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ISON HOAX Exposed by

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BREAKING NEWS UPDATE II: Within 24 hours of this report, NASA has reported a “coolant problem” at the International Space Station (ISS), the likely launch platform for the man-made Comet ISON. In the event that the Doomsday space rock attack program has been canceled, it is highly likely that a form of the Israeli Stuxnet virus which reportedly infected the ISS on November 12, 2013, will be blamed if and when the entire ISS is blown up in order to disperse of all the incriminating evidence.

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE I: Less than 24 hours after the this report was publsihed, Comet ISON was “officially declared dead”. However, around the time of publishing, a meteor allegedly exploded over Arizona as part of the Geminid meteor shower, an apparent preview of ISON related space violence.

David Chase Taylor
December 10, 2013

SWITZERLAND, Zurich — The following State-Sponsored Terror Threat Assessment (SSTTA) is a redux of the March 31, 2013, report entitled, “Apocalyptic “Doomsday Asteroid” Hoax Planned for 2013”. Although some of the information is redundant, this report includes the latest information in respect to Comet ISON, Comet Lovejoy, and the Geminids meteor shower, all of which are currently slated to epoch (as in apocalypse) on December 14, 2013.

As previously reported, if and when a Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid strikes planet Earth, it will most likely land in the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by the so-called Ring of Fire. After all, a man-made space rock would never strike land because there it could be located, examined and tested by scientists for its authenticity. Obviously, that cannot be allowed to happen. Therefore, after making impact, the rock will sink into the abyss of the Pacific Ocean never to be seen again.

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Since January 1, 2012, there have been at least 99 earthquakes (see list below) which have occurred within the Pacific Rim of Fire (i.e., 43 of which had a magnitude of 6.0+, 15 of which had a magnitude of 7.0+, and 2 of which had a magnitude of 8.0+). Should an asteroid, comet or meteoroid strike the Pacific Ocean, the impact would predictably be “Off the Richter Scale”, no doubt setting-off a seismic chain reaction throughout the unstable region.

In the immediate aftermath of a direct Doomsday strike into the Pacific Rim of Fire, it’s highly likely that a devastating wave of man-made earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, power outages and global pandemics will domino around the Pacific Rim, ultimately bringing countries such as the United States, Japan, and Mexico to their knees. This is in fact the Doomsday plan—create a big enough made-for-TV event so that a hundred others events can be created out of it.

Due to the timely death of Nelson Mandela (a man who curiously has not been seen alive since 2010), over 100 of the world’s so-called leaders have congregated in South Africa where they will remain until December 15, 2013, when a state funeral for Mandela is scheduled to take place. In the event of a global countdown to a Doomsday-like event emanating from space, U.S. President Barack Obama will be in position to grandstand on the global stage just as the world as we know it collectively ends. A more cliché and tacky Hollywood movie script could not have been written.

“Surprise” ISON Attack?
In order to gain plausible deniability in the aftermath of Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid strike, NASA has created a media narrative whereby they will be “taken by surprise” when an alleged space rock suddenly appears out of the east, directly in the Sun’s glare. This is likely why reports on ISON have been so ambiguous since ISON’s all alleged trip around the sun. An indication of exactly how this particular scenario would play out occurred on March 7, 2013, when it was reported that an asteroid the size of a city block would pass Earth that weekend. According to the report, “The asteroid was only discovered Sunday because search telescopes can’t find objects of that size until they get close.” Wikipedia further stated that the “2013 ET is a Near-Earth asteroid that was discovered on March 3, 2013, six days before its closest approach to Earth”. If and when the Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid hoax is finally triggered, the world will likely have only a few days to panic prior to its alleged impact. A few weeks later on March 21, 2013, it was revealed that White House science adviser John Holdren reportedly wanted to put “an infrared telescope in a Venus-like orbit to spot asteroids that can’t be seen from the ground because they’re lost in the Sun’s glare” and that “the Chelyabinsk meteorite was exactly that kind of meteor, which came in from a direction that Earthbound telescopes can’t look in.” Bolden then stated, “If [the asteroid] is coming in three weeks…pray”. The January 10, 2013 propaganda report by Forbes entitled, “We Probably Wouldn’t Even See A Doomsday Asteroid Until It Was Too Late” indicates that the sneak attack by a wayward asteroid, comet or meteoroid is in fact part of the working Doomsday space terror script.

“Deep Impact” Hunter Lost
If an when a Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid strikes Earth, government agencies NASA will need plausible deniability to excuse their gross maleficence. Coincidentally, on September 10, 2013, it was reported that NASA conveniently lost contact with the comet-hunting Deep Impact spacecraft sometime between August 11 and August 14, 2013. This news was confirmed yet again 11 days later on September 21, 2013, when it was reported that NASA had officially closed the books on the most-traveled comet-hunter in history due to a “software bug” which subsequently cut off communication with the 9-year old spacecraft. The timely loss of the world’s greatest comet hunter suggests that the space attack depicted in “Deep Impact” (1998), a film (see trailer) about an apocalyptic asteroid strike on Earth, is now imminent. As of August 14, 2013, exactly 3 months prior to ISON’s epoch, NASA is conveniently and officially blind to incoming Earth threatening asteroids, comets or meteoroids.


I. Epoch: December 14, 2013
II. The SpaceX Doomsday Program
III. The “Doomsday Asteroid”
IV. Asteroids & Earthquakes
V. Pacific Rim Earthquake Targets
VI. Asteroids & Tsunamis
VII. Asteroids & Volcanoes
VIII. Space Based Pandemics

I. EPOCH: DECEMBER 14, 2013:  

1.1: Comet ISON
Comet ISON, also known as C/2012 S1, is a comet that was allegedly discovered on September 21, 2012 by Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok of Russia. Observations by Swift in January of 2013 suggested that Comet ISON’s nucleus was around 5 kilometers (3 miles) in diameter although later estimates were that the nucleus was only about 2 kilometers (1 mile) in diameter. Needless to say, ISON’s mass has the theoretical potential to devastate planet Earth should she strike her. Although Comet ISON reportedly disintegrated on November 28, 2013, NASA continues to investigate the possibility that an inactive fragment could have survived. In other words, ISON has not yet been confirmed dead as evidenced by the fact that Comet ISON, Comet Lovejoy, and the Geminids meteor shower all have a slated epoch for December 14, 2013. Therefore, it does appear that Comet ISON is in fact the Doomsday Asteroid foretold by the 2012 Mayan Calendar, albeit a year late.

ISON Headlines:

1. February 5, 2013: NASA’s Deep Impact Spacecraft Eyes Comet ISON
2. May 17, 2013: Comet ISON may spark unprecedented meteor shower
3. September 9, 2013: Comet ISON Offers Doomsday Deja Vu
4. September 10, 2013: If The Sun Doesn’t Blast It, Comet ISON Will Soon Light Up The Sky
5. September 20, 2013: Even a behaving badly Comet ISON would pose no threat to Earth
6. September 30, 2013:  Telescope glitch dooms giant NASA balloon mission to see Comet ISON
7. September 30, 2013: Potentially Dazzling Comet ISON: 8 Essential Facts
8. October 1, 2013: ISON could still become ‘comet of the century’ — or not…
9. October 17, 2013: Potentially Dazzling Comet ISON Still Intact, Hubble Photo Suggests
10. November 1, 2013: Observers perplexed by Comet ISON’s erratic performance
11. November 14, 2013: Comet ISON: What’s Next?
12. November 19, 2013: Not A Bird Or A Plane – It’s A Comet Named ISON
13. November 20, 2013: Comet ISON Cometh: Two Fragments Breaking Away From Comet’s Nucleus
14. November 24, 2013: Comet ISON, if it survives trip around the sun, could bring spectacular sky show
15. November 24, 2013: Will icy comet ISON survive a close encounter with the sun?
16. November 25, 2013: Comet Ison to slingshot around the sun
17. November 26, 2013: Last glimpse of Comet ISON before Thursday encounter with sun
18. November 27, 2013: ISON comet giving astronomers ‘wild ride’
18. November 29, 2013: Comet ISON sweeps near sun, shows signs of life
19. November 29, 2013: Comet ISON: Emerging ‘dust tail’ catches scientists’ eyes
20. November 29, 2013: NASA video: ‘Comet of the Century’ ISON passes around sun
21. November 29, 2013: Comet ISON sweeps near sun, shows signs of life
22. December 5, 2013: What Is Left Of Comet ISON? NASA Begins Search

[Does not purport to be a complete list of headlines or events]

1.2: Comet Lovejoy
Comet Lovejoy, also known as C/2013 R1, is a comet that was allegedly discovered on September 7, 2013 by Terry Lovejoy which made its closest approach to Earth on November 19, 2013. Similarly to comet ISON, reports in respect to Lovejoy are sketchy at best. According to a December 6, 2013, report, Comet Lovejoy is “currently making its way away from Earth and towards the sun” and will come to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on December 22, 2013. It does appear that Comet Lovejoy and Comet ISON will pass directly by each other as they travel between the Earth and the Sun, a phenomenon that is likely unprecedented and therefore could theoretically spark a space storm. Whatever Comet Lovejoy’s role is in an impending ISON’s attack on Earth is not known, but Comet ISON, Comet Lovejoy, and the Geminids meteor shower all have a slated epoch for December 14, 2013.

1.3: Geminids Meteor Shower
A “perfect space storm” scenario appears to be brewing as Comet ISON and  Comet Lovejoy‘s epoch is currently slated for December 14, 2013, will coincidentally will coincide with the Geminids meteor shower which will peak on the morning of December 14, 2013. The Geminids meteor shower is allegedly caused by the object 3200 Phaethon, which is thought to be a Palladian asteroid with a “rock comet” orbit. The Geminids along with the Quadrantids, the only major meteor showers not originating from a comet. The improbable notion that Comet ISON, Comet Lovejoy and the Geminids meteor shower would epoch on the same date is so farfetched that it suggests that ISON is in fact part of a man-made Doomsday hoax.

1.4: The “Perfect Space Storm”
In order to give NASA and government officials plausible deniability in the aftermath of an ISON or  Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid strike, the rules and conditions of space as we know it must be temporarily altered in order to create a window of opportunity for the improbably strike. In other words, there must be a once in a lifetime “perfect space storm” whereby the Earth is blinded to the trajectory of ISON or any other asteroid, comet or meteoroid. This impending space storm has been making international headlines since 2010, long before it will manifest itself in reality.

