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Exposing The Trinity Lie…

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….and with it its Cainite-Judeo-Roman Catholic Babylonian roots – Part 1


Nothing betrays the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion’s or mainstream Christianity’s sandy Babylonian (Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy) foundations more than The Trinity Lie. It is the humdinger proof and magical link that ties in all the Protestant denominations (demon-inations) to this satanic money making organisation. These denominations (demon-inations) are just schisms or splinters, via the Protestant ‘protest’ – and a feeble protest at that against their mother in Rome. The VatiCain in Rome is the spiritual home of their whoring harlot mother and they are her slapper daughters – period, whether they like to be told it or not and/or whether they are prepared to admit it or not. Indeed, some deluded adherents of these whoring counterfeit schisms, use Mickey Mouse mathematics in a pathetic attempt to prove that the trinity is true. Here is their Einstein trinity equation: 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. Wow! I would cry with laughing if it were not so wretchedly blasphemous, sinful and wicked.


Moreover, what has this unbiblical infantile idea got to do with The Truth that two distinct beings – The Father and The Son, reign in heaven with The Son at The Father’s right hand? I’ll tell you, nothing, absolutely nothing, but what this Biblical Truth does tell us is this. It tells us that the trinity is a lie and that the Godhead is a Godhead of two distinct Spiritual Beings; a Duality Godhead – The Truth. The Godhead is not a monotheistic ogre god with one eye, nor a triune ogre god with three eyes who at various other times mutates into an equally mythical Judaic monotheistic ogre god with one eye.


Both the above depictions of God are satanic in origin and are anti-Christ in nature and essence. In the first instance we have the ogre god of Galatians, which Paul warned the first century Church about, with its one eye being the representation of all monotheistic ogre god religions, otherwise known as Judaism and Islam. Islam, like Judaism, is monotheistic with its similarities with Judaism. This is a classic example of how the Devil is not divided – religious slavery and legalism is united and it rules, OK!!?? In its Christian religious guises ogre god monotheism is known as Unitarianism or Pentecostal Oneness and no doubt there are many other mainstream Christian clowns out there who have thought up numerous other titles and examples for their meaningless monotheistic denominations.


There are thousands of denominations (demon-inations) out there folks, and all of them showing unbelievers by their examples that the ‘church’ is divided (giving Yashua Messiah a bad name) and all of them teaching a false gospel, with all of their beliefs based upon ogre gods of one kind or another whether triune or monotheistic.


JW’s, too, put their faith in a form of this monotheistic ogre god with their created ‘Jesus’ or their non-’Jesus’ or another ‘Jesus’, and, in so doing, deny the God with God Truth as written in the Holy Scriptures. They openly deny and/or explain away The Truth of the True Godhead arrangement which includes Yashua Messiah as self-existent (The Eternal) God with God with no beginning and no end. So by removing Yashua Messiah as God with God, from the Godhead what are they left with? I’ll tell you, the monotheistic ogre god with one eye – who else!! Can you see the futile trickery of it all? If not, you have a big, big problem – an anti-Christ problem! (Please see my follow up article entitled: “If You Worship The Trinity Are You an Antichrist?”)


Now in the second instance of this demonic mayhem and confusion we have the infamous ogre god with three eyes – the trinity ogre god, but with the ability to be an ogre god with one eye as well. This is a more multi-purpose fantastical deity and a bit trickier to understand, because at any one moment it is three and then the next moment it is one. Rest assured, too, that no one in mainstream Christianity (The Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion) knows when this mind boggling morphing takes place! Is it any wonder that mainstream Christians are always confused!!??


Amazingly, in all the years that I wasted as a member of mainstream Christianity, no one ever explained to me the purpose of this multifaceted useless god, a god of now you see him, now you don’t, just like the shell game. Furthermore, no one ever explained to me how the morphing of three gods into one took place or why it would be necessary for the Godhead to do these things. How would it be advantageous to the Godhead and what logical purpose would it solve? Are you beginning to get the picture about this humbug triune deity? I do hope so.


Moreover, we can now see what an illusive ogre god it is, this multi-purpose multifaceted god; a proper little trickster of tricksters ‘he’ is and, of course, “tricks” is the operative word, because like the shell game it has its origins in sorcery or magic. Babylon and Egypt were built on mysticism and sorcery along with philosophy. Just read the Book of Daniel and his dealings with King Nebuchadnezzar and his ‘assistants’ for all the evidence.


