ISIS ENDGAME EXPOSED: How and Why the CIA in Switzerland Created ISIS as Cover for Nuclear and Biological Terror Attacks
RED ALERT: 10 Reasons Why Switzerland is Home to the CIA
David Chase Taylor
May 25, 2015
SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Ever since ISIS declared the formation of a Caliphate on June 29, 2014, there has never been a more well-armed, well-funded, or well-organized group of terrorists in the world. Consequently, who really created ISIS and for what purpose has remained a mystery—until now.
In short, the 700-year cover of the CIA in Switzerland was officially blown for the first time in history by whistle-blower journalist David Chase Taylor in his shocking new book “Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now” (2014) which was published globally on December 21, 2014.
Although Taylor hinted that the CIA may be located in Switzerland in a report published back in 2013, he only began to accumulate hard evidence that Switzerland is harboring the CIA roughly 6-months prior, hence the creation of ISIS around the same time.
ISIS was, therefore, created by the Swiss CIA in order to terrorize the world with Weapons of Mass Destruction (MWD) so that information about Switzerland’s secret role as the progenitor of assassinations, terror attacks and wars would be lost in the aftermath of nuclear terror attacks and biological pandemics.
Consequently, the CIA is now in a race against time to destroy the world as we know with ISIS-related terror attacks in a last-ditch effort to hide the fact that the CIA is located in Switzerland, the eye of the storm which has been free of terror attacks and war for over 500-years.
The notion that Switzerland would create and fund a group of rouge terrorists to terrorize humanity by killing scores of people is not that farfetched considering Switzerland was home to Swiss Mercenaries who, historically speaking, were the CIA’s henchmen, just like ISIS terrorists are today.
When determining guilt in respect to ISIS, three aspects must first be established: a) motive, b) means, and c) opportunity. As evidenced, Switzerland has all three: motive—their cover has been blown; means—they are home to Swiss banks, namely the BIS; and opportunity—they harbor the one and only CIA.
ISIS 101:
1. ISIS is code word for the Syrian Rebels and vice versa
2. ISIS was created by the CIA in Switzerland
3. ISIS is named after Suisse, an official name of Switzerland
4. ISIS is funded by the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland
5. ISIS operates under 7 aliases while Switzerland operates under 9
6. ISIS was created as CIA cover for biological and nuclear attacks
7. ISIS is primarily composed of U.S. and NATO Special Forces
8. ISIS is armed and equipped by the U.S. military
9. ISIS is trained in Jordan under the guise of the Syrian Rebels
10. ISIS will eventually be linked to the Pakistani ISI, likely leading to World War III
1.1: ISIS = Syrian Rebels
It is imperative to note that the term “Syrian Rebels” is code word for “ISIS”, and vice versa. This particular notion was first confirmed back on June 17, 2014, when it was reported that the “Syrian Rebels, who would later join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan”. The shocking report quoted a Jordanian official who stated on the record that “dozens of future ISIS members were trained at the time as part of covert aid to the insurgents targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria”. The Jordanian official also stated that “all ISIS members who received U.S. training to fight in Syria were first vetted for any links to extremist groups like al-Qaida”. Translation: the Syrian Rebels were constructed with former members of Al Qaeda which have now been rebranded as ISIS. Roughly 3-months later on September 26, 2014, it was revealed that the U.S. government funded and trained ISIS jihadists in Syria. According to investigative reporter Ben Swann, “The U.S. government is sending fighters and money to train these Rebels who are then turning and becoming ISIS fighters”. Approximately 4-months later on January 16, 2015, a report entitled “3,000 “Moderate Rebels” Defect to ISIS – US Preparing 5,000 More” was published which further corroborates the notion that the Syrian Rebels are in fact ISIS, and vice versa.
2.1: ISIS Created by the CIA in Switzerland
Although the CIA in Switzerland claims that ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) was founded in 1999, the state-sponsored terror group did not exist in name or theory until it officially declared the formation of a Caliphate on June 29, 2014. That being said, the CIA began to create what would eventually become ISIS just 9 days after the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot of February 6, 2011 was foiled by whistle-blower journalist David Chase Taylor. In short, the narrative of an Osama bin Laden-led nuclear terror attack upon America was exposed and therefore a new Islamic boogeyman had to be created in order to provide the necessary cover for state-sponsored nuclear and biological attacks. In order to create an unprecedented breeding ground for state-sponsored terror, the CIA executed a coup of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and the subsequent invasion of Libya on February 15, 2011, resulting in the Libyan Civil War has morphed into the ongoing Second Libyan Civil War. Exactly one month later on March 15, 2011, the Syrian Civil War also commenced which is also still ongoing. These CIA-spawned conflicts created the Libyan Rebels, who, along with the Syrian Rebels, eventually morphed into what is known as ISIS today. This notion was confirmed on March 4, 2015, when it was revealed that a member of the jihadist terror group used by that the U.S. government to overthrow Gaddafi is now leading ISIS in Libya. Although the creation, funding, arming and training ISIS is being blamed on the United States, the CIA in Switzerland is in command and control of the terror group. This notion was confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, by a Guardian report from March 8, 2013, which stated that Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS) were “being led by the CIA”. This notion was later corroborated on January 16, 2015, when it was revealed that the training of Syrian Rebels in March of 2013 was a covert program led by the CIA, was a covert program that was led by the CIA. The notion that America will take the blame for ISIS was first identified back on February 26, 2015, when an Iranian official stated that the West, namely the United States, “has been influential in the creation of ISIS“. Roughly 2-months later on April 21, 2015, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated that ISIS was created “under the supervision of the Americans”. Lastly, in a desperate attempt to counter this report, Infowars published an article on May 25, 2015 entitled “Media Ignores Report Showing Pentagon Created ISIS”, further selling the notion that ISIS is American made. In the aftermath of an ISIS-related biological and nuclear terror attacks, the United States will be scapegoated just as Germany was scapegoated for Nazi atrocities ordered by the CIA during World War II.
