
Duke Montana
I am nobody special. In fact I could be similar to you or your neighbor. I drive a 4x4 truck, go to church and have become a victim of the 2008 financial oops that put me out of a 14-year career. I joined the Army instead of going to college. While in AIT school I was recruited to work at a Govt. agency that required a level two Top Secret clearance just to get in the building. Four years later I got out, and all that I learned while there has proved worthless to my overall career. But I did have fun and made some good friends. Roughly four years ago I had a life changing conversation with a childhood friend who asked me one question. “Had I ever heard of the Bilderberg Group”. A year later another friend from school asked me if I knew of “building seven falling, (on its own) nine hours after the first plane hit the Twin Tours”. I said no to both, however, that was the beginning of hours of research that has led me to where I am today. I am a Christian prepper who continues to learn things about our society and Government that make me wonder if our forefathers would be more than disappointed. I write to educate those who are on the fence and to try and get people to start thinking for themselves instead of becoming dependent on technology. The things I write about has come from personal experience or researching the subject from various sources.
Valid 10 years unless revoked
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Have You Noticed the Difference?
29 views | Opinion | Jul 11 2016 19:31
The High Altitude EMP
671 views | Prepper | Jul 09 2016 19:43
Surviving Cold Weather
586 views | Prepper | Jul 05 2016 19:15
Are You Ready
5088 views | Prepper | Jul 03 2016 09:43

