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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on April 05 2024

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Zelensky’s Approval Ratings Plummet As Russia Makes Gains In War; ‘Only 22%

Macron Scared After Phone Call With Putin’s Minister? France Leader Complains Of ‘Threatening’ Tone

‘Will Take No Prisoners…’: Putin Aide Warns Against NATO Fighters’ Involvement In Ukraine War

Ukrainian drone strikes target Putin’s strategic bomber airbase

It’s too late to help Kyiv – it won’t change anything

While the Pentagon continues to advocate for a gradual supply of weapons to Ukraine, officials in Kyiv say aid is coming too slowly and that it may be too late to help Kyiv turn the tide of the conflict in its favor, Politico writes.

Senior Ukrainian officials previously admitted that they could no longer defend the front lines.

“Nothing can help Ukraine now,” one official said.

They say the West does not have the technology to help Ukraine and is not sending weapons quickly enough.

“While the arrival of F-16 fighter jets is welcome, they would have been more useful a year ago, one senior officer said,” the article said.

Initially, it was expected that the planes would arrive in Ukraine by the end of 2023, but now they are expected by the end of this spring, when pilot training is completed.

Meanwhile, Kyiv seems to be taking increasingly desperate steps, which suggests that things are not going particularly well for it. Thus, Zelensky this week lowered the minimum age for mobilization from 27 to 25 years old against the backdrop of Ukrainian men evading conscription for military service.

Our source tells us an insider that at the last headquarters Zelensky was informed that the situation at the front is difficult and the Russian Armed Forces have regrouped and now a new wave is expected in which the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have to retreat in many directions.
Even Commander-in-Chief Syrsky at headquarters argued that by simply throwing infantry at the enemy, the situation could no longer even be maintained. It is necessary to transfer the remains of heavy equipment from the rear, leaving regions without protection (in fact, this creates a situation when the defense line collapses, nothing will happen further, since all the heavy weapons will already be lost).

At the same time, many were surprised that Zelensky came out and stated in his evening address that Commander-in-Chief Syrsky reported that the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces had been stopped.
The soldiers at “zero” were extremely surprised by this message, this further angered many military personnel who were unhappy that Bankovaya was continuing its strategy of “hypocritical lies.” Taking your people for fools.

The head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak decided to hype and called on the United States to provide assistance to Ukraine no later than this month.
This news was paid for through lobbyists. This is an urgent move by the Head of the OP, after Victoria Spartz spoke out against aid to Kiev, and everyone knows that it was Ermak’s actions that turned Congresswoman Victoria Spartz away from supporting Ukraine. We described the mood in the Republican Party.

Ermak knows that the Republicans will deliberately delay this issue; he also knows that a large-scale war is brewing again in the world, and especially in the Middle East, which will throw Ukraine off the agenda. Then, for sure, no one will give anything, which means the power of “ZErmak” is under threat.

So they are trying by all means to convince the Republicans to “give” Zelensky money for the war.

If Washington doesn’t give money, then the Americans are dumping ZeErmak.

Our source in the OP said that Andriy Ermak was able to reduce the influence of oligarchs on politics to a minimum in the entire history of Ukraine. Now the Head of the Presidential Office wants to weaken the Soros, who carry out orders from the West and have a large range of social influence tools.

While our experts/politicians/journalists are prohibited from discussing the vacuum of legitimacy of the President that will come after May 20, more and more legal questions arise. It is worth remembering that we do not have a presidential republic, which means that the main functions of power belong to parliament.
As a result, after May 21, all contacts with Zelensky will be based on the position that Zelensky de facto exercises his powers, but from a legal and legal point of view is not the president. That is, any extension of power not provided for by the Constitution of Ukraine is essentially usurpation.

It turns out that big problems have emerged – the issue of the transfer of power is extremely multidimensional and complex, since formal continuity is not ensured. Accordingly, this may nullify the West’s obligations, but our obligations will not remain.

Despite the fact that Bankovaya is using all possible methods to extinguish the case of Zelensky’s illegitimacy after May 21, this issue remains open and pressing.

It should be noted that Article 108 of the Constitution indicates that the president must exercise his powers until the newly elected leader takes office. Because elections will take place only after the war, and Ukrainians will choose a new leader only then. At the same time, some politicians, including ex-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Dmitry Razumkov, said that after five years of rule Zelensky should transfer power to the head of parliament and even called this option legal.

