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U.N. Bucket List
Thursday, June 6, 2013 14:23
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Step 1.
National governments will relinquish control of their money, float their currency, and remove all controls over the flow of money into and out of the country.

Step 2.
National governments will continue the practice of borrowing from the international bankers to finance their affairs.

Step 3.
National governments will depend on international investment for all future development.

Step 4.
National governments will ensure international (not national) ownership of their banks and financial institutions by transnational corporations and global investors.

Step 5.
National governments will wind back spending on welfare and social programs, including education and health.


Step 6.
National governments will ensure international (not national) ownership of their industries, and business by transnational corporations and global investors.

Step 7.
National governments will remove all impediments to the activities of transnational corporations and global investors in exploiting their resources including human.

Step 8.
National governments will abolish all measures, including exemptions under Trade Practices legislation, which protect or assist small/medium sized nationally owned business.

Step 9.
National governments will abolish all forms of protection (tariffs, import restrictions, subsidies) for local industries.

Step 10.
National governments will disempower unions, abolish wage fixation, and allow their labour forces to compete in an unregulated global labour market.


Step 11.
National governments will sell all publicly-owned, government-run enterprises and public utilities to transnational corporations and global investors.


Step 12.
National governments will ensure international (not national) ownership of farms by transnational agribusiness corporations and global investors.

Step 13.
National governments will adopt policies of producing for export, and importing for local consumption.

Step 14.
National governments will abolish all forms of protection (tariffs, import restrictions, subsidies) for locally owned farms.

Step 15.
National governments will enter into agreements with international bodies which hand over ownership and control of their countries’ natural resources.


Step 16.
National governments will sign multilateral treaties at the United Nations which surrender their political and legal sovereignty.

Step 17.
National governments will adopt policies of ‘regionalism’ and ‘multiculturalism’, and other policies which will eventually eliminate national borders, culture, and identity, and create global citizens.

Step 18.
National governments will agree to implement globally determined environmental, social and cultural programs in their country.


Step 19.
National governments will wind back their national armed forces to levels sufficient only to subdue their own people and participate in ‘global peacekeeping’ activities as required by the U.N.

Step 20.
National governments will disarm their own citizens so there can be no armed resistance to globalisation.

Step 21.
National governments will maintain a working relationship with their local media who will divert attention from these developments until they are too far progressed to be reversed.

Step 22.
National governments will agree to ultimately surrender their own sovereignty and take direction from the World Government.


We don’t need a night of broken glass to fix things, they will just get more order out of that chaos. Though kicking the U.N. headquarters out of your country might be a good start.

We just need to indulge less, work more, wake as many people up as possible and kick any servants (and that’s what government employees are) out of office if they support any of the U.N. bucket list.

The whole planet was asleep at the wheel, but we wish you good luck in this hour of need. We’re all counting on you to lead the way.

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