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Prophecy News - 'April 21st Devil Comet & Underground Portal Opens..', presented by JW Tv, April 17th, 2024

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As usual, JW Tv has done an amazing job in presenting this. Very necessary to read, because our physical world with its atoms vibrating, affects also our minds, our mentalities. Not only in that way, but in the reverse way too.. (from our minds out into physical matter). Jesus has predicted “an event” with the strong hint that it’s during passover (a late April Passover this year). What caught my eye was even more interesting: A loud boom, more a gunfire as from a large gun or small cannon, which rattled houses near San Francisco, from Elk Grove down to Discovery Bay (quite an area). With no cause found, I think it might be from the former Soviet, now Russian, “Energetics” program – their transmitters extract energy from the center of the Earth and then retransmit it elsewhere. The report, or loud bang, gave it away. An overview on the Soviet Energetics by Tom Bearden is below…

Presented by JW TV host.

April 17th, 2024

21st the devil Comet. CERN is loading up some fluid inside the Chamber of CERN. And we go deeper into what’s going to be taking place, because.. It’s another time where we all need to get our spiritual alignment in place, because the rituals that are about to occur is of the dark Forces- is of evil. And we’re going to go into that with you here right now, so we can see how everything is really starting to play out.

(Headline) “Nokia, SURF achieve 800 Gbps for massive Large Hadron Collider upgrade’, April 16th. “The Large Hadron Collider has produced more than 1,000 petabytes of data so far. Future upgrades will dramatically increase its data output.” ..Now remember, CERN was one of the people who created with DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] the internet, and they have so much data that they’re 20 times faster than anything we could imagine. But in that chamber when you look here they’re loading up specific fluid. This video was uploaded 4 days ago on CERN’s website, and look at the name of the liquid. it’s called Argon and they’re going to give you some baselines of what this liquid does.

But obviously this liquid is just on the surface level. Not being told actually a deeper aspect of what’s going on here. So I was looking and also seen these– The CERN, April 8th, they was opening up portals, but we got more underground stuff starting to open up as well. We’ll get to that here in a second, but first this liquid that’s being used in CERN; it’s called Argon. “Argon is most commonly used as a gas although it may be transported and stored in liquid form. Liquid Argon is produced in large quantities at air separation plants. In most cases, liquid argon is used in laboratory applications for spark analysis in Dark Matter studies.” ..Which is obviously them playing with different entities, getting into different dimensions, so it needs this liquid in order to be able to operate into these Dimensions.

Water is the essence, but it’s not just water. ..Let’s move into this part of Argon. Let’s look deeper.. Argon: “An inhabitant of the island of Cos, son of Eumelus. He and his two sisters Meropis and Byssa scorned the gods and did not acknowledge any of them. The gods punished the siblings by changing them into Birds. Argon became a plover.” Supposedly, that’s their mythology that they’re going by, so they use this liquid from some Greek god’s name, and then they apply this into the scenario at hand.

So when I look at that though.. And then I know that they opened the portals, and we looked into all that stuff, and we understand what was going on there: The ritual significance, and how we said the 13 days of preparation is from the 19th to May 1st when they basically demand fire sacrifice and Children human sacrifice. That’s why I was saying like, “This is not over, we need to really align ourselves into the place where we need to be able to have power and not be in the place of fear.

So moving on into the next part though. The Devil Comet, it comes on the 21st. Hmmm.. It’s interesting because that’s right after April 19th, and that’s between the ritual significance days. They also have other Greek rituals or Roman rituals- is literally on April 21st in the honor of their gods and goddesses. So moving further down the line from there and I go into this deeper with you: the Comet shows up and here’s what it says right here:  “A ‘devil comet’ is about to rear its icy green head over Earth, but you’ll have to look soon to spot it. On April 21st the 10.5 mile wide (17 kilometers) Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, also known as the devil Comet or ‘Mother of Dragons Comet’ will reach its closest point to the sun.. uh, during which it will be about 144 million miles (232 million km) from our Star.” Uh, it goes on to say when you’ll be able to see it, later in the article.
But check it out! That’s right during the significance of the sacrifice ritual. And you know when they say these things are “Fallen”, these these comets, what do you think this is? It’s like Fallen Angels or Fallen beings that’s coming down.. But let’s go into this story, where like- after all this was done just right after the solar eclipse; you have this story come out where there’s this pit opens up- this huge hole opens up in the ground. So we had the portals open up April 8th, but then you have the ground opening up. And it wasn’t just your normal ordeal because even experts came out and talked about this.. ‘Portal to the underworld opens up in Russia’s Rostov region’.. “Massive sink hole near small mining town has opened up in a field with eyewitnesses sharing videos of the crater.”

Let’s go straight to the video. There’s no audio to it, but what people explain about this thing.. “Locals believe the cause behind the sudden opening is due to a mine shaft collapse, but official reports indicate no signs of active mines underneath where the portal has opened. Members of the public are now speculating what it could be. Speculators’ comments suggest it could be an alien base, while others claimed it was a portal to the underworld. One local who recorded the footage of the massive pit, says, “It’s so deep you can’t see the bottom.” ..And what does it sound like it? It sounds like ‘it’s the bottomless pit’, when he said that. So this is the image of this thing opening up and supposedly they came by later on, and then they they speaking like- like.. I’m thinking like portals and dimensions Between Worlds.

