Q-Squared Drops Bombshells All Over the Place
THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today
SOS: Q-squared Delivers a Set of Serious Messages About the POTUS
“Bolton appointment proves that
Trump is being blackmailed!”
— Q²
SOTN Editor’s Note:
Many who follow this Alt Media platform know that SOTN has been receiving authentic intel from authoritative and high-integrity sources since 2010. What follows is another excellent example of patriots in high places who are both in the know and who have great courage. It simply doesn’t get more radioactive than this.
The following deep insider’s “intelligence briefing” was forwarded by a heretofore unknown entity who calls him or herself Q². (Q² is not “Q” or “Q Anon”. They are an entirely different intel entity.) No doubt they chose SOTN because of a previous screed that we posted about John Bolton. And, because of the following series of articles that have been posted at SOTN since Trump announced his appointment of the inveterate Neocon warmonger to National Security Advisor. As follows:
Recent Posts
- John (“Bomb Iran”) Bolton, the New Warmonger in the White House
- Trump has betrayed his base, broken his promises and butchered his rep with the appointment of Neocon warmonger John Bolton
- UNPRECEDENTED: This is a stone-cold Neocon warmonger talking about John Bolton!
- John Bolton Is a National Security Threat (video)
- Why is Roger Stone backing Trump’s appointment of chickenhawk John Bolton?
- New NSC adviser John Bolton: The hawkiest hawk of the Bush administration?
- Raging Hawk John Bolton: Trump’s New National Security Advisor
- “Hello America….I’m Baaaack!” — John Bolton
- NSA-designate John Bolton: Trump’s most catastrophic appointment yet
- The Utterances of National Security Advisor-designate John Bolton
Now here’s the real back story from Q². Edits to Q²’s original submission have been made where necessary and/or appropriate.
Q² here:
Trump is being blackmailed—BIG time!
First, know that he only won the election with the help of Israel.
Israel needed a Christian Zionist in the White House.
Many reasons for this. Examples:
• Israel can only contain Iran with US military.
• Turkey can no longer be counted on to play the NATO game.
• Greater Israel project was hugely thwarted by Putin.
• Pipeline through Syria stopped.
• Netanyahu under serious threat of removal.
• Russian presence looms large in Northern Levant.
• Israel wants Russia’s naval base at Tartus, Syria gone.
• Mideast geopolitical chessboard is a total mess.
• Only an Israel firster can fix it for Tel Aviv (even though it can’t be fixed).
Enter Zionist John Bolton.
And Neocon hardliner Mike Pompeo.
And CIA torture queen Gina Haspel.
And many other COERCED [and disastrous] appointments made by Trump.
Wicked Witch of the West Nikki Haley is the worst of them.
Guess who really picked her to be U.S. Ambassador to the UN?
Exactly—I S R A E L !
~ End of 1st message ~
Q² here:
Secondly, know that Trump has a seedy underbelly.
How could he not?
Anyone who spent his career as a NYC builder,
And a gambling casino owner and operator.
And a beauty pageant promoter–Miss USA, Miss Universe & Miss Teen USA.
And a global golf course developer, etc. would be vulnerable.
VERY vulnerable!
Just look at casino magnate Steve Wynn in Vegas. One week and he’s gone—for good.
In each of his enterprises, Trump had “tremendous” (his fav word) exposure.
Especially to real bimbos. Who Trump liked.
But especially — ESPECIALLY — to MOSSAD honeytraps.
No one does it like the Israeli secret services.
That’s how they got Clinton hooked up with Lewinsky.
Monica was a classic MOSSAD honeypot.
Netanyahu wanted Clinton to free Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.
He wouldn’t, so they trapped him off with a scandalous White House affair…
And then a torturous impeachment process.
~ End of 2nd message ~
Q² here:
Since day 1 Trump knew that the MOSSAD knows every dirty little secret.
There are many! Some are quite dangerous to his presidency.
The most dangerous are held over his head like the “sword of Damocles”.
Some lurid material was released to the public during the campaign as a warning.
There was even a British tabloid article — pre-election — about an alleged ‘rape’!
That particular story may be a total fabrication, but it’s still out there on the net…
Ready to be blown up at any time by the MOSSAD blackmailers.
Now the X-rated content is being released to compel his compliance.
It comes in drips and drabs.
Every money-grubbing bimbo comes forward at a specific time.
Each female sayanim operative or MOSSAD agent ratchets up the pressure to achieve a result.
In the beginning, the main message was to remind Trump who he really works for.
However, now the real game is on.
With each passing month since inauguration the POTUS must carry out his mission…for Israel.
That mission can only be accomplished by a Christian Zionist, real or perceived.
