Obama is galvanizing (uniting) the Muslim nation.
The Muslim Brotherhood is Sunni, one of the two major sects of Islam and which the majority of Muslims are, including all in Indonesia where Obama was in his most formative years raised by his Muslim stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, and where his name was Barry Soetoro,
not Barack Obama. And now Obama is aiding the Muslim Brotherhood with American tax-dollars to overthrow the Shia sect in Syria. The Shia Muslims in Syria were until recently aided by Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon, both dominantly Shia. But don’t misunderstand, the often violent sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims (as seen today in Iraq) has always been temporary, i.e.,
until a new caliph is chosen.
For the cameras, Sunni (Abdullah of Saudi Arabia) and Shia (Ahmadinejad of Iran) are in fact united against the United States, Israel and Western civilization. See the Sunni Muslim glaring at Ahmadinejad: It will take time for them to get used to unity.
So now We the People of the United States of America have a Sunni Muslim in our White House aiding, comforting and uniting Islamic powers into a caliphate while most American Citizens are truly struggling financially. Many of us don’t even have a bank account any longer and are now dependent on food stamps.
If you do not know that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. is a Muslim, then you do not know what Islam is, (i.e., you do not know what the Quran instructs), and have not acknowledged the facts.
Obama wrote in his book, “
The person who made me proudest of all though was Roy, he converted to Islam.” A Christian would NEVER say that! Roy is Barack Obama’s brother and after
“he converted to Islam” he changed his name to
“Abongo“. What we must acknowledge here is that Obama’s mother married a second Muslim, Lolo Soetoro, who adopted her son in Indonesia and his name was Barry Soetoro.
“Barry” is
not a Muslim name and after leaving Indonesia he changed his name to
“Barack,” an Arabic Muslim name. Also Barack wrote in his book,
“Lolo followed a brand of Islam… I looked to Lolo for guidance.” What we must also acknowledge is that Barry’s stepfather and mother enrolled him in two separate Indonesian schools as a Muslim. They could have circled Catholic, Christian, Buddhism, Hindu, but they circled Islam. And in a third quote from Obama’s book he says,
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in a…” Instead of saying he is on the side of America, or of Western civilization, or on the side of the Jews and the Christians who are the victims of Islamic terrorism instructed by the Quran and hadith, he is going to stand with the Muslims. And we certainly see him doing this: He has been aiding and comforting the Muslims on every issue and at every step of the way.
March 2009: Obama declares the “war on terror” is over, despite a dramatic increase in jihad war ops.
March 2009: floats idea he will talk to violent genocidal Hamas.
March 2009: he demands that more Muslim Americans work in the Obama administration and insists that they be recruited.
April 2009: Obama tells Europe to admit Islamic Turkey into the European Union, much to the consternation of the Europeans.
April 2009: Obama demands that non-Muslims respect Islam (despite our differences)in a speech in Turkey.
April 2009: Obama says in Turkey, “We are not a Christian nation.”
April 2009: Dalia Mogahed, the first hijab-clad senior adviser to Obama on Muslim affairs, says in an interview with terrorist-and on jihad-supporting Sheik Y… website,“Many have claimed terrorists have ‘hijacked Islam.’ I disagree. I think Islam is safe and thriving in the lives of Muslims around the world. What terrorists have been allowed to take over are Muslim grievances.”
April 2009: Obama lays groundwork for a partnership with Hamas.
May 2009: Obama promises “personal commitment” to Muslims.
May 2009: Obama calls America “one of the largest Muslim countries on the planet.”
June 2009: Obama invites the Muslim Brotherhood, a violent global jihadist group whose sole objective is a universal caliphate, to his speech to the ummah (Muslim community) in Cairo.
June 2009: Obama makes a stunning speech to the Muslim world from Al Azhar University in Cairo. It defies explanation.
July 2009: Obama reaches out to the violent jihadists of Hezb’allah.
