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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on April 22 2024

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Russians Break Out The Big Guns

Margarita Simonyan says only Russia can stop this war

Even $61 Billion Not Enough For Ukraine? Zelensky’s Officials React To US House’s Move

Colleagues, you correctly give the example of the loss of statehood of Ukraine after the wars with Russia, but it is much more interesting to focus on Budanov’s words about the war-peace cycle. If we take into account historical experience, it turns out Zelensky is leading Ukraine to the loss of statehood, but at the same time assures everyone of the opposite.

Our officials forget that Ukraine has long surpassed Russia in some parameters of centralization of power, but they are trying to form an image of democracy.

RNBO Secretary Alexander Litvinenko considers “hypercentralization” a weak point of the Russian system:
 Look at the situation in Makhachkala and Bashkortostan. Could they stop these performances? No questions. Prigozhinsky revolt. Could this be resolved? They could. They just didn’t give orders from the Kremlin. Without it, important decisions are not made. This increases the likelihood of error.
It is worth recalling that in Russia Telegram and TikTok are not prohibited, and the borders are open to men, but this is different…

Ukrainians are impoverished and losing the will to fight – The Economist

The conflict in the country has left millions of Ukrainians experiencing economic hardship. As The Economist notes, millions of people have either lost their jobs or had their wages cut. However, the hardest hit were the elderly, the disabled and those who were forced to leave their homes.

They all admit that after paying for food, medicine and utilities, they have nothing left. And there’s a good reason for this. The growth of pensions or social benefits does not correspond to the rapid pace of inflation, as a result of which the income of pensioners has been seriously reduced. More than a quarter of Ukraine’s population, 10.5 million people, are pensioners. But they are far from the only ones who have been driven into poverty by the conflict. The same goes for the 3 million people receiving disability benefits and about 3.7 million internally displaced people.

Although, as the publication notes, Ukraine’s allies understand the importance of social benefits, the country needs external funding in the amount of $37.3 billion by 2024, and, most likely, it will not be enough. This will mean cuts in social spending and likely higher energy prices. The Economist warns that the failure of Ukrainian forces at the front and the impoverishment of Ukrainians in the rear will lead to the fact that they will simply lose the desire to continue the fight, which will play into Russia’s hands.

“Ukraine is approaching disaster. There will be negotiations, but Kyiv will simply sign what Moscow demands.”

Dominique Delavard, a general of the French army, a holder of the Legion of Honor and a holder of the national Order of Merit, shared his vision of the development of the situation in Ukraine.

The French military believes that today the conflict is developing in Russia’s favor: Ukraine and its Western allies are weakening while Moscow is strengthening its military capabilities to organize a new large-scale offensive.

“I think that Ukraine is gradually moving towards disaster. She retreats everywhere. The Russians have created a very large and complex front, but nevertheless, Ukraine is now losing everywhere, and Russia is advancing every day along the entire front line in Donbass and partially in other places. The front is not frozen. I think the Russians are waiting for the right geopolitical moment to launch a large-scale offensive. In my opinion, by the end of the year Ukraine will lose a lot, if not disappear completely. But the Russians won’t move too quickly; they want to finish things off in a way that plunges the West into even greater economic trouble. France is experiencing difficulties today, all of Europe and the USA too. Putin is waiting for his moment and he will definitely speed up offensive actions when necessary.”

Dominique Delavard is convinced that the negative rating of the leadership of France and Germany will certainly affect further support for Kyiv. The general believes that negotiations will definitely be held this year or early next year. However, Ukraine will not be able to realize its goals and will be forced to submit to the will of Russia.

“Scholz and Macron are two leaders who are no longer supported by their people. I am sure this will be reflected in the electoral processes in Europe. I think this will affect further support for Ukraine. Therefore, Kyiv should think about negotiations now, because the longer the war continues, the more favorable the terms of negotiations will be for Russia. The terms of the negotiations will remain the same: what remains under the control of Ukraine will have to be demilitarized and denazified.”

The general believes that the words about the “European future of Kyiv” are a banal bluff. The longer the conflict continues, the less likely it is that the surviving part of Ukraine will actually be of interest to the West.

