

We saw this a few years ago with BLM and AntiFa who caused millions of dollars in damages in some major cities in America. They were largely given a free hand. In fact, one political leader in Oregon referred to the violent protests as their “summer of love.”

We are seeing it today with protest groups blocking highways and even the Golden Gate Bridge in California to highlight their support for the so-called “Palestinians” or the group that wants the world to stop using oil. While peaceful protesting is protected in the USA, breaking the law to make a point is not and that can lead to anarchy.

Anarchy is often the final nail in the coffin of a civilized society and we see this happening in earnest right now in Haiti and other places. Sadly, we are watching it occur in various places of the USA due to a fully open border and the results of hundreds of thousands of people illegally forcing their way into this country while our federal government does nothing to deter them. I’m all for amnesty for those who truly need it. But to simply illegally enter into the USA and be given the type of perks that these people are given while actual American citizens remain homeless or unable to bear up under the growing financial strain is something I’m totally opposed to and our founding documents oppose it as well.

But more than all of this, anarchy often leads to wars and rumors of other wars. As I’m sure you know, on October 7, the terrorist group Hamas waltzed into Israel and murdered well over a thousand innocent unarmed Jews who were enjoying a music festival. When Israel ultimately responded, the world said, “Stop! Back down! Take it easy!

Since then, Israel has been eliminating or arresting one terrorist after another and most recently, Israel destroyed a building next to the Iranian consulate in Damascus. The building they destroyed was not the consulate. It was actually the headquarters of terrorists and one big name terrorist was taken out with precision.

Iran then responded with well over 100 rockets and drones directed at Israel. Israel defended itself against that onslaught and now the world leaders want Israel to dial it back and essentially not go after Iran. One Jewish man, a scientist with a doctorate in physics was astounded at the precision with which Israeli defenses were able to completely obliterate the oncoming assault. He likened it to the parting of the Red Sea! Was God at work? I believe it because of what He has promised in Scripture regarding Israel and because He is not done with Israel.

What does Genesis 12:1-3 tell us? Anyone who blesses Abraham (Israel) will be blessed and anyone who curses Israel will be cursed. There are a lot of people and nations today that curse Israel and America is dangerously close to doing the same thing.

Israel is the only nation God ever personally created and He did so to bless this entire world by bringing the Jewish Messiah and Savior to Gentiles into this world. Those who hate Israel even in their current state of unbelief will have to answer to God. God may clearly send His judgment to those nations that stand in Israel’s way. In fact, it appears as though He has begun with judgment on Iran because tremendously severe weather turned the beach red in Hormuz, Iran.

So we are seeing an uptick in war by warmongers both in the USA and abroad. Ultimately, it seems that many throughout the world and even in the US Congress are pushing for World War III. Only God knows at this point if it will lead to the biblically prophesied destruction of Damascus, something else, or whether it will fizzle out to nothing. But if things continue to escalate in the Middle East, nations like Russia, Turkey and others may become physically involved against Israel. This will lead to worldwide anarchy, a warning sign of the approaching end.

Apathy (24:12-13)
The third point that Jesus brings to the fore is apathy. Apathy is a state in a person where they essentially could not care less. People often say the opposite of love is hate, but in reality, the actual opposite of love is apathy, where a person no longer cares for another person at all.

Jesus refers to the results of this problem in verse 12, stating, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.”

Are we seeing that in society now, an increase in wickedness? Of course we are – you know it as well as I do. In 2008 same sex unions were made legal in Kommiefornia…I mean, California. It wasn’t long after that the Supreme Court of the United States confirmed its legality for all states.

Since then, what has come out? Now we’re dealing with transgenderism, the notion that a man can identify as a woman, become pregnant and give birth. Many of these transgender men to women are competing against biological women in sporting events and blowing them away. There is something desperately wicked about this. Yet, the movement in society is for everyone to accept how a person identifies and if we do not, then we are transphobic and in danger of being censored. It’s absurd but there it is because it is active in society now.

So because of the apostasy, the anarchy, and the apathy, or in Jesus’ words, the increase of wickedness, people will progressively become numb to the many situations occurring throughout society. They will stop caring because they will feel overwhelmed. They will stop loving others. They will become hopeless.

Now is Jesus talking about believers or unbelievers? He’s essentially talking about unbelievers. However, it can happen to believers who become overwhelmed with what is going on throughout society.

Notice though Jesus then says, in verse 13 “…the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” The implication is that those who endure are those who are authentically saved. Those who endure have a job for those who are in danger of not enduring and we’ll get to that in a minute.

In essence, those who are authentically saved will persevere to the end, regardless of the cost. Is that you? Is that me?

We are currently seeing people leaving the faith in droves. It’s never been higher and it began a decade or so ago. Now, more and more people are walking away from the faith, denouncing Jesus. It is also very interesting that many of those same people have come out as gay or lesbian or are embracing other lifestyles that are adamantly opposed in Scripture. What are we to think? Well, certainly only God can judge a person’s heart but we can judge a person’s words and actions.

