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The Corruption and Degradtion of the Illuminati

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01 May, 2014

Many people trace the origins of the present-day Illuminati back to Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati, founded on May Day – May 1st, 1776.

Adam Weishaupt

This characterization, while ignoring and overlooking the ancient roots of the real illuminati, is actually quite correct.
Under the direction of the newly formed House of Rothschild (originally sired by Moses Amschel Bauer of Frankfurt), this new organization: the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria aka the Bavarian Illuminati, secretly sought to consolidate all of the existing secret societies – Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Templars, Theosophists, etc. – under a single umbrella, a single hierarchy, a single unified command structure.
The primary goal of Counterintelligence is to keep the truth hidden, and naturally the only way this can be accomplished is by controlling or eliminating those who know it and have access to it.
But first, let’s back up a bit and examine what it was that a hidden group, operating on a higher level game board, was trying so desperately to gain control over by the creation and introduction of this new esoteric group.

The Beginning of Christianity

About 1500 years earlier, the Roman emperors had succeeded in gaining control over a new religious movement which became known as Christianity, and had begun the systematic suppression, purging, and banning of certain writings and teachings which later became known as the Apocrypha – Greek for hidden.
Some of the teachings which were banned were actually some of the more advanced spiritual teachings of Jeshua about the true nature of the physical universe and the true spiritual nature of man, such as the fact that the physical body is actually a trap for the spiritual being.
The texts discovered at Nag Hamadi and the Dead Sea Scrolls comprise some of those ancient texts which were later banned by the Roman emperors including during the Council of Nicea in 325 AD.
In 543 AD, Emperor Justinian issued an edict to the Synod of Constantinople:

“If anyone asserts the fabulous preexistence of souls, and shall assert
the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema.”

Ten years later, this was finally ratified, and the last remaining references to reincarnation were finally purged and banned, and those who sought to preserve this important spiritual information risked their very lives in doing so.  If it wasn’t written in the Bible (the officially approved and sanitized version) or officially sanctioned by the Church, it was a heresy punishable by Excommunication, or death.
Not surprisingly, this time period was also the beginning of the Dark Ages in Europe in which illiteracy, superstition, famine, and disease flourished.
The Roman Catholic Church rose to become the dominant world power in the west holding the power of spiritual extortion over all followers; and scientific and spiritual knowledge were very heavily suppressed.  Those brave souls who sought to preserve scientific and spiritual knowledge against the orders of the church were forced to do so in great secrecy, ultimately becoming masters of secret codes, cryptographs, and the hiding and keeping of secrets.
Though being extremely careful to disguise and hide their secret knowledge, those possessing this important scientific and spiritual information were considered “illuminated” because they knew the truth which the church sought to suppress and destroy, and the Latin term illuminati or the enlightened ones was used quite accurately to describe them.
Meanwhile in the Arab world and in the East, some of this important spiritual and scientific knowledge still survived and was preserved in various places.

The Crusades and the Knights Templar

About 550 years later, a series of “Holy Wars” began between Christian and Muslim forces.  The Crusades, an incredibly brutal and bloody series of battles wars spanning over three hundred years, consisted of at least eight separate incursions by various European Christian forces into the Holy Lands, with the first crusade beginning late in 1095, and by July of 1099, had retaken Jerusalem from the Muslims.
It was during the beginning of these wars (approx. 1114 AD) that another key group in the illuminati lineage was formed, the Poor Knights of Christ.  Many researchers have now traced the forming of this original group of nine knights back to the Prieure de Sion (Priory of Sion) in the area of Troyes, France, and as many now know, this group was formed to preserve a great secret which Mary Magdalene carried with her when she fled to France over a thousand years earlier.
This select group of knights dispatched from France traveled to Jerusalem, and once there, under the aegis of the second recently installed French king, King Baldwin II, established their headquarters within the temple walls and changed their name from the Poor Knights of Christ to The Knights of the Temple of Solomon, better known today as the Knights Templar.



Although their stated purpose, their cover story, was that they were formed to protect European pilgrims along the highways of the Holy Land from thieves, pirates, and the armies of Islam, in 1118, once they had established themselves within the walls of the Temple, they began their true mission and rarely left the enclosure.
According to Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason in Morals and Dogma:

“The avowed object of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places; their secret object was the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel.”