Moving forward in time we have Simon Magus, the founder of the counterfeit organisation in Rome, he was a big time sorcerer and deceiver with his own brand of money making sorcery known as Simony. Simony is a spirit and it’s the evil spirit of buying and selling things spiritual, hence this mongrel dog son of the Devil tried to buy the Holy Spirit from Peter. You can read all about him in Acts 8. In turn, this Simony phenomenon became the foundational spirit of Roman Catholicism with its love of filthy lucre and its common place policy of selling salvation (indulgences), whether through ‘good works’ (in reality this was just unpaid labour) or actual hard cash or in days of old payment by precious metals and gems.


This, too, is the Simon that Papists conveniently, but erroneously and blasphemously, confuse with Simon Peter. It is this very same Simon Magus whose statue sits in the building known as St Peter’s in the Vatican (real name VatiCain). Vatican means House of Divinations or House of Demons. Please note: all religion, including the AngliCain Christian religion, comes from Cain and his descendants, via Ham and Naamah, Noah’s wife to the Canaanites, the Midianites, the Hittites and the Kenites and their descendants are still with us to this day. They now rule this world via the corrupt Canaanite Jewish banking system and their unholy allies in Rome, under Satan’s directions. This stronghold is known as the Synagogue of Satan.


OK, I have digressed a little above, so back to the thread of exposing the trinity lie. So where, and when, did this evil trinity fabrication start, because Yashua Messiah never taught the trinity and nor did His Learners, erroneously called disciples, who later became His Messengers (Apostles)? So if they didn’t teach it, who invented it and polluted the Holy Scriptures with it? Why, yet another Christian Religious illegitimate and magician called Tertullian (circa 200 AD), he conjured it up, and then another Christian religious illegitimate called Jerome (circa 390 AD) added these evil magical ideas to his blasphemous Latin Vulgate Bible. Notice, here, the lowest common denominator, that of Cain’s descendants; it’s always his descendants – The Tares and they are invariably vain Bible intellectuals. This is how we identify them, for they are those who add their useless evil intellectual humbug to God’s Holy Word.


Well now, this may all be so, but where is your Biblical proof and evidence that the trinity is a lie, I hear you say? Easy, just turn to 1 John 5:7-8 for the answers and all the proof and evidence you will ever need. These two verses along with Matthew 28:19 are the only two references in the whole of the Holy Bible to the trinity. You will find no other Holy Scriptures that make mention of it; the only places you will find it described is here and in Matthew 28:19 (I deal with Matthew 28:19 in another article entitled: “Should Christians be Baptised into Yashua Messiah’s (The Lord Jesus Christ’s) Name Alone? – Part 1”).


1 John 5:7-8 (KJV) For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.


Now even without me providing the proof that these verses were an addition by Tares to the Holy Scriptures, we have to start asking ourselves one or two pertinent questions, that’s if we are like the wise Bereans who always checked out everything Paul said to see if it was so.


Acts 17:10-11 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. (Emphasis mine)


The first question we need to ask ourselves is this: Can or should we put our faith in a counterfeit universal organisational concept based upon two and a half verses of supposed Holy Scripture, especially, when the meaty concepts of the Good News message i.e. of the coming Kingdom, Salvation, Faith and Grace are to be found throughout the whole Bible, even in the Old Testament in hundreds of Holy Scriptures? By contrast you will not find any mention of the trinity in the Old Testament, which in turn means you cannot prove the trinity from the Old Testament and that’s because it ain’t there folks – DOH!!


If we then take this point a little further and realise that Yashua Messiah (the Lord Jesus Christ) taught from the OT Scriptures we then know why the trinity was never taught by Yashua Messiah. This also means that, from the counterfeit Christian Religious perspective, the Godhead has changed from being a Duality Godhead into a triune godhead, just for the benefit of New Testament readers and believers. This, when, all the while we know, the solid gold Truth, that the Godhead does not change; they have never changed and they have always been God with God – a Duality Godhead in the Old Testament and a Duality Godhead in the New Testament.


