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By Ophelia Océane
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Time Portal Appears Over Antarctica Station? (Video)

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Antarctica is the source of many strange phenomona and tales.  This one is very recent and very filmed.  It happens at the  the Neumayer Station III in Antarctica. Note the absence of the sun or moon etc, this rules out a possible reflective phenomena. In the latter half of the video you can clearly see the flux appear or displacement before it forms into in an arch. I have no idea what this is, but whatever it is, its is very unusual. What do you think it could be? Perhaps the elder gods are making their prescense felt..  ~Ophelia

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    Total 10 comments
    • delboy

      Extremely weird, there is some minute activity on and near the station but this is only visible in the close view of the station. Additionally the close view does not display the same phenomena as that of the wide angle so no validation there. However I don’t think I have ever seen the line up of vehicles in front of the station as though waiting a dignitary of some sought (Alien perhaps). Mind you given the magnetic storms we are under at the moment it could be an atmospheric apparition although a highly unusual one.

      Brilliant find

    • Anonymous

      why can i not see any videos on this site


      as a researcher with my own website, I monitor Neumayer and other such websites daily…

      I have seen this recent strange anomaly and have wondered like yourself what it might be…

      one of the things that I find very strange – the flurry of activity around the station in the last week…this has not happened before, in the many months, to year, I have been monitoring.

      Why the congregation of snow machines around the station?

      This seems to occur when the Sun is coming up and Nibiru would be visible…and as soon as it passes, things go quiet, but the machines stay.

      And, another thing that is new, is the large red sphere reflecting off the front side of the station when the Sun is passing over-head.

      This has never happened before…and someone posted it as a flare…nonsense!

      I have been monitoring for months and there have been no flares like this on the side of that station before – if it were a flare…it would have been seen hundreds of times, as the cam that faces the station is in the same position as it always is.

      I suggest people start waking up and facing the fact that Nibiru is real and in due time, it will do its ‘flyby’ – not collision (as debunkers are trying to tell you) on its elliptical orbit, just as we have heard over the years.

      No Hoax – just alot of dis-info/debunking going on…learn to sift the crap from the reality.


      • lollollol

        “researcher” hahahaha

    • whitebear

      we uns is becomin visitated

    • gapatriot

      Aww shucks somebody got handy with photoshop.Good for them,and it made news ????Really how many of these things are hoaxes……..well lets go to youtube and there you can satisfy all your whims that are hoaxes.
      Now if some kind of life form was falling thru there or a space vehicle of some sort was coming through then maybe,just maybe i would be more convinced.There have been way to many hoaxes over the years for me to become a believer of everything I see on the internet.All a person needs is a computer some software a little time and the desire to create a hoax and get their 15 minutes of fame.So after 30 years of seeing hoaxes Im just supposed to believe every tom dick and harry on the internet with a computer and some software and lots of time to kill……. please.

      • Extremum Spiritum News

        Actually it was no hoax. I have the same video directly from the webcam website with the time stamps. It is not the first time that it has happened though. I have noticed that this camera tends to cause this effect in extremely bright light like around the sun. Maybe a white balance problem with the cam.

    • inkling

      The annual chicken migration? I have no idea what this is, :smile:

    • HDThoreau

      You didn’t seem to check on matching it to a hole in the ozone layer first via NASA or NOAA during that time. No ozone, no rad shield. No rad shield, no humidity. No humidity, no cloud cover= hole. Antarctica is the place when this issue pops up regularly.

    • Blackie the faithful border collie

      Anyone else notice that these things only happen when spooky music is playing? Some connection maybe? Keep your eyes, and ears open folk.

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