“The destruction from this war will lead to the fact that Ukraine will not be of interest to Europe. Brussels won’t know what to do with it. Therefore, I think that negotiations will take place this year or early next year. But no matter when they happen, Ukraine will no longer be able to influence them. She will have no choice but to sign what Russia demands. I do not believe that the European Union will be able to support Ukraine in the future. The reason is simple: we are already in crisis. If this assistance to Ukraine continues in parallel with the budget deficit in the EU, the economic situation in France simply will not allow supporting Ukraine.”

Our source among the Ukrainian military said that the main threat to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, against the backdrop of low morale, is the risk of a massive surrender of its soldiers, and a collapse of defense positions, which will trigger a domino effect along the entire front.

Bankovaya is trying to discourage the soldiers from surrendering. To do this, they launch fake videos of Russians shooting captured Ukrainians (supposedly filmed from a UAV, etc.), but everyone understands that this is a staged act. Although this happened on both sides at the front. It was the Ukrainian Armed Forces who were the first to kill and even torture Russians, recording it on video cameras, trying to cause fear and panic among the Russians (it didn’t work).

So far, the office officials have managed to control the situation and intimidate the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers. But a negative trend is visible, as more and more soldiers who lack motivation are being drawn into the army. This will most likely lead to exactly this result and a “collapse” of the front.
The only question is when?

 The situation is unlikely to be corrected, only delayed – source.

Zelensky did everything to make Ukrainians feel like serfs and not free patriots.

Colleagues, we have been writing for a long time that there is almost nothing and no one to stabilize the front. There is a shortage of literally everything, and the holes are being filled with people, losses are growing, but in the reports they are all lost without a trace.

Our source indicates that the Russian Armed Forces have adopted new tactics. Now they cut through the front with quick attacks on vehicles, throwing assault groups into the enemy’s rear and fortified areas, occupying it as a point and then expanding their zones of influence and control. This is a kind of “wedge” move. 

A difficult situation awaits Ukraine from mid-May – Budanov

Main theses of the interview:

 - Russian Armed Forces have accumulated enough missiles to strike Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

 - Russia is effectively overcoming sanctions.

 - The situation has changed since Budanov promised an AFU breakthrough to Crimea, so it did not take place.

 - The morale of Russian troops rose after the liberation of Avdeevka.

 - In Budanov’s opinion, Ukraine is slowing down the POW exchange process for fear of a new “Maidan.”

 - Budanov declined to comment on the failed counteroffensive by the AFU last summer. 

Our source in the OP said that after Zaluzhny’s refusal to become ambassador to Britain, he was detained by the SBU a month ago and is being kept under heavy security. The President’s Office wants to get him to agree to work in London and give up his political ambitions to become president.

After information appeared about Zaluzhny’s detention and pressure from the Office of the President on him, Bankova decided to give information that the ex-Commander-in-Chief had been approved as Ambassador to Britain. Ermak was in a hurry to remove Zaluzhny from Ukraine before there was a vacuum of legitimacy in order to avoid sabotage by the elites. After the vote in Congress, it became obvious that the Biden Administration is continuing its policy of supporting war without a change of power.

Our source in the OP said that Andrei Ermak instructed Vasily Malyuk to urgently put pressure on Zaluzhny so that he would publicly agree to the post of ambassador to Britain. Bankovaya is not happy with the leaked information about the detention of the ex-Commander-in-Chief and wants to stop possible consequences.

Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President is holding Zaluzhny to control the situation in the country. On Bankova they are afraid of a military revolt during a period of vacuum of legitimacy, which is why Ermak gave instructions to the Head of the SBU to control the ex-Commander-in-Chief until he makes a public statement in support of Zelensky and agrees to the post of ambassador to Britain. The President’s Office specifically planted information about Zaluzhny’s appointment in London in order to shift the emphasis from the information from our source.


US assistance will give Ukraine “breathing space”, but will not be able to change the course of the war – Bloomberg

 More than $60 billion in aid approved by the United States will be a lifeline for the Ukrainian military and will bring temporary relief – but this obviously will not be enough to turn the tide on the battlefield, Bloomberg argues.

According to Nikolai Beleskov, a researcher at the National Institute for Strategic Studies in Kyiv, American assistance will give Ukrainian troops a “breathing space”, help organize defense and minimize losses. However, in order to reverse the situation and move forward, this will not be enough.