2.2: ISIS Named after Switzerland
Because the CIA in Switzerland is ultimately in command and control of ISIS, the respective names of Switzerland and ISIS are intimately linked in calligraphy and numerology. In other words, ISIS is a semantical tribute to Switzerland and its CIA which spawned the terror group. This is no more apparent than in the term “Suisse” (i.e., pronounced “Swiss”), an official name of Switzerland, which is currently used in the French speaking part of Switzerland. Consonantly speaking, the term “Suisse” (S+S) is identical to that of “ISIS” (S+S) as vowels and double letters are considered benign post-Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). Consequently, the term Suisse (S+S) equates to both “SS” and “CC” (pronounced “See See”) as the letter “C” routinely doubles as the letter “S” within the English language (e.g., cent, century, citrus, etc.). The double “CC” is found within the acronym “CIA” (i.e., CIɅ) as the letter “A” doubles as a Chevron symbol (i.e., “Ʌ”) which equates to the letter “C” within the Roman Score. Aside from ISIS, the “SS” letters are found within the names and symbols of various entities which have been previously used by the Swiss CIA to kill and terrorize billions of people. For example, the “SS” letters are found within the name of the Schutzstaffel (i.e., the SS), the most powerful paramilitary organization in Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich. The “SS” is also found in the name of the Waffen-SS, the multi-national military force of Nazi Germany. Naturally, both organizations donned a Swastika, a symbol which is constructed when the letter “S” is superimposed upon another letter “S”, forming a cross-like “SS” symbol. The Swastika is also used today by CIA funded neo-Nazi hate groups around the world.
2.3: ISIS Funded by BIS in Switzerland
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland is the financial backbone of the CIA in Switzerland which secretly funds its black operations around the world, ISIS included. In short, the BIS funds 60 central banks which are collectively responsible for 95% of the world’s GDP, making it the sole progenitor of the world’s fiat money supply. One of these central banks is the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States which funds the U.S. government. Consequently, monies allocated by the Obama administration for the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS) are directly wired to the Federal Reserve from the BIS in Switzerland. The Obama administration publically funds the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS) via the U.S. Congress so that in the aftermath of an ISIS-spawned biological pandemic which culls hundreds of millions of people, the United States will take the blame for what the CIA in Switzerland is ultimately responsible for. Although President Obama signed a secret order in 2012 to “support [the] Syrian Rebels” with $25 million in “non-lethal” assistance, and the U.S. approved another $60 million in direct aid to the Syrian Rebels on March 8, 2013, ISIS was not officially funded until June 26, 2014, when Obama proposed $500 million to train and arms the Syrian Rebels. The funding proposal by Obama came just 72-hours before ISIS declared the formation of a Caliphate on June 29, 2014. As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”. Nevertheless, on September 18, 2014, the U.S. Senate approved Obama’s request to arm and train the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS). Although the $1 trillion government-funding bill gave Obama the legal authority to fight ISIS, it was in fact the bill which funded ISIS. A day later on September 19, 2014, Obama signed the new bill authorizing U.S. government support for the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS) in their non-existent war against themselves. A week later on September 26, 2014, it was revealed that the U.S. government funded and trained ISIS jihadists in Syria. According to investigative reporter Ben Swann, “The U.S. government is sending fighters and money to train these [Syrian] Rebels who are then turning and becoming ISIS fighters”. The report further corroborates the notion that the Syrian Rebels are in fact ISIS, and vice versa. Less than 3-months later on December 11, 2014, a U.S. Senate committee voted to authorize war against ISIS, a publicity stunt designed to further sell the notion that America is at war with ISIS. Roughly a month later on January 27, 2015, Obama allegedly cut funding for the Syrian Rebels due to “poor performance”. The cutting of funds gives the Obama administration plausible deniability in the aftermath of ISIS-related terror attacks. In time, the “poor performance” of the Syrian Rebels will predictably be chalked up to the notion that they were radicalized by Islam and joined ISIS. A day later on January 28, 2015, it was revealed that Yousaf al Salafi, the commander of ISIS in Pakistan, confessed that ISIS is being funded by the United States. Less than a week later on February 2, 2015, Obama proposed a $534 billion Pentagon budget, part of which provided further training and assistance to the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS). Lastly, the black flag of ISIS is routinely seen waving atop ISIS’ brand new fleet of Nissan and Toyota pickup trucks as they terrorize the Middle East. The fact that ISIS is using a fleet of brand new vehicles confirms, albeit in a de facto manner, that the terror group is state-sponsored. These reports, taken collectively, confirm that ISIS is being funded under the guise of the Syrian Rebels which are funded by Obama administration via the U.S. Congress which in turn receives its monies from the Federal Reserve Bank which is funded by the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland.
