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Mayan Prophecy December 2012 | Alien Contact - Axial Pole Shift - Spiritual (R)evolution

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The Maya 2012 Prophecies of Monument 6 Tortuguero

Much is said of the Long Count Maya calendar and associated prophecy for the end of the year 2012. Unfortunately, it is rather less common to actually see the original prophetic material, and even less so to have any kind of analysis of its likely meanings for human civilisation.

In my opinion it is insane for people to talk about the end of the world, or a great consciousness shift, based on a prophecy they have in fact never personally studied.

There is actually only one place where we find Mayan engravings definitively speaking about events for the prophetic target date of the December 21, 2012, the last day of the 13th Bak’tun period in the Long Count calendar system. To find this stone rendering of prophecy we must look to the ancient site of Tortuguero situated in Southern Tabasco, Mexico.

Tortuguero, now covered by a cement factory, lays just 50km from the major Mayan city site of Palenque, to which it was seemingly a dependency during the period of the engraving (circa 670AD), or was at least in some way associated with that city, evidenced by use of matching royal glyphs. Palenque also has ancient writing that related to the beginning and ending of the Long Count cycle.

It is notable that at Palenque we find the legendary engraved sarcophagus lid of Lord J’anaab Pakal, known best as the lid of Palenque featured in the books of Eric Von Daniken. The Tortuguero stele in question is now known to the world simply as monument 6. Until the start of 2012 the engraving had been translated as follows below, though some of it was badly damaged making it quite illegible.

7 days 7 Uinals 0 Tuns and 8 Katuns, previously it happened. On 8th day of Chuen, the 9th of Mak, the pibnaah / Becoming-Ripe-House was constructed(?). It was the ‘underground house’ (shrine) of (the god?) Ahkal K’uk’. It was 2 days, 9 Uinals, 3 Tuns, 8 Katuns and 3 Baktuns before the 13th Baktun is completed on 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. Then it will happen – darkness, and Bolon-Yokte will descend to the (???)

More recently the last section has been revised, giving us the following rendition:

7 days 7 Uinals 0 Tuns and 8 Katuns, previously it happened. On 8th day of Chuen, the 9th of Mak, the pibnaah / Becoming-Ripe-House was constructed(?). It was the ‘underground house’ (shrine) of (the god?) Ahkal K’uk’. It was 2 days, 9 Uinals, 3 Tuns, 8 Katuns and 3 Baktuns before it will be closed, the 13th Baktun is on 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. It will happen this Bolon-Yokte display in the great investiture.

To the casual first glance any meaning is almost completely obscured by the need to have some fairly advanced knowledge of Mayan culture. One can certainly imagine a Fox News journalist scratching his head trying to find any sense at all in the engraving, let alone a confirmation of the supposed doomsday prophecy his network is happily ascribing to the Maya peoples. Thankfully we have had the help of numerous anthropologists and cultural historians to give us a better comprehension of just what it was being recorded by Balam Ahau, or Jaguar Lord, the incumbent ruler of Tortuguero.

The 2012 researcher Geoff Stray, author of Diagnosis 2012, has done some great work in bringing us the potential meaning of this inscription. The following is based almost entirely on his extrapolations, though he credits various academics for providing key data and does not claim it all as wholly his own work.

The first part of the text refers to the completion of a structure known by the Maya as a ‘Pibnaah’, which translates as both ‘steam bath’ and ‘becoming ripe house’. Ritual steam baths were used by the Maya in much the same way as they were by the Hopi, to attain spiritual states of mind, though as we have seen they called theirs Kiva’s. The Maya and the Hopi both associate these with the underground realms, or at times even construct them under the ground, and in both cases there is an association with corn (from which humans were considered to be made) and its development. This particular Pibnaah was dedicated to a being named Ahkal K’uk and it is assumed that he was a Maya god, personally I am unable to find details of such a deity, there was however a K’uk dynasty at Palenque, so it may be that Ahkal K’uk is actually a legendary sun king.

