
Cape County Tea Party
Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize fellow citizens, to secure public policy consistent with Fiscal Responsibility, Founding Principles, and Constitutionally Limited Government under God. What is the Tea Party Movement About? We are often asked, “What is the Tea Party Movement about?” I will tell you!!! It is about Principles, not Politics. Our leaders must fight for right – not re-election. It’s about Culture, not Collectivism. The American way is to encourage free enterprise – not increased government control of our lives. It’s about History, not Heresy. Do you know that the NEA and the Dept of Education are rewriting our history books to leave God out? It’s about Liberty, not Liberalism – the freedom to pursue our dreams without a larger & larger government crushing those dreams. It’s about Love, not Licentiousness. Where is the sincerity and real concern in leaders? How many have publicly shown their disrespect for humanity with their immoral ways? The Tea Party Movement is about Truth, not Totalitarianism. We will not be controlled by a leadership that has no respect for the truth. It’s about Honest Government, not Gerrymandering, about Fairness, not Favoritism. Down with redistricting for political gain, bribery of our Senators, closed door meetings, and pork barrel spending. This movement is about Freedom, not Fascism. Government control of commerce, banking, business, and trade is now here. Forcibly suppressing criticism or opposition has begun. It must stop!! We want Economic Growth, not Ecologic Control. The Tea Party Movement is about… Opportunity, not Conformity. It’s about Healthcare, not Welfare. It’s about Moral Institution, not Wealth Redistribution. It’s about Education, not Indoctrination. Won’t you join us? Join us in the Tea Party! Because we are not about Whining – we are about Winning. Written by John McMillen & Anna Voelker Sikeston Missouri – April, 2010
Valid 10 years unless revoked
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

