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Iraq Vet On His Deathbed Targeted By Westboro Baptist Church

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Tuesday March Day 26, 2013


Dying Veteran Being Harrassed by Westboro Baptist Church and Wounded Warrior Project

Thomas Young, the veteran who’s open letter to President George W. Bush and then Vice President Dick Cheney went viral last week, is facing the wrath of The Westboro Baptist Church.  Due to failing health, his Wife Claudia Young spoke with Pete today and told the story of endless phone calls from Westboro claiming her husband was going to hell if he did not except medical treatment.  Westboro Baptist Church is infamous for picketing/protesting the funerals of fallen soldiers and causing families unimaginable grief at a time when they should be left alone to mourn their loved ones.


Mr. Young is a professed atheist who has decided he cannot live with the pain he suffers due to injuries he sustained in Iraq while in the Army fighting in what he believes was an unconstitutional war.  It’s not just the pain he wife tells Pete it’s the quality of life and deterioration of his body.  Mr. Young’s injuries left him a paraplegic and his health has so severely deteriorated he  cannot dress himself or even feed himself anymore.  “His skin is literally rotting on his bones.” she explained.  


Westboro is not the only group harassing the Young family at a time when they should have peace and privacy,  The Wounded Warrior Project has also been calling the Young home trying to convince him not to commit suicide.  Claudia told Pete all he wants to do is die in peace and be left alone.  This is his journey she says and his choice.  He doesn’t want to die in a nursing home hooked up to machines and drugged.   He wants to die at home in his own bed with his wife and family beside him.  He is refusing any further medical treatment and says it is not about committing suicide, it’s a matter of choosing to let go of this painful life he can longer function in.  


Pete Santilli and the members of his staff wish to express their support for Thomas Young, his wife Claudia, and extended family members.  May they know peace in the coming days.



Patrick Henningsen: Reporting Live From Beruit, Lebanon; The Bunker News Break







Show Chronology Provided By: Jana Murray  

>11:00am – 11:20am Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1:02 Grab RSS feed from Spreaker to your iTunes

1:03 We are making some changes to our time clock.  Oracle broadcasting, going to be shutting 

down at the end of the month.

1:06 Heavily promoting  going to start using, most sophisticated 3D Chat Room

1:07 Mr Thomas Young, the guy who wrote a letter to Bush & Clinton, powerful letter, we read on air.

I want you to hear his voice. Rolling out the red carpet..  Very impact-ful letter.

1:08 Whatever he want to say, he is going to be doing his interview here. 

1:09 We are excited to have him on, there will be no rules, no bars held, anything we can say to George Bush and Dick 


1:10 Ruckus will be coming on today, from the Ruckus Room

1:11  Most important article, this is top of the pyramid. Jamie Dimon; published report.

Resigned from JP Morgan and put banksters in jail.  Blistering letter, in Britain’s Financial News

Criminal investigation of JP Morgan.  Unethical and illegal behavior. 

1:13 Global regulators….  Is this satire?

I don’t think so, too big to fail to too big to manage.  Saw something about it yesterday.

1:14 Send you a bucket of beans and rice if you can confirm.   Gabby Giffords husband, gun store owner cancelled his 

order.  Denied: Gun Store Owner Refuses to Hand AR-15 over to Mark Kelly


1:15 Really need to close the gun show and the private seller loophole.  

1:16 Gun store owner Doug McKinley has now released this statement:

While I support and respect Mark Kelly’s 2nd Amendment rights to purchase, possess, and use firearms in a safe and 

responsible way, his recent statements to the media make it clear that his intent in purchasing the Sig Sauer 5.56mm 

rifle was for reasons other than his own personal use. A refund of the purchase price was sent to Mark Kelly “via 

express mail” on Thursday of last week.


> 11:20am-11:40am We like to schedule our guests during this segment

11:24 BRICS Nations Plan New Bank to Bypass World Bank, IMF

11:25 Essentially, that means, translation, the other half of the world that we are screwing is giving us the big middle 


11:26 We are all meat and potatoes here..   gentleman Steve from Pittsburgh, Viet Nam Veteran.

11:27 problems with computers on the listener line.   Our guest is a very important guest, Thomas Young  Anti War 

Activist,  Phil Donohue Documentary Body of War 

Claudia Thomas Youngs wife joins us.

11:28 He’s wiped out, hardest day we’ve had.  

11:29 He’s in the process of dying, we just didn’t want to die in a nursing home, manage the pain somehow at home.