Space Storm Headlines:

1. June 14, 2010: NASA Warns Solar Flares From ‘Huge Space Storm’ Will Cause Devastation
2. September 20, 2010: Britain Vulnerable To Space Nuclear Attack Or ‘Solar Flare’ Storm
3. March 18, 2012: Solar Explosions Threat To The Security Of Hi-Tech Britain
4. May 4, 2012: Space Weather Expert Has Ominous Forecast
5. August 23, 2012: Devastating Solar Storms Expected To Knock Out National Grid In 2013
6. February 7, 2013: A Solar ‘Superstorm’ Is Coming And We’ll Only Get 30-Minute Warning
7. March 8, 2013: Calm Before the Solar Storm? Something Unexpected Is Happening to the Sun
8. March 25, 2013: Ever-Changing Venus Superstorm Sparks Interest

[Does not purport to be a complete list of headlines or events]


2.1: SpaceX Doomsday Program?
Just as the ISON rhetoric and propaganda is reaching an all-time high, the mysterious space program entitled “SpaceX”  is working overtime. On May 25, 2012, SpaceX made history as the world’s first privately held company to send a spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS). Curiously, almost everything SpaceX does, it does wrong, or at least that’s the way the alleged space transport company would like to be publicly perceived. Starting with its launch reported on October 8, 2012, SpaceX was allegedly sent into the wrong orbit because of a booster problem during launch. Four days later on October 12, 2012, the communications satellite flying piggyback aboard a SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket allegedly fell out of orbit and burned up in the atmosphere following another problem during liftoff. Five months later on March 1, 2013, it was reported that SpaceX, allegedly on route to the ISS, ran into thruster trouble shortly after liftoff and consequently missed its docking date with the ISS. These are rocket scientists, not armatures. A truly private company could never afford to do business in such an unprofessional manner further raising suspicions that there is more than meets the eye in respect to SpaceX. On March 21, 2013, it was reported that SpaceX’s “Dragon” supply spacecraft was set to leave the ISS and return to Earth while three new crew members are scheduled to arrive at the ISS shortly. Whatever is going on up there with SpaceX and the ISS is still unknown, but it is anything but kosher. Although only time will tell, it appears that SpaceX may be the private space program set-up to attack Earth with a man-made Doomsday asteroid.

2.2: Space X Grasshopper VTVL Rockets
The fuel cells needed for a man-made Comet ISON strike appear to be SpaceX’s Grasshopper VTVL Rockets which have been launched at least 5 times in 2013 in so-called tests. However, since SpaceX has a private launch site in McGregor, Texas, there is no way to confirm just how many Space X-related rockets have been launched into space. While most rockets are designed to burn up in the atmosphere during reentry, SpaceX’s Grasshopper rockets are designed to return intact to the launch pad for a vertical landing so it can be reused for future launches, possibly involving man-made asteroids.  According to SpaceX themselves, “Grasshopper … continues SpaceX’s work toward one of its key goals—developing fully and rapidly reusable rockets, a feat that will transform space exploration by radically reducing its cost”. Although the true mission of the Grasshopper program is not public, in the event that a massive man-made asteroid, comet, or meteoroid-like structure was being constructed in space just above the Earth, reusable fuel cells would be needed to project the given object back into the Earth’s atmosphere in a slow, fiery and believable fashion. The command and control exerted over the Grasshopper rockets is quite extraordinary as they can launch and land upright in the exact same fashion. As witnessed on August 14, 2013, when a SpaceX’s Grasshopper test rocket succesdully flew sideways, the Grasshopper is essentially a massive remote-controlled rocket that can be directed any which way. This type of fluidity and control would definitely be needed in order to guide a fake Doomsday asteroid or comet across the sky and into the ocean in a manner which does not draw any suspicion by the billions watching around the world with baited breath. As witnessed on November 18, 2013, when NASA’s Atlas V rocket was loaded with 50,000 gallons of liquid oxygen and launched into space, the fuel within this rocket and that of the 10 or so rockets which have launched thus far in 2013 could be used to fuel the man-made Doomsday asteroid. One in space, the rocket fuel could theoretically be transferred and stored in a secondary location such as International Space Station (ISS) for future use. Once the Doomsday asteroid mission was given the official green light, the fuel could then be injected into the 50 or so Grasshopper-like rockets that will likely make up the Doomsday comet. Coincidentally, the Grasshopper VTVL vehicle uses many of the same rocket parts that SpaceX employs for its official spaceflight missions with NASA and the ISS, making the likelihood of collusion on a undercover project such as a man-made asteroid all the more feasible. In a telling sign that a “Deep Impact” strike in the Pacific Rim of Fire is upon us, the official video released by SpaceX of a Grasshopper launch was accompanied by Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire”.

2013 SpaceX Grasshopper Launches:

1. March 12, 2013: SpaceX ‘Grasshopper’ Reusable Rocket Breaks Record (McGregor, Texas)
2. April 23, 2013: SpaceX Showcases Grasshopper VTVL Rocket Test(McGregor, Texas)
3. July 9, 2013: SpaceX Grasshopper Reusable Rocket Soars to New Heights (McGregor, Texas)
4. August 14, 2013: SpaceX’s Grasshopper test rocket flies sideways successfully(McGregor, Texas)
5. October 14, 2013: SpaceX Reusable Grasshopper Rocket Climbs to 2,440 Feet (McGregor, Texas)

2.3: Rocket Launches Trending
Aside from the aforementioned SpaceX rocket launches, there have been at least 12 other rockets which have been launched into space from China, India, Kazakhstan, Russia, the United States. These launches have involved such entities as the European Space Agency, NASA, SpaceX and Orbital Sciences. What exactly is causing the space rush is not clear, but that fact that these rockets are being launched at an unprecedented rate suggests that there is a sinister plan in the works. If the following reports are to be believed, there are a total of 2 probes, 2 explorers and 37 satellites which have left planet Earth since September 6, 2013. There have also been at least 4 trips to the alleged International Space Station (ISS) which suggests that the ISS may be the official cover for the black operation that is the man-made Doomsday asteroid.

2013 Space Launches:

1. March 1, 2013: SpaceX Falcon 9 SpaceX CRS-2 Launches to ISS (Cape Canaveral, FL)
2. June 14, 2013: SpaceX’s new Falcon 9 v.1.1 test mission launch (McGregor, Texas)
3. September 6, 2013: Orbital’s Minotaur V launches LADEE mission (Wallops Island, Virginia)
4. September 29, 2013: SpaceX Launches Falcon 9 Rocket on Test Flight (Vandenberg AFB, California)
5. November 5, 2013: India launches rocket with Mars satellite (Sriharikota Island, India)
6. November 18, 2013: NASA launches MAVEN on Atlas V rocket to Mars (Cape Canaveral, Florida)
7. November 20, 2013: Orbital launches 29 satellites into orbit for DOD (Wallops Island, Virginia)
8. November 22, 2013:EAS launches 3 satellites to study magnetic field (Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia)
9. November 25, 2013: Russian rocket transports satellite en route to space station (Kazakhstan)
10. December 1, 2013: China’s Chang’e-3 rocket blasts off carrying moon probe (Xichang, China)
11. December 4, 2013: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off with SES-8 satellite (Cape Canaveral, Florida)
12. December 6, 2013: U.S. launches Atlas V on classified NROL-39 mission (Vandenberg AFB, CA)      

[Does not purport to be a complete list of 2013 rocket launches]


3.1: “Chelyabinsk” Asteroid Beta-Test
In what appears to have been a beta-test for an impending Doomsdays asteroid, comet, o meteoroid strike, on February 15, 2013, a small asteroid struck in Chelyabinsk, Russia, allegedly injuring 1,500 people. This suspicious event was made even stranger because it happened on the same day that the asteroid known as “2012 DA14” flew by within 17,200 miles of Earth. According to Wikipedia, the Chelyabinsk asteroid was the largest known object to have entered Earth’s atmosphere since the 1908 Tunguska event, and it’s the only asteroid to date which has caused a large number of injuries. The “Chelyabinsk” event appears to have been nothing more than a staged beta-test to assess the hoax-ability of a future Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid. Although this alleged asteroid strike was completely unexpected, there were numerous video cameras shooting its entry from almost every conceivable angle (all of which were recovered, downloaded, uploaded, edited, produced, uploaded again and broadcast within minutes of the event on February 15, 2013). The fake asteroid also appeared to burn out prior to ever hitting the ground, making the hoax even easier to pull off. A year later on February 15, 2013, it was reported that “conspiracy theorists” have claimed that the Russian meteorite was shot down by a military missile. Like most intelligence reports, the information was presented backwards. The reality is that the Chelyabinsk Asteroid was most likely a missile itself, albeit a doctored one designed to look like a meteorite. In order to rehash the Russian meteorite narrative just prior to an unprecedented strike by ISON or another form or space debris, it was reported on November 19, 2013, that a new meteor has once again struck Russia.

3.2: Post-Chelyabinsk Asteroid Headlines
The following headlines were disseminated globally just prior to and right after the alleged February 15, 213, asteroid strike in Chelyabinsk, Russia. As evidenced, there was a coordinated media campaign to invoke the notion of space-based terror in order to psychologically prep the world for an impending Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid.  Although the headlines have tapered of late, they are sure to reignite to once Comet ISON or another Doomsday rock is confirmed to be heading toward Earth.