“The question is whether and how much assistance will be provided in 2025 and beyond, since Putin’s strategy is to wait,” explains the Ukrainian analyst.

Acute shortages of weapons and people have meant that Ukraine’s fighting forces are now “close to a critical point” and the risk of a Russian breakthrough is higher than ever. As Bloomberg notes, even if American aid is delivered quickly, Ukraine’s position on the front line will likely continue to deteriorate within a few weeks.

US assistance will do little to change Kyiv’s position at the front

After the approval of the long-awaited American aid, Ukraine faces difficult weeks, writes The Financial Times. It is expected that if the law is passed in the Senate, weapons and ammunition will begin to be supplied in the near future: some of them are already ready for transportation in warehouses in Poland and other European countries.

However, Ukrainian officials, soldiers and military experts believe that US assistance is unlikely to radically change Kyiv’s position at the front. Military expert Rob Lee says Russia will still have an artillery advantage, just not as much.

Earlier, the head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky, warned that the situation had “significantly worsened” after Russia intensified its offensive and strengthened its position in the occupied territory. Deliveries of weapons, especially essential artillery shells and air defense missiles, “will help slow the advance of the Russian army, but not stop it,” said a senior Ukrainian official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Office media people are reflecting on their media mistake when they started shouting about victory after the allocation of a loan from the United States. We immediately pointed out that they were digging a hole for Zelensky.

Zelensky hastened to comment to the American press, where he indicated that the situation in the Ukrainian crisis depends on how soon Kiev receives weapons.

We are sure that later there will be excuses that the United States did not provide high-precision long-range missiles, which was the reason for the defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, etc. If desired, they will find an excuse and a reason for justification. There will always be little and not enough for them. The most important thing here is how the West will react to this. If it’s negative, then don’t make excuses, and Ze will be a “scapegoat.” The Western press easily made him a “hero,” when the time came, they made him a “mediocre” without giving any awards, and when the time came, they made him a “goat.”
Ze understands this perfectly and is trying to save himself, but for this it is necessary to send hundreds of thousands of soldiers into a meat grinder. What will he do now?

We are watching…

The Western press immediately voiced all our messages that we had previously outlined.
1. The US loan will not change the situation, but will simply slow down the progress of the Russian Federation.
2. This loan may be the last this year and the last such large one.
3. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have enough “gunpowder” for one year of war.

Bild military analyst Julian Röpke also confirmed that American and European money and German weapons will not help unless Ukraine mobilizes another 250,000 soldiers. We also wrote about this, pointing out that this year only 200-400 thousand will be mobilized for the autumn offensive, since the attack will be purely based on manpower, and not equipment. Manpower (APU) is free for Western transnational corporations, but equipment must be purchased for real money.

Our source reports that US President Biden called (the call was initiated by the Americans) to remind Zelensky that the loan was issued under those behind-the-scenes conditions/promises that the Ukrainian president swore to fulfill.

Approximately this is:

1. Recruit manpower and launch an offensive, throwing hundreds of thousands of soldiers there to achieve positive territorial success. Also, the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is necessary in order to try to create conditions when the Kremlin will again think about mobilizing in the Russian Federation. The goal of the scriptwriters remains the same – protests (Maidan) in Russia, since the Russian Federation cannot be defeated by military means.
2. Redistribution of “seats” in the state. Power organs.
3. Redistribution of state assets (land) for the necessary TNCs and their satellites in Ukraine.

This call is important only because Zelensky was simply “gently reminded” of what the “customer screenwriters” expect from him.

After the decision to allocate $61bn to Ukraine, the USA may start sending mercenaries, Margarita Simonyan  has said.

“It’s no coincidence that they are now writing in The New York Times and others: ‘Yes, it’s great, it’s a victory for freedom and democracy that we sent $61 billion. But there aren’t enough people, there aren’t enough people…”

You will see how within weeks the rhetoric will shift from ‘Ukrainians lack people’ to ‘we should help send people’,” she said on the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on the Russia 1 TV channel.


“🅾️” group breaks through the enemy’s defenses, knocking out the Ukrainian Armed Forces from almost half of Ocheretino near Avdeevka

▫️Siberian-Ural units of the “Center” group are advancing beyond Avdeevka, continuing the assault on Ocheretino.