11:30 Want a quality of life at home without machines. We found that there is a drive to surgery and pharmaceutical 


11:31 He’s been a paraplegic since 2004, deterioration over time.  Treating symptoms not cause.  He doesn’t feel better.

11:32 When I read his letter on his behalf, want to back up a little.  Go to a FOX News report, March 25th, from Kansas 

City, Missouri

11:33 Dying on his own terms. Final words for Cheney and Bush. (Sound/clip)

11:35 Wanted them to see the error of their ways and the consequences of his actions.

11:36 Can you do us a favor, why he wrote that letter, article for TruthDig, Chris Hedges, so he felt that maybe he was 

forgotten..  bioethics coming into play.

11:37 Made a decision yourselves, whatever quality of life should be, decision is yours.

Westboro Baptist Church, get off that bed, move what you can, get off that bed..  If he commits suicide he will be 

condemned forever.

11:38 He’s actually in the final days of his life, the gunshot, learned how to live as a paraplegic. He was independent

11:39 Since the time of his embolism everything became increasingly complicated.

More suffering than living.


> 11:40-12:00pm 

11:41 We loved eating, he can’t eat food.  On intravenous feeding, could see a thousand yard stare.

 There is no space to talk about it.  More infections and hit the wall, and plead the case to get out of the medical system.

11:42 VA Medical system that has not been adequate, how has the care been.  Don’t be diplomatic.

Feels like an assembly line, culture of looking down on veterans.

11:43 During last hospital visit, he was writhing in pain, why are you back? Looks like your next step is a “skilled 

nursing facility” I was beyond rage.

11:44 Marginalized by the system that was created for them.  Everything was so difficult, seems so unfitting.

11:45 The last letter: Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

“I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power. I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done. You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole.”

11:48 Those words on behalf of hundreds of million across the world, he is serving not only his country but the entire 


Claudia : So un/american for fundamental Christians to attack on based on a war based on lies. We feel under attack 

right now.  I have had to bear witness, horrifying to see someone you love suffer.

11:50 Wounded Warriors called to try to convince a man otherwise.  What is your religious affiliation, want to save him 

from going to hell.

11:51 I just wanted to give him a voice.  The Christians should of thought about his position before they threw their 

money at the pentagon, dictate how this man is going to leave this planet.  It is not very Christ Like.

11:52 They can have their delusion, almost ashamed to be American.  Letter from a woman from Germany, I am feeling 

that America is going to have to go through that dark process.

11:53 I didn’t think we would ever go through war in my lifetime.  This is not going to be the last time we speak to.

11:54 We don’t need a mainstream media or a religious sect to get out our message.

Midwest Skeptics Society, so excited that he is willing to speak out on the Atheists behalf.

11:55 We have a great listening audience to convey message, you have lifted our spirits, thanks.

11:56 Not feeling very free right now.



> 12:00- 12:20 pm Bunker News Break with Patrick Henningsen

12:01  Thursday morning the banks are expected to open up, hopefully Patrick will be there.

12:02 Banking system in Argentina, biggest monetary collapse system in the world.

You will be reporting on the ground in Cyprus.

12:03  Some of the big money is going to leave the island, and flight of capital and people.

12:04 Bailout model is really scaring the markets.  Nothing positive can come out of it.

I am going to find out why and try to meet some Russian.  Picture Reuters Nicosia

12:05 “They just got rid of all our dreams”, “we are scared”.

Of your own free world, we have never seen this before, what happens if there is a run on the banks.

12:06 Capital controls to this extent, if you are leaving with bundles of cash you will not be able to leave..

12:07 We need to get boob coin off the ground, new currency.

12:08 Have to find a way to get to if the Internet gets shut off, reading the DailyStar

Israel doubles number of overflights in Lebanese skies

12:09 No evidence of Hezbollah receiving chemical weapons  

Car bomb hits Syrian capital as rebels press closer

12:10 Interesting to see what the man on the street of what is going on. 

Saw this as a war between United States and Russia, proxy war

12:11 Army re-captured the city of Ohms, Chemical Weapons Narrative taking off

12:12 Washington Not learning the lessons of war,  McCain credible option to shoot down Assad’s air crafts

12:13 Doesn’t make any sense, not okay for Syria to shoot back, baiting them, calling for precision air strike and troops 

on the ground. 

12:14 Free Syria Act of 2013 , Chlorine attacks in 2012, Giant Chlorine disks, use them from Iraq, Front Victory.

12:15 These are not Military Industrial weapons,  Obama deeply skeptical, facts of chemical weapons claims

12:16 Mike Rogers the Red Line has been crossed, doesn’t do the research.