2.4: Aliases of ISIS & Switzerland
Similar to ISIS, the country of Switzerland employs a number of different aliases which makes it far less likely that the masterminds at the CIA will ever be identified, apprehended or convicted for crimes against humanity. For example, Switzerland has at least 9 aliases, including but not limited to: “CH” (country code), “Confederazione Svizzera” (Italian), “Confederaziun svizra” (Romansh), “Confédération Suisse” (French), “Confoederatio Helvetica” (Latin), “Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (German)”, “Swiss Confederation” (English), “Swiss” (International), and “Switzerland (International). Conversely, ISIS has at least 7 aliases, including but not limited to: “IS”, “ISIS”, “ISIL”, “Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham”, “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant”, “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”, and “Islamic State”. The aforementioned aliases provide both a grammatical and semantical mask which helps conceal the true identity of both ISIS and Switzerland. Consequently, it’s far less likely that the world will arrive at a uniform conclusion (positive or negative) in respect to ISIS and/or Switzerland when 15-plus names are simultaneously being used by the media to describe the same two things.
2.4: ISIS vs. Switzerland
Because ISIS was created by the CIA in Switzerland, and is secretly funded by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, a CIA-spawned narrative has been disseminated in the media that ISIS is actively targeting Switzerland. Consequently, Switzerland now has the highest per-capita rate of ISIS-related terrorists in the world. The logic behind these propaganda reports is two-fold for they are designed to: a) dispel the notion that Switzerland is not in command and control of ISIS, and b) create the necessary political cover so that the CIA can assassinate whistle-blower journalist David Chase Taylor in Switzerland under the guise of an Islamic terror attack. The notion that the CIA is psychologically preparing the Swiss for Islamic terror attacks in Switzerland was first identified during the Lindt Café Hostage Crisis in Sydney, Australia on December 15, 2014. The Lindt Café was specifically targeted by the CIA because Lindt is the most famous Swiss chocolatier. The second such incident was witnessed in the aftermath of the 2015 Copenhagen Shootings on February 14-15, 2015, when the flag of Denmark (which is essentially identical to the flag of Switzerland) was ten associated with Islamic terror in the Swiss press as well as internationally. The ISIS-Switzerland terror narrative was first identified back on September 24, 2014, when an ISIS terror cell was reportedly busted by Swiss authorities in March of 2014. The shocking report was published roughly 3-months before ISIS officially declared the formation of a Caliphate on June 29, 2014, which suggests that it was pre-dated. In other words, the report was likely fabricated at a later date in order to better sell the ISIS terror narrative. Aside from allegedly plotting a WMD-type of attack with toxic gas and explosives, the ISIS terror group reportedly helped around 40 Swiss or Swiss-resident jihadists join ISIS in the Middle East. According to the Swiss Federal Prosecutor, the ISIS terrorists were suspected of “misuse of explosives and toxic gases with criminal intent, acts preparatory to criminal offenses, pornography, and encouraging illegal entry to, exit from and residence in Switzerland”. Less than a week later on September 29, 2014, the Clarion Project published a report entitled “ISIS Operating from Switzerland Yet Legal Snags Prevent Ban”, an ironically true headline as ISIS is under the command and control of the CIA in Switzerland. The report revealed that the Swiss public prosecutor’s office is currently investigating at least 20 cases involving jihadist operations in Switzerland, including at least 4 directly related to ISIS in Syria. Roughly a week later on October 8, 2014, Switzerland announced a ban on ISIS-related organizations which went into effect on October 9, 2014, providing a timely motive for a revenge-like ISIS-related attack in Switzerland. Roughly a month later on December 11, 2014, a Swiss terrorist loyal to ISIS received only community service after joining an ISIS terror camp in Syria. The incident was the first-ever sentencing of a foreign jihadist fighter in Switzerland. Roughly a month later on January 15, 2015, a video was released by ISIS which encouraged terror attacks in Switzerland, providing more political cover for Islamic terror attacks in Switzerland. Roughly 2-months later on March 12, 2015, a Swiss citizen from Basel was reportedly arrested for trying to fight ISIS. The arrest was evidently fabricated or staged in order to further associate ISIS with Switzerland. Roughly a month later on April 8, 2015, a Swiss man was reportedly arrested at the Zurich airport on his way to join jihadists in Syria. Less than 2-weeks later on April 19, 2015, another Swiss jihadist reportedly freed his wife and child on the Syrian-Turkish border. Roughly a month later on May 22, 2015, Switzerland reportedly extradited a French jihadist who had been trying to reach Syria for a second time since March of 2015. Lastly, a day later on May 23, 2015, it was reported that an ISIS-linked terrorist who was arrested in Switzerland was plotting an attack on German President Joachim Gauck, as well as on the presidential residence. These reports, taken collectively, confirm two things: a) CIA-spawned Islamic terror attacks in Switzerland are imminent, and b) the country of Switzerland is trying to distance itself from ISIS which is under command of the CIA in Switzerland.