Here Yashua Messiah speaks for The Godhead:


Mal 3:6 For I am the LORD (The Eternal), I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. (Brackets mine)


The crucial issue here though is this; the trinity doctrine is the hinge pin of the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion. They all believe in it, apart from the equally blasphemous monotheistic segments of the same Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion. They all believe in this same triune deity which is, in reality, an Ancient Babylonian/Egyptian/Hindu deity. This triune deity is what they all have in common so, by default, it links them all together and they cannot escape this Truth. In fact, it bonds them inextricably together. Obviously, they hate it when this Truth is brought to their attention and they will even tell blatant lies or stubbornly live in some surreal world of denial in order to try and explain this fundamental, foundational Truth away and they do this, because they do not want to be associated with their popish whore mother in Rome/Babylon with all her evil sins of yesteryear and continuing to this day.


The latest trick I heard recently from some deluded wretch was that the Protestant trinity is different from the Papist one – oh what a cracker!! Chuckle chuckle chuckle. The stuff these people come out with in order to defend the indefensible.


As an example of this I will quote the recent remark of an objector on this subject:


All mainstream Christians are not Catholic by default. That’s like saying all humans are ‘saved’ by default.


Celebrating holidays are not Christian doctrine, they are simply tradition. I am fully aware that these holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, and others, were once pagan holidays that were converted to Christian holidays, for the most part by the Catholic Church”


Notice how he immediately uses an irrelevant comment and at the same time denies The Truth of the link that is the trinity lie; a false doctrine that holds them all together in union. OK, in fairness, we were not discussing the trinity lie as the main topic, but we need to note that the uniting bond of the trinity is not registering in his mind – he is blind to the reality of it, so therefore denies his Babylonian whorish Roman Catholic roots. He also shoots himself in the foot by adding in the other mainstream Christian unifying evidence of Christmas and Easter, which, he says, were once pagan holidays. Well I have news for him and you, they still are pagan holidays and the Christianised versions are but Roman Catholic in origin, and yes they are traditions – the vain traditions of men!!! What the Christianising of these events represents is just a papering over the cracks of satanic festivals, they are nothing to do with repentance or with Christianity at all, but they are everything to do with the god of this world – the Devil for they are both his festivals.


Col 2:8 (KJV) Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.


Having said all that, let’s now take a look at these added corruptions in 1 John 5, and I will quote them here again from the KJV:


1 John 5:7-8 (KJV) For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.


Before I expound on the invalidity of these verses we need to understand the spiritual dimension that is involved here, for this is blatant tampering and evil corrupting of God’s Holy Word through a MAN MADE ADDITION. We need to understand, most of all, that there is an agenda at work here and that a precedent is being set. In British and American Habeus Corpus Law we all know the all encompassing importance of the Law of Precedent and so it is with this agenda of corrupting Holy Scriptures and these verses in 1 John 5 are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how many corruptions there actually are in the KJV.


Many years ago, as a rookie student of Holy Scriptures, the discovery of this satanic passage was my shock filled initiation into the total reality that is the errant King James Bible. It is not inerrant, as many would have you believe. Anyone who boasts in Bible inerrancy is either totally deluded, a liar or most likely both.


Moving on we now come to the evidence. First, I will quote Adam Clarke from his commentary:


It is likely this verse is not genuine. It is wanting in every MS. of this epistle written before the invention of printing, one excepted, the Codex Montfortii, in Trinity College, Dublin: the others which omit this verse amount to one hundred and twelve.”


I will apologise for Mr Clarke with his: “It is likely this verse is not genuine” politeness and lack of “in-yer-face” bluntness that should be used in describing this evil addition i.e. this verse is utter excrement of the most foul kind. Notice, too, that the demonic Irish Papists at their Trinity College (how appropriate) in Dublin even had a corrupted version of the Greek MSS as well.


In my Greek Interlinear NIV Bible (even the wretched NIV has got something right!!) it says, and I quote:


Late MSS of the Vulgate add in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one, and there are three that testify on earth.”


So here we can see from just two sources alone that The Holy Scriptures have been corrupted by Tares. This took place many centuries ago and was carried out by blaspheming illegitimates of the worst kind; the principal culprits being the mongrel dogs Tertullian and Jerome. Origen was another conspirator but I won’t go into his antics in this article.


OK, I will end here for now and continue with more proof in part two

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    Total 40 comments
    • Anonymous

      Accepting your hypothesis that the Father and Son, at least, are in the Godhead, I asked the Father in the name of the Son (keeping His commandments, so that I might abide in Him,) about the Holy Spirit. He replied that the Holy Spirit was indeed a part of the Godhead, and that I could prove this by asking Him (the Father) in the name of the Son, to fill me with this Person. I did this experiment, and immediately had my eyes and ears open to be intimately responsive to this third Person of the Godhead. Been walking in the Spirit ever since, mainly because this enabled me to realize or get what I had been hoping for. Glory, honor, immortality, the power to overcome evil with good, love, peace, laughter, good food, a life filled with profitable words and activities, with few regrets and little shame.