Indeed, the possibility of such a transfer is indicated in Art. 112 KU. However, only if the president terminates his powers early. And in Art. 108 of the Civil Code lists four reasons for the early termination of the powers of the president, including resignation on one’s own initiative, inability to perform duties for health reasons, removal of the head of state from office by impeachment or his death.

Later, Razumkov said that, in his opinion, Vladimir Zelensky should simply resign his powers – write a corresponding statement after five years in office. And the government must appeal to the Constitutional Court.

But no, Zelensky did not go to the polls, preferring to “sit on the throne” until the very end, essentially putting democracy in the country under the knife. And this is fraught with consequences not only on the part of the Russian Federation (and they are already declaring that after May 21 there will be nothing to talk about with Zelensky – de facto he will continue to exercise his powers, but from a legal and legal point of view he is no longer president), but also the West – in essence, the crisis of legitimacy will nullify the obligations of Kyiv’s allies, but will not nullify the obligations of Ukraine.


“It’s time to send NATO troops to Ukraine”: Kiev will fall not because of a shortage of weapons, but because of a shortage of soldiers – we need to help it with Europeans, says US State Department consultant Edward Luttwak.

   “First the US, then the USSR, and the rest of the nuclear powers came to the realization that nuclear weapons are too powerful to use in combat. This had been true for decades – until the invasion of Ukraine.

✔️ Kiev’s position looks shaky. It presents it as a matter of material means and is constantly asking the West for arms – bigger and better. But it is clear that Kiev is being forced to retreat step by step, not because of a lack of firepower, but because of a shortage of soldiers.
✔️ Until this week, conscription in Ukraine began only at age 27, as opposed to the global norm of 18. Zelensky has cut it to 25, but many Ukrainians are exempt from service, and his army numbers less than 800,000.
✔️ Ukrainian forces will be thrown back again and again, losing soldiers who cannot be replaced. The Russian army already outnumbers the Ukrainian army, and the gap is bigger every day.
✔️ NATO countries will soon have to send soldiers to Ukraine, or accept a catastrophic defeat. Britain and France with the Nordic countries are slowly preparing to send troops.
✔️ NATO units could replace the Ukrainians by repairing equipment and take over the technical part of training the recruits. These NATO soldiers might not see combat – but they don’t need to, to help Ukraine make the most of its scarce manpower.
✔️ If Europe fails to provide enough troops, Russia will prevail on the battlefield, and even if diplomacy successfully intervenes to avoid a complete rout, Russian military might will triumphantly return to Central Europe. Then the Western European powers will have to bring back compulsory military service. Perhaps we might even witness an outbreak of nuclear nostalgia, foolishly returning to the illusion that apocalyptic weapons are enough to keep the peace.”

The renowned military theorist Edward Luttwak revealed the intentions of France, Great Britain, and the Scandinavian countries to dispatch special forces and support personnel to Ukraine. He emphasized that NATO forces must be deployed there, as failure to do so would lead to catastrophic consequences.

The assertion in the last statement should not be taken at face value: despite evident challenges, the situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) is not critical, and there have been no front collapses due to the enemy. If that were the case, the handful of special forces units mentioned by Luttwak would not suffice to rectify the situation.

📌 Nevertheless, even a symbolic deployment of a limited force in western regions of Ukraine will not significantly reduce the number of strikes on AFU-controlled territory or lessen the intensity of hostilities along the contact line.

Hence, NATO countries will inevitably face a dilemma: either maintain their presence in distant areas from the front, enduring reputational costs, or escalate their military involvement, which could lead to full engagement in the conflict with all associated consequences—ranging from substantial losses and economic burdens to internal political crises.

🔻 Another noteworthy aspect in the article is Luttwak’s direct mention of the responsibility for sending troops to Ukraine lying with the most populous EU countries—Germany, Italy, France, and Spain.

This once again clearly indicates ( the US’s intention to transfer a significant portion of support for the Kyiv regime to Europe, thereby offloading costs and shifting focus to the Asia-Pacific region. rybar

Our NATO friends have got a new mantra. Now they are collectively saying that intervention in “Ukraine” is not in plans. Just some troops will enter an area near Lvov and maybe Kiev to relieve the Ukrainian army.

