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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Powerful Video! Protectors Go Wild As Hundreds Of Wild Buffalo Suddenly Appear At Standing Rock

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Witness Very Powerful Moment Caught On Video! Hundreds Of Wild Buffalo Suddenly Appear At Standing Rock

Witness this beautiful, powerful, spiritual moment, where thousands of buffalo, suddenly appear at Standing Rock… listen to the excitement fo the people… as if they know they are receiving a sign from the Creator, to know that nature itself, stands with the protestors. 

Q. How do you feel about them coming on treaty land right now? The land of your ancestors?
A. I feel disrespected. I feel hurt. I feel just hurt that these guys (points to cops) won’t never understand. You know? I try to tell them but.. the only reason we are moving back is because they are armed with batons, tear gas, riot gear, weapons, rubber bullets. That’s what it takes for them to push us back. They carry weapons because they are scared.
Q. What does this land mean to you? This traditional land?
A. Land means everything… LOOK AT OVER THERE – all the Buffalo! Look at all those Buffalo! (crowd lele in background) LOOK AT ALL THOSE BUFFALO THERE! THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU GUYS! (to the cops) BE CAREFUL! Woooo! TATANKAAA! Here they come! These are sacred animals they are very powerful. (protectors go wild)!

The protestors know, that we are all one with mother earth and all creation… the time is here, that each human is called by their own souls, to ‘come home’…the illusion is over… only love is real. 

This has been going on for decades… the systematic poisoning of our lives… in Canada… half the native drinking water is poisoned… while the prime sinister of canada, dances for the cameras… even when he visits the natives, they can’t tell a wolf in sheeps clothing, and give him gifts, as he silently stands by as the waters are poisoned. 

You Pursue Happiness And Are Miserable…15 Things You Need To Give Up To Be Happy 

The Greatest Opportunity Ever! Earth~ Aria~ Golden Age~ Crystal Earth~ Centre Of The Multiverse~ And Us~ 

If Today Is Your Last Day In The Third Dimension On Earth 

Feel The Adrenaline And Hope Return! Trump Arena Takes Powerful Stand Against Mass Media Conspiracy 

How Did She Get The Healthiest Blood? No Inflammation, No Cancer, No Candida… Same Way People Have Done It For Ages! 

We Declare Human Enlightenment & Freedom. Annunaki/Reptilian Rule is OVER. By Cathy Bilsky 

Indian in the machine

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