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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Boston Bombing (RARE GRAPHIC FOOTAGE) 18+ Video

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Published on Apr 15, 2013

Boston Marathon bombing 2013. (RARE FOOTAGE) GRAPHIC

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    Total 16 comments
    • Anonymous

      I didnt see anything graphic …. however, instead of filming and being in the way, put the damn camera down and help. :mad:

      • sof006

        He was probably in shock and didn’t know what to do! Everyone reacts differently to distressing situations.

    • Anonymous

      see “the chief” article…
      Boston Runners were warned: Squamish man

      …”Mike Helliger 59 said a woman holding several bags were telling runners who were picking up their pre-race packets in downtown Boston on SATURDAY APRIL 13 that they were going to die if they participated in the event….Helliger was in the process of CALLING THE POLICE AFTER HIS CONVERSATION WITH THE CHIEF!!!!!!!

    • Child of the Trillion Dollar Wasteland

      The screams… That was hard to hear. Pure Terror.

    • asterflower

      No one was injured. They were splashed with red paint. Real blood is not that bright red in color. It has a darker stain. The gentleman does not have a single wound. He has been sprayed with a red liquid. Look again.


      • Tracker

        I agree. I am already seeing the actors here. Sandy Hook again! Also- I saw this curious spot today on the AP site on yoo toob…A woman who did not look believable was singled out to cry and give her reaction the Boston explosions. Looked her up and found she worked for a politician and a special group for “disasters”. So how did she know to be there at the marathon for the disaster? Hannah Truslow at :26 below. LinkedIn has her picture and more.

    • Cinder

      Oh you mean the man who actually got hurt? Unlike that PIECE OF CRAP WHO PRETENDED HIS LEGS GOT BLOWN OFF, BUT REALLY HE LOST THEM IN WAR IN 2011!

    • Cinder

      I cant agree with others, the screams did not bother me at all. In fact, I laughed.

      Its so funny to see stupid sheep getting killed.
      They were already warned, but all they want to do is go “baaa” and follow the leader to the slaughter house.

      All of these people deserved it, we all know a truther would not be at such a retarded made up event.

      • Kinarth

        If that’s really what you think I would strongly suggest getting some help. To show such insensitivity and say these completely random people deserved it is something I would only expect from a seriously disturbed person.

        Does an event get cancelled every time a threat is made of any degree? If they were there would be no events ever.

    • Cinder

      And yes I too was wondering where the injuries were on this so called injured man roflmao.

    • jjr

      Mantis intelligence has published a database of terrorist incidents where state or federal officials also were conducting training exercises at the same time and at the same place. Check it out at www dot mantisintel dot com!!

    • Ghost

      Blast injuries created by a VOD ( velocity of detonation), even in an area as such could rupture internal organs and cause massive concussion to the head and other areas. Perhaps most were injured internally whereas others were less fortunate. too early in the game to say “No real Injuries”, all we have is film footage and Media propaganda as of yet. They going to ride this one into the ground and out through China….

    • G

      That fake blood is sprayed on the ground cause where are the shoe prints from peoples shoes who walked in the fake blood cause its fake and dry and btw, blood is a darker red when exposed to air.

      Nowhere on the guys leg do you see a wound and that little bit of blood placed on his leg, not happening. Look at real victims with blood on them and you will see its not a little dab will do you here and there, its all over the place running out.

      Thats right, for that amount of fake blood on the ground, the leg should be covered in it, if it was real.

    • G


      Why are all the windows still in place.

    • Coolwalker

      Anyone who really thins blown-off legs were faked needs to be medicated.

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