      He is the Spirit of truth, and if you start with the assumption that He does not exist, you will perforce fail to discover Him. Unless you receive the love of the truth, you will be deluded, by scripture, your understanding, the wisdom you have in your own eyes, all provided by God Himself through His great spirit of delusion. Read all about it in Thessalonians. No point in reading the scriptures if you are not going to follow the scriptural rules for getting their point right.

      Hope you repent. That will make God happier than your being “right.”

      • yes2truth

        You will need to read the next parts of this series of articles in order to gain a full understanding and then I look forward to YOUR repentance. Otherwise your fate will be that of all those deluded Roman Catholics.

        • Anonymous

          Thank you for wanting me saved from the religious trap that ends in Hell, from delusion, for misunderstanding, and hoping I find something to repent of.

      • yes2truth

        Further to your comment and strong rebuttal:

        1) The Truth is not a hypothesis and your use of the word betrays your religious intellectual credentials i.e. a man of religion, not a man of God.

        2) If you are literally ‘keeping His commandments’ you have no need of His Grace nor any need of His sacrifice i.e. you are still living under the law – Old Covenant.

        3) If this really occurred: “and immediately had my eyes and ears open to be intimately responsive to this third Person of the Godhead.” Then you were under demonic influences and it was demons giving you this false information.

        Yashua Anointed (The Lord) is The Truth, the Holy Spirit is the Living Power that enables us to receive what The Lord has to say. The Holy Spirit is an ‘it’, not a ‘he’.

        • yes2truth

          Should be: Further to your comment and a strong rebuttal:

        • Anonymous

          Thank you for wanting me saved from the religious trap that ends in Hell, from delusion, for misunderstanding, and hoping I find something to repent of.

          Perhaps you will state for us your strategy for knowing what is true. My religion is visiting widows and orphans in their distress, and keeping myself unstained from the world. I pray to be diligent in intellectual integrity. God forbid that I would perish for a lack of knowledge, because I was too lazy or cowardly to face the truth. Your If-then logic of point 2) escapes me. We must understand the word, “keep” differently. As to 3), do you fear the sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? When I asked for the Spirit, I first asked Her/it (I stand corrected. Thank you.) to speak to me of Yeshua. She said that He walked in the flesh to save me, and that She could not speak of such wisdom if she were not of the God, Jehovah, Father of Yeshua, commonly called Jesus. And, as I noted, the fruit was good. Does the devil destroy His own works?

          I like your last comment. Agree completely.

        • Anonymous

          I read your comment about anonymous posters, and I agree.

          I also am opposed to the term, “trinity,” not liking the thought of my wife and called a duality, even a duo.

          Don’t forget that faith is evidence. Of things not seen. Like science. Certainty? Well, if any man thinks he knows something, he doesn’t know anything as he ought.

        • yes2truth

          @ truthlover “and hoping I find something to repent of.” —- We all have something to repent of and that repentance should come at the time of our baptism which should be into Yashua Anointed’s name alone – not into the trinity.

          “Perhaps you will state for us your strategy for knowing what is true” —- I have no strategy, nor any agenda other than His Agenda. The Truth is Yashua Anointed – there is no other Truth. He is The Truth and speaks only the truth. All lies are of The Devil, for he is the father of lies through Cain at the VatiCain and the AngliCain Communion + the Canaanite Jews (the Rothschilds) – mistakenly referred to as Crypto-Jews.

          Keeping the commandments means holding them as precious in our hearts so the Spirit of The Law is maintained and not the Letter of The Law i.e. he who loves his brother even when he has been abused and ill-treated by his brother has fulfilled The Law.

          “Do you fear the sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?” — No, for it will never happen in my life and Yashua Anointed will see to it that it never happens. Do you understand what blasphemy of The Holy Spirit is?

          Why are you grieving the Holy Spirit by referring to it as a ‘her’?

        • yes2truth

          @ truthlover,

          Faith can easily be misplaced, especially and mostly in religion – there is no salvation in any religion.

          Karl Marx was correct when he said: “Religion is the opium of the people.”

    • Anonymous

      Are you a Jehovah or a member of the 7th day adventist cult?