July 2009: Obama’s new office at the State Department, Outreach to the Worldwide Musli…, reporting to Hillary Clinton.
July 2009: The State Department Welcomes Hamas mouthpiece Al-Quds TV to D.C. to fi…
Obama promises to close GITMO.
Obama is rebuked when plans are revealed for CIA prosecutions for 911 interrogations: Seven Ex-chiefs of CIA Oppose Case Review: ALL Sign letter to Stop …
July 2009: Obama sanctions the brutal crackdown on those marching for freedom in Iran and sides with the mullahcracy. He is silent about the regime’s mass executions, mass rape, and murder.
July 2009: Obama plans to slash the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
September 2009: Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton on Obama at the U.N.: “This is the most radical anti-Israel …
October 2009: Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund.
November 2009: Fort Hood Jihad Coverup: Obama Urges Congress To Put Off Fort Hood Probe, Warns Against Turning Tragedy Into “Political Theater”
November 2009: Obama offers the Taliban control of the Kandahar, Helmand, Oruzgan, Kunar, and Nuristan provinces, in return for a halt to the Taliban missile attacks on U.S. bases.
November 2009: Obama reaches out to jihadis in the Philippines.
On Thanksgiving eve: Obama issues a special Hajj message to the world’s Muslims.
December 2009: Obama’s “Non-Religious” White House Christmas and No Christmas Gifts for his Kids.
February 2010: Obama names a Hafiz to the Organization of the Islamic Conference.“And as a hafiz of the Koran, [Hussain] is a respected member of the American Muslim community,” Obama said in his message to the Doha meeting, using the Arabic world for someone who has memorized the Islamic holy book.
February 2010: Obama cuts U.S. space program, orders NASA to work with Muslim coun…
February 2010: Covering up for jihadists in the White House.
Obama’s counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, Involved in Obama Passport Breach
March 2010: Obama Obsession with Islam: Calls “entrepreneurship summit” with Muslims.
April 2010: Libyan President Gaddafi Praises Obama: “Barakeh Obama is friend”; “He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported…”
May 2010: Obama’s Counterterrorism Adviser Calls Jihad “Legitimate Tenet of Islam.”
May 2010: White House Pro-Terrorism John Brennan Speechifies in Arabic, Equat….
June 2010: Obama equivocates on the jihad warship convoy (affectionately named a“flotilla” by the media): Obama “Expressed a Deep Regret Over Loss of [Jihadist] Life”
June 2010: Obama to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at U.N.
And that’s just up to 2010 — and he has not changed course since then. And while he did approve of the killings of bin Laden and al-Awlaki (although Islam permits the killing of fellow Muslims as sacrifices if killing them ultimately spreads Islam as the dominant world power) he has never done anything or said anything negative about the non-violent advance of Sharia in the Islamic world or in the West, including the United States.
In 2008 a poll found that 1 out of 10 Americans believed Obama to be a Muslim. On May 10, 2012, four years later another poll found that 1 out of 6 Americans believed Obama to be a Muslim, and these figures are rising even though Obama says he is a
“Christian”. That is because Americans are beginning to see and fully acknowledge that
the Quran instructs Muslims to lie to unbelievers.
“We can provide a big credit line to the Egyptian brothers.”Ahmadinejad
NOTE: At first it appeared that Iran’s visit was to compete with U.S.A., but now it is clear Iran sees Obama’s conspiratorial moves (giving aid and comfort) and is acknowledging the LARGER mutual goal, i.e., a caliphate. Notice Ahmadinejad’s words, “Egyptian brothers”)—betraying Iran’s Syrian “ally,” President Assad.
Muslim Brotherhood’s President Morsi has been recently quoted as saying:
“Dear brothers, we must not forget to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred towards those Zionists and Jews, and all those who support them. They must be nursed on hatred. The hatred must continue.”
This sign is not in reference to the young Egyptians who are protesting against the Muslim Brotherhood, but to the children of the Muslim Brotherhood.