Before examining the rest of the inscription we must gain a deeper understanding of the functions of a Pibnaah. In this we are again not required to travel any further from Tortuguero than Palenque, there we find three stepped pyramid temples with engravings that mark them as being Pibnaah’s. Modern historians have revealed that these temples were built to act as alternatives to the cave entrances which traditionally could allow kings to enter into the underworld, known by the Maya as Xibalba. In this case it was king Kihnich Kan B’ahlam II, son of the more famous king K’inich Janaab’ Pakal, whom had used these structures for ceremonial functions. The actual result of his required spiritual initiations within these three structures seems to be an aligning with divine energies, eventually fully incorporating the energies of the gods, in particular one named Bolon Okte.

The suggestion is that the king became a heavenly avatar on Earth. Thus, the ripeness we are reading about in association to the Pibnaah is actually the culmination of a process of spiritual growth, the raising of human consciousness to a more divine vibration.

Having revealed the meaning of the first part of the inscription we now know it details the historical construction of a shrine, dedicated to elevating human consciousness toward that of the gods.

We can now progress to the second half of the inscription, in which for some reason the Pibnah is linked to a distant future in which the fourth world age would end and the fifth would begin (again mirroring Hopi belief), after the completion of the 13th Baktun. It is here that we are provided with the time period remaining before that event comes to pass, and also the day names for the final date from both the sacred Tzolkin count and the vague year Haab count, being together 4-Ahau 3-Kankin.

Expert commentary on the inscription suggests two expectations by the original scribes, one being that the king of Tortuguero, Balam Ahau, would be somehow present for a far future ceremony within his underground shrine (possibly in an astral form or as a reincarnation), and that the God Bolon Yokte would be involved.

If we are to make any sense of the reference to Bolon Yokte’s display and great investiture, we first need to take a look at this particular god and any special associations it has with earthly events. The very first thing that we find out is that this deity’s name actually means God of Nine Strides, on some occasions he is also referred to as just Bolon Okte, or in later records as Ah Bolon Yockte, which means God of the Nine Paths. The Mayan language does allow for some further translations of the name however, these include God of Nine Steps, Nine Footed God or Jaguar Foot Tree.

The mystical cosmology of the Maya links Bolon Yockte to happenings such as social unrest, conflicts, wars, eclipses and natural disasters. As we already know this deity is also linked to the underworld of Xibalba, demonstrated by his role at Palenque. Important to note too is that of the three Pibnaah at Palenque, two are dedicated with associations to the number nine, one being connected to the jaguar (jaguar is often used in Mayan to mean nine) and the other to a god named Kawil, the God of Nine Generations. Bolon Yockte is considered responsible for having helped create the current world and appears at the end of each Baktun, and will seemingly play some role in creating the next world.

It is extremely important to note that Bolon Yokte was not always seen as one deity but sometimes as a collective of nine deities working together. This additional fact draws one’s attention immediately to Mayan literature discussing nine gods of the underworld whom once did battle with thirteen gods of the heavens. We have little reason to doubt we are dealing with the same pantheon ascribed with having once helped night conquer day.

When we consider the link between the kings of Palenque, pibnaah, and the god Bolon Yokte, especially in the context of their initiation to become god-king avatars, it is very interesting to note that the king of Tortuguero is discussing an investiture involving this same god. The likelihood is that king Jaguar Lord, whose very name is rooted in the number nine just as is Bolon Yokte’s, is predicting some kind of merging of himself with this deity at the end of the world age at the site of his own pibnaah. It is clear that the royal house of Palenque, to which he seemingly belonged or was associated with, saw themselves as avatars for the gods and also had a keen interest in the Long Count calendar system. It is important perhaps to note that the special site for this predicted event has now been destroyed.

The Maya 2012 Prophecies of the Chilam Balam Books

Though there is only the one known engraving of a prediction connected to the end of the 13th Bak’tun (monument 6 Tortuguero) it is often stated, wrongly, that there is only this one place for any possible year 2012 prophecy. There is in fact more prophetic material available from the Mayan sources known as the Chilam Balam books.