      • yes2truth

        Why are you asking those questions and why haven’t you read the article so that you can make a reasonable comment or question its contents?

    • Anonymous

      Hey everyone, let’s welcome the deceiver, aka Lucifer, to the party!

      • yes2truth

        There is no premium on ignorance.

        • Sleepers Awake

          Scratch another off the End Times prerequisite list: false prophets

        • yes2truth


    • 10000rpm

      Adventist teach trinity doctrine so you can count them in. JW not sure if they do but as a jew I do know this ” Hear O Yisreal YHWH is one” Moshiach stated this also so I will go with that and not some crazy trinity straight from babylon. Xtians always seem to have trouble counting.

      • yes2truth

        Read the article and you will learn about what JWs teach.

    • Pix

      The trinity is not a lie, in fact it’s one of the few things that has some logic to it. Israel spells out the 3 solar deities of the Semites. OsirIS + Ra + El = Israel. Israel represents the 3 aspects of the suns minimum, maximum and balanced activities. 3 deities in 1, that freeze, cook and gives bounty.

      • yes2truth

        Oh no, not Pix – the one dimensional bore who knows very little about anything. Have you considered taking up a new hobby? How about tidily winks?

    • Louis

      Nearly every successful functional family in the history of the world has been composed of a trinity — father, mother, child — with each component taking on a larger dimension than itself.

      It is therefore logical to conclude that God is a Trinity of Three Distinct Persons sharing one Divine Nature. “Let US create man in OUR image, in OUR likeness.” (GEN. 1:26)

      To whom is God speaking except to Others (the Son and the Spirit) who share in His unique power to create.

      • yes2truth

        Father, Mother, Two children – one boy, one girl – where’s your trinity now?

        Unfortunately man’s logic has the value of an empty baked bean can when compared with The Lord’s knowledge and wisdom.

        God is communicating with God – Father to Son only He was not yet The Son at that point in time. He was God with God – Elohim plural, not Eloha singular.

        To say that the Holy Spirit was there as a person means you are reading that in having been indoctrinated with Popery nonsense which you no doubt blindly believe.

        • Louis

          The Hebrew term “Elohim” is literally translated to mean “a plurality of majesty,” conveying the notion of God existing in a multiple form.

          Beyond that, every single point you made in your response to my post makes no sense.

          Clearly, you have rendered yourself incapable of logical reasoning.

          Christ established the Papacy. When you malign the Holy Office, you malign Christ. And when you malign Christ, you further the cause of hell unto your own ruination.

          I take no delight in seeing anyone descend into the abyss. Instead, it makes me sad.

        • yes2truth

          Papist humbug and hogwash.

          Christ established the Papacy – you what!!!???

          Peter was never a Bishop of Rome. Peter was the apostle to the Israelites in Britain – the first church was founded there in 37 AD.

          Paul was the Apostle to Rome, not Peter.

          I have no need of logic or reasoning – I leave that to Popish Pharisees and other mongrels.


      yes2truth.. i enjoyed reading your article.

      • yes2truth

        Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it. Watch this space for more enjoyment. You never know I might even cheer up the miserable anonymous Papist. LOL

    • Anonymous

      It is very fitting that you end with a quote explaining that “God” never changes. What we read about this demented and psychotic Archon in Leviticus is the real face of evil, the author of confusion and instigator of torture, terror and genocide. You have an interesting way of muddying the waters.

      As for Simon Magus, like all Bible thumpers, you rely on one interaction told from a clearly prejudiced position to demonize an outstanding and enlightened entity. You have no concept of “energy for energy” which was and still is prevalent in seekers of true knowledge. To obtain something of worth, one must be willing to offer something of equal value. Simon understood this well, as do many who seek higher wisdom, wisdom that has been purposely held back by these despotic and anti-christ religions. It always makes me grin….”God” is supposed to the creator of all things and yet always seems to need money.

      Any god from any religion is merely one of many who were created this reality for us, that soul spark inside of us. We are superior to them and they are well aware of it. Their greatest fear is that we remember our true origins and power. They do not own us any more than an architect owns the tenant of the house that they’ve built. They have many devotees, like the author of this piece, who try to equate the teachings of Christ and the maniacal demands of Yahweh (known as Yamm in the Ugaritic pantheon) as having no contradictions. One of the numerous problems with Bible thumpers, like this author, is they rely on personal opinion and interpretation based on a singular set of texts of dubious authorship and origin.

