Looks like the NYT followed up on my 2001 report and published an article in 2009 on Chester Southam’s experiments injecting West Nile Virus (and cancer) in humans, as an experimental cancer vaccine:

A Virus’s Debut in a Doctor’s Syringe


America’s first cases of West Nile were actually seen in the 1950s, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. But these cases occurred among people with terminal cancer. And the vector was not mosquitoes but the syringe of a researcher…

Here is my earlier website exposé of Southam’s research:

Cancer Vaccine Researcher Injects Humans With West Nile Virus
Anti-Cancer Properties Tested in Humans by Injecting Patients with West Nile Virus Cultured in Mouse Brains

I had posted the correspondence below to mmi in 2006 when the NYT refused to print a correction to the their article about the dates of the first cases of West Nile in the US.

Just today I did a search and found that they subsequently published an article confirming what I had said over 10 years ago… Chester Southam’s injections were the first cases of WNV in the US.

Ho hum… right again.

I suspect that these viruses were injected as part of the comprehensive MKULTRA testing and the cancer vaccine angle was just the rationale for learning how to induce diseases and immunosuppressive states in humans. I wouldn’t be surprised if Southam’s experiments were coordinated with Plum Island research. Michael Carroll proposes in his book that the WNV epidemic leaked from there… I don’t think he was aware of the articles I cite below.

Can’t help but wonder when the Times will confirm what I propose was the ultimate goal of Southam’s research: to develop immunosuppressive agents and techniques which would give cancer researchers the ability to induce model forms of viral cancer in humans for vaccine research:

The AIDS Epidemic at 25: The Hidden Benefits and Design Behind the Devastation

Jerry Leonard
Charlotte, NC


older correspondence:
— On Thu, 6/22/06, Jerry Leonard <[email protected]> wrote:

Mr. Leonard,

This office has no control over selection of the letters to the editor, but I do think a slight alteration on those lines will make it more likely to be considered. Though, again, it has nothing to do with this office and I can make no promises.

Office of the Public Editor
The New York Times

Note: The public editor’s opinions are his own and do not represent those of The New York Times.

Jerry Leonard <[email protected]>
06/21/2006 04:23 PM
Public/NYT/NYTIMES <[email protected]>
Re: 6/21 Re: 6/20 OPE response Re: The Perils of Pollen and Tricky Ticks (6/19/06)
Thanks. Is it worth re-wording the letter to make it less of a correction and more a point of interest? Jerry

Public/NYT/NYTIMES <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Leonard,

I showed this to Mr. Calame who said that since the article states that West Nile virus “entered” the country seven years ago, and makes no reference to the first human cases ever in the United States, and since it was referring to this specific, initial outbreak in this country, there is no need for a correction. But, your points are well noted and have been seen by the appropriate people. I have also passed this to the letters department.

Thank you again, for all your work on this,

Office of the Public Editor
The New York Times

Note: The public editor’s opinions are his own and do not represent those of The New York Times.