NOTE: Obama wants American parents to teach their children to be exactly like the youth of the Muslim Brotherhood: Not raise them as American Patriots with allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, but to accept Islam as the dominant force. The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest Muslim organization in the world and it is a documented fact that the Musliim Brotherhood is attacking the United States with what they, themselves, say is a “Grand Jihad until the final hour comes.” And what is “the final hour”? It is the hour of the final terroristic assault, the violent Jihad where all Muslims rise up wherever they are to conquer the world.
It is no secret that many Muslims want Barack Obama to be their new caliph. It has in fact already been said,
“As Caliph he would solve all our problems.” This has
already been publically stated in Pakistan, which is also of the Sunni sect. Obama was in Pakistan for three weeks in 1981 after he visited his mother and stepfather in Indonesia, a round the world trip that he has not mentioned in his books and at a time that he was struggling to find money for his college tuition. It must be mentioned here that
Barack Obama has now given Pakistan billions of dollars in aid.
“This law is the tangible manifestation of the broad support for Pakistan in the U.S.,” the White House said in a statement. The videos below reveal how that
“broad support for Pakistan in the U.S.” has come about.
Below is the paragraph shown in the video above, dated May 22, 1991, seized years ago when the FBI arrested a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who was photographing the cables of a large bridge. Translated into English, it reads:
“Understanding The role of the Muslim Brother in North America: The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of Grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so its is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding we are not up to the challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he lives and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from this destiny except for those who chose to slack. But would the slackers and the Mujahideen be equal.”
Obama has in fact hijacked the United States government and if Congress even attempts to impeach him we will see “Jihad” as never imagined — that is because Muslim leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood see Obama as the Muslim nation’s new caliph. The random terrorist attacks, even the 9/11 attacks, were only done by loose cannons, i.e, an impatient few wanting to lead the “Jihad” and unwilling to wait on the lengthy strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Obama had a photographer ready to take this picture only to show other leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood how he is insulting and controlling the American People.
Barack Obama has been positioning himself (massaging other Muslim leaders) to be made the new caliph of a caliphate to rule the world, and he prefers to do so from Washington. If you think I’m theorizing (without facts), you need to look closer at Islam and what Obama and other Muslims are doing. Also, go ahead and try to impeach him — there are many reasons why Congress should have already impeached him, including being ineligible to assume the office of President and committing treason! Try now to impeach him and see what happens.
It has become evident that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. has all the traits of a ruthless dictator, i.e., a narcissist, a liar, manipulative, a nasty temper, and very willing to violate and alienate human rights. I believe,
to be the new caliph, is Obama’s highest ambition and why he is rapidly galvanizing
“the Muslim nation,” a supranational fascist totalitarianism having the Quran as its constitution, even now reaching out to Iran with a passive Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel. This is also why Obama is attempting to stop Israel from striking Iran.
Prime Minister Netanyahu would be wise not to trust Obama,not in the least.
When it comes to the “final hour” Obama will need/require Islamic unity and also Iran’s nuclear weapons: He must stay on good terms with Iran’s supreme mullah. I write “mullah” because Iran’s “supreme leader” is not an ayatollah, but was only at the last moment given that title so he could be the “supreme leader.” In the same manner the Muslim Brotherhood and Iranian “religious leaders” will unite and appoint Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. as caliph. He will suddenly be the most revered “religious leader” in Islam—taking Mohammad’s place.
The following video very clearly reveals that the Muslim Brotherhood (a known terrorist organization) is working in the Department of Homeland Security and that Obama’s administration is now attempting to conceal this.
The following video clearly reveals that the Department of Homeland Security is not trying to protect American Citizens as claimed, ABSOLUTELY.
“If liberty is worth keeping and free representative government worth saving, we must stand for all American fundamentals—not some, but all. All are woven into the great fabric of our national well-being.”