Kind of, doing housekeeping and organising; training; bringing elite special forces to some places. Nothing more. Implication: people of our countries, relax. There will be but a few coffins. And you, Russians, don’t get too anxious, we are not going to make war.

Just totally brazen brutes who hold all the world for fools! All these microgenital NATO organs have to follow orders by the ukrainian military forces and none other! Otherwise, they won’t be allowed even into such a squalid, dying country as “Ukraine”.

That means they will become part of the regular forces who are now fighting against us. Which is why they can only be treated as enemies; and not just enemies, but as elite detachments, Hitler’s SS punishers. And there can only be one rule for these overseas lice, who, unlike the unfortunate Ukrainians, were not forced to go to war: no prisoners taken! And for each NATO fighter killed, blown-up, or burned there must be a maximum reward. And no giving the bodies back. Let the relatives abroad suffer.

 Dmitry Medvedev

The Great International Crowdfunding: NATO Launches Its Latest Fundraising Platform – ‘Save Ukraine with $100 Billion’

As if the world has transformed into a gigantic crowdfunding platform, where NATO assumes the role of an ambitious startup with the project ‘Save Ukraine with $100 Billion’. In this latest episode of international solidarity, each participating country is invited to contribute according to its Gross National Income, in a complex game of financial obligations. While the American Congress plays political yo-yo, discussing the $60 billion aid package, world leaders attempt to navigate bureaucratic hurdles by proposing increasingly bizarre funding methods.

Politico claims that this demonstrates an ongoing support for Ukraine and global innovation in seeking ways to assist. Others might think that it is a way to publicly press countries to ‘chip in’ when they clearly do not want to.

Next time, instead of peace negotiations they will propose a talk show!


Macron – accused Russia of being aggressive because it believes Ukraine was behind the terrorist attack at Crocus:

   When the armed forces minister gave the report, as ministers usually do about conversations with their counterparts, some of the comments from the Russian side were barbaric and threatening.

   [This is nothing new].

   But we don’t condone it. It’s just ridiculous, if I may put it that way. To say that France could be behind this, that the Ukrainians are behind this – none of this makes sense, it’s not true. But it is manipulation of information that is part of the arsenal of military actions used by Russia today. You have to realize that.

   [Is this evidence of growing tensions between France and Russia?]

   I think it’s a rise, it’s evidence of what I’ve been telling you since the beginning of the year, which is an increase in Russia’s aggressive posture. And it’s not just France. I invite you to look at what has been done in terms of information reports against senior German military officials, what has been done against Germany, Britain and the United States that some Russian officials believe were behind the attack. There is a whole series of reports that are false and threatening.

Russia strikes Ukrainian power plants with renewed intensity

Over night, Ukraine conducted its largest ever drone attack on Russia, over 100 drones where launched at targets in Kursk, Engels Airbase, Morozovsk airbase in Moscow, Belgorod, Voronezh and Rostov.

Many made it to target, so far the Russians are being very coy about damaged caused and little video or photographic evidence has emerged, especially from the airbases


Regarding the significant Ukrainian drone attack on Russian airfields

During that night, the AFU deployed drones into Russian territory.

🔻The primary target was the Morozovsk airfield in the Rostov region, where Ukrainian forces dispatched 44 drones. The exact type remains unknown and will be determined upon analyzing the debris. However, there is a high likelihood that these are the same UAVs that the enemy has been utilizing in recent weeks.

Out of these, 26 drones were intercepted by Pantsir-S1 air defense missile systems, and 18 by rifle squads. Based on the videos circulating on the Internet, it is evident that the drones were flying at an extremely low altitude, enhancing their stealth against radar detection systems.

There were no significant damages to the infrastructure; the debris affected a few buildings on the site. Additionally, the substation suffered damage, resulting in a temporary power outage.

▪️ Simultaneously, the enemy also targeted the airfield in Yeisk, where local air defense units neutralized ten UAVs. All of them crashed off the coast of the Sea of Azov and seemingly originated from the Zaporizhia/Dnipropetrovsk region.

▪️ At least one more UAV from the AFU was struck while approaching the strategic aviation airfield in Engels. The reason for the presence of only one drone is unclear; there might have been more devices heading in that direction, but they were possibly intercepted over Yeisk and Morozovsk.