Chelyabinsk Asteroid Headlines:

1. September 9, 2010: Two Large Asteroids Narrowly Miss Earth
2. August 17, 2011:Armageddon’? Scientists Plan To Deflect Earth-Bound Asteroids
3. January 22, 2012:International Plan To Protect Earth From Comets And Asteroids
4. January 27, 2012: Asteroid’s Near-Miss With Earth
5. January 27, 2012: 19-Mile Wide [Asteroid] Monster Hurtling Past Earth Next Week
6. January 27, 2012: Bus-Sized Asteroid Buzzes Earth Today Passing Within 36,000 Miles
7. January 27, 2012: Asteroid Near Misses And The Threats To Come
8. February 28, 2012: Asteroid Threat In 2040? Scientists Watch 2011 AG5
9. March 3, 2012: Asteroid To Threaten Earth In 2013
10. March 6, 2012: Asteroid To Buzz By Earth Next Year – Time To Call The Insurance Agent?
11. May 16, 2012: NASA Estimates 4,700 ‘Potentially Hazardous’ Asteroids
12. June 30, 2012: New Telescope To Guard Earth From Killer Asteroids
13. August 17, 2012: Even Bruce Willis Couldn’t Save Earth From ‘Armageddon’ Asteroid
14. October 8, 2012: “Doomsday Device: Russian Beacon To Track Menacing Asteroid Apophis
15. October 25 2012: Paintballs May Deflect An Incoming Asteroid
16. December 24, 2012: Phew! Asteroid To Miss Earth In 2040, NASA Says
17. January 9, 2013: Space Alert: Hazardous Asteroid Nears Earth
18. January 10, 2013: We Probably Wouldn’t Even See A Doomsday Asteroid Until It Was Too Late
19. January 23, 2013:Don’t Count ‘Doomsday Asteroid’ Out Yet
20. February 5, 2013: An Asteroid Is Coming, And Scientists Are Excited. Fear Not, Earth Is Safe
21. February 13, 2013: Saving The Earth From Asteroids
22. February 15, 2013: Asteroid Kind Of Headed Toward Earth
22. February 14, 2013: Asteroid Hits Earth! How The Doomsday Scenario Would Play Out
February 13, 2013: Chelyabinsk Asteroid Strike
23. February 15, 2013:
Meteor Shows Why It Is Crucial To Keep An Eye On The Sky
24. February 15, 2013: While You Were Working: An Asteroid Just Flew By
25. February 16, 2013: NASA-Backed Meteor Tracking System On Horizon
26. February 17, 2013: Kremlin Calls for Missile Defense System To Save World From Asteroid Strike
27. February 18, 2013: NASA Scrambles For Better Asteroid Detection
28. February 24, 2013: After Meteor Blast In Russia, Laurel Lab Plans To Smack An Asteroid
29. February 25, 2013: Canada To Launch Asteroid-Hunter Satellite
30. March 2, 2013: Welcome To The Year Of The Comet (We Hope)
31. March 7, 2013: Asteroid To Fly Past Earth This Weekend
32. March 12, 2013: Russia Considers Nuclear Explosives To Combat Meteorites
33. March 20, 2013: Large Asteroid Heading To Earth? Pray, Says NASA
34. March 20, 2013: NASA Lagging For A Decade On Meteor Tracking
35. March 20, 2013: Thing And A Prayer: NASA Chief Says Earth Defenseless In Asteroid Strike
36. March 21, 2013: NASA Chief: Earth Is Doomed If We Spot A Big Asteroid At Short Notice
37. March 22, 2012: Asteroid-Smashing Space Probes Set For Cosmic Crash In 2022
37. March 22, 2013: Meteor Sightings Reported From Florida To Massachusetts

[Does not purport to be a complete list of headlines or events]

3.3: “Chelyabinsk” Asteroid Odds: 1 in 100 Million 
Aside from the question posed in the headline “Where Exactly Did The Russian Meteor Come From?”, there are other pressing questions in respect to Chelyabinsk asteroid of February 15, 2013, that demand answers. What are the chances of 2 major astrological events occurring on the same day? Where these 2 astrological events related to each other? In a February 19, 2013, CNN report entitled “A Meteor And Asteroid: 1 In 100 Million Odds”, the  notion that the two events were related was openly dismissed: “…the time between the two events, the Earth moved roughly 300,000 miles, meaning the asteroid and the meteor were in completely different places. So there is no way the meteor and the asteroid are connected. It has to be a coincidence that the two events happened on the same day….the chance of both events happening on any one day are indeed very small…about 1 in 100 million”. As luck would have it, the alleged manifestation of these two mathematically impossible asteroids just happened to coincide with hundreds of propaganda articles warning Earth of an impending asteroid strike.

3.4: Asteroid & Meteorite Activity at All-Time High
As evidenced, there have been an unprecedented amount of asteroids and meteorites which have either struck or came close to striking plant Earth starting on February 15, 2013. This sudden influx of space related activist leads to speculation that there is in fact a concerted agenda to develop a working asteroid narrative prior to an unprecedented and earth changing Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid event.

Asteroid & Meteorite History:

1. June 30, 1908: Tunguska Meteorite :Landed in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia (Allegedly)
2. March 31, 2004: Meteoroid FU162: Distance from Earth: 3,968 miles
3. January 11, 2007: Freehold Township Meteorite: Landed in New Jersey (Allegedly)
4. September 8, 2010: Asteroid “2010 RX30” : Distance from Earth: 154,100 miles
5. September 8, 2010: Asteroid 2010 RF12” : Distance from Earth: 49,000 miles
6. February 4, 2011: Asteroid “2011 CQ1”: Distance from Earth: 3,405 miles
7. June 27, 2011: Asteroid “2011 MD”: Distance from Earth: 7,500 miles
8. November 8, 2011: Asteroid “2005 YU55”: Distance from Earth: 201,900 miles
9. January 27, 2012: Asteroid “2012 BX34” : Distance from Earth: 37,000 miles
10. January 31, 2012: Asteroid “433 Eros”: Distance from Earth: 16,608,000 miles
11. February 15, 2013: Asteroid “2012 DA14”: Distance from Earth: 17,200 miles
12. February 15, 2013: Chelyabinsk Meteorite: Landed in Chelyabinsk, Russia (Allegedly)
13. March 9, 2013: Asteroid “2013 ET”: Distance from Earth: 606,140 miles
14. March 23, 2013: Meteor Sightings from FL to MA: Distance from Earth: Unknown
15 April 13, 2036: Asteroid “99942 Apophis”: Distance from Earth: Unknown
16. February 4, 2040: Asteroid “2011 AG5”: Distance from Earth: 550,000 miles

[Does not purport to be a complete list of asteroids]

3.5: Space Terror Trending
Prior to a high-profile asteroid, comet or meteoroid attack from space, the American public must be psychologically programmed by intelligence agencies through various media reports and staged events to accept that this is in fact possible. As evidenced, the headlines in respect to incoming space debris is at an all-time high. Whether or not these headlines will culminate in an unprecedented attack on Earth by an alleged rock from space is not known, but the precedent for space terror has definitely been set.

Asteroid, Comet & Meteoroid Headlines:

1. February 15, 2013: Conspiracy Theorists Claim Russian Meteorite Was Shot Down By Military Missile
2. September 10, 2013: Baseball-sized meteor blows up over Alabama
3. September 12, 2013: NASA identifies three asteroids for potential capture
4. September 17, 2013: Church of meteorite set up by worshippers of famous space debris
5. September 29, 2013: CNN: AN ASTEROID IS GOING TO HIT EARTH!
6. September 30, 2013: Asteroid near-miss reported by Russian scientists
7. October 6, 2013: Avoiding Armageddon: The hunt is on for dangerous asteroids
8. October 8, 2013: 8 Doomsday Scenarios Addressed by Scientists: # 2: Dangerous Asteroid
9. October 17, 2013: 410-meter asteroid ‘may collide’ with Earth in 2032
10. October 18, 2013: Small chance a big asteroid could hit Earth in 2032
11. October 31, 2013: 28 solar flares in the last seven days, and more may be coming
12. November 6, 2013: More Asteroid Strikes Are Likely, Scientists Say
13. November 6, 2013: Meteor Shower Lights Up Night Sky Across The West
14. November 6, 2013: Earth at Higher Risk of Asteroid Impact, Russian Meteor Explosion Reveals
15. November 7, 2013: Hubble spots strange asteroid with 6 tails of dust
16. November 7, 2013: Fiery streaks light up California sky – and Twitter
17. November 9, 2013: Duck! Falling Satellite Arrives on Sunday
18. November 14, 2013: Skywatchers Enjoy Comet Bonanza
19. November 15, 2013: Russian scientists: Asteroids should be colonized or used as transport to planets
20. November 15, 2013: Best ways to watch this weekend’s meteor shower
21. November 15, 2013: Gays caused Chelyabinsk meteorite? LGBT accuses TV show of hate speech
22. November 16, 2013: Spectacular Leonid meteor shower to peak this weekend
23. November 19, 2013: Meteor strikes again in Russia
24. November 20, 2013: Asteroids are Shaken up by Mars–Not Just Refreshed by Earth
25. November 21, 2013: ‘Monster’ cosmic blast zipped harmlessly by Earth
26. November 21, 2013: 4.4-Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Is First-Known Piece of Martian Crust
27. November 27, 2013: Dad: Son struck by meteorites while playing outside
28. November 27, 2013: Smartphone app can help track, identify meteors falling to Earth
29. December 6, 2013: Hello, pretty! Check out this awesome image of Comet Lovejoy

[Does not purport to be a complete list of headlines or events]

3.6: Doomsday Movie Propaganda
Hollywood movies blockbusters such as “Armageddon” (1998) (see trailer) and “Deep Impact” (1998) (see trailer) were made with the sole purpose of psychologically preparing humanity for the notion that an asteroid could in fact strike Earth and that its aftermath would be apocalyptic in nature. Although there will likely be plenty of video footage of a Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid striking Earth (people have to see it to believe it), the asteroid will quickly and conveniently disappear beneath the Pacific Ocean, never to be seen again. After all, a Doomsday asteroid will never strike land because there it can be located, examined and tested for its authenticity; that obviously cannot be allowed to happen.

3.7: Space Trending
Prior to a high-profile asteroid, comet or meteoroid attack from space, the American public must be psychologically programmed by intelligence agencies through various media reports and Hollywood movies to accept that this is in fact possible. On August 28, 2013, just 10 weeks before ISON’s scheduled epoch, “Gravity” (2013) a film (see trailer) starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock featuring a space debris attack on the International Space Station (ISS) debuted in theaters worldwide. According to an October 4, 2013, report, “Gravity” set an October box-office record with a record $55.8 million in its debut with $631,486,533 in gross sales to date. Needless to say, “Gravity” was a major box-office success and has subconsciously programed the millions around the world for impending space-related terror.