For ten years, between 1118 and 1128 while battles raged elsewhere, the original nine knights secretly pursued their real agenda.  One of their functions was documentary – recording the design and dimensions of Solomon’s Temple so that it could be accurately duplicated or rebuilt at a later point in time, but they also secretly carried out extensive excavations within the vast underground area below the Temple Mount.  Their purpose – to recover secret texts and objects buried there about a thousand years earlier before the Roman armies had destroyed the Temple.
The site of ancient Jerusalem including Mount Zion and Mount Moriah had long been considered a holy place for many thousands of years before the arrival of Mohammed, Jesus, or Solomon even.  Its earliest known name: Ur-Shalem, was associated with the ancient “gods” of Mesopotamia.
After ten painstaking years of secret excavations, six of the original nine knights suddenly returned to France with their secret artifacts while the other three remained behind in the Temple to continue their excavations, and once back in France, the Templars were granted Sanction by Pope Innocent II at the ecclesiastical Council of Troyes in 1128, and several years later he issued the bull Omne Datum Optimum which essentially placed the Templars above the jurisdiction of any priest or king, and made them answerable to no one but the Pope himself.
Obviously, whatever they recovered and returned to France with gave them tremendous bargaining power.
The Templars grew dramatically in power, prestige, wealth, and members, with the sons of wealthy families pledging land and fortunes for the privilege of joining, and by the start of the second crusade in 1147, they had become extremely wealthy, and had formed one of the earliest international banks, loaning money to various crowned heads so they could continue to wage war.  Switzerland, now a primary center of international banking, still bears the Templar colors and insignia on their national flag.
Meanwhile, some of the ancient scientific and mathematical knowledge which the Templars had acquired during their decade in Jerusalem was used to build the great cathedrals of Europe, and the Masons who were initiated into this secret knowledge became a highly specialized fraternity.
The reintroduction of scientific and spiritual knowledge into Europe from the Middle and Far East planted a seed which began sprout and take root, and it was not long afterward that a Renaissance or renewal began to spread outward throughout Europe.  However by 1291, the Christian forces had been driven from their last strongholds, and the Holy Lands were once again back in Muslim hands.


The Submergence of the Templars

Philippe IV of France, heavily indebted to the Templars, used the excuse of the defeat of Christian forces as well as charges of heresy and witchcraft in order to justify a massive raid on the Templars, and in the early morning hours of Friday the 13th, in October of 1307, hundreds of French Templars all across France, including their Grand Master Jacques de Molay were taken prisoner by the king’s soldiers.  But when the king’s agents broke into the Templar’s main site in Paris, they found that the most significant documentation as well as the Order’s treasure was gone.  The Templars had known of the impending raid, and the night before the Paris Temple had loaded their treasures onto a wagon train headed for the Templar base in the port city of La Rochelle in the west, and from there loaded aboard Templar ships which set sail.
By this time however, the Templars were extremely wealthy, and had knights, holdings, and wealth in many lands, with England, Scotland, Portugal, Cypress, the Island of Rhodes, and Germany among them; and were essentially, at this time, international bankers and businessmen.
According to Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma:

“Their watchword was, to become wealthy in order to buy the world.  They became so, and in 1312, they possessed in Europe alone more than nine thousand seignories.”

A seignory is the estate or dominion of a noble or feudal lord.
The Templars who were captured in the raids were subjected to the horrors of medieval torture including being burned alive at the stake, resulting in forced, but false confessions from some.  In all, nearly 120 Templars were put to death.  On March 22nd (322) of 1312, Pope Clement V officially abolished the Order, and ordered all of their assets and holding seized and turned over the Knights Hospitallers.  On March 18th of 1314, Paris Grand Master Jaques de Molay who had recanted his earlier forced confession was burned alive at the stake.
According to Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas in The Hiram Key, when the Templar ships departed from La Rochelle:

“Part of the Templar fleet made the decision to head to Argyll and the Firth of Forth where they knew Robert the Bruce was engaged in a rebellion against England.  The fact that Robert the Bruce was excommunicated combined with the long St. Clair family links with Rosslyn was the greatest attraction of Scotland as a sanctuary – it was one of the few places on the planet where the Pope could not get at them.”