These books were made up of prophecies attached to the Short Count calendar, a count of Tun’s rather than Bak’tun’s. These books were compiled after the Spanish invasion and are written in Mayan but using the Spanish alphabet. They contain a wide range of subjects that includes myths, religion, culture and predictions, allegedly they stem from a great ancient Chilam Balam or Jaguar Priest. Due to the fact the books are not actually ancient themselves we do have to concede some of the details may be tainted, however it has been noted that some of the material in these books does doubtless come from pre-conquest sources, and in some cases can seemingly only apply to the end of the 13th Bak’tun cycle. This was only realised due to the fact the books directly mention the 4-Ahau date, the Tun endings did not coincide with a 4-Ahau. Due to this Tzolkin based inconsistency we have been able to recognise several instances of potential year 2012 prophecy and read the information again with the dating re-correlated.

“When the original thirteen baktuns were created, a war was waged which caused the country to cease to exist…The Nine shall arise in sorrow, alas…And when over the dark sea I shall be lifted up in a chalice of fire, to that generation there will come the day of withered fruit. There will be rain. The face of the sun shall be extinguished because of the great tempest. Then finally the ornaments will descend in heaps. There will be good gifts for one and all, as well as lands, from the Great Spirit, wherever they shall settle down…Presently Baktun 13 shall come sailing, figuratively speaking, bringing the ornaments of which I have spoken from your ancestors. Then the god will come to visit his little ones. Perhaps “After Death” will be the subject of his discourse.

…in the final days of misfortune, in the final days of tying up the bundle of the thirteen baktuns on 4 Ahau, then the end of the world shall come and the katun of our fathers will ascend on high…These valleys of the earth shall come to an end. For those katuns there shall be no priests, and no one who believes his government without having doubts… I recount to you the words of the true gods, when they shall come.”
Chilam Balam of Tizimin

This prophecy found in the Tizimin version of the Chilam Balam texts is perhaps the most important source for 2012 prophecy. Clearly this text gives us much more detail on the expected events accompanying the end of the current world era, more so than did the inscription on monument 6 at Tortuguero.

The first thing we are told in the text is that at the beginning of the original 13 Baktun cycle there was a great war that caused an entire country to cease to exist. We can’t be sure that this refers to the start of the current Long Count, it may be an earlier Long Count cycle. As a student of lost civilisations it immediately strikes me as a reference to the great war that led the global civilisation known as Atlantis to be destroyed. Further there is evidence that the Maya were people that survived the sinking of Atlantis, or were at least a tributary state of that nation whom gained some of their calendrics from the central dominion of the lost empire. I would caveat that much of the Maya knowledge is in my opinion gained from non-humans, beings from other worlds and other dimensions, but certainly there are links to Atlantis also.

There are some important overlaps in the text with material found on the stelae (monument 6) at Totuguero, which help to substantiate the claim monument 6 does indeed refer to an existing and legitimate Mayan prophecy rather than simply detailing a past construction project. According to the Chilam Balam text the nine gods will return, echoing monument 6′s expectation of the return of the nine aspect deity Bolon Yokte. That these nine will rise in sorrow suggests they are not happy with how things on earth are going, and perhaps we should be slightly concerned by their presence should it actually manifest in some direct form.

Probably the most intriguing part of the prophecy are the words ‘I shall be lifted up in a chalice of fire’. Firstly this alludes to the fact the writer assumes he will somehow be present at the end of the cycle, again as with our investigation of the text at Tortuguero we find a strong hint that the ancient Maya elite expected to return at the end of the Long Count cycle, either in astral or reincarnated forms. We have to then ask ourselves just what it is that an ancient Maya prophet considered to be as a chalice of fire capable of taking a man up and flying him across the oceans. It is difficult not to immediately think of an advanced craft of some sort, certainly there was nothing natural in the environment at that time which one could reasonably assign such a description to.