Trump was given a VERY long leash to strut his stuff. He really is a nationalist.
They “Let Trump be Trump” to enhance his credibility and his appeal to the Right.
In this way his handlers knew he would corral the patriots…which he did.
Now they want him to form an administration of hardcore warhawks. Which he’s doing.
All of this is to push the nation into a war posture.
~ End of 3rd message ~
Q² here:
The Stormy Daniels affair is being kept in the media spotlight for various reasons.
The public is being exposed to Trump, the philandering husband.
Now there’s “Playmate of the Year” Karen McDougal.
If the directors of this Israeli psyop wanted to, they could parade many more.
This is how they do it.
They maintain a steady stream of bad press so that the victim is on edge.
They never know when the other shoe will drop.
However, in Trump’s case, they have all the goods.
The most incriminating evidence, both real and fabricated, would end his presidency.
And he knows it.
This is how they keep politicos the world over dangling from a string.
Trump has had much interaction with younger women over his entire life.
He has been in countless compromising positions–literally and figuratively.
The MOSSAD owns his entire file.
Got it?!
~ End of 4th message ~
Q² here:
Remember, Trump would not have beat Hillary were it not for Israel.
Israel controls so much more than they are given credit and blame for.
The statewide voting systems are a cinch for those cyber-crackerjacks.
That’s not to say that Trump did not win the electoral vote—he did.
It’s just that Israel made sure he was declared the official winner.
Once they put Trump in the White House, what else could be expected.
War … and more war…particularly for Israel.
The warmongering Likud Party will not rest until Iran is taken out.
And only the U.S. military machine can do that.
What you are now seeing is a steady drumbeat for war across the USA.
The warhawks are being brought back in by Trump to lead the charge.
These are the same chickenhawks under W. Bush.
They never saw an American war they didn’t like.
Of course, none of them ever fought in a war either.
Trump has signed every defense appropriation because of this push to war.
He has mentioned the need to strengthen America’s military every week.
He has stacked his key appointments since day one with flag officers.
Some of these are even on active duty.
Many of them you don’t even know.
Nor do you know where they work in the West Wing.
The whole Executive Branch is being hardened for war.
If not a regional war in the Middle East, then the hot phase of WW3.
All of these war plans are being coordinated with NATO.
The UK is taking the lead as always.
Selected countries in the EU are also being prepped.
Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy…all the usual militaries.
~ End of 5th message ~
Q² here:
How does Trump get out of this one?
They really do have him by the short hairs.
Trump is a peacemaker at heart.
His inaugural address speaks volumes about his truest intentions.
However, he underestimated the power of Deep State.
Trump also did not realize that he would have to sign a contract.
As the CEO of the U.S. Government, Inc., he was forced to sign the contract that every POTUS signs before they are sworn in.
Not only does the presidential candidate promise not to prosecute any former POTUS, VPOTUS, etc., they agree to many other unsavory things.
Any violation of said contract occurs on pain of death…or worse. [See Endnotes]
That’s why Trump changed so much once he entered the Oval Office.
No person on Earth could resist the dictates of the Shadow Government.
This isn’t City Hall, this is the U.S. Federal Government.
Now what can he do?
~ End of 6th message ~
Q² here:
Trump knows that he will lose his base if he starts a war.
Any war, and Trump is toast.
His constituents voted for a peacemaker, not a war-maker.
If he proceeds down the current path, his term will be ended.
Trump cannot fight both the Left and the Right at the same time.
If he betrays his base, he will never be re-elected.
If he fires one more missile in the wrong direction, he’s history.
Trump knows this.
His team of patriots knows this. So do the white hats.
His handlers know this, but they don’t care….
Trump is expendable since they put Pence right next to him.
Pence will prosecute any war he’s handed.
Trump knows this.
This is why he’s between a rock and a hard place.
~ End of 7th message ~
Q² here:
Just because Israel put Trump into office doesn’t mean that it was not a modern-day miracle.
After all, “God writes straight with crooked lines.”
Yes, it’s Israel that’s very crooked.
Trump could only have gotten so far without the assistance of certain power-brokers and bankers.
How could he have won otherwise?
Nothing occurs in the White House without Israel knowing.
Actually, the Neocon Zionists know well in advance of any presidential initiative(s).
This is the way it’s been since Kennedy.
And that’s why every POTUS must sign the contract.
They don’t want another JFK, and that includes Trump.
Which means that Trump will soon be forced to make decisions that violate his promises.
With the warmongers assembling quickly, they are on a serious mission.
~ End of 8th message ~
Q² here:
Spring 2018 appears to be their chosen time frame to stage a major conflict.