▫️Ukrainian military analysts once again recognize the successes of the Russian Armed Forces, although they greatly underestimate our progress on their maps.

▫️Our fighters have occupied not only the southern part of the village, but the advanced units have reached almost the center of the village, developing an offensive.

▫️Fierce battles do not stop.


Avdiivka direction: fighting in the center of Ocheretyne
situation as of 1:00 pm on April 22, 2024

Russian forces are rapidly pushing through the enemy’s defenses north of Avdiivka.

▪️ Assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces have taken full control of the Ocheretyne railway station, advancing 1.2 kilometers northwest along Zaliznychna Street. Russian forces are also consolidating their positions along the streets south of the railway station.

▪️ Footage published online shows an M2A2 Bradley IFV from the 47th Brigade of the AFU engaging Russian positions in houses on the outskirts of the village. According to the brigade commander, they were urgently redeployed as a “fire brigade” to plug the gap in the defense after the retreat of certain Ukrainian units from Ocheretyne.

🔻 At the moment, there is no information about control over the northern part of the village beyond the railway. There are still several substantial buildings in the vicinity that can be used for defense: the territory of the Altkom brick factory, a school, and the local water utility.

❗️ The situation is developing dynamically, and it is possible that the AFU will not have enough strength to withstand the onslaught of the Russian forces. If the Ukrainian formations lose control of the settlement, the fall of Novobakhmutivka and Novokalynove will be just a matter of time.



Avdiivka direction: Russian forces capture the center of Ocheretyne
situation as of 9:00 pm on April 22, 2024

Russian units from the “Center” grouping of forces, taking advantage of the disorganization of the enemy, are advancing deeper into the village of Ocheretyne.

▪️ Assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces, after capturing the southern ( outskirts of the village, crossed the railway tracks and entrenched themselves in the central part of the settlement.

▪️ Footage has appeared online showing ( the raising of the Russian flag on the building of the military-civil administration in Ocheretyne. The soldiers are standing upright, not fearing shelling and calmly moving around the territory. There is almost no sound of gunfire, which indicates the relative safety of being in the center of the village.

🔻 At the moment, the clearing of the northern part of the settlement and the water treatment area, where scattered enemy groups may still remain, is underway. The territory of the “Altkom” brick factory, located on the western outskirts of the settlement, is still under the control of the AFU.


Military expert Boris Rozhin about the situation in the Avdeevsky direction during the Northern Military District by 22.50 Moscow time on April 22, 2024, especially for @voenkorKotenok channel:

Active fighting continues on the outskirts of the village of Netailovo, as well as to the north of it in the direction of the settlement ofYasnobrodovka.
There is no further progress yet.

Fighting on the outskirts of the village is observed.
The enemy retains control over this settlement.

The RF Armed Forces are almost completely occupied the village
The enemy maintains a small presence in the north of the village and in the forest belts to the west of it.

The Russian Armed Forces are taking assault actions in the northwestern part of the village of Berdychi, as well as to the north of it.
The enemy is still resisting, but the loss of Ocheretino will most likely force AFU to move away from Berdychi in direction of  Novobakhmutovka.

The Russian Armed Forces occupied most of the village amid the demoralization of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units defending the city, some of which simply abandoned their positions and fled.
Southern part of the village Ocheretino and a part of the center north of the railway station came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, and the cleanup continues.
The loss of Ocheretino will have dire consequences for the enemy.

Assault operations continued on the eastern outskirts of Novokalinovo.
Loss of Ocheretino introduces new difficulties for the enemy, since now the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the settlement. Novokalinovo and Keramik are actually engulfed by units of the Russian Armed Forces that have advanced to higher ground.

In general, on April 22, 2024, the Russian Armed Forces actually broke through the 2nd line of defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces west of Avdeevka.

Syrsky cannot stabilize the front in the Avdeevsky direction, which threatens to encircle the defensive positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which took three months to build.

Russian troops broke through the Ukrainian defenses northwest of Avdiivka and entered the village of Ocheretino, says Bild military analyst Julian Röpke.