Anyone here whom has watched the popular cable show ancient aliens, or read books on evidence for ancient advanced civilisations, will know that this description is not a unique anomaly. The text is speaking about the future so we might think it refers to a modern man-made aerial vehicle seen in a predictive vision, yet I personally know of no vehicle matching this description other than some described in alien contact or UFO reports.

Whatever it is exactly that flies our prophet over the dark ocean, its appearance heralds a very troubling time for humanity, we are told in the following line that ‘to that generation will come the day of withered fruit’, suggestive of some form of widespread pestilence or disease and thus a potential famine situation. The subsequent short phrase ‘there will be rain’ is unlikely to be mentioned here if it was just a light shower, it is not unreasonable to assume the rain will be incredibly heavy and form part of some kind of flood event. This rain is then followed by a great tempest of some unspecified cause, we are left to assume it is some kind of a super-storm event that is so severe in it drags dust into the air that causes the sun to be blotted out. Of course a wind from a nuclear explosion would fit the bill perfectly.

It is unclear whether the first series of disaster events all happen in sequential order over time or if they actually happen in the same short moment, however the text seems to indicate they all happen before the actual ending of the Long Count cycle, and that they are followed by a positive outcome, some kind of gifts from above described in the section ‘…finally the ornaments will descend in heaps. There will be good gifts for one and all, as well as lands, from the Great Spirit, wherever they shall settle down…‘ it is not clarified what the gifts are or exactly the origin.

The mention of some party that will settle down on sites of good land and be bearing gifts does hint again at beings coming from above, essentially another reference to alien piloted crafts. Intriguing these gifts are then attributed to ancestors, are we being told here that human beings ancestors are in fact the very same returning aliens?

The phrase ‘presently Baktun 13 shall come sailing‘ indicates all of this prophecy must have its origin somewhere before the 17th century, prior to the start of the current 13th Baktun, we do not know how ancient it really is but we do know that the Long Count fell from common use during the post classic period that began in the 10th century (well before the Spanish arrived).

It is at the culmination point of the Chilam Balam’s prophetic events that ‘the god’ arrives to ‘visit his little ones’, an expression which indicates to me an existing link of parental association with human beings, possibly a genetic link of some kind (such as alien genetic engineers). We should remember here too that Bolon Yokte is described as both nine and one, and it is thus reasonable to speculate that we are maybe again seeing a link back to the information on monument 6, though now a reference to the deity’s singular form.

The text that follows the arrival of the god then informs us that it will open communication with humanity, and our prophetic writer speculates that a teaching will be given on the matter of ‘after death’. Whether this means we will simply be taught the secrets of life after death (reminiscent of the post apocalypse Hopi emergence tale) or experience something more profound, is left quite vague. It does leave open the possibility that this god being will provide a very experiential teaching, possibly actually evoking a direct death survival event of some type, perhaps initiating a mass out of body experience for all humanity. In this regard it is worth considering the modern research into DMT production in the human brain, this chemical being a powerful entheogen able to elicit separation of consciousness from the physical body. It is my suspicion that some external process might very well be able to trigger massively increased DMT production, perhaps the causal factor being some magnetic force field interacting with the pineal gland via the brains magnetite component. This DMT aspect is of course speculation, but it could help make sense of the prophecy.

There is no mistaking that the majority of the events set to occur in this part of the Chilam Balam prophecies are seen as harrowing, not simply positive and transformative. The next segment of prophetic material selected allows for no mistaking as it begins with the phrase ‘in the final days of misfortune’. The timing of events is also again clarified as ‘the final days of the tying up of the bundle of the thirteen bak’tun’s on 4 Ahau’ thus leaving no room for doubt as to when this is all expected. It is also in this segment of the material that we get our first reference to a seeming source for the popular 2012 doomsday prophecy, evidenced within the ominous phrase ‘then the end of the world shall come’.