      • yes2truth

        “It is very fitting that you end with a quote explaining that “God” never changes.”

        This article is only part 1 of four or five articles aimed mostly at deluded mainstream Christians. The ‘healthy’ have no need of the physician!!!

        “It always makes me grin….”God” is supposed to the creator of all things and yet always seems to need money.”

        Hmm looks like you have an inability to separate God from religion – all religion was invented by ‘clever’ men like you, and it also looks like we have a pot thinking he knows better than the potter. LOL All is vanity.

        I will thank you, though, for proving that the carnal mind of man has no limits when it comes to arrogance and foolishness in the face of his Creator. Good job He has a sense of humour.

    • Troll King

      Here’s a trinity for you; Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest! I see those three in every religion on earth! :twisted:

      • Troll King

        @Anonymous above

        You certainly have a way with words! I think that it’s more important to live by your truths and by example than to quarrel over doctrines. If the attributes of love are practiced always and you lead by example then what greater testimony to your faith can that be! It takes great humility to do this and humility is missing from most people in all religions!

        • yes2truth

          @ Anonymous No 2

          Anonymous No 1 has no truth – all he has is religion and religion is magick, sorceries and lies. Furthermore, this thread is not about religion, it’s about The Truth – The Way – Yashua Anointed

      • yes2truth

        Precisely – only I would not have put it quite like that. LOL

        BTW following Yashua Anointed is not religion. It’s the mongrel dogs of Rome that turned His message into a religion.

        • yes2truth

          I do wish people would show some courage and use at least a user name if not their own names.

        • Troll King

          The Roman Catholic Church made it into a religion of fear, power and control! Catholicism has always been a tool used widely for population control. I remember how my family used to fear the priests and made sure they did what the priests told them to do. They were like good little non-thinking robots!

          The mongrel dog of Rome twisted the true message to their advantage! Does the true message exist anymore? Is it locked away in the Vatican Vaults never to be seen again?

        • Troll King

          Are we left with a distorted book of twisted truths which are no longer true to their meaning? Are the original truths lost because of the Catholic Church’s quest for power and control? If we are left with an abomination of writings which are not true, but only partly true then what do we have? Is a half truth, a lie or the truth? So once again I ask, does the truth exists anymore?

        • Troll King

          It’s no wonder that our world is so screwed up! People have been following these half truths blindly believing them to be true! Then we mix in the other world religions and….BAM…we have a recipe for conflict! Love is then forgotten about and “an eye for an eye” is the new rule!

        • yes2truth

          @ Anonymous

          “The Roman Catholic Church made it into a religion of fear, power and control!” — All religion is man made at the behest of The Devil, not just Catholicism. The Roman Cult is just a continuation of the savage and satanic The Roman Empire which was the 4th part of a dynasty of empires beginning with Babylon to Persia to Greece to Rome. In and around 400 AD it lost its military might and morphed into a religious money making corporation/cult based on Simony – the founder being Simon Magus, not Simon Peter as deluded Papists like to think. Peter was never a bishop of Rome.

          Your family’s negative experiences have served you well even though they would not have been very pleasant to go through. Had you not gone through them you would not now have the sound knowledge caused by those negative experiences.

          The Holy Scripture as written in the KJV are still The Holy Scriptures but they are corrupted in places and we have to sift the Truth from the contaminations. E.G in The New Testament if a passage taints of legalism i.e. Old Covenant teaching and is not of Grace then you know there’s a problem. That’s the general rule of thumb I use, but then you must realise that The Law ruled until Yashua Anointed was crucified and resurrected – then Grace came in. Yashua Anointed lived under The Law and kept The Law in the Spirit of The Law not the letter of The Law.

    • Nunyabiz

      Matthew 12:31. Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven.
      32 And whoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in the age to come.

      • yes2truth

        The fact that blasphemy against The Holy Spirit carries a far more severe punishment proves to us that The Holy Spirit is a very different entity from The Father and The Son. This fact alone should tell you that the Holy Spirit is not just another personage of a triune Godhead.

    • Nunyabiz

      John 16:7 CJB
      Complete Jewish Bible
      But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I don’t go away, the comforting Counselor will not come to you. However, if I do go, I will send him to you.
      Read John 16 CJB  |  Read John 16:7 CJB in parallel  

      • yes2truth

        Please read parts 2, 3 & 4 of this series of articles in order to gain proper understanding of who The Comforter really is.

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