The warmongers are now out in force.
Just like the Iraq War, the same chickenhawks are squawking loudly.
First they used the Left and the media to incite a war against Russia.
Before that they used the Right to promote war on Iran.
All the while, the Zionists waged an apocalyptic war against Syria.
North Korea was thrown into the mix of dangerous regimes.
The same Neocon Zionist warmongers even conjured up a new “Axis of Evil”.
Trump himself was used to trumpet “Iran, North Korea and Syria” as the greatest enemies of humanity.
Now he’s expected to perform on his false and empty proclamation.
What’s he going to do?
If he breaks the central campaign promises that got him elected, he’s history.
Unfortunately, the Bolton appointment proves that Trump is being blackmailed.
Trump may not even know he’s being blackmailed.
Many other recent appointments indicate the same.
These bad actors are taking center stage for a specific reason.
Each of them will be used to provide Trump cover.
They will tell us the decisions to go to war are not his.
They are the best advice of his top advisors and military brass.
This is how they will march President Donald Trump to war.
And how he will be used to march America to war.
Whether Trump marches to the beat of a different drummer remains to be seen.
~ End of 9th message ~
Q² here:
Trump’s signing of the Omnibus Bill is another example of blackmail in action.
The hasty approval by Congress shows how they’re all bribed and blackmailed, too.
Why did Trump sign a 2232 page spending bill with so much pork in it?
$1.3 trillion ! ! !
And no one even had time to read it before voting.
Congress broke the 72-hour Transparency Rule for the first time.
They didn’t even post the entire bill online.
Bribery and blackmail of the highest order! And… … …
“The spending bill continues the more than $500 million in taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood receives each year.”
This 2018 Omnibus is yet another budgetary disaster for USA.
The $21 trillion plus national debt will balloon even more, and more quickly.
No money for the border wall, either.
Parts of it even accelerate Obama’s Amnesty!
Tellingly, POTUS received an additional $5.6 billion to fund the unlawful Syrian War.
Why does the Commander-in-chief still have his troops in Syria?
Precisely—I S R A E L !
Remember, this Omnibus financial fiasco took place just before the 60 Minutes “Stormy Daniels interview”.
C O I N C I D E N C E ? Hardly.
Honeytraps are often laid years in advance…
Only to be used later when they can really do damage.
~ End of 10th message ~
Q² here:
Trump’s expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats cannot be spun.
A former British MP called it an “act of war”.
Expelling them with no proof of wrongdoing lowered the bar.
It’s now much easier to favor military aggression over diplomatic resolution.
Not good…very sad.
Trump accepted the UK’s obviously false accusations against Russia as truth.
As always, truth is the first casualty of war.
Not far from when Trump will be ‘forced’ to press the button.
The WAR button!
What will he do then?
Now that he has given in to so many demands, he’s backed into a corner.
If Deep State can’t get rid of him, Deep State will use him.
How long can he resist the push to war?
The real Axis of Evil (US, UK & Israel) is on a mission.
That mission is war…and they’re on a tight schedule.
Trump’s best response is to upset that schedule, not support it.
Many white hats have been removed from the West Wing.
And they’ve been replaced by Neocon Zionist warmongers.
Some well-known, some covert.
~ End of 11th message ~
Q² here:
President Trump is the Commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.
He’s responsible for every bomb that’s dropped…every bullet that’s spent by the USA.
And every missile that is fired like the 60 he launched into Syria.
Also, for the U.S. military involvement in Yemen and support of Saudi Arabia.
Trump is directly responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.
Without the blessing of US Govt, the Saudis would not have devastated Yemen.
Syria continues to be a destroyed because of American occupation and Israeli interference.
The Ukraine is being equipped by Trump’s Administration with armaments for war with Russia.
US soldiers are stationed all over Eastern Europe now and Baltic nations. Why?
The same countries have been receiving advanced weaponry and military aid. Why?
The unending occupation and manipulation of Iraq has turned it into a perpetual powder keg. Why?
Trump also expanded the war in Afghanistan. Why? To protect the poppy fields?
Moving the American embassy to Jerusalem has only thrown fuel on the Middle East fire.
If Trump does not soon reverse his Mideast foreign policy, a regional conflagration will explode.
And World War III will likely follow.
The Palestinians have been treated worse by Trump than any other POTUS.
Instead of making peace between Israel and Palestine, Trump has pushed them further away from each other.
Trump’s international initiatives and military incursions have been a disaster for the world community of nations…
Contrary to his campaign promises for peace.
And each one of these foreign policy disasters leads straight back to—I S R A E L !
If he does not end his promotion of American exceptionalism for the benefit of Israel….
