
Blue Grass Bulletin
Marcus Carey is a successful lawyer with over 30 years of trial court experience. He is not only an accomplished advocate in the courtroom, but also a trusted advisor to small businesses, and a respected negotiator. Marc is a farmer, talk radio host, public speaker and fearless publisher of the widely read, and often quoted conservative blog He is also a regular contributor to one of the Internet’s most exciting source of reliable news, As a lawyer Marc has championed cases of major corporate corruption, championed cases for the disabled and stood courageously in defense of the United States Constitution time after time. Marc has served in many leadership positions within his state bar association as well as having a long history of writing and speaking about professional and governmental ethics. Marcus Carey is the author of many published editorials. He has been quoted and written about most recently on a national level regarding the federal lawsuit he brought in his own name to advance the First Amendment right of voters to have access to more information about the men and women who seek to be elected as judges. He is quoted as saying that his purpose in bringing the suit was "to open up the selection process of judges and to create a better informed citizenry in whose hands rests the exclusive constitutional power to elect the men and women who sit in judgment of our lives and our liberty." He and his wife of 37 years live on a farm in North Central Kentucky. Together they have raised two fine sons, dozens of horses, acres of tobacco, herds of cattle and a yard full of dogs. Drawing upon his experiences as a hunter, woodsman, sharpshooter and wilderness traveler Marc sees details in the world which many of us miss. As a professional speaker and trial lawyer he shares his extraordinary experiences in a way which gives his audience a brand new perspective on the world around us. And with over 40 years of campaign experience, including service as the former vice chairman of the Republican Party of Kentucky, Marc has combined his insider’s view of politics with his Forest Gump like experiences including personal contact with JFK, LBJ, Bob Dole, both Presidents Bush and many other highly regarded leaders into a life which gives him the ability to talk with juries and audiences alike from a perspective and with a sense of humor which is both enjoyable and persuasive.
Valid 10 years unless revoked
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