If we had no previous knowledge of Mayan discourse regarding worlds and world ages it would be easy to take this ‘end of the world’ completely out of context, however we already know that the Maya, like their distant cousins the Hopi, consider this to be the ending of the fourth world, prior to humanity moving into a new fifth world (or at least the survivors of any radical events do). If it was not the case that a fifth world was about to start then the prophecy would simply finish with the end of the world, but it certainly doesn’t. The assertion that ‘the katun of our fathers shall ascend on high’ in this post end of the world situation, would suggest a returning age in cyclical time, much in the way that many ancient cultures predict a return to a previous golden age of their forefathers. This could be linked to some kind of spiritual ascension event, though again this is speculative.

Following the talk of a returning age and a new world the next line of text refers to the fact that ‘these valleys of the earth shall come to an end‘. For me it is tempting to link this to the possibility of an axial pole shift. We do know that during an axial shift land is forced upwards in some places and pulled down in others, similar references to land moving up and down at the end of the world age can be found in the Christian Bible, these being even more clearly linked to an axial pole shift. What is more concrete is the suggestion that there will be few true priests and few trustworthy officials remaining during the final katun. I think it is fair to say that there is now a massive and growing distrust in both global governance and the large religious institutions, just as this prophecy advised would be the case. Few are the trusted priests and officials in our final days of the current Baktun.

There is one other Chilam Balam prophecy worth mentioning here, this time from the Chilam Balam of Chumayel. Despite the fact it does not refer directly to our 13th Bak’tun end-date in the text it is still relevant as it is clearly attached to a previous Katun 4 Ahau and thus would be expected to repeat upon our own current Katun 4 Ahau (due to Mayan cyclical time theory). There are actually two versions of this prophecy in the same book, or perhaps two prophecy that are extremely similar, both are shown here for comparison. Katun prophecies such as these were expected to always repeat themselves through the coming cycles, though with slight modifications. The current Katun 4 Ahau actually began in 1993 and ends December 2012.

Katun 4 Ahau . . . . The katun is established at Chichen Itzá. The settlement of the Itzá shall take place [there]. The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. Blood-vomit shall come. Kukulcan shall come with them for the second time. [It is] the word of God.
Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel

The katun is established at Uuc-yab-nal in Katun 4 Ahau. At the mouth of the well, Uuc-yab-nal, it is established … It shall dawn in the south. The face of [the lord of the katun] is covered; his face is dead. There is mourning for water; there is mourning for bread. His mat and his throne shall face the west. Blood-vomit is the charge [of the katun]. At that time his loin-cloth and his mantle shall be white. Unattainable shall be the bread of the katun. The quetzal shall come; the green bird shall come. The kax tree shall come; the bird shall come. The tapir shall come. The tribute shall be hidden at the mouth of the well.
Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel

In the first version the Chichen Itza site (mouth of the sacred waters) mentioned as the place where the Katun is established, is actually a large Mayan city located near Timum, Mexico. The prophecy announces the arrival of several important symbolic animals as well as several gods, this expected arrival of the gods on Earth adds further support to the previous prophecies we examined for the end of the 13th Bak’tun. The most concerning arrival would seem to be that of ‘Blood-vomit’ as this is most likely an actual plague, or at least a symbolic disease god, of some kind. There is some historical records that suggests such a plague may have happened during the last Katun 4 Ahau and is thus expected to return in ours. The final visitor is Kukulkan, the great wisdom teacher deity ascribed with having brought almost all knowledge to the Maya peoples. Kukulkan is known to be expected to come again by the ancient Maya, this second coming being at the end of the great cycle and bringing a resurgence of the ancient Mayan culture. In my own speculation I would suggest he is linked to the returning god or gods found in the previous Chilam Balam and Tortuguero prophetic material, and is factually most likely a non-human being.

The second version of this prophecy is perhaps more concerning still, telling us that ‘it will dawn in the South‘ has to be assumed to refer to the dawning of the sun. Are we again being told of an axial pole shift that has turned the crust so radically that now are old South is now the new East? That the sun is being referred to is clarified when the following line talks of the lord of the katun having his face covered, it being actually dead, this clearly can’t then be a man’s face but rather must be the solar lord’s face, the true ruler of any cycle. This has ominous overtones of the Mayan aural prophecy of the three days of darkness, hinted at in the earlier material when we heard about the sub being obscured following a tempest.