2.5: ISIS Endgame in Switzerland
ISIS-related terror attacks in Europe and/or Switzerland will provide the Swiss government the political capital it needs to drastically change their current asylum and immigration laws, likely resulting in the immediate removal of all European Union citizens, whistle-blower journalist David Chase Taylor included. Draconian changes to Swiss asylum and immigration law will predictably result in Taylor’s deportation and subsequent assassination, which is exactly why the CIA in Switzerland is now targeting Europe and Switzerland with ISIS-related terror attacks on an almost daily basis.
3.1: SIS Armed by US Military
Over the last year, the CIA in Switzerland has created the narrative that the U.S. military is guilty of directly and indirectly arming ISIS via airdrops, humanitarian aid and sheer negligence. Consequently, ISIS is now in possession of U.S. military gear and weaponry, including but not limited to: armor piercing bullets, communications gear, Humvees, M16 assault rifles, tanks, TOW anti-tank missiles, trucks, vehicles, and undisclosed weapons systems. Consequently, ISIS is now using state-of-the-art military equipment and weapons which was conveniently provided by the U.S. military, albeit in a de facto manner. By publically claiming that ISIS has stolen U.S. military equipment and weapons, ISIS can attack whenever and wherever they want without drawing suspicion that they are a de facto military branch of the U.S. government. The ISIS thievery narrative also gives U.S. government officials plausible deniability in the aftermath of attacks by U.S. and/or NATO Special Forces posing as ISIS terrorists who can now act with impunity. The narrative that ISIS is using U.S. military equipment and weapons was first identified back on June 17, 2014, when ISIS reportedly moved seized U.S. tanks, trucks and Humvees to Syria. Roughly 3-months later on September 8, 2014, a study was published which found that ISIS is now using U.S.-made weapons in Iraq. According to the London-based small-arms research organization entitled Conflict Armament Research, ISIS terrorists have been using “significant quantities” of arms including M16 assault rifles marked “property of the U.S. government”. Roughly a month later on October 13, 2014, the Iraq military reportedly abandoned a key Al Anbar Province military base to ISIS. Since the Iraqi military is under the command and control of U.S. Armed Services, the Ayn al-Asad military base (formerly the second largest US military airbase in Iraq) was premeditatively surrendered in order to give ISIS terrorists unfettered air and ground access to Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Syria, all of which coincidentally border the Al Anbar Province. Roughly a week later on October 19, 2014, a report confirmed that U.S. humanitarian aid was going to ISIS, including food, medical supplies and clinics. The report also claimed that ISIS terrorists are being paid via the U.S. Agency for International Development and the United Nations. Three days later on October 22, 2014, ISIS reportedly seized a U.S. weapons airdrop intended for the Kurds in Iraq. The Pentagon later confirmed this in a report which revealed that 1 out of 28 airdrops were seized by ISIS due to “unforeseen winds”. ISIS reportedly posted sarcastic “thank you” notes on social media after the drops were intercepted. A day later on October 23, 2014, it was confirmed once again that ISIS is using “American weapons” in their non-existent fight against the U.S. military. Less than 24-hours later on October 24, 2014, the Pentagon stated that ISIS seized more than 2,500 American armored military vehicles and tanks. Roughly a week later on November 3, 2014, it was reported that US TOW anti-tank missiles supplied to the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS) by the U.S. government fell into the hands of the jihadist militant group Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria. Four days later on November 7, 2014, Pentagon auditors revealed that U.S. military equipment worth $420 million went missing in 2013 with ISIS being the “likely culprit”. The missing weaponry reportedly included 156,000 pieces of hardware, including sophisticated weapons systems, vehicles and communications gear. Roughly a week later on November 18, 2014, the Iraqi military reportedly uncovered information that the U.S. military airdropped food and weapons to ISIS under the guise of air raids. The Iraqis claimed that ISIS received state-of-the-art U.S. weaponry, including expensive armor piercing bullets costing approximately $2,000 apiece. Roughly 6-weeks later on December 30, 2014, Iranian state media claimed that U.S. military aircraft once again airdropped weapons in areas held by ISIS. Lastly, on January 6, 2015, an Iraqi official reportedly stated that U.S. military aircraft executed weapons airdrops in ISIS-held territory in Iraq, the fifth such allegation. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm that ISIS is in fact a de facto branch of the U.S. military which is under command and control of the CIA in Switzerland.