Beginning in 1446, William St. Clair designed and built Rosslyn Chapel using the previously copied plans of Solomon’s Temple, and incorporated many Gnostic, Templar, and easily recognizable Masonic designs and motifs.

“Rosslyn is not a free interpretation of the ruins in Jerusalem; as far as the foundation plan is concerned, it is a very carefully executed copy.  The unfinished sections of the great western wall are there, the main walls and the pillar arrangements fit like a glove and the pillars of Boaz and Jachin stand precisely at the eastern end of what would be the inner Temple.”
 - Knight and Lomas – The Hiram Key

The St. Clair family of Rosslyn became the hereditary Grand Masters of the Crafts and Guilds and Orders of Scotland, and later held the post of the Master Masons of Scotland until the late 1700s.  According to Albert Pike, it was Jacques de Molay, the Templars’ Paris Grand Master who actually devised Scottish Masonry during his imprisonment between 1307 and 1314:

“…before his execution, the Chief of the doomed Order organized and instituted what afterward came to be called the Occult, Hermetic, or Scottish Masonry.”

The form of Masonry which is most prevalent in the U.S. today is the Scottish Rite, which has its headquarters in Washington D.C.


The Esoteric Orders

Many people automatically associate the words esoteric and occult with evil and ideas about demonic beings and devil worship and hell and other such highly-charged subjects, however in their original definitions and usage, they are much more generic and mundane.

esoteric:  1. understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest.  2. belonging to the select few.  3. private; secret; confidential.
Order:  16. a group or body of persons of the same profession, occupation, or pursuits.  17. a body or society of persons living by common consent under the same religious, moral, or social regulations.  18. Eccles. any of the degrees or grades of clerical office.

The Esoteric Orders are merely those groups which possess special knowledge which is generally not known to the rest of society, and quite often, knowledge which is kept secret.

occult: 1. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge; mysterious.  2. secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.

The word occult is from the Latin occultus which means merely covered over or concealed; hidden from view.
Occult knowledge is that knowledge which has been concealed and hidden, and esoteric means that it is only meant for the select few, the initiated.
Two thousand years ago, the suppression of spiritual knowledge was quite rampant, and thus people often formed into cloistered groups so that they could study and pass along such knowledge to others unmolested.  The preeminent world power at that time – Rome, sought to suppress and persecute people who possessed such knowledge, and the Essenes of Qumran would have been considered an esoteric order studying occult knowledge.  Due to the great risk and heavy suppression, they naturally hid their secret writings and knowledge in order to keep it safe.
Jeshua (Jesus) was considered a great threat because he possessed secret (occult) knowledge which he sought to share with others, but he often taught differently to different people, based upon their level of awareness and understanding, and thus some of what he taught was esoteric (meant for only the few).
Two hundred years later, after Rome had embraced and taken over the new religion of Christianity, the Roman emperors began a systematic purging of the remaining esoteric knowledge, and left in its place only the mundane.  Those who sought to maintain and keep safe that banned and suppressed knowledge were naturally forced to do so in great secrecy and to keep it hidden (occult).
By the time of the Middle Ages, many secret societies existed in order to maintain and pass along the remaining body of secret knowledge, and the church, working very diligently on the side of suppression, condemned, persecuted, and systematically hunted down those who possessed and kept such knowledge, in order to prevent its spread.  The Knights Templar were one of those groups who were targeted for elimination, but they merely went underground and spawned a new group to pass along some of their secret knowledge – the Masons.

“…the first three degrees are but the outer court of the Temple.  Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations.  It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them.”
  – Albert Pike, 33rd Degree, Morals and Dogma

Coming forward into the 18th century, we see the existence of many secret societies dedicated to preserving some of this ancient knowledge, but due to the number of different groups spread out not only across Europe, but now the new American continent as well, it was highly dispersed.  For someone who wished to control this secret knowledge and all of the various groups which possessed it, there was only one way to do so – by incorporating all of them into a single unified command structure, a single unified hierarchy.


