
I was born in our nation's Capitol, Washington, DC, at the headquarters of the USAF, Bolling AFB. For most of my childhood and teen years, I lived within walking distance of historic Mount Vernon, Virginia, home to our first President, George Washington, a devout Christian.His example served to deeply inspire me throughout my younger years. I am proudly a direct descendant of the courageous Mayflower Pilgrims through John and Priscilla Alden. My God-fearing and deeply devout ancestors were part of the Christian backbone of the founding of America on the solid foundation of the Word and Commandments of Almighty God.They fought in the American Revolution, and one was even a Congregationalist circuit-riding preacher in Connecticut. I became a born-again Christian in 1971 in a Church of God outside DC, following five years of illness in which I almost died...but through prayer Jesus healed me completely.I have attended Bible College(ELIM in Lima, NY), YWAM,the Slavic Gospel Association's Institute of Slavic Studies to study Christian outreach to Russians and to understand more about Communism and how to confront it, and other schools of Christian training. Christian missionary outreach has always been a major part of my life, to many different people groups (Russians, Native Americans, the unborn children of America through Christian pro-life outreach, and more.) When I first began publishing investigative journalism regarding suspicious events such as the OKC BOMBING and WACO, I began unexpectedly receiving insider info from actual Pentagon and CIA insiders ( including CIA/ONI Michael Maholy and Pentagon,and later many others as time went on, began to reveal to me the factual horrific insider plans to transform America someday into a brutal Communist-inspired NWO dictatorship. I also began receiving information about the secret detention camp GULAG system being set up nationwide to deal with Patriotic and freedom-loving Americans and Christians who would someday understandably and justifiably rise up in righteous protest against the imposition of a communist styled police state dictatorship. Finally, a sense of urgency coupled with both anger and a desire to warn and somehow protect my fellow Americans from the coming police state became the start of 17 years now of intense investigative journalism on behalf of millions of my beloved endangered fellow Americans. I have intentionally put my life at risk repeatedly to perform this dangerous type of journalism, and have chosen to lay my life down on behalf of millions of my endangered fellow Americans and Christians in this urgent hour. God help me if I could do anything less, due to all that I have uncovered by now. My fellow Americans DESERVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH IN THIS DESPERATE HOUR...because AN AMERICAN HOLOCAUST IS COMING. Please reader, turn to Jesus Christ in this hour, and receive His eternal salvation from your sins today Look to God through Jesus Christ for the help you will need to bring you through the times we ALL face now in AMERICA. And even as our Founding Fathers, including George Washington, spent much time in prayer and reading God's word for hope, strength and guidance leading to VICTORY OVER THE ENEMY, so we can also do with confidence TODAY. Please do so TODAY.I would not be alive today, if I had not turned to God through Jesus Christ 40 years ago. Through 40 years of often dangerous Christian ministry and 17 years of challenging investigative journalism that frankly has been life-threatening at times, Jesus Christ has been my source of great comfort, strength,protection and endurance. Make Him YOURS as well. Pamela Rae Schuffert
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First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