3.2: ISIS is Special Forces
Because the CIA in Switzerland has thus far not been unable to launch a full-scale ISIS terror attack, they have been forced to resort to leaking beheading videos (i.e., snuff films). It is imperative to note that the only reason ISIS terrorists were black ski masks is because they are not Arab in ethnicity. Rather, they are U.S. and NATO Special Forces which are hiding their faces when they commit terror attacks in the name of Islam. This notion was confirmed back on September 5, 2014, when a photo was leaked of an ISIS terrorist with a U.S. Army tattoo on his arm. Roughly 4-months later on March 8, 2013, the Guardian published a report entitled “West Training Syrian Rebels in Jordan” which confirmed that UK, U.S. and French Special Forces teams are in now in Jordan where they are providing “logistical and other advice in some form” to the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS). Needless to say, only Special Forces are used to train Special Forces. The report also revealed that the training began at KASOTC (King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center) in Amman, Jordan which coincidentally specializes in the latest counter-terrorism, special operations and irregular warfare tactics, techniques and procedures. Lastly, similar to the flag of the United States, the black flag of ISIS is often depicted with a golden fringe or border. In vexillology, a gold border infers that ISIS is under an Admiralty court, meaning that is a lawless organization that has no legal jurisdiction. In other words, ISIS is a de facto Special Forces branch of the U.S. military, not an organic Islamic terror group as the CIA would have the world believe.
3.3: ISIS Endgame in America
As it currently stands, the United States will be found guilty of creating, funding, arming and training ISIS. The logic behind the CIA in Switzerland setting up America for ISIS-related attacks is three-fold: a) destroy the image of the United States with WMD-related terror attacks, b) create a motive for a domestic backlash (i.e., civil war) against the Obama administration who is funding ISIS by so-called patriots in America, and c) provide a wealth of evidence that the United States is behind ISIS so that the country can scapegoated in the aftermath of an ISIS-spawned biological pandemic which culls hundreds of millions of people. In order to further sell the notion that ISIS is an American creation, it was revealed back on March 4, 2015, that U.S. Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham personally met with ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Needless to say, the photo was specifically taken in order to publically link U.S. politicians to ISIS at a later date. Less than a month later on April 23, 2015, CNN published a report entitled “Americans Linked to ISIS”, confirming once again, albeit in a de fact manner, that ISIS is American in nature.
4.1: ISIS Headquartered in Jordan
Given Jordan’s close proximity to the state of Israel, it appears that the CIA in Switzerland has designated it as the official training ground of ISIS. The notion that Israel would create an Islamic terror group to achieve Zionist political aims was witnessed when the Israeli government created Hamas, a claim essentially corroborated by an Israeli general on May 13, 2015. Geographically speaking, Jordan is strategically located within the Middle East as it boarders Saudi Arabia to the southeast, Iraq to the northeast, Syria to the north, and Israel and Palestine to the west. Consequently, ISIS is able launch covert attacks from Jordan into any of the aforementioned countries, two of which are coincidentally found within the acronym of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Back on December 16, 2014, it was reported that ISIS destroyed at least 6 border control station on the Jordan-Iraq border. This was evidently done so that ISIS terrorists could travel from Jordan to Iraq without being identified or apprehended. The notion that Jordan is playing a central role in the training and deployment of ISIS-related terrorists was foreshadowed by a Huffington Post report from February 13, 2015, entitled “Is Jordan Facilitating ISIS’ Grand Strategy?”. The report revealed that “Jordanians constitute the third biggest component within ISIS” (behind the U.S. and UK), and that “Jordan takes ISIS a step closer to the stage when it might confront the “faraway infidel”, a clear reference to America. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that Jordan is harboring Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 which was specifically hijacked by the CIA in order to execute a surprise WMD attack on the West. A day later on February 14, 2015, it was reported that Jordan will now receive more U.S. weapons to fight ISIS. While the United States has generally provided Jordan with $300 million in annual security assistance, the U.S. inexplicably upped its aid to Jordan to $1 billion for 2015-2017. It’s highly likely that the increase in aid is a direct payoff for Jordan housing ISIS-related training camps. Lastly, in what appears to be a veiled admission that Jordan is in fact home to ISIS, King Abdullah of Jordan stated on March 2, 2015, that the war against ISIS “is our war”.