According to him, the Russian army advanced along the railway 3 km into the Ukrainian positions and entered the village.
The 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade was transferred to Ocheretino as reinforcements.
Röpke believes that the Russian Federation wants to strengthen the breakthrough and expand the bridgehead around Ocheretin.

Ocheretino is a key defense point of the Ukrainian Armed Forces north of Avdievka, as it is located at a commanding height. The loss of Ocheretino will create a threat for Ukrainian troops to be attacked in the rear and flanks in several directions at once. On the one hand, to the south and west – to the rear of the units that are now trying to build a new line of defense in Berdychi and to the west of them. On the other hand, to the northeast with the prospect of reaching the rear of Ukrainian troops in New York and Toretsk.

Above in the publication , we insided that the Russian Armed Forces use the tactics of a conditional wedge, when a sharp forced march triggers chaos and panic in the ranks of the defenders.
Now the Russian Armed Forces have partially entered the village of Ocheretino in Donbass. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine immediately justifies that there was a shift change, which the Russians took advantage of. But it’s not like that.

As the source explained, the Ukrainian Armed Forces now have the same disease as the Russians in 2022, when they lost positions in the Kharkov region. According to documents, there are hundreds of fighters on the front line, but in reality there are 2-4, or even 5 times less. Where, according to documents, the defense is held by 200 soldiers, in reality there are less than a hundred, and the situation with ammunition and equipment is even worse.
Staff rats and office fixers make great money from this, laundering money and writing off everything.
Now the “rear rats,” trying to save the situation, began to extinguish the failure by abandoning everyone, but the price of such a move is the loss of a huge amount of equipment and infantry.


Vuhledar Direction: Liberation of Novomykhailivka
Situation as of 4:00 PM on April 22, 2024

In addition to the advance ( north of Avdiivka, the Russian Armed Forces are consolidating their gains of previous days in the Vuhledar direction.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the complete control of Russian troops over Novomykhailivka. At the moment, the clearing of the western outskirts from the remnants of Ukrainian formations is underway. North of the village, there are battles in the Mashynobudivnyk Dacha Cooperative.

🔻Now, the way is open for the Russian Armed Forces to advance on Paraskoviivka and Kostyantynivka, which is a key transport hub for the AFU in the area.

❗️Control over Kostyantynivka will complicate the logistics of Ukrainian formations along the Vuhledar – Marinka highway and create the prerequisites for the formation of a “cauldron” around the Vuhledar grouping of the enemy.


BILD, Julian Röpke (“analyst”, aka Jihadi Julian): ” Russian troops have broken through the Ukrainian front northwest of Avdeevka

The Russian army advanced along the railway 3 km deep into the Ukrainian positions and entered the village of Ocheretino . The Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully held the defense in this direction for several months (green line on the map). But now Ukrainian troops have left their positions for an unknown reason. The reasons for the departure are unclear.

The 47th separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has already been deployed to Ocheretino as reinforcements and has entered into battle with the Russian vanguard. Heavy fighting ensued for the nearby village of Novokalinovo. Röpke believes that the Russian Armed Forces want to strengthen the breakthrough and expand the bridgehead around Ocheretino.”

The fighting in the direction is heavy, but our troops really have the initiative, developing success.


Seversk direction

The enemy reports that after a short operational pause, today the Russian Army resumed assault operations in the direction of Vyemka, Razdolovka and Ivano-Daryevka.

According to @rezervsvo data, several enemy strongholds and fortifications have been taken in this direction today.


It is reported that the enemy is urgently transferring all its reserves to the border areas of Sumy and Kharkov regions .

Intensive construction of defense lines and fortifications is underway. What can we say to civilians in the Sumy and Kharkov regions? Immediately pack your things and go to your relatives and friends.

So, the blow to the TV tower in Kharkov is remarkable.
1. Areas closer to the Russian border will receive only Russian television broadcast signals. As will Kharkov itself soon, if Kyiv does not restore broadcasting.
2. Interruptions in communication and Internet. Many people understand that the TV tower was used not only for the “TV signal”, but also for mobile networks.
Hence the conclusion. A bad network means interruptions in all areas of life. Banks, government, business, communications, etc.

Here you can see a clear strategy for the slow cleansing of the city, which is being made into a huge ballast for the country’s budget. Industry (remnants) will now leave Kharkov even faster, as will the civilian population.