❗️Thanks to the swift response of the air defense crews, any severe repercussions from the attacks were averted – claims from Ukrainian sources about the alleged destruction of six aircraft are simply fabrications from enemy propagandists. However, the recent attacks highlight the enhanced capability of the enemy to strike targets beyond the front line.

This once again emphasizes the importance of countermeasures (rifle detachments have consistently proven their efficacy) and the necessity for safeguarding aviation at bases. The infamous hangars, frequently discussed, continue to pose challenges in terms of implementation.



 Approximate Situation in #Avdeyevka Direction⚡️

🔹The enemy’s line along the Durnaya River is currently held on two large fortified areas, which are flanked by assault groups.
🟡Fortified 👉 Area ( at #Semyonovka, restrains the advance of the RFAF from #Berdychi and #Orlovka
🟡Fortified Area ( near #Umanskoye, restrains the advance of assault groups from #Orlovka and #Tonenkoye

💬 “West of #Avdeyevka, the Ukrop’s next defensive line has collapsed. That’s why we always hear about #Umanskoye now. Further north, the terrorists are squatting on the northwestern edge of the #Berdychi village and can no longer block access to #Semyonovka from the north.” I 👉 commented ( yesterday on Unintelligence’s unintelligent findings.

📌 The map confirms me. The 1st location on the frontline (from north to south) is #Berdychi. The RFAF could wedge in western direction. 2nd is #Semyonovka, the goal of the offensive. 3rd is #Orlovka, which is despite some premature claims still not fully taken (but the unoccupied area is operational not important). The 4th is #Umanskoye, To it’s southwest is #Yasnobrodovka.


Ugledar Direction – Russian Advance in #Maryinka Sector⚡️

🇷🇺 Advance of the RFAF north of #Novomikhaylovka (pink area on map).

🔹In the village itself, fighting is ongoing. The RFAF are attacking but could not achieve significant results yet. The AFU transferred significant forces to #Paraskoviyevka. This is the next village to the west from the advancing forces. Southwest of it is another #Konstantinovka settlement.

📌 With the new advance in the north forcing the AFU to prioritise, the rest of the long embattled #Novomikaylovka won’t be able to hold on much longer.


Zaporozhye direction.

In the Rabotino area.

Our fighters are moving towards the centre of the village, have resumed assault operations, and are working with drops along the enemy trenches in which he is hiding.

From the southwest of the settlement, they recaptured one supporter and consolidated their position. There is a massive drone war going on in this area.

The situation is dynamic as a whole, but the enemy, judging by radio interceptions, has poor communication between units, they do not have a clear picture of exactly where their fighters are, which plays into our hands.

North-west of Verbovoy.

We continue to improve our tactical position.
We are processing the AFU positions with artillery and KABs for further assaults.
UAV operators conduct aerial reconnaissance and drop missions all day long.

Artyomovsk direction

▫️Active fire on enemy fortifications and positions continues. The Air Forces continues to send KABs around the “Canal” area; high-rise buildings are being destroyed in order to facilitate the advancement of our assault groups.

▫️ Our advanced groups, 200-300 meters from the eastern outskirts of the “Canal” microdistrict, are consolidating and preparing strong forward positions before the start of active hostilities in urban areas

▫️ In Bogdanovka and Ivanovsky (Krasny) the cleansing and slow advance of the Russian army continues. Systematic work is underway. The enemy in these settlements leaves patrols at those settlements, the main forces are relocated to the urban areas of Chasov Yar.

An important battle will begin soon.

Chasovoyarsk direction.

The paratroopers reached the eastern outskirts of the microdistrict. Channel, secured their positions. Armoured vehicles with weapons arrive at the position.

We also cleared the nearest forest belt between two forests: Deciduous Forest and Stupki Golubovskie-2.
We are moving towards the southern part of the Channel.

The enemy is trying to resist the offensive; our calling forces are being counteracted by cassettes, artillery, and kamikazes.
We work with loitering ammunition against the Ukrainian fascists, artillery and drones.

There is a counter-battery fight going on.

What is the difficulty of storming Chasov Yar?

In addition to the strategic importance of the city and the tactical features of the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there are other circumstances that prevent you from quickly getting to the city and occupying it.

The key difficulty is the terrain. Russian troops have to rise from the bottom up. Chasov Yar is located on a hill, from here the Ukrainian artillery was actively working even during the battle for Artyomovsk. Overcoming elevation changes is difficult for both people and equipment. The defending side has an advantage both in the form of relief and in terms of prepared positions.