~ End of 12th message ~
The bottom line here is that the President Donald Trump is undoubtedly susceptible to blackmail and coercion. This perilous vulnerability is clearly Trump’s Achilles heel. It’s also why he was permitted his victory in 2016.
SOTN wrote about this stark reality back in January here: ‘Stormy Daniels’ Psyop: Why now and who’s behind it?
This situation is much more serious than meets the eye. The world is being set up for World War III as we write this. Hence, every American is now obligated to act — with conviction and all deliberate speed — to prevent yet another Neocon Zionist war.
Everyone needs to very seriously consider that:
“Trump is being blackmailed!” — Q²
When this is surely the case, Trump needs the help of We the People more than ever. He can’t do this alone. The American Republic can only be saved by the American people. Trump has already done more to liberate the U.S. citizenry than anyone else in history.
Only the American people can shut down the U.S. war machine like the peace movement did in the 1960s, and the antiwar protests did in the 1970s. In fact, the Vietnam War was the first war in recorded history that was terminated by a popular movement.
Let’s get busy!
State of the Nation
March 24, 2018
Author’s Note
It should be pointed out in light of these critical revelations that Donald J. Trump is not only a great patriot, he’s as courageous as any American who ever lived. How so? He knew that his past would come back to haunt him. That his political enemies, and especially Israel, would look under every rock for dirt. Nevertheless, he still ran for president knowing that the traitors to the Republic would come after him with a vengeance. And so they have. He always said that he really never wanted to become POTUS, and only would if no one else presented a credible candidacy. Now that’s COURAGE!
Excerpt regarding the contract signed by every POTUS since President John F. Kennedy
“They will even go so far as to make Trump sign a confidential contract which they can, and will, enforce in any number of ways. That contract includes a strict promise not to prosecute any former president for war crimes or any other high crimes and misdemeanors. As a matter of fact, every single president since JFK has been forced to sign such a contract which is only broken on pain of death.
Furthermore, according to his contract, Donald Trump would essentially agree to following the dictates of the World Shadow Government so that the compromises as president would start to come fast and furiously … and fairly soon after his inauguration. In other words, his biggest campaign promises will be broken and forgotten as though he never made them.
(Source: Donald Trump Is In Serious Trouble…
…If He Really Is His Own Man)
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One country isn’t different to the other with Illuminati just a different tool.
They’re embedded ALL through Australia and Australian government.this is a Zion illuminated country with Arabs that think they own it when The Chinese really do! Australia…. The lucky country. Bah
We can go over there and miss the target and take Israel. If they are behind the wars they can pay us taxes until the end of time. Special forces can take the helm anytime.
As far as the contract goes it can be ignored. We have enough to carry out prosecution on all the previous traitors, Trump does not need to do it. NYPD want Hillary’s ass now. Southern California is in rebellion right now against the people. The involvement in assassinations, trafficking, covert illegal wars, slavery, and many other things all have witnesses that will come forward when it is safe. The FBI, CIA, NSA, MK-Ultra, FEMA, BLManagement, illegal courts, and companion programs need shut down along with The nullification of all unconstitutional laws. So, Trump is free to prosecute and the majority of the states will back him. As I said, He can call the militias of the United states anytime he needs help.
This is DISINFO !!
Disinfo indeed :
McMaster was not fired, he did not resign, he retired. Well he’s gone
and John Bolton got hired by Donald Trump as the new NSC. Is that good
or bad ? Bolton is the well known hawk during Bush43. What matters is
that the Trump administration hired him and pays Bolton, and not like
the many many Obama holdovers (reportedly ~11,000) who are on the
payrol of the Senior Executive Service (SES). A couple of prominent
examples : Andrew McCabe is SES, the IG Horowitz, who got hired in
2001, is SES. And Trump of course cannot fire SES employees. See
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFFnT9JaG2g
This is essential information which cannot be disregarded. Alex Jones
reportedly stays away from SES with a 10 feet pole … and now says
‘I’m Off The Trump Train’. Also Stefan Molyneux did a strange video
about the OMNIBUS bill from last friday. Also disinfo … Very strange
that a guy like Molyneux publishes disinfo .
Anti-School had it right first :
All Aboard the Omnibus #AntiSchool March 24 2018
by Isaac Green , Streamed live 23 hours ago
Both Democrats and Republicans, including Donald Trump (despite all his nationalist talk), are Zionist Globalist puppets.