12:17 Ground Zero on Thursday in Cyprus with Patrick Henningsen


> 12:20pm-12:40pm 

12:23 Host yanked our website, webmaster said we violated terms of service. 

12:24 We have to move hosts.  21st Century Facebook Page.

12:25 Swedish scientist Ake Sellstrom to head a U.N. investigation into allegations that chemical weapons were used in Syria

You know how highly politicized, supposed to come up with certain conclusions mean war or no war.

12:26 There is no benefit for Syria to use chemical weapons, there is a benefit of a fake attack for the rebels, will have 

NATO on their side.

12:27 Those two issues Cyprus and Syria is ground zero for war.  Need to follow progress.

Homeland Security To Military: We Will Absorb You


12:28 Washington Post Texas wants it’s gold back.

Sitting in a bank in NY,  Rick Perry said Ben Bernanke was 

committing treason, playing the part of Hugo Chavez.  

12:29 At a first glance, you have Rand Paul propaganda channel, Infowars, pledges to defeat anti gun legislation.

Perry catering to the sensitivities of the public, he’s a Bilder/berger.

12:31 Ron Paul has been latched on and co-opted by people like Glenn Beck.  We have given due credit to Ron Paul, but 

fell on his face, great ideas, fell on face thanks to Jesse Benton and Peter Thiel.

12:32 Call out the leading propaganda channel for Rand Paul, want to put slave laborers off the coast. 

Need to start talking about that. 

12:33 Every time I look up it’s always 2 sides the for and against, it’s always one side, Rand Paul

12:34 Alex Jones through torpedoes at the Paul’s can’t be a shape shifter, to benefit your own organization.

Politics is a dirty business. 

12:35 You don’t need to co mingle funds or interests, biggest problem, so many compromises to be the top of the 

pyramid. Compromise integrity to reach more people.

12:36 Debra Medina thing, it was really ugly and , how we should be, we should be calling on the phone about 

bogus bills.  

12:37 I can still express myself politically, not driven by who is standing behind me.  Had Rand Paul on your show, 

numbers are going to skyrocket, how are you going to handle that interview.   

12:38 I balanced it out with Ted Nugent.  There was an opportunity to express what I agreed with him on.


> 12:40pm – 1:00pm 

12:44 Obama Kids $pending $pring Break Outside U$A


Any president that would spend time outside the United States is unpatriotic during time of austerity.

12:46 Look at we’re doing, Tony Blair Swimsuit, sticking it in your face.  

12:47 Guccifer emails link Tony Blair to top-secret Bohemian Grove gathering

Annual summer retreat at the Bohemian Grove, we could throw a concert, just bring your DJ Decks.

12:49 Secretary of State John Kerry using his head Tuesday in Kabul, where he met the captain of that nation’s women’s soccer team.

12:50 Thanks John Kerry for the Beach Ball in the head moment

Susannah Cole if Rand Paul came to the show we would not softball that dude.

12:51 I allowed Ted Nugent to talk about all the good things, I was going to slam dunk him for his recommendation of 


12:52 Would not be very pleasant with Rand Paul, we know too much about him, we actually know what Bilder/berger is 

all about, and we also know what Peter Thiel is all about, wants a position of political power after the collapse.

You cannot separate yourself, and Peter Thiel’s ideologies if you are accepting his money.

12:54 Out of principle we dumped the Ron Paul campaign, because collectively over a couple months that he was 

backing out, the news stopped flowing, we knew what was going on.


>1:00 pm – 1:20pm

1:01 Nemo and Susannah; I know you are a Rand Paul  Ambassador Barbara Barrett Rand Corporation, R&D 

Military think tank.

1:02 2011 Board of Trustees for Rand Corporation, trained astronaut, just appointed to the Smithsonian Board of 

Regents Aviation expert pilot and attorney. Took her off Wikipedia list, but I found her.

1:04 Owner of a resort in Montana, probably bunkering up, see if she will set up an appointment.

Telephone numbers 703414795 

1:05 Rand Corporation  Ruthless World…  NWO, Rand and Ford Foundation working to create.

1:06 She is a scumbag, looks like a comic butterball.

1:07 These are the fuckers that are making up their analysis, strategic research..

1:08 Man On The Street Event.  Former White House Staffer social media Aaron Shaudry

1:09 Walked in the door, recorded call with clandestine social media commies.

1:10 Had to call them and trick them, come here what are you doing.  Office that had 10 floors and 2 entrances. Security 

so you cannot go upstairs.

1:13 Alazaar- he should have a right to die, do you think that equates to suicide if he doesn’t wanted to be medicated and 

be hooked up to a machine.