2013 Space Headlines:

1. October 10, 2013: Astronaut Scott Carpenter, second American to orbit the Earth, dies at 88
2. November 1, 2013: Watch live from Times Square: the next space station launch
3. November 9, 2013: Olympic torch makes debut spacewalk
4. November 12, 2013: The American-made Stuxnet virus has infected the International Space Station
5. November 20, 2013: Watching night rocket launch was a blast for folks along East Coast
6. November 21, 2013: Scientists witness massive gamma-ray burst, don’t understand it
7. November 22, 2013: NASA’s lunar probe gets to work studying moon’s atmosphere (
8. November 25, 2013: NASA satellite on mission to Mars boasts composite components
9. November 25, 2013: Musk’s SpaceX to attempt boldest mission yet
10. November 28, 2013: Japanese firm plans 250 mile-wide solar panel belt around Moon
11. November 29, 2013: Latest SpaceX launch — to put satellite into orbit — called off
12. December 1, 2013: Nasa to try growing vegetables and herbs on the moon
13. December 1, 2013: India’s first mission to Mars blasts out of Earth’s orbit
14. December 5, 2013: Astronomers discover planet that shouldn’t be there
15. December 5, 2013: Private company plans US’s first controlled moon landing in 40 years
16. December 6, 2013: Why is China targeting the moon — and should NASA as well?
17. December 9, 2013: Darpa’s Giant Folding Spy Satellite Will Dwarf All Other Space Telescopes
18. December 10, 2013: DARPA designs giant foldable satellite capable of surveiling 40% of Earth

[Does not purport to be a complete list of headlines or events]

3.8: TV Show “Splash”
In what appears to be more blatant Doomsday asteroid programming, the new television show entitled “Splash”, whose slogan is “The Stars Will Fall”, premiered on March 19, 2013 in the U.S. According to Wikipedia, “Splash! is a reality television series that follows celebrities as they try to master the art of diving”.  A sister television show entitled “Splash!” is  also airing internationally in the Netherlands, France, Australia, Spain, China, Argentina, and Norway. “Splash” in the U.S. is featuring Ndamukong Suh, a 275 pound NFL Football player  as well as the 400+ pound comedian, Louie Armstrong, in what appears to be an obvious attempt to psychologically program the American public for the upcoming “Doomsday asteroid hitting the Pacific Ocean. After all, who can argue with the logic that very heavy things falling from very high places make really big splashes? In a lame attempt to draw a large audience to an even lamer television show, the geniuses behind “Splash” are using Miss Alabama Katherine Webb as eye candy. Miss Webb, who is only featured in revealing swimsuits on the show, was made instantly famous in January of 2013 when a television football announcer gawked incessantly about her beauty on-air during the NCAA College Football Championship game. A few days after becoming an overnight celebrity sensation, Miss Webb became the headline draw for the new “Splash” celebrity diving show.


4.1: Asteroids & Earthquakes
If and when a Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid strikes within the Pacific Rim, it will provide cover for numerous earthquakes around the globe. The asteroid’s alleged impact will no doubt be “Off the Richter scale”, ultimately causing unprecedented mayhem and destruction in earthquake zones such California and Japan. Based on the sheer number of recent earthquakes, man-made earthquake propaganda, earthquake show trials, recent fracking revelations in respect to earthquakes, and the sudden changes in earthquake science, unprecedented Doomsday earthquakes are imminent.

4.2: Governments can “Set off Earthquakes”
In April of 1997, U.S. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen stated that governments “are engaging in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves”. Although Cohen would like us to take him at his word, it is far more likely that his statement was part of a military psychological operation (PSYOP) in order to draw attention away from the tried and true method of creating earthquakes—large amounts of underground or underwater explosives.

4.3: Admitted “Man-Made” Earthquakes
If in fact underground or underwater explosives are the root cause of earthquakes, oil and gas drilling operations conducted by multinational corporations would provide the optimal cover needed for these covert operations. Under the term “fracking”, the National Research Council admitted as much on June 15, 2012, when it was reported that certain oil and gas operations can result in earthquakes. The report was quick to point out that the risk of earthquakes from hydraulic fracturing is generally low and that “fracking” was only found to have caused very small quakes of 2.3 and 1.5 magnitude.

Case 1: Punggye-ri, North Korea
On February 12, 2013, it was reported that South Korea had detected “an artificial earthquake” as a result of North Korea’s nuclear program. According to the report, “The United States Geological Survey confirmed an earthquake in North Korea’s northeast of between 4.9- and 5.1-magnitude, at a depth of about one kilometer.” The report further stated that, “The Japanese Meteorological Agency reports that the tremor’s epicenter was located in Kilju county, at exactly the same place and depth as the quake caused by North Korea’s last known underground nuclear test in 2009. North Korea’s first nuclear test in 2006 was also carried out at the Punggye-ri test site.” Whether or not nuclear weapons exist is debatable, but this test in North Korea shows that earthquakes can result from the use of explosives.

Case 2: Prague, Oklahoma
On March 26, 2013, it was reported that a team of scientists had determined that the 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Prague, Oklahoma, on November 6, 2011, was man-made as a result of “oil drilling waste [that] was injected deep underground”. These oil and gas drilling operations could easily enable the strategic placement of large amounts of explosive far beneath the earth’s surface which can then be detonated at a later date via remote control. Based on these recent revelations, it appears that “fracking” is the political cover for man-made “black ops” earthquake operations.

4.4: Fake Japanese Earthquake Alarm
In yet another sign that most major earthquakes are indeed man-made, on August 8, 2013, it was reported that Japan’s Meteorological Agency was investigating itself for a fake earthquake warning after it issued an alert for a 7.8 magnitude earthquake which only resulted in a 2.3 magnitude earthquake. How any agency, earthquake or otherwise, is able to know beforehand how big an earthquake will be without somehow being responsible for initiating it defies logic. According to the report, an all-out alarm sounded, including cellphones and TV warnings, just before 5 p.m. Japanese time, warning of an earthquake and stating that Japan should be prepared for a major quake. In the aftermath of the false alarm, Broadcaster NHK said the agency blamed electronic noise for triggering the apparently false alarm. Coincidentally, the report stated that Japan is beefing up its warning systems following the March 11, 2011 tsunami which killed more than 18,000 people.

4.5: Earthquake Science Suddenly Changed
In another apparent Doomsday publicity stunt, long established peer reviewed earthquake science has been suddenly scrapped for new and laughable pseudoscience. On September 28, 2012, it was reported in an article entitled “Big Earthquakes Can Trigger Temblors Across Globe”, that earthquake behavior has suddenly changed and that large earthquakes in one part of the globe can now trigger even larger secondary earthquakes in other parts of the globe. This new theory goes against everything known about earthquakes and tectonic plates, but it provides well needed cover for man-made explosive generated earthquakes. “If you asked any of us if this event is possible a year ago, we would have laughed at you,” said Thomas Heaton, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology. “This was a really surprising finding,” said Fred Pollitz, a seismologist with the USGS. Although the science in respect to earthquakes has been suddenly discarded, the plan to terrorize humanity under the guise of “natural disasters” has not. If and when a Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid strikes Earth, expect to see a series of devastating and escalating earthquakes and tsunamis from California to Japan shortly after the alleged impact.

4.6: Earth is “Cracking Up”
In more apparent scientific programming for an impending Doomsday strike, it was reported on April 15, 2012, that a leading earthquake scientist has warned that the planet could crack up after a series of massive quakes. According to earthquake expert Gheorghe Marmureanu of the National Institute of Earth Physics, 39 quakes recently hit the globe within two days. Marmureanu based his finding on a series of events which started with two massive quakes in Indonesia measuring 8.6 and 8.2 on the Richter scale rapidly followed by three more only slightly smaller in Mexico within hours. This pseudoscience will likely be used post-“Doomsday Asteroid” in an attempt to explain how an asteroid strike in the Pacific Ocean could cause earthquakes and tsunamis on the other side of the globe.

4.7: Earthquake “Show Trials”
In October of 2012, an unprecedented earthquake “show trial” with absolutely no evidence was conducted in Italy. Although the underlying motive behind the mock trial is still unknown, it appears that the trial was conducted with the purpose of scaring seismologists from blowing the whistle on man-made earthquakes as well as prepping the public for upcoming earthquake disasters. According to reports, 6 Italian scientists and 1 government official were facing prison terms for manslaughter for allegedly downplaying the risk of an upcoming earthquake. The incident in question occurred on April 6, 2009, when a 6.3 magnitude earthquake killed 309 residents in the town of L’Aquila, Italy. Although the trial began about a year ago, it was on hold until October 9, 2012 (Just prior to “Carmageddon” Earthquake Plot), when the defense finally presented its closing arguments. Eventually, the 6 seismologists were ultimately convicted of manslaughter by the Italian court and have been sentenced to 6 years in prison. Four months later on February 16, 2013, apparently the same court in L’Aquila, Italy, convicted 4 people in the collapse of a university dormitory during the same 2009 earthquake. Interestingly, the Italian technicians accused of carrying out shoddy dormitory reconstruction work in 2000 were never mentioned in the previous article or trial.

4.8: Pacific Rim Earthquakes Trending
Since January 1, 2012, there have been at least 99 earthquakes which have occurred within the Pacific Rim of Fire, 43 of which have had a magnitude of 6.0 or higher, 15 of which have had a magnitude of 7.0 or higher, and 2 of which have had a magnitude of 8.0 or higher. Global earthquake activity, man-made or real, is now at an unprecedented level. In the event that the earth is stuck by a man-made or naturally occurring comet or asteroid, massive and powerful earthquakes will likely occur which will spawn tsunamis as well as volcanic eruptions around the Pacific Rim.