We all see trump acting as a whore for Israel = NWO, so it would seem overly hopeful to think Trump really can make America great again. Below are several points people need to consider regarding who is Donald Trump really:
Heads Explode As Julian Assange Exposes Trump’s “Subservience” to Terrorist Saudi Arabia
If corporate media were actually interested in exposing the alleged crimes of Trump, then why are they spending so much time faking headlines and lying about Russia when they could easily expose his ties to terrorists in Saudi Arabia? Since Trump has gotten into office, he’s proven to America that he has no intention of making America great again. Every step forward he takes, like halting the flow of cash from the CIA to ISIS, he takes several more steps back.
- http://thefreethoughtproject.com/assange-trump-saudi-subservience
Trump worth ‘more alive to us [72 banks] than dead’ [Zionist banksters leveraging Trump as a good salesman to do their bidding - this is why they decided to keep Trump afloat, rather than bankrupting him personally]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDSDDMi3GUo
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flXctOrSpDU
- /alternative/2018/02/trump-a-total-psyop-military-intelligence-russian-mafia-2-3592436.html
Babylonian Talmud, Zionism, NYC Mafia, Qanon? [Strong evidence that Donald Trump is compromised and BLOOD OWNED by the Zionist Jewish Banksters! His foreign policy has been more of the same, so is it only show on other occasions where Trump seems like a dog who bites its owner?]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2Z5buqzDtA
Truthers may be wrong about the intended use for the recently expanded Guantanamo Bay [it may not be related to the emergency executive order, nor to the FISA memo indictments to follow]. From Jim Stone:
It is the contract solicitation for a FEMA camp supervised by the Navy in Guantanamo Bay to house 13,000 illegal immigrants at a time, life span 50 years, ordered by Trump. They’d be held in tents placed on concrete slabs. The purpose of the camp is to prevent them from getting back into the U.S. easily and putting an end to “catch and release”.
- https://www.neco.navy.mil/synopsis/detail.aspx?id=485890
Ron Paul: If the economy is booming, why is homelessness skyrocketing
Prior to becoming President, Donald Trump accurately called the U.S. economy a “big, fat, ugly bubble.” That hasn’t changed, other than the big fat bubble being even uglier! Homelessness is skyrocketing. What’s going on? Ron Paul talks about government policies that create an even bigger homeless problem in the U.S.
- http://libertyfight.com/8/Ron-Paul-why-is-homelessness-skyrocketing.html
It Begins: Florida Police Now Confiscating Guns From People With No Due Process
- http://thefreethoughtproject.com/florida-man-guns-taken-due-process
It is obvious the Jews are trying to ban all religious schools, because Jewish schools will stay open! All others will be shuttered. Can it possibly be in your face more than that??!!?? What kind of idiocy do the Jews expect from the general public when they have the audacity to shut down all religious schools but their own? This strongly underscores who the Elitist controllers are.
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5495915/Sweden-vows-ban-religious-schools-tackle-segregation.html
KILL GRID: 5G Networks And Frequency Warfare
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN8dp109EPE
ISRAEL is Behind Deadly 5G Technology & The Extermination of Planet Earth!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ikVWoXDt1U
ISRAEL’S SECRET WEAPON – THE TALPIOT PROGRAM [This needs to be watched in its entirety - 39 min - Donald Trump is 100% New World Order puppet/theater artist!]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYE9UgmVrfU
Trump is specifically a product of Israeli Military Intelligence
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Hmg9geOzM0
Alex Jones Admits Israel Steals U.S Technology – Sells To America’s Enemies
[note: the closing portion of this 14 min video includes some VERY important information to be aware of]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4T-Ri8XGIw
China has started banning people with bad “social credit” from flying, taking trains, or other public transit
This is where America is headed if Google and others are not kept in check. If you post anything online that goes against the state, or get caught speaking publicly about topics the state does not want discussed, you will get a bad social credit score and then be banned from receiving basic services. From Reuters: “In a move taken straight out of a Black Mirror episode, China said it will now ban people from flights and trains if they do not have enough “social credit.”
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-credit/china-to-bar-people-with-bad-social-credit-from-planes-trains-idUSKCN1GS10S
Public Statements From Non-Zionist Orthodox Jews:
- The Torah Forbids a Jewish State
- Read the Talmud – Jews in exile are FORBIDDEN to have their own state
- Authentic RABBIS Always Opposed Zionism And The State of Israel
- Zionists do not represent Jews
- ZIONISM is STATE ORGANIZED TERROR and is the cause of Mideast bloodshed
- JUDAISM FORBIDS Opression of Palestinians
- Zionism Is The Problem – Not Fatah – Not Hamas
- True Jews Will Never Recognize ISRAEL
“Most Zionists don’t believe that God exists, but they [pretend to] believe that he promised them Palestine” [WTF?] – Israeli historian, Ilan Pappé
YOU’RE NOT ANTI-RACIST IF YOU’RE NOT ANTI-ZIONIST – International Jewish Anti-Zionist Networks
There was a time in ancient history when Canaanites (descendants of Cain) started calling themselves Jews. The word Jew did not appear in the Bible until the 18th century, which is an incorrect label when referring to Israelites/descendants of Abraham (who were Hebrews – never Canaanites/Jews). To be clear, Jesus was a Hebrew, not a Jew. So whenever the Bible uses the word Jew, the reader should substitute the word Israelite. So the Bible refers to both Israelites (God chosen people), and people who claimed to be Israelites, but really were not, namely the Canaanites/modern day Jews. In Revelation it is stated that their father is Satan.