4.2: ISIS Trained in Jordan
The notion that ISIS is being trained in Jordan was first confirmed back on February 12, 2012, when Egyptian security officials reportedly stated that the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS) were receiving “training from the United States, Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia”. This notion was later corroborated by both European and Jordanian sources which stated that the training of the Syrian Rebels in Jordan had been “going on since last year” or 2012. According to a March 8, 2013, report from the Guardian entitled “West Training Syrian Rebels in Jordan”, the training of the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS) in Jordan was being “led by the United States, but involves British and French instructors”. A Jordanian source familiar with the training operations stated that, “It’s the Americans, Brits and French with some of the Syrian generals who defected. But we’re not talking about a huge operation”. Translation: it’s a major terror operation that is being done undercover, hence the secrecy. The report also revealed that “new EU rules have now given the UK the green light to start providing military training for rebel fighters with the aim of containing the spread of chaos and extremism in areas outside the Syrian regime’s control”. Translation: the funding of the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS) is specifically designed to foster chaos and extremism in the region which is now self-evident. The report also revealed that the Syrian Rebels were originally housed at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre (KASOTC) in the capital city of Amman but have since been expanded to “co-ordinate a more ambitious training program”. The Jordanian sources also stated that the “actual training was being carried out at more remote sites, with recent U.S. reports stating that it was “being led by the CIA”. The notion that the U.S is training ISIS terrorists in Jordan was also confirmed by Der Spiegel of Germany on March 10, 2013, when they revealed that Americans are training the Syria Rebels in Jordan. According to Jordanian security sources, U.S. trainers were assisting the Syrian Rebels in Jordan. Der Spiegel also reported that Jordanian intelligence services are involved in the program, which aims to build around a dozen units totaling some 10,000 fighters. Roughly 3-months later on June 17, 2014, it was confirmed that ISIS terrorists were secretly trained at a U.S. military base in Jordan. Since ISIS declared the formation of a Caliphate only 12-days prior on June 29, 2014, it can be deduced that there was a concerted effort from the outset to scapegoat the United States for ISIS-related attacks. Roughly 4-months later on October 15, 2014, it was reported that UK troops may soon be training the Syrian Rebels in Jordan, confirming once again that the ISIS is being trained in Jordan. Roughly 4-months later on January 16, 2015, it was revealed that the training of Syrian Rebels, which began in Jordan in March of 2013, was a covert program led by the CIA. Approximately 4-months later on May 7, 2015, Fox News published a report entitled “US Says Syrian Rebel Training Starting in Jordan”, once again confirming, albeit in a de facto manner, that ISIS (i.e., the Syrian Rebels) are being trained in Jordan. Why the United States doesn’t send drones, tanks or troops to counter ISIS only makes sense when it’s understood that the Syrian Rebels are in fact ISIS, and vice versa.
4.3: ISIS vs. Jordan
Because ISIS is evidently being trained and housed in Jordan, a narrative has been disseminated in the global media that ISIS is actively targeting Jordan. Similar to how ISIS is allegedly targeting Switzerland, the propaganda reports are designed to dispel the notion that Jordan is intimately linked to ISIS. The ISIS-Jordan terror narrative was first identified back on June 12, 2014, when ISIS threatened to invade Jordan and “slaughter” King Abdullah. The shocking report was curiously published 17-days before ISIS officially declared the formation of a Caliphate on June 29, 2014, which suggests that it was pre-dated. In other words, the report was likely fabricated at a later date in order to better sell the ISIS narrative. Roughly 8-months later on February 3, 2015, ISIS reportedly released a video showing a Jordanian pilot being burned alive. In order to further sell the notion that Jordan is not home to ISIS, the Jordanian government allegedly carried out 56 air strikes against ISIS on February 9, 2015. A day later on February 10, 2015, Jordan reportedly moved “thousands” of its troops to Iraqi border. Although only conjecture, the troops were likely a brigade of ISIS terrorists which are now ravaging Iraq.
5.1: ISIS WMD Attack
In the event that the CIA in Switzerland is successful in executing a WMD-related attack in the United States or elsewhere, ISIS will predictably be scapegoated. Although rogue states such as Iran or Pakistan could also be implicated in the attack, ISIS was specifically created as political cover for state-sponsored biological and nuclear-related terror attacks. Since whistle-blower journalist David Chase Taylor foiled the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot and the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the CIA hijacked Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 in order to execute a surprise WMD attack on the West. The hijacking of Flight MH370 was specifically designed to give the CIA options in respect to executing an Islamic nuclear terror attack anywhere in the world. Roughly 4-months after the unprecedented hijacking, ISIS officially declared the formation of a Caliphate on June 29, 2014, providing the CIA with the perfect scapegoat for the impending Islamic nuclear terror attack. The notion that ISIS is actively plotting a WMD attack on America was confirmed on April 2, 2015, when two ISIS-inspired women were reportedly arrested for plotting a WMD attack on New York City. Lastly, less than 2-weeks late on April 16, 2015, another ISIS terrorist was accused of plotting a WMD terror strike in the United States. Needless to say, an ISIS-related WMD attack upon the United States is imminent.