Pacific Rim Earthquakes since 2012:

1. January 1, 2012: 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
2. March 1, 2012: 5.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
3. March 15, 2012: 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
4. April 13, 2012: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
5. May 29, 2012: 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Cost of Japan)
6. August 27, 2012: 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of El Salvador)
7. September 1, 2012: 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake (Guiuan, Philippines)
8. September 26, 2012: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Baja California, Mexico)
9. September 26, 2012: 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA)
10. September 27, 2012: 4.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA)
11. September 28, 2012: 4.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA)
12. October 2, 2012: 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Sanriku, Japan)
13. November 3, 2012: 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Mindanao, Philippines)
14. November 7, 2012: 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Guatemala)
15. November 7, 2012: 4.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Oregon and California, USA)
16. November 10, 2012: 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Burma-Myanmar)
17. November 11, 2012: 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Guatemala)
18. November 12, 2012: 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Gulf of Alaska, USA)
19. November 15, 2012: 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Mexico City, Mexico)
20. November 15, 2012: 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Chili)
21. November 24, 2012:  4.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Tokyo, Japan)
22. December 10, 2013: 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Indonesia)
23. December 14, 2012: 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of California, USA)
24. December 14, 2012: 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of California, USA)
25. January 5, 2013: 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Canada & Alaska, USA)
26. January 30, 2013: 6.7 Magnitude Earthquake (Vallenar, Chili)
27. January 31, 2013: 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Alaska, USA)
28. February 6, 2013: 8.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Solomon Islands)
29. February 7, 2013: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Solomon Islands)
30. February 9, 2013: 6.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Pasto, Columbia)
31. February 16, 2013: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Mindanao, Philippines)
32. February 23, 2013: 5.7 Magnitude Earthquake (East Timor, Indonesia)
33. February 28, 2013: 6.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Kuril Islands, Pacific Ocean)
34. March 3, 2013: 5.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Dali City, China)
35. March 7, 2013: 5.6 Magnitude Earthquake (Hualian, Taiwan)
36. March 10, 2013: 4.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Anchorage, Alaska, USA)
37. March 11, 2013: 4.7 Magnitude Earthquake (Los Angeles, California, USA)
38. March 11, 2013: 4.6 Magnitude Earthquake (Los Angeles, California, USA)
39. March 11, 2013: 3.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Los Angeles, California, USA)
40. March 25, 2013: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
41. March 26, 2013: 5.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Oaxaca, Mexico)
42. March 26, 2013: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Mexico City, Mexico)
43. April 4, 2013: 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Philippines)
44. April, 4, 2013: 5.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Guerrero, Mexico)
45. April 5, 2013: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Zarubino, Russia)
46. April 6, 2013: 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake (Tolikara, Indonesia)
47. April 12, 2013: 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Zihuatanejo, Mexico)
48. April 12, 2013: 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Kobe, Japan)
49. April 14, 2013: 6.7 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Papua New Guinea)
50. April 16, 2013: 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Aitape, Papua New Guinea)
51. April 17, 2013: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
52. April 19, 2013: 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
53. April 21, 2013: 6.6 Magnitude Earthquake (Chengdu, China)
54. April 22, 2013: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Michoacan, Mexico)
55. April 23, 2013: 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Rabaul, Papua New Guinea)
56. May 16, 2013: 4.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Los Angeles, California, USA)
57. May 18, 2013: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
58. May 20, 2013: 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Chile)
59. May 24, 2013: 8,2 Magnitude Earthquake (East Coast of Russia)
60. May 24, 2013: 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake (South Fiji Islands)
61. May 24, 2013: 4.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Namie, Japan)
62. May 27, 2013: 5.6 Magnitude Earthquake (Changuinola, Panama)
63. May 29, 2013: 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Coat of Southern California, USA)
64. June 3, 2013: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Jenai, Taiwan)
65. June 15, 2013: 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Nicaragua)
66. June 16, 2013: 5.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Jolalpan, Mexico)
67. June 19, 2013: 5.7 Magnitude Earthquake (Los Andes, Chile)
68. June 27, 2013: 4.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Leavenworth, Washington, USA)
69. July 3, 2013: 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake (Sumatra, Indonesia)
70. July 7, 2013: 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Papua New Guinea)
71. July 15, 2013: 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Antarctica)
72. July 21, 2013: 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of New Zealand)
73. July 22, 2013: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Chabu, China)
74. August 4, 2013: 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
75. August 6, 2013: 5.1 Magnitude Earthquake (Mexico City, Mexico)
76. August 12, 2013: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Peru)
77. August 13, 2013: 6.7 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Columbia)
78. August 16, 2013: 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Seddon, New Zealand)
79. August 16, 2013: 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Guerrero, Mexico)
80. August 21, 2013: 6.2. Magnitude Earthquake (Acapulco, Mexico)
81. August 30, 2013: 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA)
82. August 31, 2013: 6.1. Magnitude Earthquake (Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA)
83. August 31, 2013: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Benzilan Township, China)
84. September 3, 2013: 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Alaska’s Aleutian Islands)
85. September 3, 2013: 6.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
86. September 5, 2013: 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Coast Rica)
87. September 10, 2013: 4.1 Magnitude Earthquake (Anchorage, Alaska, USA)
88. September 19, 2013: 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Fukushima, Japan)
89. September 20, 2013: 5.7 Magnitude Earthquake (Mandalay, Myanmar)
90. September 25, 2013: 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Peru)
91. October 6, 2013: 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coyuca de Benitez, Mexico)
92. October 15, 2013: 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake (Bohol Island, Philippines)
93. October 25, 2013: 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
94. October 31, 2013: 6,6 Magnitude Earthquake (Hualian, Taiwan)
95. November 3, 2013: 5.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Tokyo, Japan)
96. November 12, 2013: 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Bohol Island, Philippines)
97. November 16, 2013: 5.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Tokyo, Japan)
98. November 23, 2013: 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake (South Pacific Ocean)
99. December 1, 2013: 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Indonesia)

[Does not purport to be a complete list of Pacific Rim earthquakes]


5.1: Earthquake Targets
As depicted in the recent reports entitled “Man-Made Earthquake Events In California And Japan Imminent” and “Carmageddon” Cover For Future L.A. Earthquake Strike”, man-made earthquakes via embedded underground explosives is the name of the new “natural disasters” game. Although earthquakes, especially man-made ones, are hard to predict, the following 5 locations either have a rich history of earthquakes or are prominently featured in recent earthquake propaganda.

Top Earthquake Targets:

1. Los Angeles, California
2. San Francisco, California
3. California Nuclear Plants
4. Tokyo, Japan
5. Hoover Dam, Nevada
6. Mexico City, Mexico

5.2: Los Angeles, California
As detailed in the report Carmageddon” Cover For Future L.A. Earthquake Strike”, the city of Los Angeles appears to be the slated epicenter of the dreaded California earthquake infamously known as “The Big One”. Although the “Carmageddon” Earthquake plot was exposed prior to L.A. freeways becoming a war zone on October 1, 2012, it appears that a man-made disaster of Hollywood movie proportions involving millions of cars, freeways, bridges, explosives and jaw-dropping demolitions is still being planned. As Posie Carpenter, Chief Administrative Officer of UCLA Medical Center, who was part of the “Carmageddon” medical response team stated, “We see this as being a disaster—only it’s a planned disaster”. Coincidentally, on October 17, 2013, in apparent preparation for the “Big One”, California held their annual “Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill. Less than a month later on November 6, 2013, it was reported that a big earthquake near Fukushima would ‘decimate Japan and lead to West Coast evacuation’ of the United States.

5.3: San Francisco, California
The history of San Francisco in respect to earthquakes is quite storied and tragic. The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake registered a 7.8 on the Richter scale, killing 3,000 people and destroying 80% of the city. It is remembered as one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States. Since then, San Francisco has experienced hundreds if not thousands of significant earthquakes, including the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake which registered a 6.9 on the Richter scale and occurred during the MLB World Series. Due to the fact that this earthquake occurred during a nationally and internationally televised championship baseball game, the terrorizing effects of the earthquake were exponentially increased a hundred fold.

5.4: San Francisco Bay Bridge
The San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge (known locally as the Bay Bridge) is a pair of bridges spanning San Francisco Bay of California, in the United States. Aside from being partially demolished in the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, the Bay Bridge recently underwent an emergency “repair”. On January 7th, 2013, it was reported that an oil tanker had struck a tower in the middle of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. According to the report, the 752-foot tanker rammed the bridge tower as it headed out to sea damaging a 30 to 40 foot fender of steel on base of the bridge. Six months later on July 27, 2013, the Bay Bridge was again closed due to a suspicious device. Roughly 3 weeks later on August 15, 2013, it was reported that officials plan to re-open the eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge on Labor Day, September 2, 2013. Whether or not the aforementioned bridge closures will ultimately undermine the structural integrity of the bridge is not known, but these timely construction projects could have theoretically provided cover for the installation of demolition explosives in and around the Bay Bridge. These explosives could then be detonated via remote control at a future date in a calculated attempt to give the appearance that the bridge succumbed to a naturally occurring earthquake.

5.5: The Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay into the Pacific Ocean. In order for a man-made earthquake attack to be even more psychologically terrorizing, a well-known landmark such as the Golden Gate Bridge must be destroyed in the attack to serve as life-long reminder of that horrific day. On February 23rd, 2012, it was reported that the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California, would undergo a renovation project that will “take years to complete”. According to the report, the project involves repainting the two main suspension cables which are responsible for holding the bridge in place. Whether or not the suspicious “renovation” project will ultimately undermine the structural integrity of the bridge is not known, but the timely construction could have theoretically provided cover for the installation of demolition explosives in and around the Golden Gate Bridge. These explosives could then be detonated via remote control at a future date in a calculated attempt to give the appearance that the bridge succumbed to a naturally occurring earthquake. Prior to a high-profile man-made earthquake attack resulting in the demolition of the Golden Gate Bridge, the public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Hollywood movie propaganda and government propaganda is a slick way of showing that yes, it can happen. On June 2nd, 2009, the Onion ran a story which openly joked about a “horrific attack on San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, which “left thousands missing and assumed dead”. Three years later, Hollywood released “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (2012), a film (see trailer) in which a monkey literally destroys the Golden Gate Bridge.