Test Your Knowledge:
1) Who was the worlds first male Jew? [Answer - Cain]
2) Who was the physical father of the first male Jew who himself was not a Jew? [hint - it was Not Adam]
3) Are Christians correct in claiming that Jesus Christ was a Jew, or has the Christian Bible been zealously altered back in the 18th century with the intent to establish/propagandize this myth?
4) Were the Jews cursed, and if so, what was the curse?
5) Were the Jews ever considered to be God’s chosen people?
6) Are Jews descendants of the Israelites, or is it really Palestinians and blacks sold into slavery which are the true descendants of the Israelites?
7) What does any of this have to do with understanding modern day politics? [OK, I will answer this one also: Practically everything, since in the final analysis, there is practically no distinction between politics and religion. And as an aside, government too is a religion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5mZ5FBHg0A&feature=share ].
8) Is it fair to say that Zionist Christians are [UNDERSTANDABLY] some of the most deluded people politically on the face of the planet?
The Answers to these questions and more can be found below:
The Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO6VpMYAVms
CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE on where the first Jews originated from
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyit_AULVhM
New DNA Science Research Confirms – Jews Are Not Descendants of Abraham
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8eDEVjN20g
No Jews Are Israelite Descendants ~ Miko Peled Israeli General’s Son
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87s0GwZ5k48
Son of Israeli General tells the truth about Israel’s Agenda [THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH!]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZU-HeJT1sA
The Word Jew Is NOT In The Bible
But Blunt Publisher Manipulation Is
“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” – Mark Twain
The word ‘Jew’ did not come into existence until the year 1775 A.D., whereas the occurrences in the bible took place from around 4000 B.C. to 70 A.D.
The present generally accepted secondary meaning of the word “Jew” is fundamentally responsible for the confusion in the minds of Christians regarding elementary tenets of the Christian faith.
[also explained here is why it would be clearly blasphemous to state, for example to a Jew, that "Oh, Jesus was a Jew, too."]
- https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/08/29/the-word-jew-is-not-in-the-bible
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980, p. 3.
“Esau-Edom is modern Jewry” 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41 and/or vol 4 page 25. Edomites are NOT of Israel or Judah. Jews were NEVER SLAVES in Egypt with Moses: John8:33.
“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol. 10:23
Jewish Encyclopedia 1925 vol 4 page 25 “esau edom is modern Jewry”.
The Torah Is Not A Jewish Book [This 10 min video is SOLID GOLD! Nothing is as it seems with all things Jewish!]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i35-Wnq6Wcs
The Babylonian Talmud – [Satanic Secret] Religion of the ZIONISTS (CREEPY) [10 min]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0wC8ioofA0
The Church of Satan Experiencing Huge Swell in Membership as Satanism Goes Mainstream in America [and if you are a Zionist Christian you may as well add yourself to the list of Satanists since this is who you are supporting - Zionists are Luciferians - look it up!]
- /global-unrest/2018/01/the-church-of-satan-experiencing-huge-swell-in-membership-as-satanism-goes-mainstream-in-america-2498906.html
Zionists/Luciferians have “completely infiltrated the Christian church” – Ex Occultist Reveals The Truth! [AMAZING and will leave a lasting impression on you - Who better than an ex-Luciferian to recognize Luciferianism in today's churches - it is no longer safe to bring your children to church!]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br7uey7k-SQ
Even Jews Ask: Is Judaism a Satanic Cult?
- https://www.henrymakow.com/lucifers_chosen_people.html
“Are Jews The Israelites Of The Bible? The Awkward Moment When Jews Realize They’re The Goyim” [and that it is actually the Palestinians and Blacks sold into slavery who are the chosen ones/descendants of Abraham - remember, we know that Jesus Christ was black, and a Hebrew, and a descendant of the Israelites - Revelation 1:14-15 KJV describe Jesus as having white wooly hair, and feet the colour of brass as if burned in a furnace. "that's black".]