Coinciding with this solar anomaly or darkening of the sky and the blood vomit plague, we are also informed of extreme drought and famine by means of the line ‘there is mourning for water, there is mourning for bread’. This dire prediction reminds us of the earlier mentioned ‘day of withered fruit’ and its allusion to a potential famine. The extreme lack of food is reiterated at the end of the prophecy ‘unattainable shall be the bread of the katun‘.

The reference to a man with a white loin cloth and mantle actually speaks of the correct attire for a priest of Kukulkan, the deity set to make a second appearance. It is at Chichen Itza that we find the large iconic stepped pyramid known as the pyramid of Kukulkan, a pyramid that has certain astronomical functions which also link its designed intended purpose to the current Katun 4 Ahau, specifically a serpentine shadow effect that occurs during equinox of this time period only. It encodes the belief that Kukulkan will again come from the sky. Kukulkan is considered a central deity in the Mayan pantheon, although he is also considered as being a humanoid being in some examinations of his lore.

More recently the researcher John Major Jenkins revealed in his book titled Pyramid of Fire that the deity Kukulkan may well be also a representation of a spiritual energy that is believed to reside within all human beings. Jenkins discovered in an ancient text that the Toltecs, who worshipped Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent god equivalent to Kukulkan, regarded their deity as also being a serpentine evolutionary energy that rises up the spine.

Astonishingly an identical energy is described by the followers of the ancient Vedic system from India, named kundalini. Thus the prophecy from the Chilam Balam of Chumayel that says Kukulkan will return in Katun 4 Ahau, could refer to some kind of mass Kundalini awakening that brings global self-realisations for humanity. It is possible that this energetic awakening is another aspect of the mechanism utilised by the gods for giving their discourse on ‘after death’. I must say that my own understanding is that Kukulkan was an actual being, an ascended master or highly evolved alien, he would thus have had his kundalini fully awakened and this may be how the link to internal serpentine energy came about, he probably lectured the Maya and Aztec forefathers on that very subject.

There is also an interesting connection with Kukulkan and the Pleiades constellation, John Major Jenkins found that the Toltec peoples tracked precession by the Pleiades location in the sky at midnight, by which they marked the coming zenith six month later. He also found that the pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza encodes the 360-year-long Sun-Pleiades conjunction cycle. This cycle actually last restarted with a solar eclipse conjunct the Pleiades in the zenith on May 20th 2012. It is considered possible this astronomical event was a marker for the time when Kukulkan would return, possibly just in time for the Venus Conjunction that occurred only a few days later. Kukulkan has all the descriptive elements of being an ascended master of the calibre of Buddha or Thoth. There are also several great masters associated with winged serpents, including Serapis Bey and Imhotep. One can only hope that this prophecy is indeed announcing that a great spiritual adept will arise from the Maya lands during 2012 because much of the other material is far less pleasant, though it does seem overall to be a case of ‘all’s well that ends well’. Of course all of this is open to re-analysis but other researchers and parts of it may very well need to be updated as any new information is discovered.

Pole Shift Map

In relation to the 2012 prophecy we are now able to share a map that depicts our planet after the predicted events have come to pass. The map was given to us whilst in an altered state of consciousness and is of Earth in 2015. There are some strong similarities to other such post pole shift maps, most notable the I AM America and the Michael Scallion map, however we also note some striking differences. It is our opinion that this is an update of the previous warning transmissions. Such an event remains in flux until it happens.

Articles by Bruce Fenton – Author of \’2012 Rising The Last Tzolkin\’ –


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    Total 12 comments
    • JasonX

      The blackened sky and blood vomit is due to the return of the black sun. The Mexican Codex’s told of blood(petroleum)raining down upon the land, covering everything and turning the rivers to blood. The black sun was known to many cultures around the world. The Hopi called it the Red Kachina, other native Americans called it the T-bird, the Egyptians called it the Destroyer. They described it as flaming dragon or serpent that filled the sky and brought ruin to the planet. The people of Mexico said it caused the all the volcanoes in the area to simultaneously erupt. It also caused mountains to fall in the sea while new ones where born in a single day. It caused the oceans to rise up and cover the land.
      The alien visitors or “gods” that are associated with the black sun, come to aid us through the passage and help us rebuild afterward.