Earthquakes in California since 2012:

1. November 7, 2012: 4.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Oregon and California)
2. December 14, 2012: 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of California)
3. December 14, 2012: 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of California)
4. March 11, 2013: 4.7 Magnitude Earthquake (Los Angeles, California)
5. March 11, 2013: 4.6 Magnitude Earthquake (Los Angeles, California)
6. March 11, 2013: 3.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Los Angeles, California)
7. May 16, 2013: 4.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Los Angeles, California)
8. May 29, 2013: 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Coat of Southern California)

[Does not purport to be a complete list of California earthquakes]

5.6: California Nuclear Plants
California has two main nuclear reactors on its coastline: The Diablo Canyon Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County, and the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in San Diego County. Should a major earthquake transpire off the California coast, both nuclear reactors could be targeted. That being said, there is a far greater likelihood that the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station will be attacked with a man-made tsunami/earthquake simply based on the recent news and events surrounding the troubled nuclear reactor. On June 19, 2012, it was reported that “San Onofre nuclear plant could become California’s Fukushima”, and to date, there have several highly suspicious incidents surrounding the nuclear plant including a radiation leak on February 1, 2012, a radioactive gas escape on April 7, 2012,a hydrogen leak on October 23, 2012, and a 700,000-pound steam generator which was allegedly removed on November 5, 2012. On September 9, 2011, there was a massive power outage in San Diego whereby 1.4 million people lost electricity, exactly the same amount of people which lost electricity on February 1, 2012, when the San Onofre plant was shut down. Whether or not the blackout was a beta-test of the eventual San Onofre nuclear meltdown is unknown, but San Onofre appears fully prepared to go offline.

5.7: Tokyo, Japan
Beginning in 2012, there has been an unprecedented amount of news and propaganda surrounding future earthquakes in Japan, specifically the city of Tokyo. According to a January 2012 report from Japanese researchers at the University of Tokyo’s earthquake research institute, there is a 70 percent chance that a magnitude-seven earthquake will strike Tokyo within four years. The researchers later stated that Tokyo’s “Big One” earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 occurred in the northern part of Tokyo Bay would ultimately cause 6,400 deaths, 160,000 injuries, approximately 471,000 homes and buildings to be destroyed, 96 million tons of waste would be instantly generated, millions of people would be homeless, more than one million households would be without water, gas, electricity and telephones, and the cost would be an estimated $1.45 trillion, about a third of Japan’s GDP. Obviously, this type of earthquake attack would bankrupt Japan. The National Police Agency and the Tokyo metropolitan government have already released a plan to “avert traffic chaos” in the event that a major 7.0 or larger earthquake hits Tokyo and the Kanto region by shutting down 52 roads in and out of Tokyo, ultimately trapping citizens inside the city with no possibility of gaining food, shelter or clean water. A report released in April of 2012 from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government stated that 9,600 people would die with nearly 150,000 injured if a mega-quake struck Tokyo, a disaster that would also “level large parts of the Japanese capital”.  In August of 2012, another report stated that a magnitude 9.0 earthquake in the Nankai Trough off Japan’s Pacific Coast could kill over 320,000 people. Based on these reports, it appears that a “2012 Doomsday” type earthquake scenario for Tokyo is a foregone conclusion.

5.8: Tokyo Earthquake Terror Drills
In 2012 alone, there have been 4 major earthquake terror drills in the Tokyo area. These earthquake terror drills include an earthquake disaster drill for commuters at three major railway stations and a department store, an earthquake disaster drill conducted by the Japan’s Self-Defense Force and the U.S. military involving around 5,000 military personnel, firefighters and police officers to familiarize participants with evacuation routes and supply distribution methods, an earthquake disaster drill conducted by Tokyo Electric Power Co. to “prepare for the chaos that will erupt when a major temblor hits the capital”, and a nationwide earthquake readiness drill based on the scenario of a magnitude 7.3 earthquake striking northern Tokyo Bay. According to reports, 387,000 people participated in the latter earthquake drills including Japanese government officials and the U.S. Air Force which teamed up with Japan’s Self-Defense Forces to practice logistic support plans. The drills came after the Japanese government reported that an estimated 323,000 people could be killed if a 9.0 earthquake hit Tokyo.

Earthquake in Japan since 2012:

1. January 1, 2012: 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
2. March 1, 2012: 5.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
3. March 15, 2012: 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
4. April 13, 2012: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
5. May 29, 2012: 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Cost of Japan)
6. October 2, 2012: 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Sanriku, Japan)
7. November 24, 2012:  4.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Tokyo, Japan)
8. April 12, 2013: 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Kobe, Japan)
9. April 17, 2013: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
10. April 19, 2013: 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
11. May 18, 2013: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
12. May 24, 2013: 4.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Namie, Japan)
13. August 4, 2013: 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
14. September 3, 2013: 6.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
15. September 19, 2013: 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Fukushima, Japan)
16. October 25, 2013: 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Japan)
17. November 3, 2013: 5.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Tokyo, Japan)
18. November 16, 2013: 5.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Tokyo, Japan)

[Does not purport to be a complete list of Japanese earthquakes]

5.9: The Hoover Dam
The Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada. On January 15, 2013, it was reported that the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) had found 58 violations at Nevada’s Hoover Dam, the hydroelectric power plant east of Las Vegas. According to the report, OSHA found numerous superficial violations but stated that “none of the violations jeopardized the safety of the public or threatened the structural integrity of the dam or its operations”. A month later on February 12, 2013, a 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake struck Tonopah Junction, Nevada, just 215 miles north of Las Vegas. If a man-made earthquake strikes anywhere near the 77 year old Hoover Dam, it will likely “crack” (with a little help from demolition explosives) resulting in a massive local tidal wave and an electrical power blackout blanketing California, Arizona and Nevada. With no power, no airport, no gambling, no air conditioning, no sewage system and no way out, tourists and locals alike would begin looting as riots and mayhem would breakout almost instantaneously. Needless to say, without power, Las Vegas and Los Angeles would turn into an unprecedented biological cesspool almost overnight. Coincidentally, on August 2, 2013, it was reported that police found a body at the Hoover Dam, likely the result of a suicide. Only 11 days later on August 13, 2013, it was reported that 2 people were hurt in an accident on the Arizona side of the Hoover Dam Bridge. Needless to say, the recent death and accident appear to be an ominous sign that the Hoover Dam is doomed.

5.10: Earthquake Dam Terror Trending
Breaking news and events in respect to dams and earthquakes located in and around the Pacific Rim suggest than an earthquake related dam break is definitely part of the man-made earthquake terror plot. Curiously, numerous dams are currently under construction while other have been suddenly “outfitted” for earthquakes. Whether or not these repair and outfitting projects will ultimately undermine the structural integrity of the respective dams is not known, but the timely construction could have theoretically provided cover for the installation of demolition explosives in and around the dams. These explosives could then be detonated via remote control at a future date in a calculated attempt to give the appearance that the dams succumbed to a naturally occurring earthquake.

Dam Related Headlines:

1. August 6, 2013: Dam To Withstand ‘Most Powerful Tremors’ (Ruataniwha Dam, New Zealand)
2. August 12, 2013: Dam Project Can Withstand Strong Quake–NIA (Iloilo City, Philippines)
3. August 16, 2013: Earthquake’s Effect On Dams Puzzling (Colliery Dam, British Columbia, Canada)
4. August 19, 2013: Work Under Way On Quake-Damaged Haldon Dam (Seddon, New Zealand)
5. August 29, 2013: Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project Moves Forward (Santa Clara, California)
6. August 31, 2013: No earthquake damage found to Canyon Dam tunnel (Plumas County, California)

[Does not purport to be a complete list of events or headlines]

5.11: Mexico City, Mexico
Considering that Mexico City, Mexico, is the third largest agglomerations in the world with 20.1 million people, a series of major earthquake events in or near the city would likely result in the deaths of over 100,000+ people. Since 2012, Mexico City has experienced a rash of earthquakes which suggest that it will be targeted in an upcoming Doomsday-like event. After all, considering that the Mayan Calendar which foretold Doomsday allegedly originated out of Mexico, it would only be fitting at the country is targeted.

Mexico Earthquakes since 2012:

1. September 26, 2012: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coast of Baja California, Mexico)
2. November 15, 2012: 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake (Mexico City, Mexico)
3. March 26, 2013: 5.5 Magnitude Earthquake (Oaxaca, Mexico)
4. March 26, 2013: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Mexico City, Mexico)
5. April, 4, 2013: 5.4 Magnitude Earthquake (Guerrero, Mexico)
6. April 12, 2013: 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Zihuatanejo, Mexico)
7. April 22, 2013: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake (Michoacan, Mexico)
8. June 16, 2013: 5.8 Magnitude Earthquake (Jolalpan, Mexico)
9. August 6, 2013: 5.1 Magnitude Earthquake (Mexico City, Mexico)
10. August 16, 2013: 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Guerrero, Mexico)
11. August 21, 2013: 6.2. Magnitude Earthquake (Acapulco, Mexico)
12. October 6, 2013: 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake (Coyuca de Benitez, Mexico)

[Does not purport to be a complete list of Pacific Rim earthquakes]


6.1: “Doomsday Asteroid” & Tsunamis
If and when the “Doomsday Asteroid” strikes the Pacific Ocean, it will provide cover for numerous earthquakes/tsunamis around the globe. The asteroid’s alleged impacts will no doubt be “Off the Richter scale”, ultimately causing unprecedented mayhem and destruction to communities in tsunami zones such Alaska, Australia, British Columbia, California, Hawaii, Japan, Oregon, the Philippines and Washington State. Coincidentally, on September 4, 2013, it was revealed that a government report found that a tsunami could disrupt California’s economy and coastal communities, potentially indicating that a tsunami is in fact being planned.

6.2: Earthquake & Tsunami will Kills Thousands
On March 15, 2013, it was reported that researchers had found that a massive earthquake and tsunami striking the Northwest coast of the U.S. would kill more than 10,000 people, flooding entire towns, and causing economic damages totaling $32 billion. The alarming report published by the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission warned that this type of earthquake and tsunami was imminent and could strike anytime. According to the report, “An earthquake, together with the resulting tsunami, could leave [Northwest Americans] without water, power, heat, telephone services, and in some cases, gasoline”.