- https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/07/14/are-jews-the-israelites-of-the-bible
Shocking Experiment Shows People Will Murder Others Just to Conform to Society [This is a far cry from where society should be, as required before it can legitimately call itself humane, which is to take a stand for the following universal truths: If humans have no right to own other humans because they are sentient beings, then it follows that we have no right to own animals which are also sentient beings. Moreover, eating meat is 100% unnecessary for human survival. See also: http://damnbored.tv/everything-wrong-with-humanity [in under 4 minutes]]
- http://govtslaves.info/2018/03/shocking-experiment-shows-people-will-murder-others-just-to-conform-to-society
All contracts signed under duress are Null and Void. Trump needs to come clean, expose everything and then unleash the hounds from hell on all these traitors.
But does one sign “The Contract” AFTER The Prez takes his Oath Of Office?….If so, I’d say it makes that so called “contract” null & void?
Protecting & upholding the Constitution & safeguarding the peoples liberties from both enemies foreign & domestic shouldnt be contingent upon a signature on paper to acquiesce to “play nice”…..So by the contracts logic if a former prez clearly violated the law via a felony of any sort, or not performing certain presidential duties, -which would be breach of contract of U.S citizens of sorts in itself?… that they would be immune from prosecution?….
Sounds like a pretty good deal if one is a criminal former president eh?
They didn’t get labeled “the Synagogue of Satan” for no good reason. I don’t want this to be true but I’m afraid there’s too much evidence that suggests that it probably is. Can’t wait for the moment these ass drips get launched into the fiery pit ….. talk about a day to celebrate !
nobody cares about cares about trumps bimbos cause they are good looking! there is some tape of melania joking about it like hes is a dog but a good dog!they have nothing on the guy…there is other sellouts by ryan and macondal that are far more serious
You need to read more ! https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/2015/08/19/donald-trump-the-devils-run-for-the-white-house/
Q-squared is a stinking liberal shill that would make a turd smell good.
This is all bullshit.
millinium , can you post any evidence to support the usa inc contract to satan every president signs his soul away for sex and baby blood spirits?
also, why do you implement Israel for all the evil in the world? and that trump got some BJ from whores is not news to blackmail any one in 2018?
i was born yesterday had tea with Satan then dinner with Jesus, tonite i get to play golf with God! if you read the word you know what will happen!
trumps real issue is his lack of killing these satanists about 100,000 need to die! but its not my plan is it?
Coleman Act of 2018 i will build a gallows not a fake news wall! you come to my country you will work for my projects for 7 year
It’s all psy-op bullcrap. No doubt someone of the fringe, wet-brain-right, racist, non-military “pseudo-special-Ops” claimer. Sorry. Too little, too late. Don’t go away mad, shabby-copycat-propagandist, just go away. You have no power here. You’ve already overstated your case in typical non-hacker, wannabe fashion: Blah-Blah blah-blah, b-b-b-b-blah, b-b-b-bye!
We saved Israel for last.
Trust the plan.
Senior Executive Services SES a civilian branch of gov now on steroids since 1978 has over 8000 Federal employees paid at Vice President rate and some millions. They are never background checked, they are from ALL over the world, never fired only moved to new positions. They are in over 50 branches of govt. and most appointed by Obama. They have insidiously bent laws, broken laws to be a Trojan horse for the New World Order elite that want our guns so we cannot fight them. The NWO established an artificial consensus which allows people who hold 97% of world wealth-all the wealth and world resources. Independent of what people in the world want they have bought up major media for false propaganda and pay organizations to create chaos and division leading to wars…to take countries apart then insert their dictators.
I agree Disinfo
The Lewinsky “thing” was a coverup of China-gate.
Q2 sounds like one of the rabid anti Israel trolls that post here quite often. Some of these people are real nut cases. LOL LOL LOL
These dark men clubs for spreading evil power across our globe has grown too big for anyone person to take them out this is why GOD must return And Cleansed The Planet. There Is not One area on this world that evil has not touched to destroy from our oceans to the highest mountain and God has cleansed this old earth many of times when evil becomes too powerful and in control.
Q2 is an imposter. Not of the Q. Beware.
So where is the proof Buckwheat. I think your just a schill for the Dark Cabal trying to throw up as much chaff as you can in every direction not to get tagged with a brand new pro American…pro the Constitution TRUMP MISSILE which is aimed PRECISELY… to blow all of your Satanic Dark Cabal Deep State Brothers and Sisters and Faggot DEMONS and DISCIPLES STRAIGHT BACKTO HELL WHERE YOU ALL BELONG>>>>AND GOOD RIDDANCE!! PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS THE AMMUNITION! I HOPE ONE IS AIMED IN YOUR DIRECTION… BYE BYE NOW. YOU DO NOT MATTER….AT ALL!
