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Does US Discriminate Against White Refugees? (Picture)

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Anti-white discrimination of white asylum-seekers: Why is the USA taking some 300+ black refugees a month from South Africa but refuse to take whites?

Why is USA taking BLACK refugees from South Africa but NOT Whites?
12/01/2014 — In October 2014 alone, in just one month, the United States of America took in 322 black refugee asylum seekers from South Africa – which is supposed to be deemed a safe country without civil war. Yet the record also shows that White asylum seekers from South Africa who try to claim the right to asylum – are told that South Africa “s a safe country and therefore they cannot claim asylum”– yet blacks from South Africa are accepted without question. Furthermore the ANC regime aggressively intervenes in all white asylum applications WORLDWIDE. Making the notion of asylum and the United Nations a mockery…

Why this racist discrimination?
White asylum seekers from South Africa are already fleeing from discrimination — in their own country there are are over a hundred laws passed by the ruling ANC regime which are barring whites from access to jobs, schools, Universities, welfare, and health care.

There is also the on-going disproportionate murder rate of whites and specifically white farmers which are being described by one of the top experts on genocide in the USA, Dr Gregory Stanton, as ‘one step away from genocide” in a press conference he held in Pretoria South Africa on 5 April 2014.

Statistically 54 per 100,000 blacks are killed, yet 139 per 100,000 white farmers: Making it almost 3 times more likely that at any time, white farmers (only 30,000 are left) are murdered: Being a white farmer in South Africa is the most dangerous occupation IN THE WORLD by mortality rate. YET ASYLUM IS NOT ALLOWED?
But liberal America loves to put a gloss on their moral high ground and pat themselves on the back and pretend all is “nice”.
You should know that one of the favorite PR gambits of the US refugee resettlement contractors is to get lovely “refugees-first-Thanksgiving” stories published at this time of year. They are masters at planting warm and fuzzy propaganda, and that is one reason we write this! To balance and challenge the news!
If you search around today, you will see that stories were published in several cities about the generosity of the contractors (no doubt using your tax dollars!) in feeding a scrumptious dinner to newly arrived refugees (their “clients”). But, that isn’t why I’m writing. There were a few lines in the USA Today story that got my attention and I want to share them with you.
Remember that legitimate asylum seekers must be able to prove persecution (for religion, race, or political persuasion) when they get to the first SAFE COUNTRY after leaving their place of persecution. They are to ask for asylum in that first safe country. They aren’t supposed to be hopping around the world from safe country to safe country shopping for the best deal!
So why the hell are we taking black African “refugees” from the Rainbow Nation of South Africa which was supposedly built on the notion that no matter what color you were, you were in a country that WELCOMED everyone!
Mulungula “Nico” Mungela is the Congolese ‘star of the story’ (this must be J-school 101, put a sympathetic character in your opening paragraph!) at USA Today and in 2006 he left DR Congo and arrived in South Africa—the Rainbow Nation—a SAFE country.
Now does this sound like a “refugee?” Within 3 years he had two new Master’s degrees, and a good college instructor job in the Rainbow Nation. Are we to believe that all that equality talk from Nelson Mandela was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo? (It may be for South African whites, but Mungela was a black man in a country run by all black leaders!).
By the way, this isn’t to criticize Mr. Mungela who just took advantage of a good thing, it is to question UNHCR and US State Department policy that has become a lawless free-for-all policy without any supervision by Congress where we are just slapping on that refugee label and bringing them in from anywhere!

From USA Today “His journey took him south through Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and finally into South Africa, by bus, boat, ship, and hitching rides. He was robbed once right in the middle of a road in Tanzania. Through a Congo pastor who’d rescued him from the beach, he landed a job as a parking lot guard in Durban South Africa. Later, after he sent for his family, he secured a loan to return to college and earned two master’s degrees. Although he and his wife could support their family — he through a college instructor’s job working with special-needs students and Dorcas by operating a home day care — the family still struggled to gain a foothold. The country is still rife with discrimination, Mungela said.” Read more 



The crewmembers from the Coast Guard Cutter Vigilant (USCGC VIGILANT WMEC-617) have repatriated yesterday Tuesday, in Cap-Haitien, 114 Haitian boat-people. The group of haitians has been intercepted on Monday aboard a sailing boat of 60-foot at the northwest of Great Inagua, Bahamas. The Haitian boat, heavily overloaded has been located by a Coast Guard aircraft, then the boat crew have distributed lifejackets to the 114 Haitian migrants, and embarked them aboard the USCGC VIGILANT.

“There is nothing more satisfying to a crew than knowing you helped save 114 lives from the dangers of the sea while at the same time protecting our borders from illegal immigration,” said Petty Officer 2nd Class Ryan Smith, a Vigilant crewmember.

Once aboard, the migrants have received food, water, basic medical care and each Haitian has received a sum of 900 gourds to facilitate their return to their communities. via UScoastsguard

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    • CrowPie

      Of course it does!
      There is more than enough white-skinned EURO-Caucasian human TRASH, HERE, IN THE UNITED Fraudulent Fascist states of MILITARY TERROR, ALREADY!
      Besides, they (Caucasians) are fat, stupid, ignorant, and DO NOT want to work.

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