6.3: Tsunami Bombs
Interestingly, just prior to Hurricane Sandy making landfall, it was reported on October 26, 2012, that the U.S. Navy had sent 24 naval vessels, including the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman, out to sea. Whether or not the U.S. Navy ships were in fact participating in a coordinated effort to rig military grade explosives off the eastern seaboard is not known, but a few months late on January 1, 2013, it was reported that “Tsunami Bombs” were tested off the coast of New Zealand. According to reports, the tests, which were carried out in the waters around New Caledonia and Auckland, showed that “Tsunami Bombs” were a feasible WMD in that a series of 10 large offshore blasts could potentially create a 33-foot tsunami wave capable of inundating a small city. The top secret operation, code-named “Project Seal”, tested out the doomsday device as a possible rival to the nuclear bomb. Although 3,700 bombs were exploded during the tests, experts concluded that single explosions were not powerful enough and that a successful tsunami bomb would require about 2 million kilograms of explosive arrayed in a line about five miles from shore. When all the facts concerning Hurricane Sandy are taken into consideration (i.e., Sandy’s unprecedented landfall pattern, “Tsunami Bomb” technology, and the 24 U.S. Navy ships off the New York and New Jersey coast), it does appear that Hurricane Sandy was in fact a man-made hurricane. Coincidentally, on June 27, 2013, it was reported that a mysterious mine was found by a swimmer just off the coast of Bay Head, New Jersey, roughly 50 miles south of New York City. According to the report, the mine, which was detonated by the U.S. Navy, sent water 100 feet into the air.

6.4: Hurricane Sandy Flashback
Although Hurricane Sandy was only a Category 1 hurricane, it had a storm surge equivalent to a tsunami which flooded parts of the East coast shoulder high and swamped the streets, subways and tunnels of New York City. Just prior to Sandy making landfall, it was reported on October 26, 2012, that the U.S. Navy had sent 24 naval vessels, including the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman, out to sea from Norfolk Naval Station in Virginia to avoid being damaged in port. If Sandy was indeed a “Superstorm”, why would the Navy risk sending 24 ships out into harm’s way? Is it possible that the 24 Navy ships were in fact participating in a coordinated effort to detonate modern day “Tsunami Bombs” off the East coast of America in order to create the man-made Hurricane Sandy? Was this deadly “hurricane” which killed over 100 people and cost an estimated $20 billion in economic damage a man-made event?

6.5: Tsunami Targets
The following tsunami targets are all located in, on, or near the Pacific Ocean and in the Pacific Rim of Fire, and thus are susceptible to future earthquakes and tsunamis generated by the “Doomsday Asteroid”. San Francisco, Seattle, Tokyo and Anchorage are all located on bays or inlets which present a controlled and stable aquatic environment which could be easily manipulated by underwater “Tsunami Bombs” ultimately causing a massive wall of water to engulf their respective cities. The Pacific islands of Hawaii and the Philippines (as of June 6, 2012), host massive U.S. military bases, so suspicious underwater activity by U.S. naval vessels off their respective coastlines would be hard to track or monitor. Queensland, Australia, as detailed below, is near the Great Barrier Reef, which, according to recent reports, is one earthquake away from collapsing and causing a devastating tsunami.

Top Tsunami Targets:

1. San Francisco, California (San Francisco Bay)
2. Seattle, Washington (Puget Sound Inlet)
3. Japan (Tokyo, Tokyo Bay & Nankai Trough)
4. Philippines Islands
5. Hawaiian Islands
6. Anchorage, Alaska (Cook Inlet)
7. Queensland, Australia (Great Barrier Reef)

6.6: Japan & the Nankai Trough
In August of 2012, a Japanese government report stated that a magnitude 9.0 earthquake in the Nankai Trough off Japan’s Pacific coast could kill as many as 320,000 people. In its 195-page report, the government panel determined that about 230,000 people would be lost to a tsunami projected to reach as tall as 34 meters (111 feet). Similar government forecasts issued nine years prior for an earthquake in the same region predicted 25,000 deaths with a tsunami of no higher than 20 meters (66 feet). Other reports from 2012 estimate that up to 400,000 could die as a result of an earthquake/tsunami in the Nankai Trough. Despite the fact that the last major tsunami in Japan occurred on March 11, 2011, just 33 days after the foiled nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas, on February 6, 2011, a shocking new video of the devastating tsunami was released virally on June 3, 2013, in an apparent move to program both Japan and the world for another upcoming tsunami.

Timeline of Japanese Tsunamis:

1. 1293: Kamakura, Japan Tsunami (7.1)
2. August 3, 1361: Shōhei Nankai, Japan Tsunami (8.4)
3. September 20, 1498: Meiō Nankai, Japan Tsunami (7.5)
4. February 3, 1605: Keichō Nankaido, Japan Tsunami (8.1)
5. December 22, 1698: Seikaido-Nankaido, Japan Tsunami (Unknown)
6. October 28, 1707: Hōei, Japan Tsunami (8.4)
7. August 29, 1741: W. Hokkaido, Japan Tsunami (Unknown)
8. April 4 1771: Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa, Japan Tsunami (7.2)
9. February 1792: Mount Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan Tsunami (6.4)
10. November 4-7, 1854: Nankai, Tokai, and Kyushu Japan Tsunamis (8.4, 8.4 and 7.4)
11. November 11, 1855: Edo, Japan Tsunami (7.0)
12. June 15, 1896: Meiji Sanriku, Japan Tsunami (8.5 and 7.2)
13. September 1, 1923: Kanto, Japan Tsunami (7.9)
14. March 3 1933: Showa Sanriku, Japan Tsunami (8.4)
15. December 7, 1944: Tonankai, Japan Tsunami (8.1)
16. December 21, 1946: Nankaidō, Japan Tsunami (8.1)
17. June 16, 1964: Niigata, Japan Tsunami (7.6)
18. May 26, 1983: Sea of Japan Tsunami (7.8)
19. July 12, 1993: Okushiri, Hokkaido, Japan Tsunami (7.7)
20. July 16, 2007: Niigata, Japan Tsunami (6.6)
21. March 11, 2011: Pacific Coast of Japan Tsunami (9.0)

6.7: Philippines: U.S. Navy Ship “Stuck” In Reef
In what may be the implementation of man-made tsunami bombs, on January 22, 2013 it was reported that a U.S. Navy “minesweeper” was “stuck” in a reef off the Philippines. According to the report, “The USS Guardian ran aground the Tubbataha Reef, about 80 miles east-southeast of Palawan Island in the Sulu Sea. All 79 sailors were evacuated from the 224-foot ship”. What exactly the U.S. “minesweeper” was doing when it allegedly ran aground is unknown, but laying down mines or “Tsunami Bombs” is the most likely scenario. Strategically placed mines could theoretically create a massive tidal wave that could easily swamp the Philippines ultimately causing massive flooding, disease and death.

6.8: Anchorage, Alaska: “Drill Rig” Runs Aground
On January 1, 2013, it was reported that a Royal Dutch Shell drilling rig ship entitled  “The Kulluk” ran aground off the small island of Sitkalidak in the Gulf of Alaska. According to the report, the Coast Guard planed a salvage operation and spill response. The suspicious ship “grounding” could theoretically provide cover for the installation of “Tsunami Bombs” in and around Kodiak Island and Gulf of Alaska area. After all, the “The Kulluk”, is a drilling ship explosives have to be embedded into the seafloor in order to be effective.

6.9: Great Barrier Reef May Collapse
On “Doomsday”, December 21, 2012, it was reported that researchers had found out that part of the Great Barrier Reef will eventually “collapse” ultimately causing a massive tsunami which would likely devastate the north coast of Queensland, Australia. According to Dr. Robin Beaman, a marine geologist at James Cook University, “If it were to break away catastrophically…it would actually cause a tsunami. That tsunami would travel across the Great Barrier Reef…and it would impact the local area, the North Queensland area.” According to the report, the slab appears stable for now and is only likely to move when triggered by a large earthquake strikes nearby. This report begs the question: Have “Tsunami Bombs” already been strategically placed off the coast of Australia  in anticipation of the “Doomsday Asteroid”? 

6.10: Tsunami Bombs Dropped on New Zealand?
In yet another example of government spawned “natural disasters”, on July 22, 2013, it was reported that New Zealanders ran screaming from buildings in Wellington on July 21, 2013, when as a magnitude 6.5 earthquake blew out windows and caused part of the city’s port to slide into the sea. According to the report, the earthquake struck at 5:09 p.m. local time and was centered offshore, 57 kilometers (35 miles) south-southwest of the capital city, at a depth of 14 kilometers, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Coincidentally, on July 21, 2013, the same exact day as the earthquake, it was reported that the U.S. Navy had dropped 4 bombs totaling 4,000 pounds into the sea just off the New Zealand coast. Although the exact location of the incident was changed, which is standard operating procedure for intelligence agencies, the fact that a major earthquake occurred on the same day as 2 tons of aquatic bunker busting-like bombs were reportedly dropped is quite a coincidence, furthering the notion that so called “natural disasters” are anything but natural. As of August 16, 2013, the Australian and U.S. Navy are now in the process of “retrieving” the bombs. What exactly is really going on deep beneath the sea off the Australian coast is unknown, but it the navy wanted to insert some tsunami bombs, the bomb retrieval is the perfect cover.

Great Barrier Reef Bombing Timeline:

1. July 20, 2013: U.S Jets Drop Four Bombs On Great Barrier Reef In Training Exercise
2. July 26, 2013: US Navy To Retrieve Bombs It Dropped Over Barrier Reef
3. August 16, 2013: Australian Navy Locates Bombs Dumped By US Onto Great Barrier Reef

[Does not purport to be a complete list of events or headlines]


7.1: Asteroids & Volcanoes Cause “Mass Extinction”
On March 21, 2013, it was reported that at the end of the Triassic period, at least half of the species living on land and in the ocean went extinct due to massive volcanic eruptions. According to the report, “at a point in time known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (K-T boundary)” there is “strong evidence supporting an asteroid impact around the same time the dinosaurs disappeared”. Paul Renne, a geologist at the Berkeley Geochronology Center in California stated that “…the asteroid impact at the K-T boundary likely only finished the job that major volcanic eruptions in started”. It appears that Mr. Renne is purposely attempting to deceive people into thinking that one event (the asteroid) did not trigger the next event (the volcanoes) which then culminated with a third event (the extinction of the dinosaurs). Why another scientific theory in respect to earthquakes is suddenly being discarded in unknown, but it is rather suspicious nonetheless.