What is to stop Trump from writing a contract in which everyone who forced him to sign the old contract are convicted for treason?
If Trump confesses I will forgive him provided he does the right thing for our country. He must try the American people on forgiveness and we must not let Congress impeach him.
We have to consider forgiving if it comes out he was involved with underage girls. It will be the deep state guilty for setting him up with children to begin with. We can’t let this happen anymore. I was a mk ultra sex slave and it is the people programming these kids to be sex slaves that are more guilty than the politicians who are also programmed to fornicate. We have to consider forgiving whatever comes out in order to purge the deep state. I don’t have all my memories but what I can say is Trump has a good heart. We need to help him confess and then forgive forgive forgive.
Trump should hold a banquet and provide honors for everyone involved in the deep state. Then after the media has made such honors public, one tweet will tell the American People who our true enemies are.
Do not let the devil blackmail you. Break the contracts with the truth and let’s set this world free.
Fuck Q squared Bullshit! Intelligence operative trying to disrupt Q’s base.
Hello, Anybody Out There?
-Hours prior to greater desolations US soil, where many are snarled by their unbelief!
-More Chris Green, Like The Art Of The Deception, Instead Of The Art Of The Deal, no wonder the granting lately of the single word, lowercase, bold letters, of (error, Bush’s was one error into a new fear factor). A Game As You Say Only Chris Now Played With Hundreds Of Millions Of Lives, Of Souls Laying The Unbalance Act Of No More Doomsday Passovers, No Further Delay US soil, With Tens Of Millions Dead Yours And All Others, Harsh, Reality Check!
-The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html
-They have eyes but they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed gross! As Their Stone God’s Are, So Are They, http://www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com, http://www.daniel534bc2017ad.blogspot.com
-Trump being blackmailed, is that another name for ancient beast to end time biblical fulfillment, of America this world ruler, like other sinful kingdom, nations having it’s role of doomsday now come to play? This can’t be pretty, not if anyone is in the white house, Jerusalem’s temple other than Jesus Himself, the only 1,000 year world rule God’s Will labor after these many millennials into this present hour. Evenly this biblical truth alone is why Trump’s administration has to hold the record for upsets, in the amount of it’s cabinet members it has fired, again President Trump who could just be ludacris enough to think this is just a game he’s playing, only now with hundreds of millions of men’s souls, of wanting God to just sit out of this one. Make you wonder just who is his advisor or that it’s really who Revelation 17:16-18 says it is, a puppeteering wrath of God, influencing such leaders decision making along Antichrist reign? Just don’t be dead by the tens of millions and in hell before you realize this answer, be careful how you war and build upon another’s man foundation, holy spirit and human blood/souls, whose builder and maker is God. Repent or perish, then imagined it is as the days of Moses’ Egypt, and the now 12, Nov. 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day countdowns, acting like the 10 plagues of Egypt, March 23-26th, 2018th, it’s 12th, it’s China, Russia’s death to the petrodollar, is death to America, of West Rule this planet I prophesied for decades is come.
-Thus as Moses day, there is a commanded exodus, all procrastinators are targeted by commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes of natures worse, even as Americans escape, a Nuclear to Noah’s cousin threatens. It would seem, not only is American leadership, but all West rule as the days of both Jeremiah’s King Zedekiah, right into Egypt’s Pharaoh, both have a decision of costly humility to God to make, as God alone and not themselves is God. As Moses day, even Jeremiah’s, it is, let his people go into exodus as greater, extinction levels will fall, so first as King Zedekiah, (Jer. 37), find a peaceful solution to war tactics, no more westernized bloodletting. Second, as Egypt’s Pharaoh, under God’s orders, escape all God’s people whose souls are in danger, southeast into the shores of Africa. Right along a plan of exodus, out of the way of troubles never before seen this earth, let alone this nation this world’s government. Now as far as time, a warning January 26th-29th 20018, by the seventh angel trumpet Rev. 17, was that we’re completely out of it, thus the time done lapsed dreams, Obama’s, Memphis, Booker T. Washington, first lady Obama’s, Memphis, St. Jude hospital. As so, Apostle’s, Memphis, the little Miya girl of come apocalypse all at one juncture or another, portrayed on Dunlap street of Britain’s, America’s and Canada’s come separation from this planet along itty, bitty pieces, Dan. 2), got him, got Jesus yet? see (Dan, 2, and 5, Rev. 6 6th seal and 17/18, Chpts), see more here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/02/o-lord-our-lord-how-excellent-is-thy.html