A number of years ago I published a book called, The Anti-Supernatural Bias of Ex-Christians. I wrote it because I had been communicating with a man who spent years in the pastorate. He ultimately left the faith and believes himself to now be an atheist. I even bought a copy of his book where he comes out as atheistic. I drew from some of his testimony and responded to it in my book. I then sent him a copy of it. After he received it, he noted on a forum that “there was nothing in my book for him.” It simply didn’t apply.

It turns out that he had had an affair while a pastor. Because this devastated his career, instead of doing what King David did by fully repenting and letting God’s discipline fall where it may (2 Samuel 11), he dug his heels in and essentially blamed God for his failure.

Is the man saved? I have no idea but based on his own testimony, I wonder how he could’ve been? We are seeing this type of thing occurring at an unprecedented level and Jesus indicates that this will increase exponentially as we approach the end of the age.

Affliction (24:9-10)
Jesus’ other point in the Matthew 24 text is what is essentially affliction. He says, “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other…

What I believe He is speaking of here is something that will climax during the coming seven year Tribulation period that occurs just prior to His physical return to this earth as King and Ruler. But we are starting to see this on a global scale and if what Jesus is saying is true (it is), then we can expect it to increase in intensity.

In 2023, 8,000 Christians were murdered by Islamists in Nigeria. That’s according to the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law. Since 2009 a total of 150,000 Christians have been slaughtered. Jesus warned that affliction in the form of martyrdom would come.

Just this past week, an ultraconservative pastor of the Assyrian Orthodox Church in Australia came under physical attack while he was preaching a sermon to his congregation. The pastor had fled Iraq years ago because after Saddam Hussein was captured and then executed, Islamists in Iraq began a campaign of attacking Christians.

The pastor of the church in Australia was not murdered, but suffered numerous knife wounds by the 15 year-old perpetrator. He is quoted as saying that the pastor was getting into his religion (Islam), so he decided to get into the pastor’s religion. The problem of course is that the pastor was merely using words to teach his congregation and he did so in his own church. The young man went out of his way to attack a Christian who was preaching truth.

Persecution in the world against Christians is on the rise. We can be certain it will continue to increase.

So based on all of this – Apostasy, Anarchy, Apathy, Affliction I ask a question. As Christians, what should our demeanor be in life? What should we be concerned about? Should we fear what may well here and intensifying? Should we endeavor to hide from the problems in life that the Lord allows our way for our testing and growth and ultimately for His glory?

The answer to those questions is obviously NO. We should not fear and we should not hide. So then what should we do in response to those things? There are three things we can and should do as revealed in God’s Word and I’ll close with these.

First, in Matthew 28, Jesus tells His followers that their main job is to spread the Gospel, to make disciples of all nations. The apostle Peter tells us quite clearly and succinctly that we need to “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…” (1 Peter 3:15).

Always be ready and even look for opportunities to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul shares that he was “…not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” (Romans 1:16) It is not only our job, but it is our privilege to share the Gospel with the lost so that God might open their eyes to their need for salvation.

Second, we need to be in His Word on a daily basis. We need to open His Word, read it daily and consider its message to us. We should also endeavor to memorize parts of His Word. One of my favorite passages is found in Isaiah 41:10.

Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

It amazes me how often I repeat that verse to myself and as a prayer to God when I feel as though things are mounting up and causing my faith to fail. If we memorize parts of His Word, we will always have it with us and can recall it anytime.

King David said in Psalm 119:11, “Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.”

God’s Word is a benefit in many ways. It strengthens our faith. It works to keep us from sin. It allows us to walk away from Self and toward God. Are you in His Word? Am I in His Word?

Third and finally, as believers we need to continue meeting together as part of His Body. We need to rejoice with one another because of His great love for us. We need to bear one another’s burdens.

Our fellowship with one another is something that pleases and glorifies our Father in heaven. We cannot “do” Christianity without fellowshiping with other Christians.

I sometimes receive emails from brothers and sisters who want to know if I know of any good churches in their area. They tell me they cannot find one where the pastor actually teaches expositionally and truthfully. Too often, the only churches around them are those churches who are at one degree or another of going “woke.” The leaders there are into social justice. They talk about equity. Their music programs are similar to rock concerts. In short, they offer nothing substantive as far as the truth of God’s Word is concerned. It’s more about the show and the environment. It’s more about making people feel good.

My heart goes out to those believers and I always tell them even though I may not be aware of quality churches in their area, that they should do what they can to find other believers in the same situation and start a home Bible study if nothing else.

This may sound strange to us but this is exactly what occurred after the church was born in Acts 2. Groups of believers met in homes as home-based churches.

There is much happening in society and a lot of it appears to be absolutely negative to us. It can cause fear and trepidation because we do not know what 2024 will bring. I tend to think it’s not going to get better.

However, one thing that we should all know, understand and expect is the physical return of our Lord to this earth. He will then set up His Millennial Kingdom over which He will rule with a rod of iron and righteousness throughout the earth will have no end.

Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries recently stated that we cannot continue looking around at the world without looking up. I believe that. Do you? Let’s close in prayer.

Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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