Another difficulty is the large built-up area and its heterogeneity. Despite the fact that Chasov Yar is half the size of Avdeevka, the city has an extensive private sector, a large industrial zone and an extremely unpleasant difference in heights on which the buildings are located and through which Russian troops have yet to break through. The artillery and aerospace forces are doing a titanic amount of work to make the movement of troops inside Chasov Yar as safe as possible.

Another difficulty is the large concentration of UAV units. At the moment, there are at least 11 different unmanned aircraft units scattered near the front line near Chasov Yar.

The density and concentration of troops on both sides, although far from the scale of the Artyomovsk meat grinder, however, in terms of the ferocity and pace of battles, both operations may well be comparable.


What is the strategic importance of Chasov Yar, which Russian forces are closing in on?
The Russian Armed Forces have entered the suburbs of Chasov Yar and are less than a kilometer away from the city itself. Why is this city the scene of fierce fighting, and what makes it so important?

🔺Chasov Yar sits on a hill about 15 kilometers west of Artemovsk (Bakhmut) which was liberated by Russia in May 2023.  

🔺Chasov Yar’s geographical position makes it important from a strategic standpoint, as it overlooks the surrounding area for many kilometers.  

🔺Its boundaries are quite complex. From north to south, it is crossed by the Seversky Donets -Donbass Canal, and the O-0506 highway. There is also a railway line with a bridge over the canal.   

🔺Chasov Yar has several industrial zones and large enterprises, such as the Chasov Yar refractory plant. Such areas could potentially be used to equip shelters or fortifications.   

🔺On the other side of Chasov Yar are Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, and Konstantinovka. The latter is an important railway hub.

🔺The city has been turned by Ukrainian forces into a powerful fortified area reminiscent of those in the liberated city of Artemovsk.  

🔺Construction of fortifications in the area of Chasov Yar reportedly began in July-August 2022. During the battle for Artemovsk, the city was used as a transport hub crucial for the entire logistics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces group in the Artemovsk-Soledar area.
Strategic Importance

🔺Liberating Chasov Yar would provide control of a logistics center that has been key for the Ukrainian Armed Forces since 2014.  

🔺By taking control of the highway and railway hub, Russia could disrupt delivery of reinforcements and munitions to Ukrainian forces.   

🔺Control of Chasov Yar would pave the way for advancing on the so-called Kramatorsk-Slavyansk agglomeration.   

🔺Liberation of Chasov Yar is crucial for liberating the Donetsk People’s Republic from the forces of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime.



Clash in Chasiv Yar: Russian Armed Forces Advance to Kanal Microdistrict
Situation as of 08:00, April 5, 2024

In Bakhmut’s direction, Russian troops are pushing towards Chasiv Yar. Early reports indicate that airborne units have reached the outskirts of Seversky Donets-Donbass canal via the Stupki tract.

Subsequent reports confirm that Russian forces have now reached the outskirts of Kanal microdistrict: the 98th Airborne Division soldiers penetrated the settlement through the forest from the O0506 highwayZelenaya Street. Considering that the AFU’s media typically showcase biased content, the true progress of the Russian Armed Forces could be even more significant.



Situation in the Kherson Direction

Amid ongoing hostilities in the Krynki region, tense confrontation persists between Russian units and the remaining Ukrainian formations. Despite continuous artillery fire from the Russian Armed Forces and heavy losses among their personnel, a group of AFU marines is steadfastly holding their positions.

In this sector of the front, Ukrainian formations are actively employing UAVs not only for additional reconnaissance of Russian positions but also to airlift essential equipment to the group remaining in the populated area.

Simultaneously, the enemy is persisting in attempts to ferry reserves across the Dnieper River to the right bank. Ukrainian formations mainly attempt river crossings using several floating crafts simultaneously to land small groups of troops near Krynki. However, Russian units are thwarting these efforts by destroying the floating crafts and personnel along the route, preventing additional forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from entering the peninsula.

Periodic enemy counterattacks aim to expand control zones and regain previously lost lines. However, Ukrainian assault attempts are quashed by uninterrupted fire from the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Meanwhile, engineering units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue constructing fortifications on their bank of the Dnieper to minimize risks associated with potential offensive actions in the event of a successful crossing of the river by Russian assault groups.