5.2: ISIS Nuclear Terror Attack
Plan “A” in the ISIS endgame is a nuclear terror attack against the United States which leads to an all-out war with Iran or Pakistan, both of which are nuclear nations. In order to create the necessary terror narrative in the media that ISIS is capable of executing such an attack, the CIA in Switzerland has disseminated numerous propaganda reports essentially stating as much. After all, ISIS was specifically created as political cover so that the CIA can execute an Islamic nuclear terror attack. The ISIS-nuclear terror narrative was first identified back on June 23, 2014, when ISIS reportedly threatened a nuclear attack on Israel. A few weeks later on July 9, 2014, ISIS reportedly seized 88 pounds of uranium in Northern Iraq, ultimately providing them with enough fissile material to build a nuclear bomb. The shocking report was later confirmed by Fox News on July 10, 2014, in a report entitled “ISIS Seizes Uranium from Lab; Experts Downplay ‘Dirty Bomb’ Threat”. Roughly 4-months later on November 18, 2014, President Obama stated he will send U.S. troops to fight ISIS if they get nukes, further highlighting an ISIS-related nuclear terror attack just prior to its fruition in reality. Roughly 6-months later on May 22, 2015, British journalist John Cantlie, who is currently being held hostage by ISIS, claimed that the chances of ISIS smuggling a nuclear weapon to attack the United States have risen “infinitely”. Less than 24-hours on May 23, 2015, reports surfaced that ISIS could buy its first nuclear weapon from Pakistan within a year. Since ISIS reportedly stole $425 million from Iraq’s central bank back in June of 2014, they now have enough money to buy a nuclear weapon from Pakistan on the black market. These reports, taken collectively, confirm that the entire ISIS-nuclear terror narrative has been fabricated by the CIA in Switzerland in order to provide the necessary cover for a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack.
5.3: ISIS Bio-Terror Attack
Plan “B” in the ISIS endgame is a bio-chemical terror attack that spawns the global pandemic planned for 2015. In order to create the necessary terror narrative in the media that ISIS is capable of executing such an attack, the CIA in Switzerland has disseminated numerous propaganda reports essentially stating as much. After all, ISIS was specifically created as political cover so that the CIA can execute an Islamic bio-chemical attack. This ISIS-bio-terror narrative was first identified back on June 19, 2014, when ISIS reportedly stormed a Saddam-era chemical weapons complex in Iraq. Roughly 3-weeks later on July 8, 2014, it was reported that “abandoned” barrels containing deadly sarin were seized by ISIS in rebel-held Syria. Less than 24-hours later on July 9, 2014, Iraq reportedly lost control of a chemical weapons depot to ISIS. Never mind that back on March 31, 2005, “The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction” reported that the intelligence community was “dead wrong” in its assessments of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction capabilities prior to the U.S. military invasion. In other words, there were no WMDs in Iraq but ISIS located two bio-chemical weapon depots inside Iraq within 27 days. The ISIS-bio-terror endgame was confirmed yet again on August 28, 2014, when it was revealed that a black ISIS laptop containing instructions on how to weaponize the bubonic plague was found. Roughly a month later on September 24, 2014, it was revealed that an ISIS terror cell was busted by Swiss authorities in March of 2014. The shocking report was published roughly 3-months before ISIS officially declared the formation of a Caliphate on June 29, 2014, which suggests that it was pre-dated. In other words, the report was likely fabricated at a later date in order to better sell the ISIS terror narrative. According to the Swiss Federal Prosecutor, the ISIS terrorists were suspected of “misuse of explosives and toxic gases with criminal intent”. Roughly a month later on October 30, 2014, Spanish Intelligence reportedly intercepted an ISIS plot to weaponize Ebola, confirming that an ISIS-related bio-terror attack is imminent. Roughly 5-months later on March 12, 2015, it was reported that ISIS is now “using chlorine gas” in roadside bombs. Three days later on March 15, 2015, it was reported that Iraqi Kurds confirmed that ISIS has used chemical weapons against their troops. Roughly a week later on March 23, 2015, it was reported that ISIS was “highly likely” to launch a chlorine gas attack on the London Underground. The notion of a Syrian-based bio-chemical attack occurring on live TV during a sporting event was recently foreshadowed by CNN in an April 20, 2015, report entitled “Syrian Gas Attack Shown on American TV”. Ten days later on April 30, 2015, the Syrian Rebels (i.e., ISIS) reportedly launched another chemical attack in Syria, setting the precedent for a far deadlier ISIS-related bio-terror attack in the West. Lastly, a week later on May 7, 2015, Fox News published a report entitled “Assad Using Chemical Weapons Again? US Eyes New Allegations”, further highlighting the use of Syrian-based bio-chemical weapons just prior to a state-sponsored bio-terror attack. These reports, taken collectively, confirm that the entire ISIS-bio-terror narrative has been fabricated by the CIA in Switzerland in order to provide the necessary cover for a state-sponsored bio-chemical attack.