    • lil'eaglehelper

      Good Read, thanks…intersting time to be alive and live beyond the illusion…
      Why is this all necessary, see the video on youtube 2012 The Mayan Word….cool song at the end of it too, even though i don’t understand it much…
      Forget religion too = part of the illusion….as i was told,”Life is perfect and beautiful and whatever isn’t is an illusion.”…and people can be like the illusion…nothing for me to believe in, so i don’t…simple and pure, like the gods/goddesses intended…you figure out the rest….
      I remember being at a pow wow many moons ago and that map was displayed at a vendor booth. It wasn’t up long before it was asked to be taken down and now here it is on this thing called the internet…
      I pray that people put their heads to the ground with their feet in the air to pull inspiration from our Mother the Earth….In the words of the contemporary mayan – Yo vivo para la vida de madre tierra (y Pachamama).
      “Children of the earth, come sit with me now
      Listen to the stories of our mother the earth…” -ahou :razz: :cool: :wink:

    • Bruce Fenton

      Hi Anonymous,

      I have read a bit on the black sun and other objects such as planet X and the like, though I think such things are out there I am not yet convinced they relate to the 2012 and 2013 period. Perhaps they are but as I say I am not convinced myself.

      I do agree though that the ‘gods’ are aliens whom will help us during the tribulation, not to say that all aliens will be doing that, some will be looking to profit from our pains.

      • Dawn

        I enjoyed this Itzkal. Thanks .

        Have you read Immanuel Velikovsky? He compiled the stories from Mexico and around the world and he felt that the Earth changes as described by Anonymous would begin in the early 21st century…he made these prediction in 1950.

        • Bruce Fenton

          Hi Dawn,

          I had his book worlds in collision, but have only read some small amount of his work, I remember the mention of the theory that oil had rained from the sky.

    • Bruce Fenton

      Hi lil’eaglehelper

      Thanks for your comment, actually if you visit my own site (the source of this article) you will find that I do have that film on there – and if you watch it again you will see I am the first person interviewed in the film, moaning about the lack of Maya people at the 2012 conference in Cancun.

      We got the map by very strange means, its interesting to hear that you saw it before – I do know of one or two others like it out there but there are differences between ours and those – I believe because things have changed.

      I agree with you on your parting words – Yo vivo para la vida de madre tierra

    • lil'eaglehelper

      @ Itzkal
      That is a great scene with you…can’t help but to laugh at the obvious truth you mention.
      I will check out your page, thank you much.
      Mi amiga and I were talking about something in the heavens that the old ones (Mayan) talked about and now astrophysics is confirming. Of course with a different perspective on it. But it is a sign for the times, so to speak that the old ones understood. They were (are) amazing in understanding the relationship with the cosmos.
      As far as the map you show, the map I did see there was less land. For example, north and south america was one thin strip of land seperated by water. Like I mentioned, it’s been many moons since i have seen it. A friend has one but lives 500 miles away.
      ‘Til condor flies with eagle again…..vive los cielos……wonderful peace and thank you again….

    • trouble8696

      2012 is actually the birth of a new paradigm and the death of an old paradigm… It is actually a beautiful thing that is coming to pass… It is unfortunate that there are some humans serving the old paradigm ways that don’t want this to be a gentle transition, but that is the way things are in the old paradigm… A few have control over the masses and how things are structured… That is going to change…Right @ Itzkal the Wise one… :smile:

