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Warmongers Moving Toward Iraq War II--We Don't Need Another War In Iraq! (Video And Pictures)

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Kinetic support: a euphemism for the president’s pre-authorized war



y the time you read this, America’s next undeclared war in Iraq may already be under way.

Imperial militarists started floating trial balloons for the next American aggression as of June 11 in theWall Street Journal, quoting “a senior U.S. official who added that no decisions have been made.”

Those seemingly reassuring words from one or another anonymous official may have meant only that the decision had not yet been made whether to use drones, planes, or missiles to start bombing Iraq again.

Militarily, any such bombing is likely to be pointless. Psychologically, it will allow the White House to claim that blowing things up proves that the president is “strong,” while senators like Lindsey Graham and John McCain lead the chorus of “Masters of War” while calling for more. But expending lots of ordnance will at least have the usual economic benefit of allowing the Pentagon to order more WMDs to expend on more international debacles. We’ve seen this movie before.

Given the American popular response to last year’s plans to bomb Syria, there’s a pretty good chance that the militaristic trial balloons over Iraq will fall flat.

The Iraqi army has already fallen flat. Why should the United States get re-involved in the disaster that Bush administration lies set in motion in 2002?

The American-trained Iraqi army and police had some 65,000 soldiers and police on the ground in Mosul. Rebels attacked on June 10 with a force of maybe 3,000. The Iraqi army, police, and perhaps 500,000 civilians all fled without serious resistance.  MOREHERE


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    Total 3 comments
    • JustDave

      Iraqi army has proven that they are a bunch of P#$$*s. Our Girl Scouts could have done a better job against those raghead rebels. Let’em ROT.

      • Duane Howard

        This is jsut part of the script. Be ready to see a massive recruitment program, perhaps a draft. This will be the same overkill that was seen in Vietnam. Perhaps Obama will end it on his last year with a BS Peace award and all.

        • muckracker1

          this country is close to violence in the streets; remember hamburger hill in Nam–got rid of a lot of black and white boys permanently.

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