Take note of the word “If” in Albert J. Beveridge’s statement above. The word “If” is asking you a question. Do you want liberty, or not? Our founding fathers established a nation based on Judeo-Christian principles, and thousands upon thousands of true American Patriots died fighting for these principles. But the dead are no longer able to defend our Republic, the responsibility to preserve and defend the U.S. Constitution (if you want liberty) is now yours.
Lincoln Memorial Gettysburg Address
And Albert Beveridge is correct: It is not possible to preserve and protect liberty if we do not stand for “all American fundamentals—not some, but all.” All of our fundamental liberties are in fact our foremost security measures and if even one of them is compromised we have a major breach in our security. No doubt this is why We the People now find ourselves faced not only with enemies from abroad, but within. In fact, treason is now allowed to flourish in the United States.
NOTE: Truth must be 100% truth, otherwise it is a pattern of deceit. Someone can tell you 99 truths and then 1 lie — then all 100 kill you. In fact the 99 truths and the 1 lie are a pattern of deceit, not the fundamental truths “woven into the great fabric of our national well-being.” If we want liberty we cannot accept lies from our representative government, because once our rerpresentatives lie to us, or are willing to accept lies and go on as though nothing happened, they then in fact no longer represent us, but choose to conspire against us.
had enuff yet
Actually I believe Obama WILL be impeached because this is what the Vatican wants. And the Muslim Brotherhood, as a creation of the CIA, is therefore also an agent of the Jesuit Vatican. Obama will be impeached because this will then place a flaming Georgetown Jesuit coadjutor in the Oval Office, JOE BIDEN. Never before in the history of this country have we had a Jesuit Pope sitting in Rome along with a Jesuit President sitting in Washington D.C. at the same time. This nexus point has been engineered on purpose.
I don’t know why people keep insisting Obama is Muslim, or why people think he is acting on behalf of Islamic interests. Doesn’t anyone realize how many Muslims (and Arab Christians and Arab Jews) in Palestine that he’s throwing under the bus? Those people are living in a cage surrounded by 22.8 ft. tall concrete walls built by the sickest racists on the planet. Palestinian children as young as age 8 are chased, terrorized, traumatized, beaten, by the Israeli military. And Israel is guilty of many other crimes against humanity. But anyway, when Obama was first campaigning for President he said something like, “Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people,” a position he chose to recant when the U.S.’ real president and prime minister told him to jump (how high?) So the truth is that Obama has abandoned Palestinian Muslims. He doesn’t care about them. He doesn’t act on behalf of them.
Likewise isn’t anyone aware of how many thousands of innocent Middle Eastern babies, children, men, women, elderly that Obama has ordered murdered via his droned Hellfire missiles, even when they are at funerals and weddings he bombs them, and even a 16 year-old American citizen teenager he bombed. And sure the kid’s father had spoken against the U.S. government. But he’d never threatened anyone or made any plans to attack anyone. And last time I checked, it wasn’t illegal to speak against the government. But…that…was the last time I checked, because now speaking your truth in the U.S. can get you disappeared and/or killed. So Obama had this 16 year-old boy, an American citizen on his freakin’ Kill List & exploded him while he was eating a meal with relatives. I’m sorry, but that was an impeachable offense right there! Because if that boy was guilty then we all are.
Sadly, the child’s father had approached attorneys in the days before he, the father, was himself droned to death, asking that the attorneys please somehow protect his son. They could not. The boy was soon thereafter remorselessly murdered. And I’m not sure about the boy, but his father was definitely Muslim. And Obama had nooo problem blasting him into burned chunks either. So Obama is no friend to Muslims on that account also.
What’s so unfortunate is that people refuse to understand the fact that Jesus Christ is actually highly honored in Islam. Jesus is as important to Muslims as is the prophet Mohammed. When Muslims speak or write the name of Jesus they add on “PBUH” meaning ‘peace be upon him’, which is obviously a sign of their great and humble adoration of Christ, who is featured prominently and honorably in the Q’uran. MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN JESUS. Although they typically believe he was a man, not a God, which is what I believe too, and I’m not a practitioner of Islam. How does one get to be half-God anyway? Do we really believe that a virgin was impregnated by a holy ghost? How so? Where’d that ghost get the semen? Seriously. But back to the topic at hand.