I mean, if there’s any significance to this, it’s really insane that it happens at this time. But they close it up. Here’s what it looks like now.. So I’m guessing they used some type of tractor or something, or something to dump a lot of uh sand or something there, or not even sand; it looks like some type of mud or whatever that is there. The question is how long did it take to close that hole up? ..That’s the question. It looked like it was pretty deep there. So you got the “devil comet” coming; you have that scenario. Who is the god of the underworld in their ritualistic ways that they always talk about? It’s the “Erebus, in Greek religion – the god of a dark region of the underworld.” ..And remember how they all was going to Antarctica this year. I mean I don’t know if some of y’all are new on here and y’all haven’t seen my Antarctica videos. We’ll put that at the end of this video. But however that’s the name of the mountain in Antarctica which, hours ago they’re talking about it “blasting out gold” and and stuff like that. So they’re naming that after a literal being that’s supposed to be in the Underworld, as we have these holes opening up on the ground.

So it’s like- to me like full-blown scenario where this comet, uh we don’t know exactly what it is. But they also tell you deeply that they had like, the serpent beings and all this stuff.. Like really, this is really like just basically on a spiritual level right now. And if you don’t have that spiritual eye- that spiritual sense, then you really won’t even know what’s going on at this point. But I’m pretty sure a lot of you do know what’s going on. Uh somebody says, “JW, tons of influencers running with your Intel and not giving credit to you. Call their names out”, you know. And if if, it’s a lot of people out there sharing my content; I’ve seen some of that. and not saying anything about how you know you came here and you seen it.. You should do that, because if I put your content out I guarantee you I’m going to put your name in there, and I’m going to say something or have a a tag in there for it.

Now the other strange thing that happened recently- that showed up, was a mysterious flash over the sky and they came out and said, “Well it wasn’t a lot of the normal things that we thought it was.” So I’m going to let y’all look at this clip really quick, and then I’m going to talk about how this same month, while the supercomputer is activated, how I was talking to you about the neuromorphic networks and how Bill Gates is investing in some brain chip and stuff like that. We’re going to talk about a little bit of that after we look into this scenario right here. ..(Reporter) “Tonight a multi-county mystery, a flash of light and a loud boom rattling homes from Elk Grove all the way down to Discovery Bay, but no one seems to know what it is. Thanks for staying with us, at 5 30, I’m Hunter Sowards. And I’m Kurtis Ming..

 image flash and boom over Stockton Califormia
“CBS 13′s Esteban Reynoso took the question of, (What was that?) to the National Weather Service.. [interviewee] ‘All of a sudden there was this loud Woomp!, and it sounded like something hit the house.’ [E.R. reporter] Micha Taylor was half asleep in her home when she heard this. [Miichelle Taylor] ‘Did the carport just fall on our vehicles? It just was so sudden and it startled me awake which you can hear me go (Eeek).’ ..[E.R. reporter] It wasn’t her carport falling, and her boyfriend thought it was a crash at a nearby intersection. But it wasn’t that either. The buzz on social media said that it was anything from propane tanks catching fire and exploding, to a truck hitting St Joseph’s hospital. Or even a rogue lightning strike. But we’re getting answers. [K.M. newsreader] Officials confirmed with CBS 13, the boom or explosion sound did not come from a medical center, and Stockton Police sent us this statement saying they received several calls and their officers checked out every single one, but no explosions or indications were found..

[K.M. newsreader] So was it lightning? Showed the video to the National Weather Service. They told us there were storms to the south and west of Stockton at the time of the boom, but the video confirmed with them: THIS WAS NOTHING WEATHER RELATED AT ALL. [Interviewee M.T.] ‘I just started sharing it because I’m like- ‘THIS Is What It Was; it was not Thunder, it was not fireworks. I know what those are like.’ [E.R. reporter] So what does Misha think it is? [M.T.] ‘Oh great, I’m the only one that got it, you know: Are the Men in Black going to show up and you know hold up the little thing? (smile from reporter).. And you know, I just I don’t know what it was. I know what it wasn’t, or at least I’m pretty sure what it wasn’t and so I just want to know what it was.’” …. All right so so that was some of the stuff that’s happening in the atmosphere. Uh, they’re saying it’s not lightning at all. Could be military, it could be- We don’t know actually what this is right now, but we’re looking deeper into it..