The Takeover and Corruption of the Esoteric Orders

The primary goal of Counterintelligence is to keep the truth hidden, and naturally the only way this can be accomplished is by controlling or eliminating those who know it and have access to it.
At the present time, many people are still unaware or unwilling to admit the existence of other inhabited planets beyond Earth, and therefore the existence of groups which primarily operate off-planet, from a higher level game board.
Naturally, a group such as this requires a higher level of technology that is presently known or available to the general populace being controlled (esoteric knowledge), and in order to maintain this knowledge differential, counterintelligence techniques would necessarily need to be employed.
Several hundred years ago, in a previous lifetime, I was a member of such a group.  I was a member of the Marcabian Intelligence Services stationed here on Earth, and during my stay here, became involved with some of these secret societies.  My goal however, did not quite mesh with that of the Intelligence Service, as I was interested in educating people and teaching them rather than suppressing knowledge and deceiving them; and thus I got into rather serious trouble with the Service.  One of the things I was teaching people about was expressly forbidden by the Service – the subject of past lives, and just prior to my removal, I had been living in France.
The reason this was a forbidden subject was quite simple really, the Marcabian Intelligence Service was intimately involved in the between-lives implanting operation running here, and this was confirmed when I was subsequently removed from the planet and put through their rather sadistic Exit Protocol.
Of course I was never supposed to remember any of this, and was supposed to just live out the rest of my existence as an unaware “Earther”, but fortunately, they underestimated me.
Once I had been removed (Feb. of 1768), my Earth identities and code names were transferred to others who would “follow orders”, and the takeover and corruption of the Esoteric Orders commenced.  Eight years later, on May 1st of 1776, Adam Weishaupt officially launched the Bavarian Illuminati, and the portrait below is a bit too kind.  He had a darker countenance which was readily apparent to most, and it seems the artist intentionally toned it down and lightened it up for this portrait.  You can still get a glimpse of it however in his left eye.

The following year, in 1777, Weishaupt joined the Munich Lodge of the Order of Good Council, and began his insidious infiltration into the existing Mason network.  About five years later, in 1782, Weishaupt relocated the headquarters of the Bavarian Illuminati to Frankfurt, home of the Rothschild clan, where he received funding and backing for his activities.
Two years later, with the infiltration and corruption now well underway, king Carl Theodore of Bavaria outlawed secret societies including the Masons and Illuminati, and thanks to the efforts of Marcabian counterintelligence actions, scientific and spiritual knowledge was once again under attack.
The following year, in 1785, Carl Theodore issued another edict specifically outlawing Wesihaupt’s Order of Illuminati, as well as providing rewards for information on them, and Weishaupt fled to neighboring Gotha.  That same year, High-ranking Illuminatus Lanz was killed by lightning as he was riding during a thunderstorm, and many secret Illuminati papers were recovered from his dead body by police which were quite damning, and which clearly spelled out the Illuminati plan for takeover of the entire planet by infiltration, subversion and the intentional instigation of wars.
Also that same year (1785), the Columbus Lodge of the Order of Illuminati was established in New York City.
Many people know that Weishaupt used the code name of “Spartacus” in his Illuminati dealings, taken from classical history.  Spartacus was a Roman Gladiator and slave who managed to escape and fight his way to freedom, and who then led a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic.
Looking back now, it is quite apparent that the code name “Spartacus” did not at all fit Weishaupt or his secret plans of infiltration, corruption and domination of the esoteric orders, let alone leading a revolt of the slaves (the inhabitants of planet Earth).  Do you suppose it’s possible that someone else was using that code name before him?
On page 56 of my book, published in June of 2010, I left some rather cryptic passages which many people may have found a bit confusing.  That is because they were intended for a very select audience, a very select group.
The final paragraph on that page is this:

“Perhaps it is time for those who truly seek the light to part company with those who would keep them in darkness, simply because they themselves are incapable of or unwilling to let go of baser desires.”


David Griffin is the author of
Revelation: A Briefing for the Peoples of Earth


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    • LoveFreedom

      This guy is absolutely NUTS! Better than ‘The Da Vinci Code’ which was ludicrous! :roll:

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