6.1: ISIS Sponsored by Pakistani ISI
Similar to how Pakistan was the slated scapegoat for the foiled 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the South Asian nation is now being groomed as the primary scapegoat for an ISIS-related nuclear attack. This notion was confirmed on March 18, 2014 when it was reported that the aforementioned Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, which was specifically hijacked by CIA to execute a surprise WMD attack on the West, was being hidden in Pakistan. Since “ISIS” also goes by the alias of “IS”, it has always remained one letter off from “ISI”, the name of Pakistan’s intelligence agency. Consequently, it’s just a matter of time before ISIS is directly linked to the Pakistani ISI. This juvenile association will predictably be the rudimentary logic employed by the CIA and their minions to convince the world that ISIS is code word for the Pakistani ISI. This link will then be used to sell the notion that the country of Pakistan was behind the nuclear terror attack on America. In the aftermath of an ISIS-ISI nuclear terror attack, the Obama administration will predictably finger Pakistan, a nuclear nation. During a White House meeting on November 25, 2009, Obama reportedly stated, “We need to make clear to people that the cancer is in Pakistan”. Naturally, any retaliatory attack on Pakistan by the U.S. would lead to the dreaded nuclear World War III scenario as China is one of Pakistan’s closest allies. The Pakistan-ISIS terror narrative was first identified back on September 23, 2014, when ISIS militants reportedly crossed the border from Afghanistan to Pakistan with pamphlets and flags, urging locals to join ISIS. Less than a month later on October 1, 2014, the Pakistani jihadist group Tehreek-e-Khilafat reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIS. Roughly 2-weeks later on October 17, 2014, 6 prominent members of the Pakistan Taliban reportedly pledged allegiance to the head of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Pakistan Taliban spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid, reportedly stated: “I pledge allegiance to the Caliph of Muslims, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi…I will listen to and obey his every order, even if the situation is difficult, whether I like the order or not”. Five regional Taliban commanders also reportedly declared their unbridled support for al-Baghdadi and ISIS. The October 17, 2015, report also stated that “The proposed merger of the two terror groups was seen as a serious threat to the security of Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons”, confirming that a Pakistan-related nuclear terror attack part of ISIS endgame. The notion that ISIS is now active in Pakistan was confirmed on January 28, 2015, when it was revealed that terrorist Yousaf al Salafi is now the commander of ISIS in Pakistan. Roughly 4-months later on May 23, 2015, reports surfaced that ISIS could buy its first nuclear weapon from Pakistan within a year. Since ISIS reportedly stole $425 million from Iraq’s central bank back in June of 2014, they now have enough money to buy a nuclear weapon from Pakistan on the black market.
About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of, a state-sponsored terror whistle-blower website. Taylor lives in Zurich, Switzerland where he is currently in the process of applying for political asylum since the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor recently authored Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now, a book and website exposing the true power structure of the world, especially in respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland which is home to the CIA. Taylor has also published The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2015. To date, Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the Terrorgate Scandal, the 2014 Memorial Day Massacre, the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2014, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR and is noted for the 10 reasons why the Rosetta Comet landing was a hoax.
READ: In the Event of My Death Prior to July 19, 2015—An Open Letter by Journalist David Chase Taylor
. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed, it is immediately canceled, postponed, or reworked (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Freedom Tower Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, and mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror which work at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste
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The Swiss Alps ~ Wisest Splash
Swiss Mix ~ Six’s Swim
Swiss Bank ~ Bass Winks
Swiss Banks ~ SWBS* Sinks A
Swiss Banking ~ Bass King Wins
SWBS* a guide to electrical installations on shipboard: By Mohammed M. Islam……(Navy Ships)
my2pesos likes word games. OK, Top this.
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> When you rearrange the letters:
> An Arab Backed Imposter
You see, what my2pesos is doing is rearranging lettered words in trying to look for a message in a word or phrase. And I just topped him at his own game.
a quick google search turned up these results, so you can hardly claim credit for creating them.
Yeah I could tell just by reading through it that he didn’t make those up himself. The Engineers at my work are a bunch of idiots that can’t get anything right so I would expect no different from this “Engineer.”
Navy Secretary – Ray Mabus ~
Anagram Genius Com ~ Magnanimous Grace
Michele ‘n’ Mabus ~ Mechanism Blue
My Arab US ~
Yes I agree but it has a branch office in Switzerland
Go back to WWII and see christians fighting each other and also know that jews were fighting for control over each other.
Switzerland was the clearing house and home to BIS and the jews were so greedy that they all wanted the gold teeth pulled from other dead jews not that Hitler killed just jews but you would think so if you watch the fake history programs from Hollywood.
Here’s a thought; I wonder if they could really be mercenaries like Eric Prince and the boys from Academy or Blackwater. In both instances, Israeli intelligence and the mercenaries the hiding of their faces gives them away as state manufactured. Real terrorists are politically motivated, they want to be recognized and catered to, they stand atop their rooftop crowing their accomplishments and thriving on such recognition. In contrast the manufactured terrorist hides his face so those at home do not see them committing heinous acts on national television.
Best of the morning,
“In short, the 700-year cover of the CIA in Switzerland was officially blown for the first time in history by whistle-blower journalist David Chase Taylor”
Ummm, Dave? You want to rethink that? Tell me that the extra zero was a typo.
For the record:
The CIA was founded on September 18, 1947. I’ll give you the two year difference.
I thought you’d have the whole ISIS thing wrapped up, by now, Dave.