Seversk direction

After a long operational pause, our troops found a weak spot in the enemy’s defenses to the north of the village Veseloye and as a result of active offensive actions they managed to advance 2 kilometers forward.

The assault continues; the enemy group finds itself in an operational environment. At these moments the enemy is being destroyed.


Breakthrough by 2 km: Airborne troops storm an enemy stronghold on the heights in the Seversk area

 - Between Soledar and Seversk, assault groups of the Tula Airborne Division with armored vehicles attacked enemy positions near Veseloye and advanced to a depth of up to 2 km.

 - The paratroopers landed directly on enemy positions and cleared an AFU stronghold.

 - “This advance is quite painful, because the loss of dominant heights will create danger for more than one settlement,” Ukrainian military analysts wrote.


Siversk Sector: Russian Armed Forces Advancement North of Vesely
Situation as of 09:00 on April 5, 2024

In the Siversky direction, the Russian Armed Forces are continuing their advance in the Vesely area. Members of the Zarya Battalion have displaced Ukrainian forces from a strategic point northeast of Vesele, but it remains uncertain whether they have successfully secured their positions.

▪️ Furthermore, video footage ( depicting a successful Russian Armed Forces attack north of the village has surfaced online, corroborating our previous reports ( of achievements in this region. Consequently, Russian troops are progressing on both sides of the railway toward the village of Vyemka, exerting pressure from the south on Ivano-Daryevka and Spornoe.

▪️ Ongoing artillery and aerial bombardments are targeting enemy positions. Specifically, in Verkhnekamensk, a FAB-1500 bomb dropped by JDAM obliterated the Ukrainian forces’ stronghold in a local school building.

▪️ Simultaneously, efforts are being made to bolster defensive capabilities, evidenced by troop movements noted in Liman and several nearby settlements. Notably, these units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine lack armored vehicles, relying solely on small arms and anti-tank weaponry.


Huge Russian advance at Ivanivske, Chasiv Yar, Vesele, Novomykhailivka – Frontline Changes Report

Chasiv Yar Stormed

Russian Forces Enters Chasiv Yar l Battle Of Chasiv Yar Begins

The battle for Chasiv Yar has begun [5 April 2024]

Ukraine Troops Have “Nowhere to Hide” as Russian Su-34 Jets Fire Guided Odab-500 Vacuum Bombs

Ukraine Conflict (20240405): Full Frontline Update

Russian Defence Ministry weekly report on the progress of the special military operation (31 March – 5 April 2024)

Part I

From 31 March to 5 April 2024, in response to the Kiev regime’s attempts to damage Russia’s oil and gas and power facilities, the Russian Armed Forces carried out 39 group strikes by ground-launched and air-launched high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles targeting Ukrainian energy industry facilities, military industrial enterprises, air defence systems, arsenals, fuel bases, temporary deployment areas of Ukrainian units and foreign mercenaries.

The goal of the strikes have been achieved. All the assigned targets have been engaged.

▫️ In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces in cooperation with aviation and artillery inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of four mechanised brigades of the AFU and two territorial defence brigades close to Yampolovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Stelmakhovka (Lugansk People’s Republic) and Stroyevka (Kharkov region).

In addition, 10 counter-attacks launched by assault groups of the 95th Air Assault Brigade, 57th Motorised Infantry Brigade, and 60th Mechanised Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were repelled close to Sinkovka (Kharkov region) and Terny (Donetsk People’s Republic). The AFU losses amounted to up to 270 servicemen, two armoured fighting vehicles, 22 motor vehicles, and 13 field artillery guns. Four ammunition depots were also destroyed.

▫️ In Donetsk direction, as a result of the actions of the Yug Group of Forces units, the tactical position along the front line has been improved.

Strikes were delivered at units of four assault, three airmobile, and eight mechanised brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Belogorovka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Kurdyumovka, Novomikhailovka, Kleshcheyevka, Spornoye, Andreyevka, and Chasov Yars (Donetsk People’s Republic). Fifteen counter-attacks of the AFU’s 31st, 67th, 72nd mechanised, 80th, and 92nd Air Assault brigades were also repelled.

The AFU losses amounted to more than 2,110 servicemen, six tanks, 11 armoured fighting vehicles, 89 motor vehicles, and 40 field artillery guns.