“Jurassic Park 3D” & “Jurassic Park: Extinction”
If and when a Doomsday asteroid, comet or meteoroid strikes Earth, it will undoubtedly cause unprecedented global earthquakes and massive volcanic eruptions, ultimately setting the scene for mass extinction. Prior to a high-profile asteroid attack on planet Earth, the public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Hollywood movie propaganda is a slick way of showing that that yes, if it can happen to the dinosaurs, it can happen to man. “Jurassic Park 3D” (2013) is a film (see trailer) which will be released by Universal Pictures on April 5, 2013, to commemorate the movie’s 20th Anniversary. “Jurassic Park: Extinction” in 3D (2013) is a film (see trailer) which will released by Universal Pictures on June 13, 2014, despite the fact that no director is yet attached to the film. The re-release of the original film along with the sudden fourth installment of Jurassic Park raises further suspicion that a real life “extinction” is in the terror cards.

7.2: Volcanic Ash Attack
As evidenced, volcanoes around the world, specifically in the Pacific Rim, are acting up in an unprecedented manner. In the wake of a major earthquake, it is highly likely that one or more of the following volcanoes will be triggered, most likely by remote control explosives. In April of 2010, Europe was literally shut-down due to the alleged ash coming from the Eyjafjallajokul volcano in Iceland. The historic and unprecedented volcanic incident suspended travel for approximately 10 million people and cost the European economy billions of Euros. If and when another man-made earthquake strikes, we can once again expect parts of the U.S. and Japan  to come to a grinding halt all due to volcanic ash coming from one or more of the following volcanoes.

Volcanic Activity Trending:

1.  March 26, 2013: Police Issue Warning After Earthquake Swarm Near Volcano (Eyjafjallajokul Iceland)
2. April 13, 2013: Popocatepetl Volcano Spews Ash Over Central Mexico State (Puebla, Mexico)
3. April 17, 2013: Yellowstone’s Volcano Bigger Than Thought (Yellow Stone National Park, Wyoming)
4. August 1 2013: Indonesian Volcano Erupts, Killing Six (Mount Rokatenda, Indonesia)
5. August 14, 2013: Volcano Emitting Low-Level Lava Flow, Small Ash Plume (Veniaminof, Alaska)
6. August 18, 2013: Volcanic Eruption Coats Japanese City With Ash (Kagoshima, Japan)
7. August 19, 2013: Volcano Erupts in Japan: Largest Eruption in Decades (Sakurajima, Japan)
8. August 22, 2013: Indonesia Warns of Rising Volcanic Activity in East Province (Jakarta, Indonesia)
9. August 23, 2013: Mini-Earthquake Swarm Continues Near Mount St. Helens (St. Helens, Washington)
10. August 25, 2013: Volcanic ‘Geyser’ Erupts Close To Rome Airport (Rome Italy)
11. August 29, 2013: Fears Grow Of Big Volcanic Eruption In Japan (Mt. Sakurajima, Japan)
12. August 28, 2013: Massive Volcano Erupts On Jupiter’s Moon, Io (Io, Jupiter)
13. August 31, 2013: Volcano Erupts With New Strength But Unrelated To Quake (Veniamino, Alaska)
14. August 31, 2013: Volcano Showing Signs Of Increased Activity (Changbaishan China)
15. September 6, 2013: Tamu Massif: Volcano is Biggest in the World (Pacific Ocean)
16. September 16, 2013: Thousands evacuated after volcano eruption in Indonesia (Sumatra, Indonesia)
17. November 17, 2013: Volcano Klyuchevskoy emits ash to 6,500 metres (Kamchatka, Russia)
18. November 17, 2013: Etna volcano erupts, lighting up sky over Sicily (Sicily, Italy)
19. November 23, 2013: Erupting volcano spawns island off Japan (Coast of Japan)
20. November 23, 2013: Mount Etna erupts, showers volcanic ash on towns (Sicily, Italy)

[Does not purport to be a complete list of events or headlines]


8.1: Space Related Bio-Terror
Based on the cumulative data of bio-terror research, a made-for-TV bio-terror “event” will likely occur in United States or Asia involving the use of agents known as Anthrax and Smallpox. That being said, the “Doomsday Asteroid” could be the bio-terror event and it could also theoretically contain a space based virus. Prior to a space related pandemic, the public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Hollywood movie propaganda is a slick way of showing that yes, it can happen. “Germ” (2013) is a film (see trailer) in which the U.S. military’s attempt to shoot down an orbiting satellite unleashes a space-borne epidemic within the United States.

About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Taylor currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum after the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the 2013 global bio-terror pandemic. Aside from state-sponsored terror whistleblowing, Taylor was the first to report on Alex Jones’ links to STRATFOR. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to prevent terror attacks by drawing unwanted global attention to these terror plots prior to their fruition. State-Sponsored Terror Threat Assessments (SSTTA), assertions, and forecasts made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility they could theoretically occur based on the cited data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag is exposed (e.g., the Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot), the terror plot is immediately canceled or postponed. State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the true perpetrators of terror. By first identifying and then connecting the dots of said terror paper trail, has identified and exposed over 50 Obama sanctioned terror plots. Please spread the word and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste


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      About the Author
      David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Taylor currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum after the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the 2013 global bio-terror pandemic. Aside from state-sponsored terror whistleblowing, Taylor was the first to report on Alex Jones’ links to STRATFOR. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to prevent terror attacks by drawing unwanted global attention to these terror plots prior to their fruition. State-Sponsored Terror Threat Assessments (SSTTA), assertions, and forecasts made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility they could theoretically occur based on the cited data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag is exposed (e.g., the Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot), the terror plot is immediately canceled or postponed. State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the true perpetrators of terror. By first identifying and then connecting the dots of said terror paper trail, has identified and exposed over 50 Obama sanctioned terror plots. Please spread the word and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste

    • KnowMoreThanYou

      You will be wrong just like every one of your post, and on a side note, I got to your first paragraph and then stopped. How the heck do you think a meteor hitting the Ocean would possibly cause a chain of events and other EQ’s to go off around the ring of fire?? It might make a tsunami, but no way it would spark other earthquakes. You should think a little bit more before writing. If you did, you would realize it does not make sense and save yourself from looking like an ass. But obviuosly you do not care about that reading through your other posts!!! :idea:

      • WideAwake

        You are a fool or a shill.

      • Anon

        I think he said MAN made quakes etc such as HAARP, detonations etc…. power outages (all possible).. Just for the record, Mandela’s funeral also ties in with many of the events in SA and many there also think it was “planned”… and that he was on ice for some tiime

      • Bronson

        If you take all the fluff out of the article it could be condensed down to one, or two paragraphs. Although a long article like this would have 5 different understanding by 5 different people reading it…ehhhhhh? what did you say?

    • hostile177

      We would be dead before we could read all that crap.

    • paul

      can we stop wetting ourselves about this ison bs , its gone,,we had loads of hype before it got close, loads of hype when it got a sun tan, now we are getting more hype as its alive and well and heading for a country near you :smile: ,,we know all the doomsdayers got it wrong ,no need to make yourselves more of a idiot as next week youll be saying ison isn’t here yet as it stopped off for a bite to eat on the way down ,,, jeez.

    • MrAnthony

      There are seven instances of the word “likely” in your article, which is pretty much your escape clause when NONE of these things actually happen.

    • patriot156

      so ison didn’t burn up?

    • 2think2

      Wow, it must have taken him months to write and research this! Well done but I’m not buying everything there. Is there any guarantee’s that its not again some misinformation grab taking our attention off, of whats really important. Who can we trust? :idea:

    • Mister Fred

      All the headlines about Ison reminds me of this:

    • Str8Talker

      The perfect conspiracy is… nobody sees it coming until it’s too late. Why?
      1. If you do see it coming… and warn others… it gets cancelled because it won’t be an accident, terror plot or natural disaster because it was accurately predicted. Thus, people scoff and say “It’s not real…”
      2. Yet, if there are not people connecting dots better than we can…called Conspiracy THEORISTS… then we get hurt, killed, cheated or destroyed and whine “Why didn’t anybody see this coming?”
      Nobody can predict the future… but we can use evidence, math, PROBABILITIES (%) & the nature of man, governments, power, money…etc to build likely scenarios and watch for KEY PIECES TO APPEAR… then warn others.

      I personally hate conspiracy theories… and terrorists… and evil scum out to destroy, steal and ruin everything I work hard to build. THESE DAYS… it’s a necessary evil… the Bible talks about how knowledge & despair will INCREASE before CHRIST returns for his kids. Until then, we keep the peace… tell others… educate… train… and let them decide what to do… IF ANYTHING. For me, I am not worried about such events because I am ready. BUT I AM VERY CONCERNED FOR SO MANY OTHERS… who live in fear with no anchor in their life to reassure them that God will catch them on the day they fall… and that’s just sad. But God gave each of us the CHOICE to LOVE or REJECT him and his son, Jesus. (Contrary to many religious teachings…)

    • taptap

      mr truther dude, i admit i like a good conspiracy. connecting the unknown with the plausible. but man, trust me we humans, even the secret the powers do not have the energy, technology to recreate an astroid impact into the ocean causeing the entire pacific ring to become unstable. even with all the worlds nukes we still wouldnt be able to come close to the magnitude of an actuall astroid impact

      • Anon

        I think that just about anything is possible – have “something” “land” in the ocean together with an enormous explosion – in an ocean – how many witnesses do you need? Then of course, explosive devices set before hand at strategic positions all go off on cue, and wow, you have some real damage…add in loss of power, and you have the population seething and mass hysteria. All very possible with a little ahead planning and sticks or two of dynamite.. etc

    • Mariano

      This makes more sense than anything so far about the subject.

      The two more reliable sources of info about the elite´s plan have been Bill Russel and The (weird) Illuminati card game.

      Both mention a fake asteroid hit as the next stage after terrorism. Following the fake asteroid hit, the probable fake alien invasion.

      Analyze how Hollywood grooms our minds about those subjects, compare it to how they did before with so many movies about terrorists hi-jacking planes and you´ll perceive something wicked.

    • KnowMoreThanYou

      This should read.. is a Hoax!!! :idea: :mrgreen:

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