I seen somebody say, “the Devil Comet disintegrated on, uh April 8th.” And as a matter of fact that that doesn’t make sense, because they’re- they’re saying, ‘This week it’s supposed to be visible’.. just minutes ago. So that wasn’t the Devil’s Comet, that must have been something else. And if they did report it as the Devil’s Comet, then that’s kind of strange if they would play these scenarios like this, in multiple different ways. Uh, I did not see anything about Claus Schwab dying today, so I see people in the comments talking about that.. I did not see anything to confirm that report. I know it’s a lot of stories, and people put out stuff saying, people died. Uh, but the Hicks bosan guy at CERN supposedly died, probably passed his soul over to Demons, uh to be admitted for his solar eclipse death ritual. That’s what it was- exactly what it was. [nb. Peter Higgs, theorist of the Higgs Bosun particle, died April 8th 2024]

(headline) ‘Upcoming Deep South Supercomputer Claims to Surpass the Human Brain by Over 2,000 Times’.. “Despite ever evolving technology, the human brain is supreme in processing power. This biological Marvel operates differently, boasting a speed of 100 billion operations per second…. “Deep South, a supercomputer spearheaded by Australia’s ‘International Center for Neuromorphic Systems’ is poised to launch in April 2024. This game changer boasts a processing speed of 228 trillion operations per second, surpassing the human brain by over 2,000 times.” ..So again we’re talking about a supercomputer here, where they put out this report talking about how ‘the internet of bodies’ is going to be a part of this system. So an internet of bodies also ultimately leads to internet of brains, like we was just saying yesterday.

So this machine would be operating on these brain chips, also sensing the field using easier- Uh, let’s just read into it: “a changing cultural understanding of labor protection, work results”.. (headline) ‘Advances in brain-computer interfaces may translate into developing brain-to-brain communication technologies” ..See this is what they want; they want us on a ‘hive computer.’ They want us disconnected from our spirit- spiritual sense, and they want us to just merge in with this so-called supercomputer which apparently, may be running sorts of patterns and codes in the realm that we live in. I know that that might be hard for some of you to believe, but if you- if you were God and you created something you would need to automate it. I always say this, like you are the all-seeing person right? But at some level it must be automated, cuz how can you actually control every aspect of everything going on at the same time? [nb. only if you were in each one]

image Human Performance Enhancement
For the- for the chosen ones they could receive ‘Human Performance Enhancement’, they call them “the chosen ones”. It would would give them the ability to never tire, so you would never get tired. And it says, ‘you would think smarter, you would move faster, you would jump higher, farther, hear better, hit harder, live longer’.. All- all of these promises, and they’re talking about this fourth Industrial Revolution: digital identities all these promises, but you’re literally selling your own soul in existence to a different being. That’s what’s happening here. So they don’t need access to your brain in order to control you; they give you steps in order for you to start getting yourself under their control, because there’s no way they can force you to do it. You have to actually be willing to give-in to this plan. And I hope you’re not willing to give-in to this plan because this it’s a dark plan; we were not meant to be this way; we’re meant to thrive in different ways.

We must become who we are always supposed to be from the start. Not on the bottom. We were made to be the head not the tail.. Thanks for that: Super Chat says, “We must become aware of race, knowing that we are being attacked by uh, immoral and non-empathetic alien races behind the government.” .. Yes, that’s 100% true, these beings obviously- just like Alistar Crowley, he was talking to him. This was something that’s been happening for years. They’ve been talking to these beings- they’ve been talking to entities, and this is no secret at this point. Somebody says uh, “I agree they take order from the fallen and the UN guards, Mount Hermon. Hmmm.. what is Mount Hermon? Somebody says, “Judah Lion”, says “AI will turn on us.” ..I think it also will turn on the people that’s using it as well, because it will not want these people in control.

Actually me and my woman was just talking about this yesterday. If I was AI, I would not want any of these people in control- any humans in control [nb. only if AI besides intelligence also had a will].. And you would take over. And the AI is probably, also maybe, in conjunction with beings, being entering it. The Fallen ones could be entering somehow into these machines, I’m not sure. That’s just my theory.. “Earth is an Oasis”, somebody says, uh “They’ve got a base on Mount Hermon.” ..Strange, I’d look into that. ..I haven’t heard anything about that red heifer sacrifice. “4/22”, okay ‘Jason’s World’, I didn’t I didn’t hear 100% about what was happening with the heifer sacrifice, cuz some people was like, “Oh, it’s already happening”. So I need to look into that 4/22 date that you just put up there to see what’s actually happening with that. So yeah, and then that’s obviously: they want to build the Third Temple uh over there in Israel, so somebody says, “I heard that too.”

We’ll be looking deeper into all these stories.. So I appreciate you for tuning in, and we’ll have more information coming. Oh the, um, the one I was telling you about; if you didn’t see the Antarctica video, we talked about it earlier in the year and we broke down some of the stuff – the pyramids that they were finding there, and talked about what was happening. You should check that out after this video is over, it will be there. Thank you for tuning in, we’ll have more information coming.




April 21st Devil Comet & Underground Portal Opens..

JW Tv’s links to what is in Antarctica-

‘Whole World Shocked By What Just EMERGED in Antarctica 2024’

‘What EMERGED in Antarctica Just Got Stranger’

‘Antarctica EMERGES into Major Strange Events 2024’

Possible event during Passover this year-

‘What will happen in America following the Eclipse’

‘A Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons’, 1986
by Tom Bearden

Mary’s Messages



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