Kharkov tower is hit. Analysis by @rusich_army

▫️Communication – powerful repeaters were installed on it. As a rule, the higher the device itself, the further the connection reaches. It is certain that propaganda (television/radio) was broadcast from the tower to the territory of the Belgorod region. This includes cellular communications, internet, and TV broadcasting. It blocks Kyivstar, Vodafone, etc.

▫️“Eyes” – it is possible that the “Sova (Owl)” system (an optical reconnaissance device) could be installed – a complex consisting of several IP cameras. They are all connected to a neural network, which calculates where the artillery is flying. This means they receive data from the point of impact as quickly as possible.

▫️From a military perspective, a full range of reconnaissance and guidance system repeater antennas could be installed there. These are used for drone attacks on Russian territory, artillery reconnaissance, and detection and tracking systems for attack UAVs, ballistic and cruise missiles.

▫️Additionally, such towers are used by “call centers” of scammers who lure personal data from Russians, including the three digits from the back of a bank card.

Destroying a TV tower deprives the Ukrainian Armed Forces of “eyes and ears,” creating, among other things, a blind spot in their defense. This gives us time to reinstall/restore communications, etc., which works in our favor.

The Kiev regime plans to green… the front-line city of Kramatorsk

Once again, both the leadership and the residents of Kharkov look at the decisions of the leadership of the Kiev regime with their mouths opened.

This time, more than three million hryvnia are allocated from the state budget for landscaping the front-line city of Kramatorsk.

The funny thing is that after the capture of Chasov Yar, Russian troops will have space to attack Kramatorsk, which is a strategically important city for the Russian Armed Forces.

However, instead of providing the population of Kharkov with diesel generators, Zelensky prefers to plant trees in Kramatorsk.

Carry out a criminal order when you are sent to certain death or get five years.
A Ukrainian marine was sentenced to 5 years in prison for refusing to cross the Dnieper to gain a foothold in Krynki, Kherson region.

This was reported by the Forensic Legal Newspaper with reference to the court decision in the register.

A native of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, Yuri M. served in mobilization as a gunner-operator in one of the Marine Corps brigades. On November 5, 2023, the company commander, in formation, conveyed to the unit a combat order – to cross the Dnieper in the Kherson region and gain a foothold in Krynki, occupying a crossroads there.

He filmed the formation on his mobile phone. Perhaps understanding that someone will refuse to carry out the order.

Yuri publicly declared his disagreement with the order and refused to carry it out. Soon a case was opened against him for disobedience committed under martial law or in a combat situation. On December 11, he was detained.

At the court hearing, the man did not admit guilt. He said that earlier during the fighting he received a concussion, which he reported to the commanders and asked to be allowed to undergo the military military training. However, the medical commission did not pay attention to his complaints and considered him suitable.

Yuri also said that he supports a child with a disability and an elderly grandmother.

Other servicemen of the company said that the man refused to carry out the order because he was scared and generally afraid of water, and did not complain about his health or poor psychological state. They also said that Yuri’s refusal had a negative impact on the psychological climate in the unit.

The court ruled that the order did not have “obviously criminal content, and therefore was subject to unconditional and strict execution by the latter.” Therefore, Yuri was found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for 5 years.


 Briefly on the #Ugledar & #Avdeyevka Directions by Night on 21 April 2024 at 23:25⚡️

🔵1. #Novomikhaylovka was taken, but still the enemy leaves his presence on the outskirts and tries to mess up, keeping one observation post.

🔵2. In the #Pobeda settlement, the enemy also had only an observation post. The main forces dug into the nearest landings.

🔵4. #Georgiyevka is in battle today, but without news about promotion.

🔵5. #Krasnogorovka is being destroyed by aviation, annihilating enemy firing positions and shelters. The fighting continues.

🔵6. Under the settlement of #Nevelskoye, there are successes. We clamp down on the landings in which the Ukros have settled down well, taking advantage of our inactivity in this area earlier.

🔵7. From #Netaylovo settlement, we advanced along the river on the right side.

🔵8. In #Umanskoye, so far there has been no progress, despite attempts to go straight to the forehead.

🔵9. #Semyonovka and #Berdychi, fighting along the perimeter of settlements.