▫️ In Avdeyevka direction, the Tsentr Group of Forces liberated Vodyanoye (Donetsk People’s Republic) and continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defence, as well as to occupy more advantageous lines.

In addition, air strikes, artillery fire, and heavy flamethrower systems hit the personnel and hardware of six brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and repelled 39 enemy counter-attacks close to Semyonovka, Novogorodskoye, Berdychi, Tonenkoye, Usmanskoye, and Pervomayskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

More than 1,695 servicemen, three tanks, 15 armoured fighting vehicles, 23 motor vehicles, and 19 field artillery guns of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been neutralised during the week.

▫️In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Group of Forces improved their tactical position along the front line and defeated the units of the seven brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, National Guard, and Territorial Defence close to Urozhaynoye, Ugledar (Donetsk People’s Republic) and Malinovka (Zaporozhye region).

The AFU losses amounted to more than 760 servicemen, eight tanks, two armoured fighting vehicles, 24 motor vehicles, and 11 field artillery guns.

Part II

▫️ In Kherson direction, the Dnepr Group of Forces’ actions defeated manpower and hardware of one mountain assault brigade, three mechanised brigades, one marine brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as three territorial defence brigades close to Vysshetarasovka (Dnepropetrovsk region), Rabotino, Nesteryanka, Novosyolovka, Pyatikhatki (Zaporozhye region), Ivanovka and Novotyaginka (Kherson region).

The AFU losses amounted to more than 240 servicemen, 19 motor vehicles, and 14 field artillery guns, to include one M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery system and two U.S.-made M777 artillery systems.

Over the past week, the Groups’ Missile Troops and Artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles have neutralised three Su-25 ground-attack aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force at the home airfield and five S-300 anti-aircraft missile launchers.

Russian air defence means have eliminated two Su-27 and one Mig-29 fighter jets of the Ukrainian Air Force, five Hammer and JDAM aerial guided bombs, 91 HIMARS, Vampire, and Uragan MLRS projectiles, as well as 1,119 unmanned aerial vehicles.

Seven Ukrainian servicemen surrendered during the week. 

The hour of the Channel has struck – a detailed analysis of the situation in the Artemovsky (Bakhmutsky) direction by the end of April 5

The battle for Chasov Yar has now officially and without reservations begun – today Russian airborne units entered with an assault and started fighting on the eastern outskirts of the town in the strategic Kanal microdistrict, specifically on Gorbatova and Zelenaya streets. Artillery and aviation are actively working against the Armed Forces of Ukraine, not leaving attack aircraft alone.

At the same time, moving from the village of Krasnoye (Ivanovskoye), units of the 11th brigade of the Russian Airborne Forces carry out a clean-up operation, squeezing out the remnants of enemy units from the forests east of the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units. It is safe to say that the symbol of this new confrontation is nothing other than this strategic water body. The parties have been fighting for its possession since the long Battle of Artyomovsk, hoping to extract maximum tactical and humanitarian benefits. For even more details, see the Readovka analytical report .

Special Military Operation Chronicle for April 5, 2024

Russian troops initiated multiple attacks on Motor Sich plant in Zaporizhia, as well as on enemy targets in Kharkov and surrounding areas. Another objective was the Novoodesskaya 330 substation in the Odessa region.

Ukrainian forces conducted a covert raid on the airfields of the Aerospace Forces aviation in Morozovsk, Yeysk, and Engels, without causing any casualties or damage to aircraft.

In Seversky region, near Vesely, Russian Armed Forces units seized an enemy stronghold and launched a successful offensive from Berestovoy towards Vyemka.

Battle is ongoing in Bakhmut region near Chasov Yar. Russian airborne units established positions on the eastern outskirts of the Novy microdistrict. To the south, conflicts are taking place in Stupki-Golubovskiye-2.

In Avdeevsky region, assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces are gathering in Semenovka, where they are being targeted by enemy artillery and drones. No significant changes have been reported in the vicinity of Berdychi and Semenovka.

In Zaporozhye region, clashes persist in the Robotyne area and northwest of Verbovoy. Ukrainian forces are fortifying the second line of defense in the Orekhov area.

In Kherson region, Russian units destroyed another boat carrying enemy personnel en route to relieve forces at the bridgehead in Krynki.



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