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No Sandy Hook Victim every born. Multiple Aliases for the Adults. The Deceit and Deception is Outrageous

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I am so thankful for those on the internet who search for the Truth.  Together we all uncover the LIES and Deception of Sandy Hook.  We all do are different things regarding it.

I have watched the information about the Aliases of Nancy Lanza and have done multiple searches regarding that too.  The web of lies and many names she had is outrageous.  It comes down to the fact that it appears Nancy Lanza is Anne Haddad and is someone who was shown to us on TV already as alive and well.

There is information on Dawn Hochsprung too – it appears the names and aliases for her and how she is really related to the fictitious Peter Lanza. Think about it. There has never been one single interview of Peter Lanza. The press never hounded him to get a statement. He was never on TV once.


Then see this research that it appears all the victims of Sandy Hook were never even born.


We the People through our own intelligence and willing to search for the Truth, uncover the absolute deception and web of lies, weaved for gun control and confiscation. But more and more are waking up and will continue to do so. It is difficult to acknowledge the Truth of everything, but the more who do, the less the insanes can get away with.


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    Total 15 comments
    • Anonymous

      WOVEN not “weaved” God !!!!!!!!

      • PixiePaul

        Please do not use God’s name in vain. This article is about exposing lies and deceit; it is not a language lesson.

    • ElOregonian

      Insignificant retorts by this ‘peanut-head minder’ does not take away from the all-important truth. Thank you poster for revealing the deception carried out by the uber-globalists determined to disarm the citizens in order to institute a defense-less society unable to defend themselves against the atrocities of a global totalitarian system.


      Never Mind the Distractions – They are there for entertainment purposes only.

      … FOCUS on the Real ISSUES that MATTER …

    • spd1275

      Please remember that the same government who gave us the Vietnam War, Ruby Ridge, Fast & Furious and Bengazi also seized our educational system, instituted national standards, gave in to teachers unions, lowered the graduation requirements and pass out condoms to 6th grade children ALSO teach our children English grammar. So is any wonder the writer of the article might not know the difference between WEEVED and WOVEN?

    • desertspeaks

      yeah the results of the names of the children on the social security death registry are ZERO! well, at least for the ages and year of death!!!! some of the names come up but died LONG LONG AGO! in one instance 100 years ago!

    • Hawbs

      i’m careful about what i type on this computer. all i can say is WOW!


      Another load of absolute ……….junk!
      These writers should be in an asyllum

      • PixiePaul

        Don’t you mean another load of absolute TRUTH, ANN-SHILL? PROOF has emerged that all of this was planned and rehearsed well before the STAGED FALSE FLAG event occurred — where NO ONE DIED. One of the ‘victims’ was sitting on Obama’s lap at the ‘memorial service’.

        • ANNSTEY

          There’s no proof at all – simply made up conspiracy which is what this site is all about
          What about the black-eyed kids – do you believe all that?
          This isn’t even good story-telling even a kid would be bored

      • KOSOE

        Goodbye, troll

    • Grover

      Exclusive self-interest of private entrepreneur which is as a singularity sublimation of female principle in capitalism takes the place of the supreme principle of the state – that overall, the male principle. Derogation of the state and its principles formed in this way, in the last stage of capitalism, appears as a universal triumph and affirmation of gay culture.


      Here we go again – more fantasy
      no death certificates?
      Here is the Mailonline
      Death certificates for Sandy Hook victims reveal all but 2 died of multiple gunshot wounds

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
      The heartbreaking details were released by Newtown officials following a Freedom of Information request filed by the New York Post.
      The request was initially rejected by the town clerk, but the state’s Freedom of Information Commission ruled the information should be released.

      The details surrounding the deaths have emerged two weeks after parents of the victims began a petition to block the release of grisly photos, videos and 911 emergency calls from the crime scene.

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

      See? you all make it up and llive in fantacy world – and all because
      you are all trigger happy and want to

      • Rick

        Yeah, because the DailyMail (or any mainstream news) is such a credible source for news. As far as us wanting to keep our guns? Yeah, our constitution was fashioned in such a way that made sure it’s citizens would be able to take on a government that became tyrannical or corrupt. I’m guessing you’re in a country right now where it’s hard to legally own a gun? If that’s the case I suggest you read up on improvised munitions because the crackdown is going to happen to ALL governments, worldwide. Don’t consider the constitution as a natural right, consider it as a restraining order against tyranny.

      • PixiePaul

        MailOnline — you call that proof?? — talk about fantasy. The so-called death certificates for the ‘victims’ are as ‘valid’ as Obama’s birth certificate. :lol:

    • Rick

      Sandy Hook, like a lot of the other things in this country is a false flag operation. There is way more evidence supporting that theory than there is it simply just being a crazy kid going into a school and shooting the kids there. They want to take your guns away and leave you with deer rifles and shotguns to defend yourselves against the foreign troops that are being trained right now to conduct martial law. You know our own military would not come back to take our guns and kill their own people… but contractors and foreign soldiers will do it all day long. Check out my article on Sandy Hook – it’s the most in-depth one you’ll come across.

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