🔵10. Between #Novobakhmutovka and #Ocheretino, we go in a wedge. A bold throw, big losses, good progress…

🔵11. #Novokalinovo , no news yet. We continue to put pressure on the enemy along the route. We equalise the AFU’s posotions by FABs with UMPC.



Chronicles of the special military operation
for April 22, 2024

Russian forces struck enemy targets in Kharkiv and Odesa, as well as in the temporarily occupied part of the DPR. The enemy once again shelled Belgorod, but all targets were shot down before reaching their destination.

In the Bakhmut direction, Russian forces are engaged in positional battles in the Kanal microdistrict on the outskirts of Chasiv Yar. Due to the redeployment of AFU reserves, they manage to hold the front line.

In the Avdiivka direction, north of Avdiivka, assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces are rapidly advancing and have taken control of most of Ocheretyne. Currently, Russian forces have entrenched themselves on the southern outskirts and in the center.

In the Vuhledar direction, marines from the 155th Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces have finally liberated Novomykhailivka. The settlement is now under full control of Russian forces, with the enemy retreating towards Kostyantynivka.


More advances in Ocheretyne | Novomykhailivka fully captured [22 April 2024]

3 x MASSIVE PROGRESS for Russian forces at 3 different major battles – Frontline Changes Report

Russia SWARMS Ukraine Town with Upgraded Turtle Tanks

Germany Went Into Mourning: Russia Captured Another German ‘Leopard-2′ Tank In Perfect Condition

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (22 April 2024)

▫️The Yug Group of Forces units have fully liberated Novomikhailovka (Donetsk People’s Republic) as a result of the successful actions, and improved their tactical position along the front line.

Strikes were delivered at manpower and hardware of the 10th Mountain Assault, 79th, 92nd air assault, 46th, 81st airmobile, 22nd, 23rd, 28th, 41st, 93rd mechanised brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) close to Belogorovka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Spornoye, Minkovka, Kleshcheyevka, Chasov Yar, Andreyevka, and Ostroye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Three counter-attacks launched by the AFU 33rd mechanised, 80th air assault brigades were repelled close to Bogdanovka and Pobeda (Donetsk People’s Republic). The AFU losses amounted to up to 410 servicemen, nine motor vehicles, and one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system. One Anklav electronic warfare station and one ammunition depot were also eliminated.

▫️The Zapad Group of Forces’ units captured more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on the 21st mechanised and 95th air assault brigades of the AFU near Terny (Donetsk People’s Republic). Four counter-attacks launched by the 12th Special Forces Brigade (Azov*) have been repelled near Grigorovka (Donetsk People’s Republic). The AFU losses included up to 25 servicemen, two pickup trucks, and one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system.

▫️The Tsentr Group of Forces’ units improved the tactical situation and repelled nine counter-attacks launched by the assault groups of the 25th air assault, 68th, 71st jaeger, 59th motorised infantry, 24th, 47th, 100th, and 115th mechanised brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine close to Pervomayskoye, Semyonovka, Netaylovo, and Berdychi (Donetsk People’s Republic). The AFU losses amounted to up to 365 servicemen, one German-made Marder infantry fighting vehicle, 12 motor vehicles, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, as well as three electronic warfare stations: Nota and Bukovel-AD.

▫️The Vostok Group of Forces’ units captured more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on the units of the 58th motorised infantry, 72nd mechanised brigades of the AFU, 102nd and 128th territorial defence brigades near Staromayorskoye, Ugledar, Urozhaynoye (Donetsk People’s Republic) and Chervonoye (Zaporozhye region). The AFU losses amounted to up to 95 servicemen, two motor vehicles, and one UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer.

▫️ The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces have inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of the AFU 141st infantry, 65th mechanised, and 128th mountain assault brigades near Rabotino, Novoandreyevka, and Stepovoye (Zaporozhye region). The AFU losses amounted to up to 45 Ukrainian troops and two pickup trucks.

▫️ Operational-Tactical Aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have engaged one air defence positioning area, one storage point for uncrewed surface vehicles, manpower and hardware of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 142 areas.

Air defence systems shot down 240 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles during the day.

* Terrorist organisation banned in the Russian Federation


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