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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Updated Original! Major Carbon Monoxide Explosion Blanketing Entire California State!!! Expert Says CO Precursor To Earthquakes, And Is Early Warning System!! Precursor To 'The Big One'?

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Major Carbon Monoxide Explosion Blanketing Entire State!!!  Expert Says CO Precursor To Earthquakes, And Is Early Warning System!!  Precursor To ‘The Big One’?

1.  Major Carbon Monoxide Explosion West Coast!!!

2.  This just coming after the largest methane leak in US history!

methane leak ‘largest in US history’

BBC News-Feb 25, 2016
Seven unsuccessful attempts were made to shut down the billowing plumes of methane and ethane by the owners, Southern CaliforniaGas …
Essential California: Biggest methane leak in US history
International-Los Angeles Times-Feb 26, 2016

3.   California dormant volcanoes coming to life… probably a connection eh?

2/03/2015 — Dormant volcano in California shows …

Feb 3, 2015 - A dormant volcano in Central-East California is showing movement. …As seen in this graphic attached below, multiple events have occurred at  …
4.  Carbon monoxide may signal earthquake

K. S. Jayaraman


Ramesh Singh.

Earth emits a burst of carbon monoxide (CO) a few days before an earthquake, according to geophysicist Ramesh Singh. He and co-workers from France and the United States report that this gas could be used as one of the precursor signals for an earthquake early warning system.

Folks… sometimes if we wait for the experts to simply lie to us, we completely miss the opportunity that common sense may provide… now there are many ways to interpret this carbon monoxide anomaly… but for me, it looks like there may have been some sort of earth movement, perhaps deep underground… that would release gas like this, not just in California, but in other states as well… are these the warnings of ‘the big one’… that is an inevitability?  

Looking closer at the research: California “Big One” Earthquake Watch! World’s Highest Levels Of Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide And Sulfur Dioxide Being Measured… Concentrated On San Andreas Fault Zone


Unusual sickeness will become more of a norm, as the earth continues to shake, which releases poisonous gases.  As well, we have magnetic sickness from Nibiru…. which will also get more pronounced… of course, earthlings who are not acknowledging that space weather affects life on earth, will make up shit.  Humans are now pressed to keep raising their frequencies, to match the ever-rising frequencies of the earth and solar system, environments… as our system enters a large band of gamma radiation, known as the ‘photon belt’.

Don’t Blame Zika Virus, Or El Nino!!! Worldwide Strange And Reoccuring Magnetic Sickness From Nibiru Becoming More Prevalent… Watch For Media To Irrationally Pump Zika… Review Superhuman Ascension Food Pyramid To Be Healthy Through These Challenging Times! 

Superhuman Ascension Food Pyramid, To Rebuild Body To Be Compatible With High Photon Galactic Environment 

El Nino And El Nina Are Complete Lies!!! California Drought Caused By Chemtrail Geoengineering And Nibiru Messing With Jet Stream!!! 

Worldwide Sleep Is Being Disturbed, Bodies Are Being Upgraded, May Be Uncomfortable Process 


Indian in the machine


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