What’s especially odd is that, well, to hear racist Israeli Jews discuss the matter, Jesus is definitely not beloved in any way by Jews. Apparently older writings in the Torah claim that Jews see Jesus as a great Prophet. Hmm. Interesting. Muslims and Jews BOTH see Jesus as a prophet. But we tolerate Jews and vilify Muslims. Why? It should be the other way around, at least if it matters to you how a religion perceives and treats the Christ. If it doesn’t matter, fine, go on deceiving yourself that Judaism (at least in its Israeli form) is kinder to Jesus. Actually it wasn’t. Who betrayed Jesus to the Cross? Why do we so easily forgive the Jews for that and yet HATE Muslims merely for the stereotyped beliefs we have about them? If you want to blame a religion for not believing Jesus is the Son of God, then you can’t just blame Islam. You HAVE TO blame Judaism too. To both of these religions God is just a MAN.
So be consistent, why don’t you. And if you don’t think Jews are warmongers as you think Muslims are, try taking a long hard look at how modern-day Jewish leaders have endlessly sought the brutal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, try seeing how Israelis have flagrantly defied God’s words, “Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.” ‘For most of the Jews of Israel and for those who blindly support them, those words have been perverted to be: “Do Unto Others as Someone Else Did Unto You over 60 years ago (It really doesn’t matter *who* originally hurt you as long as you humiliate and torture and murder your present-day neighbors continuously). You’ll just keep giving the world guilt-trips about your pain as if you are the only people ever to suffer persecution, as if no one else’s suffering matters as much as yours. Blame a people who never did you any wrong, a people from whom you violently, savagely stole a country, and who have every day for over 60 years been crushed beneath your racist boots, you liars, you thieves, you imposters…’
People also don’t realize that there are many thousands of devout Palestinian Christians. They are strictly, devotedly pious much like Catholics.
So Obama doesn’t love Muslims, nor is he one. And Muslims aren’t the warmongering Jihadist terrorists so many in America make them out to be. So I ask those Americans, “Do you ever think for yourself or do you just believe every stereotype every one has ever told you? Do you investigate to see if statements by people like Ahmadinejad have been properly translated or instead just accept the version that makes that person look the worst, because why? Because you have decided Arab and Muslims are evil? Without ever having lived a day among devout and humble and beautifully family-oriented Muslims, without sensing the strength and the love and the faith that holds them together – just like Christians claim or are supposed to be – without having any real, direct experience you just hate billions of people?
How freakin’ ridiculous is that? Besides, you can say blasphemous things about Islam, but just know it’s coming right back at you because the U.S. government is now saying really blasphemous things about Christians. As ye reap so shall ye sow. And if you’re going to tell me that a bunch of Muslims with boxcutters who were terrible in flight school and couldn’t even fly a Cessna somehow managed to fly for over an hour in the exact directions they needed to go, having to manuever the planes in ways only a very experienced pilot could have, yeah, if you’re going to blame 9/11 on Osama bin Laden, break away from what the mainstream media tells you to believe and do your own investigating. Thanks.
When I wrote, “Palestinian children as young as age 8 are chased, terrorized, traumatized, beaten, by the Israeli military.” I should have added, “…chased, terrorized, traumatized, beaten and ARRESTED, as in put in JAIL, by the Israeli military.” I’m sorry, but no country who prances around calling themselves a democracy gets to violently arrest children for alleged throwing of pebbles when 9/10 that isn’t even true.
And all the crap they throw and attack Israel like missiles and no outrage but the world stands against Israel when they respond…. gee how nazi of you to leave that info out of it, ya cheese dick anti semite. why don’t you go play neo nazi in Munich see what it gets you. Punk POS.
Treason is the order of the day however they wont because then they would have to hang him.