    • Dawn

      The ancient katun stones tell of a great catastrophes happening at repeated intervals.The Codices of Mexico said that catastrophes decimated mankind and changed the face of the Earth. They believed the world had been destroyed and reborn 4 times…we are now coming to the end of the 5th world. The Mayas named their ages by which way the world was destroyed…Water Sun, Earthquake Sun, Hurricane Sun and Fire Sun. The first age was the Water Sun, when the world was destroyed by a deluge. The Egyptians also said the first world ended in a deluge of water. The Hebrew Bible also confirms this.
      all of the above mentioned elements afflicted the Earth during the end of each world, the names were given to each age by which catastrophe was the most predominant.
      In the Manuscripts Quiche, the Maya said that in the days of the great cataclysm, the Earth quaked and the sun’s motion was interrupted and the rivers turned to blood…The Egyptians said the same thing.
      The Manuscript Quiche also tells us that the people of Mexico perished when, “There descended from the sky a rain of bitumen and a sticky substance…The Earth was obscured and it rained day and night. And men ran hither and thither and were as if seized by madness; they climb to the roofs and the houses crashed down; they tried to climb the trees and the trees cast them far away, when they tried to escape to caves and caverns these were suddenly closed.”
      The sticky substance that fell from the sky was petroleum and the Egyptians and the Voguls of Siberia also recorded this events and it was known as fire water or the time when God scent a sea of fire upon the Earth.
      In the Manuscripts Troano, the Maya described the oceans rising up and covering the continent. The Troano also says a terrible hurricane swept across the Earth, volcanoes exploded and many species were wiped off the face of the Earth.
      In the sacred Popol Vuh, its said that every mountain in every part of the Western hemisphere simultaneously gushed lava, new mountains and volcanoes sprang from the Earth….’the gods rolled mountains and removed mountains.”
      When the dust settled and the sky became visible, the Maya said the land was completely changed and the sun and stars were no longer in the same place. They also had to add five days to the calendar, as did the Egyptians… the Earth had been pulled away from the sun. Both the Egyptians and the Maya said the sun no longer traveled in the same direction…the Earth’s rotation changed.

      • trouble8696

        The Egyptians along with other cultures recorded a cyclical event that took place 3600 years before their time, during their time and warned that a future generation, 3600 years later, would meet the same fate…So when does 3500 Lapse…?…& another question …Can recorded Cyclical or Calculations be wrong … or__________just asking…

        • Dawn

          Yes they could, but there is more to this than just man’s calculations…the Earth, herself, corroborates these stories. In Earth in Upheaval, Velikovsky’s second book, he compiled evidence from the layers of earth,around the world, that supported these claims…a cyclical event from a cosmic source, occurring about every 3500 years.
          Many people have tried to write off Velikovsky’s works, but the fact remains, he made predictions, based on his findings, that would later be proven true…which is why Albert Einstein supported him. From what he read in ancient history, he was able to deduce that Earth had a magnetosphere, Jupiter emitted radio signals and electrical discharges could happen between two planetary bodies.
          For me, the fact that he said the early 21st century would see dramatic changes in weather, quakes, fireballs and volcanoes 50 years beforehand, is just more evidence the man was onto something. This is something we can see with our own eyes and this accuracy is why he has been villainized for decades.
          The elite didn’t just try to discredit the man, they used his work to plan their disinformation campaign, beginning in the 70′s when they started to implant the idea of man made climate change into our brains.
          Velikovsky said the end results of these catastrophes would be a pole shift. based on his record, I’d say he was right, especially considering that the magnet North Pole has started to rapidly shift…the first stage of a physical shift?
          There’s all sort of disinfo about a physical pole shift…how it would destroy all life on Earth. These theories are nonsense…no one living has have experienced a pole shift, so its not possible to make such a prediction. The ancients around the world described the poles shifting (the Egyptians said the Earth turned over like clay on a potters wheel) and they lived to tell their story…so will we.

        • trouble8696

          The ancients around the world described the poles shifting (the Egyptians said the Earth turned over like clay on a potters wheel) and they lived to tell their story…so will we < < < is comforting
          Thank you for your time

          p.s…Good that we are talking…I was afraid you were going to ignore me …All Good now…

          Communication is the KEY…

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