1:14 Westboro Baptist Church, was harassing them, the same people protest at military funerals.  Say “God Hates 

Fags” I don’t think they represent the Christian idea in America.  

1:15 AntiRomeDrone- any commentary?   Heather from Georgia – JP Morgan Jamie Dimon resignation, they are so 

bold faced about it now.  

1:16 His statement is just another way to prove their point that it is right out in the open and they can justify their 


1:17 I do love your picture.  Yes, Thank you so much.  Not what you expected. 

1:18 Susannah is right, you should listen to her.


>1:20 pm – 1:40 pm

1:24 Cosmic – been in deep outer space…  Preview arrested by police in July for taking a leak in the bushes, park 

rangers arrested you with a sex crime.

1:25 Original charges was dropped, bad ass mofo for overcoming that one.

1:26 Filed a case in civil claims, for damages, motion to dismiss, before I could even state my case.

Prepared a special breakfast, by the time I got to court I was very gaseous, they were all exempt from civil prosecution

1:27 At least I was able to break even.  

1:28 That kind of meal will create a nasty side effect. Walked behind him I let loose. Lit up the whole fricking court 

room.  Surprised they didn’t arrest me with assault with a deadly weapon.

1:29 There would be nothing to stop them from shooting in my back, there is nothing you can do from stopping them 

from doing whatever you want.

1:30 Thanks for serving our country with Bratwurst and Beer. 

1:31 Colin in Colorado – Denver County they will wack you with additional charges as a sex offender.

Chief of Correction in Colorado was gunned down in his house. 

1:32 Big bucks to be in corrections, I guess he pissed off a prisoner.

1:33  It could be just another way, both senators voted for Feinsteins gun grabbing, liberals in Colorado, getting pretty 


1:34 Do a lot of hunting, pretty heavy movement military equipment in Durango.  The Omega Complex, largest 

computer complex, underground. 

1:35 Kind of like that Eagle Eye community, light rails being constructed, only federal employees get to ride that line, 

apparently the CIA is all there. Relocating there.  

1:37 If you can ever get a picture of anything interesting in Colorado send that in.

Ruckus: wearing Jays Jerkey Suit right now,  get an update on the site..

1:38 How are Jerky sales, three thumbs up, sells bullion silver and accepting payment with bitcoin or silver.


>1:40 pm – 2:00 pm 

1:43 I’ve always loved radio, show I started a radio show.  I want to wake up one person a day.

1:44 This is not about Pete Santilli , but a community of like minded individuals, never believe anything we haven’t 

researched ourselves. Encouraged listeners to start a show.

1:45 Ruckus started a show on Spreaker, called the Ruckus Room

people started to pick up the pace and get started.   Patriotic truth seekers.

1:46 Took your example, raw, real and very exciting.  I decided to follow the people I respect and do the same.

1:47 Get out there and make it happen, goal to reach as many people as I can.  

Steve in Pittsburgh – On 9/11 people bought cheap American flags, these colors do bleed.

1:48 This is our colors, this is our time, from the heart.

1:49 Any time I endorse somebody I have to connect with them, you are very articulate, it doesn’t distract from your 

message.  Brought a bunch of people together.  

1:50 JayJerkys  and NoMessiah sites..    If you can support NoMessiah buy a T-Shirt from them.

1:51 Getting a podcast ready for today from show last night. Whatever we can do to help you out.

Steve in Pittsburgh, were you on the line listening to Claudia representing Thomas Young.

1:52 Based on quality of life we want to take over your body and hook you up.  Let me go in peace.

1:53 Broken up over that young man,  the faces I see are the one’s I left behind, from 1970 to now the faces don’t 


1:54 The bullshit they are putting them through, Freedom isn’t free, you see these old bastards living their life.

I have never been on vacation, it isn’t fair they throw us in a meat grinder.

1:55 Steve You and I know you are serving your country through your word, the faces that you remember are very 

valuable souls, I love you talking to all of our listeners.  We need to help Thomas to get his message out.

1:56 However I can, I will lay my life on the line to get your message out.   Keep us rocking Pete.

This is about the dignity of the souls that we keep.

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    Total 1 comment
    • fuzzychickens

      These jackasses are most likely doing the bidding of the establishment.

      By using their right to free speech in the most disgusting way, it puts the 1st amendment in the worst light possible.

      Now watch as some asshat politician suggests it may be time for some more restrictions on speech.

      I defend the right of these morons to do what they do, but I certainly won’t shed a tear when one of them gets curb stomped to death.

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